Youngkin Thwarts Dominion Push for Higher Profit

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R)

by Steve Haner

A Virginia House of Delegates committee has rebuffed Dominion Energy Virginia’s bid to change the rules on how much profit it can earn, setting up a confrontation with the utility and its allies in the Virginia Senate.  Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) reportedly encouraged the delegates to take the step and sent a member of his cabinet to speak in favor of watering down Dominion’s bill.

When they were introduced a few weeks back, House Bill 1770 and Senate Bill 1265 were identical.  It was probably Dominion’s game plan to have them remain identical as they passed in their houses of introduction by the February 7 deadline.  Now the bills likely to pass have morphed into very different substitutes, with all observers expecting a high stakes joint conference committee to follow.

The House substitute, approved by the House Commerce and Energy Committee Thursday afternoon, removes most of the original bill.  Now it merely changes the schedule for rate cases and requires additional scrutiny by the State Corporation Commission before fossil fuel generation plants are closed.   The sections dictating a higher profit margin are gone.

The provision that might prevent the future closing of a coal or natural gas plant, however, was sufficient to lose the vote of every Democrat on the committee.  They voted for restoring the State Corporation Commission’s independence over ratemaking, but still want to dictate by law the elimination of fossil fuels.

The Senate substitute remains the bill Dominion wants. It also faces a full Senate vote next week.  Several of the original elements are stripped out, including the language about additional SCC oversight before plants are closed.  But the heart of the bill remains a new formula for setting Dominion’s return on equity (ROE), its annual profit on invested capital.  It also includes a potentially expensive approach to retiring Dominion’s huge bill for fuel, a solution that will cost consumers years and years of interest payments.

It is important to note the House committee didn’t kill the bill, but instead amended it and sent a clear message that the poker game was just beginning.  It is too soon to assume Dominion’s plans are dashed.

Before the House acted, two of the House committee members asked the SCC to produce some cost estimates on Dominion’s proposal for a higher return on equity.  The SCC letter to the two delegates estimated the utility would collect another $2 billion from customers by 2040 under the higher ROE  calculation.

Since 2007, Virginia has been the only state that dictates to its regulatory commission a formula for profit based on the profit margins of peer utilities. Current law allows the SCC to determine which peer utilities to use, which has produced authorized profit margins lower than the average of them all.  The proposed bill dictates the SCC must use them all.   Had that happened in the last review, it would have moved the profit margin from 9.35 percent up to 10.07 percent, the SCC reported.

Allowing the regulatory bodies of other states to dictate Virginia utility profit margins is really no different than allowing the California Air Resources Board to dictate Virginia’s auto emissions standards. In both cases the legislature has consciously decided to surrender Virginia autonomy out of state.

The House substitute that removed the return on equity change drew supporting testimony from Travis Voyles, Youngkin’s Acting Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources.  He cited the Governor’s 2022 Energy Plan document calling for increased SCC independence on ratemaking. It also called for greater caution before reliable and dispatchable power plants are closed.

One of Attorney General Jason Miyares’ (R) assistants, a litigator in the Consumer Counsel Division, also spoke up for the bill, calling it pro-consumer.  Neither elected official had any staff members testify during the meetings on the Senate version of the bill, but their advocacy now may put some pressure on Republicans in that body.

Credit for derailing the bill in the House is also due to a very aggressive lobbying effort by a coalition of liberal and environmental groups, backed by serious investments in direct mail and digital advertising.

The coalition also backed a pair of bills which add a strong restatement of SCC’s “sole discretion” to lower or raise base utility rates, despite all the handcuffs that now exist elsewhere in the law.   Gone would be the existing requirement that the utility has to earn excess profits in two review cycles before a rate cut can happen.

Those bills, House Bill 1604 and Senate Bill 1321 were amended into substitutes, but all the extra verbiage may not have weakened them.  The spokesmen for Youngkin and Miyares also endorsed the House version in committee Thursday.  The Senate version was approved 40-0 on February 2.  Dominion did not oppose them but was probably assuming its own bill (limiting SCC authority in other ways) would also pass.  That is now in doubt.

And there was yet another bill Youngkin’s endorsement helped push out of the committee, House Bill 2267, which restores SCC independence on a different aspect of ratemaking. The bill seeks to give the SCC control over when a utility uses a rate adjustment clause to pay for a project, rather than base rates.

Current law encourages utilities to create stand-alone rate adjustment clauses (RACs) for specific purposes or projects, such as offshore wind development.  RACs are outside of and additive to base rates and are charged separately, even if base rates might be sufficient to cover the project.  The bill patron complained in particular about the games Dominion has been playing with an on-again, off- again RAC to pay its regional carbon taxes.  Reducing the number of RACs was another element of Youngkin’s energy plan.

Like the ROE formula, the process of creating multiple RACs goes back to 2007 and its major revisions to Virginia’s regulatory approach.  The unanimous House committee vote for the bill to end the RAC racket is earthshaking in its implications, but as noted in this column and a previous one, this game is just starting.  Even if the Assembly reaches compromise on all these interlocking provisions, Governor Youngkin then gets his turn to propose amendments to a reconvened session in April.

First published this morning by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy.

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14 responses to “Youngkin Thwarts Dominion Push for Higher Profit”

  1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    The SCC should be allowed to open a new proceeding to examine all of Dominion’s revenues, expenses, investments and profits. A new RoR and capital structure should be prescribed based on Dominion’s actual financial and business risks, including consideration of earnings from those companies with comparable risk. Rates should be retargeted to produce the appropriate RoR. The prescription should also set an equal range on the top and the bottom. Below the bottom, Dominion could request a rate increase. Above it, Dominion would be required to cut rates and refund the excess earnings.

    This is not rocket science. It’s public utility regulation 101.

    1. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
      AlH – Deckplates

      Yes, and due to public utilities having different regulations, they should neither dominate nor influence future tax obligations – after RoR is computed. This is NOT the TVA.

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        If we are on the same wavelength, actual taxes from the test period are used to calculate future tax expenses allowed for ratemaking purposes. Unless taxes are unique to a utility, they should not affect the cost of capital and, hence, RoR. What am I missing? Thanks.

        1. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
          AlH – Deckplates

          Actually, my comment was an indirect ref to the lobbyist, which influence capital investments. Not questioning your rendition of rate development.

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            Thanks for the clarification. I was a bit confused by your earlier comment.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Is there any leeway for shareholders to object, either in this process, or separately as a public company?
    I do not believe the legislators should tell or require Dominion to shut down coal and gas.

  3. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The Coalition should find ways to publicize the names of members who are more interested in enriching Dominion than in the well being of their constituents. Until these scoundrels feel heat from their constituents they will not change their behavior. Vote them out and see if Dominion hires them.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      There is the Senate Committee vote from Monday, with the 12 (including all R’s) voting to mandate the higher ROE and allow the securitization of the fuel debt, among other obnoxious parts of the bill. Full floor vote should be this coming Monday.

    2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      So where are the “premier” media outlets in the Metro D.C. area? Why don’t they dig into the Dominion issues? They affect every person living in much of NoVA, male/female, irrespective of race, ethnicity, legal status in the U.S., rich, poor, old, young. And then there is the matter of legislators being in bed with Dominion.

      Somehow, I think that back several decades ago, when there still were professional journalists interesting in uncovering the facts irrespective of how they broke, we’d see a series of reports on these issues.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Kinda makes me think somebody has been reading all my columns on these topics over the past four years….

    Now for a bit of speculation I didn’t put in the column. Absent the “skinny” substitute, the original bill may have outright failed in the House committee Thursday. Word was there were a bunch of nay’s on both sides. This really could be the long-awaited sea change. But weeks to go. The vote on the Senate bill Monday or Tuesday should be telling. The higher the number of red lights, the higher its fever.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      …long awaited sea change, Freudian slip? Anyways hope springs eternal, but I assume we have to face up enormous pressure from Hampton Roads pro-Dominion forces they probably want to go full-out on ocean development.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    A bit of a coincidence, but I was just reading this and I share it at risk of being pummeled as a “hack” or worse!

    All the same, it does look like some legislative and Governor type folks might be changing a little:

    is there a “both”? 😉

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Apparently not individuals. The parties and caucuses maybe get $$ from both.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        geeze, not a hack ! 😉

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