Youngkin Seeks Bids on Future Offshore Wind

Dominion’s proposed offshore wind project. Phase two, similar in size, would build out to the east.

By Steve Haner

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) has proposed a stronger requirement in state law that any second wave of offshore wind serving Virginia be subjected to a competitive procurement process, rather than simply allowing Dominion Energy Virginia to build it with all the costs and risks imposed on its customers.

The planned 176-turbine Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project now under federal environmental review remains the only such project in the United States which is being developed directly by a monopoly utility. Other projects involve third-party developers raising the capital and taking on much of the financial risk for the multi-billion-dollar investments, then selling the power to utilities.

This is just one of several consumer-oriented amendments Youngkin proposed on a series of energy bills, to be voted on at the General Assembly’s reconvened session April 12. Should the Assembly reject his amendments, his option then is to either sign or veto the bill as it passed in February.

The financial and operational risk imposed on ratepayers by direct utility ownership of the wind farm was the focus of debate before the State Corporation Commission (SCC) finally authorized the project, now estimated to cost $10 billion. A method to shift some of the risk to the company’s shareholders if power output fell below projections was initially accepted but then abandoned by the regulators.

Youngkin has now proposed a major rewrite of what was a fairly innocuous bill dealing with Dominion’s planned-but-not-yet-applied-for second wave of turbines off Virginia Beach. As introduced, House Bill 2444 encouraged the State Corporation Commission to look favorably on a project using Virginia-manufactured parts, in part because a major turbine manufacturer is considering setting up such a factory in Hampton Roads.

The Governor’s proposed substitute preserves that language but sets up an advisory body led by a state agency head to compare the cost and benefits of utility ownership versus third-party ownership, deciding the matter “on a cost per megawatt hour basis” including any needed transmission expenses.

State law is also amended by the substitute to make it clear that a power purchase agreement for wind generation satisfies the Virginia Clean Economy Act, which Dominion argues requires that it own 65% of all the wind and solar developed to satisfy its mandates.

This approach on reviewing a second wind tranche offered by Youngkin was not something discussed during the session, or at any point during the debate over the first major wind project. In other amendments he has now proposed, the Governor is trying to revive proposals which were attempted but not adopted just weeks ago.

When Dominion first offered its major regulatory legislation for 2023, one provision supported by Republicans but rejected by Democrats involved another aspect of the 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act. It proposed to give the SCC authority over the planned retirements of existing fossil fuel generation plants, allowing the SCC to keep them operational on its own motion to protect system reliability.

That provision disappeared from the final conference report on the bill dealing with the utility’s rates and profit margins. Youngkin has now brought it back as a proposed amendment to House Bill 2026, which as passed dealt with Virginia’s biomass generation facilities. In this case the Governor has proposed amendments to the bill, not a substitute, and those amendments can be voted on individually.

The language he proposes to add requires a utility that wants to retire a fossil fuel plant to first get a ruling from the SCC on whether doing so would impair system safety or reliability. And closing a loophole the SCC itself pointed out last year, the amendment would allow the SCC to act on its own to extend the closure deadlines in the VCEA to protect system reliability.

Yet another amendment to the bill would allow zero-emission hydrogen projects or any new nuclear energy developed after January 1 of this year to be considered renewable energy and to count toward the renewable energy percentage mandates in the VCEA. This, too, was proposed in the regular session but failed to pass. Lots of reasons were given, but as written VCEA is focused on wind, solar and battery projects, and fewer of those may be built if nuclear and hydrogen can compete with them.

Legislation to strengthen an existing legislative study panel on energy issues also got Youngkin’s attention and he has offered a major substitute. The Commission on Electric Utility Regulation (formerly Restructuring) has long existed but has largely been moribund, meeting almost never, dominated by the utilities and legislators favorable to their whims. The acronym CEUR is pronounced by critics as “sewer.”

House Bill 2275 and a Senate companion were intended to breathe life into it, adding citizen membership and a series of required activities and reports. The Governor’s substitute requires that those citizen members have expertise in ratepayer advocacy, and also adds to the membership the Attorney General or an assistant attorney general who works on utility regulation matters.

Youngkin has also proposed that the panel take on a major task, the preparation of ratepayer impact statements on proposed utility legislation. The lack of such information from a disinterested source has been a weakness as the Assembly has wrestled with bills in recent years. The SCC has long resisted being required to prepare such impact statements (and legislators often don’t ask anyway), but in recent years has taken to providing hard data on specific questions from legislators.

Virginia’s problem in recent years has been the legislature’s eagerness to take over the role of energy regulator, to substitute its judgement for that of the SCC, to substitute a secretive political process for open debate in a court of record.  The legislators’ general lack of knowledge is one reason that was a problem, and adding knowledge is preferable to remaining in ignorance.

But if this strengthened and empowered panel adds to the legislative appetite for control, it may not represent progress.

First published this morning by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. 

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14 responses to “Youngkin Seeks Bids on Future Offshore Wind”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Requiring bids on the second round of wind turbines is a much-needed amendment. Let’s hope that Dominion is not able to scuttle it in the Senate.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I’ve since learned one of the major firms doing other projects encouraged the Governor to offer this substitute. With some actual lobbying effort behind it, it might have a shot. I’m still noodling on whether I like this advisory panel idea.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Good to see Younkin continuing to unravel the many messes left by McAuliffe and Northam.

    Will this bill be voted on in the 2024 session? That would put it after the retirements of “Dominion Dick” Saslaw and Tommy “Never say No (to Dominion” Norment.

    The announced retirements from the General Assembly seem like Dominion may be a lot less effective in campaign contributing their way to ownership of the General Assembly. Let’s hope!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This proposal is an amendment to a bill that was passed in the 2023 session, to be considered by the GA when it comes back for the one-day reconvened session in early April. Saslaw and Norment will still be around for that.

    2. I have my doubts. Dominion has quite a few other members of our General Assembly in its pockets.

  3. Looks like Virginia is still stuck with the Virginia Clean Economy Act zero-carbon mandates, but the changes Youngkin proposes would provide some protection for grid reliability and potentially a modicum of relief on the rate front. I’ll take half a loaf over no loaf.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The proposed amendment is a small step in the right direction and may be the most that the Governor believes he can get. The SCC should have its power fully restored and there should be a renewed debate on whether the VCEA should be repealed. Its premise is built on a very weak foundation.

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    If the goal is to reduce carbon emissions, then isn’t any reliable source of power worthy of consideration? Of course, if I were in the wind, solar or battery business, I’d argue “no.” Virginia already has one rent seeker — Dominion. Some other companies simply want to join the club.

    Unless he’s got money in the new want-to-be’s, one would think Mr. Bills and company would be fully supportive of forcing multiple companies and multiple sources of energy to compete to provide the best combination of lower-cost and reliable energy that has no or low carbon emissions.

    But then, I get my power from a coop in NC.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Why wouldn’t Youngkin want the same approach for ALL types of power generation?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    So would he support the same approach for SMRs?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      He’ll be long gone before that gets to a decision point. Virginia doesn’t need the output of a real SMR plant yet. State law already calls for competitive bidding to provide comparison data, competition, but the process that exists is run basically by the utility and it has a conflict of interest. The SCC doesn’t manage it. Youngkin is offering a big change, setting this up independent of both the utility and the SCC. As I said, I’m still ambivalent on the idea.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      He’ll be long gone before that gets to a decision point. Virginia doesn’t need the output of a real SMR plant yet. State law already calls for competitive bidding to provide comparison data, competition, but the process that exists is run basically by the utility and it has a conflict of interest. The SCC doesn’t manage it. Youngkin is offering a big change, setting this up independent of both the utility and the SCC. As I said, I’m still ambivalent on the idea.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It appears to me that the current system encourages/incentivizes Dominion to get it’s full profit no matter what energy source or even other things like coal ash cleanup.

        Nothing is put out for competitive bid by independent producers.

        Dominion is guaranteed it’s full profit no matter what options are chosen.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Who holds the lease on that patch o’water? Dominion may get blood from a turnip after all.

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