Your Alumni Association Dollars at Work

by James A. Bacon

Above is an ad that The Jefferson Council submitted to run in the University of Virginia Alumni Society publication, Virginia. Before I tell you the fate that befell this ad, please take a moment to read it, and then ask yourself: is there anything political about it? Is there anything contentious about it? Is there anything inaccurate about it?

Sure, you might disagree with the thrust of the ad. Maybe you think, as many people at UVa do, that Jefferson deserves to be remembered in history as a slave-holding rapist. But, really, do you find anything objectionable about the facts, the quotes or the tenor of the presentation?

Now, you might think that the association representing the alumni of the university that Jefferson founded might be willing to publish a paid ad defending his reputation. And you would be wrong.

Jefferson Council Treasurer Tom Neale submitted the ad to Virginia Editor Richard Gard for insertion in the upcoming issue. Here is Gard’s response, delivered yesterday:

We’ve reviewed the Jefferson Council’s proposed ad for our summer-fall issue and, unfortunately, must reject it as inconsistent with our advertising standards. As you know, our policy reserves us publisher’s discretion to do so for advertising content that’s potentially “political or contentious, untruthful or misleading,” among other conditions.

You submitted an earlier version of the ad which we would be able to publish, as we would the other ad you’ve run in previous issues of the magazine. Let us know how you would like to proceed.

Council President (and newly appointed member of the UVa Board of Visitors) Bert Ellis appealed the decision to alumni association President Lilly West. Here is her response:

Congratulations on your appointment to the BOV.

Richard consulted me before responding to Tom. As he said, you can edit this ad or we can run the previous version. Let us know what you decide.

Neither West nor Gard provided any advice on what, precisely, needed editing.

Needless to say, Ellis was not amused. He shot back:

This is the Founder of UVA. We are defending him. Obviously you have no desire to do so. What is wrong with you people?

If this ad causes people to think, so be it. We would welcome a full-on debate about Mr. Jefferson.

Bacon’s bottom line:

perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps many people do not welcome a debate, particularly a debate about Jefferson’s oft-asserted liaison with slave Sally Hemings. Perhaps they believe the history is settled. Now, it appears, the act of questioning the received wisdom is deemed “political,” “contentious” or even “untruthful.”

Many alumni would be shocked to know the low esteem in which the university’s founder is held today. Jefferson is commonly referred to as a slave-holding rapist, as if (a) the rapist charge were beyond dispute; and (b) those were the only attributes about him worth remembering. This commonly-accepted belief, now widespread in the popular culture, has seeped so deeply into the student body that student guides showing visitors around the grounds sometimes refer to him this way.

In 2000, Jefferson Council member Bob Turner, a UVa law school professor, headed the Turner Commission of more than a dozen senior scholars to examine the historical and literary evidence that Jefferson fathered one or more of Hemings’ children. In the most thorough investigation of the matter ever conducted, panelist conclusions ranged from “serious skepticism” to “almost certainly false.” The report has been largely ignored ever since by ideologues intoxicated with the idea of knocking a U.S. icon down a few pegs.

In a lengthy article in the alumni magazine about Jefferson scholarship, Gard clearly sided with the revisionists who accept the reality of Jefferson’s paternity. In reviewing the historiography of the debate, he never mentioned the Turner Commission report. Referring to the work of Fawn Brodie, the scholar who brought the issue to national attention, he wrote, “Brodie died in 1981, before seeing her work vindicated during the 1990s, chiefly through [Annette] Gordon-Reed’s Hemings research, and then through the 1998 DNA testing of Jefferson’s and Hemings’ direct descendants, which resulted in general acceptance that Thomas had fathered Sally’s children.”

Case settled.

Not only is the case settled, but apparently the findings of Jefferson’s paternity are no longer to be questioned. The new orthodoxy must be enforced.

In one of his most oft-quoted statements, Jefferson wrote in a letter to Lewis Shepherd in 1820, “This institution [the University of Virginia] will be based upon the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.”

Ah, yes, follow truth wherever it may lead… unless that supposed truth portrays the author of that statement as a slave-holding rapist.

What an irony. How far UVa has fallen.

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51 responses to “Your Alumni Association Dollars at Work”

  1. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    Today’s woke warriors reflect a combination of self-serving sanctimony, arrogance, and ignorance of human nature that boggles the mind. They implicitly hold themselves out as the perfect denigrating the good….when in fact, they couldn’t carry the shoes of their “targets” across the room.

    All of this based on a false ideology that America is evil and built on a foundation of
    racial oppressors and oppressed.

    Their day of reckoning is coming as America wakes up and pushes back against their toxic ideology and behavior.

    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      Superb comment.

      You are 100% correct. The woke warriors combine preening hubris with historical ignorance….a toxic combination.

    2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      I think Jefferson is our greatest American.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Really… that’s the best we have…?? Better than any of the those that actually sacrificed themselves for our freedom…?? Any number of Americans (prominent or not so prominent) could claim a higher ranking, imo… and I honestly don’t mean this as denigrating TJ… no person, alive or dead, should be put on such a pedestal…

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” You submitted an earlier version of the ad which we would be able to publish, as we would the other ad you’ve run in previous issues of the magazine.”

    any chance of showing those Ads?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      This confirms to me that Larry is a paid troll. Rather than address the censorship of alumni who desire to protect Jefferson’s legacy by the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Larry creates a diversion. You could find it Larry , but that would require effort, and thinking, and willingness not to just spew the woke narrative…but I guess that’s what you get paid for. All you have to do is go to the website for the archive of the previous issue and the previous ad was not eye-catching, but just laid out our 4 pillars. For this issue we tried to do what ads are intended to do – to persuade. So we listed FACTS. And, the Jim Ryan admin, and Libs in general, don’t want to debate, which is why they have to censor. And I will point out AGAIN, Jim Ryan’s “Great and Good” is implicitly saying we weren’t good prior to his Messianic arrival – well #@$% him and the horse he rode in on!
      I’ll do Larry’s homework and provide a link.
      But meanwhile, the “unequivocal” support of free speech has an asterisk (*that we agree with)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” well #@$% him and the horse he rode in on!”

        no, no , no… it’s

        well #@$% him and the HIGH horse he rode in on!

        fixed it for ya

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          This could be 2 occasions of near agreement…
          Didn’t the British play the world turned upside down when they surrendered?
          This just feels wrong…

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Doing Larry the G Troll’s work for him – here is the prior mag link and go to page 31 –
      Now ask yourself why would the Alumni Association censor the new ad?
      Is it POSSIBLE that the Alumni Association is controlled by Jim Ryan? (This is a rhetorical question to make people think, except for Larry and the Trolls – hey, maybe I should write a song for that… “Goodnight free speech, well it’s time to go…”)

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Scrolling those pages I couldn’t help but to notice all of the bazillion dollar real estate mansion ads. I guess only “Hoos” can afford that.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Relax. People have forgotten what living in a house underwater is like. They’re about to find out. Irrational exuberance? Oh yeah.

            Don’t fret it now. It won’t contribute to a further collapse but may extend the misery. Rates are fixed. Few variable rates. Quick rise means that, currently, foreclosures are resulting in people leaving with money in their pockets not debt. But that will change.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            My house was built in the depression. I am taking that as a good omen. Depression proof!

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            When they didn’t know how cheaply they could build a house so they doubled everything up just to be sure. I am always fascinated by “Admiral’s Row”. The houses were built in 1906 to house foreign dignitaries for the 1907 Jamestown Exposition. Meant to last only 6 months, they have stood for 115 years and withstood Nor’easters and hurricanes.

            “What should we use for 1st story joists?”
            “Well, I’ve got a couple hundred 4x16x60 rough hewn white oak. Think it’ll do?”
            “Got any 6-by-16?”

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Would be worth comparing. Jim and his friends will have much more fun now, having been rejected. I’m sure it was the bit about Hemings. The other points are facts not in dispute. Just one more controversy where things are “settled” and those still not convinced “deniers!”

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    You got this one right for a change. TJ’s reputation as an historically woke leader requires no apologies. Refuting the Hemings liaison only fueled its supporters and was IMO unnecessary as it made TJ far more human. That’s a more attractive vision than the filtered, idealized version promoted by some.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      What the relationship was will remain a mystery and irrelevant to his contributions and public service. Many just want to hate him so they do.

      Fifty years ago FBI agents would meet with public officials behind closed doors and spread dirt about MLK’s private life. Same game. Discredit the ideas with ad hominem arguments and trash.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well then, run an ad comparing TJ to MLK…

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Do you mean to suggest actual debate-like discourse versus YELLING commentary? Pshaw! As I have been advised here, maybe I’m not adult enough for BR.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Would you really want to be? What’s another humorless, dull, meddlesome busybody?

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        If a mystery, why attempt to discredit a mystery? Worry not about the few who hate TJ (a waste of time and bile). TJ doesn’t care and is not offended. Mysteries are more powerful than salacious dirt. FBI paranoia under J Edgar is not relevant nor exemplary. Now, the dirt on the President-unelect is another horse color.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    One of the problems I have with the AD is the promotion of only partial information about Jefferson and slavery and omission of the other things that are part and parcel why some do not revere him the same way that others do.

    We see this same thing done in BR at times where only one side of something is presented and other relevant information important for objectiveness is not provided.

    Here’s other information about Jefferson and Slavery that does not present him in the same good light :

    ” Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of ending slavery never changed. From the mid-1770s until his death, he advocated the same plan of gradual emancipation. First, the transatlantic slave trade would be abolished.10 Second, slaveowners would “improve” slavery’s most violent features, by bettering (Jefferson used the term “ameliorating”) living conditions and moderating physical punishment.11 Third, all born into slavery after a certain date would be declared free, followed by total abolition.12 Like others of his day, he supported the removal of newly freed slaves from the United States.13 The unintended effect of Jefferson’s plan was that his goal of “improving” slavery as a step towards ending it was used as an argument for its perpetuation. Pro-slavery advocates after Jefferson’s death argued that if slavery could be “improved,” abolition was unnecessary.

    Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of abolition was intertwined with his racial beliefs. He thought that white Americans and enslaved blacks constituted two “separate nations” who could not live together peacefully in the same country.14 Jefferson’s belief that blacks were racially inferior and “as incapable as children,”15 coupled with slaves’ presumed resentment of their former owners, made their removal from the United States an integral part of Jefferson’s emancipation scheme. Influenced by the Haitian Revolution and an aborted rebellion in Virginia in 1800, Jefferson believed that American slaves’ deportation—whether to Africa or the West Indies—was an essential followup to emancipation.”

    this is from :

    to which, to their credit, is a more complete and more objective portrayal of Jefferson’s attitudes towards slavery.'s%20belief%20in%20the%20necessity,slave%20trade%20would%20be%20abolished.

    so perhaps that was the problem with the AD, i.e. the one-sided portrayal?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Um…Larry – you’re doing it again. The Monticello Board went woke in the 1990s to protect Bill Clinton of stained blue dress fame. Monticello declared TJ the father to protect Slick Willie and all the leftist women were saying they’d get kneepads to protect baby-killing. How quickly everyone forgets. Melody Barnes, Obama’s right hand, and on about 100 UVA positions including the (Protect our)Democracy Initiative (cuz the proles seem not to be buying our lies anymore) is head of the Monticello Foundation, I believe.
      And the conclusion at the time was not known to be true and still isn’t – ONE surviving child of the 4 surviving children had MALE Jefferson DNA (out of 24 potential). That child was born in 1808. TJ was President and 65. The rumor, published by Callender, mad at not getting the postmaster position, was published in 1802. The Scholars Commission came to a conclusion that it was almost certainly not true. AND I DON’T CARE – I have black relatives – how did that happen? A sperm cell from a man went into an egg from a woman and a human being was created. And if you are a human being in America you should kiss the ground. And TJ deserves credit, not Know Nothing denigration from Marxists who only want to destroy. And don’t kid yourself Larry – you’ll be thrown away as soon as you are no longer useful, just like Myra Anderson will be and the Code Pink and other anti-Iraq (cuz Bush!) mom was… Robespierre is gonna Robespierre…

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        That’s it. A woke board at Monticello caretaking the reputation of a heroic woke American hero. What more evidence is required? You did not need to be at Monticello with TJ to know Bill Clinton, Obama, and Marxist Know Nothings are at work NOW.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        “Almost certainly not true” compared to the overly aggressive material you wish to be debate? Get a grip on your keyboard.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Walter, are you disputing the actual history and his actual words from the supplied references?

        Do you see how some folks – people of color might find such views abhorrent and don’t necessarily hold Jefferson in high esteem?

        Do you not want the truth to be told and to recognize why people of color don’t hold him to the same high esteem that you and others do?

        To be clear – I do hold Jefferson to high esteem – yes – but I also recognize that he was a flawed human – as are most leaders past and present.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Larry who knows the truth. Needed that laugh…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Larry reads the references for the truth – as opposed to believing his own… as some here seem to do – like right here right now – where folks insist the truth is only what they want to believe no matter the documented history and actual words.

            Conservatives live in LA LA Land these days – just look at much of the GOP these days and it’s no stranger to BR at all which puts it on full display.

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          I hold the commentary you cited as quite slanted and lacking (Marxists favorite word) “context.” Jefferson was LIGHT YEARS ahead of everybody and his thinking was beyond that of even Yankees (you know, the Slave Traders who started Yale). I want a fair debate. Why do the Marxists get to tell only their version?
          And, would you be OK with me now writing out of history everybody who supported abortion? As the medical knowledge gets so beyond indisputable that people will look back in horror? I’d be OK with it cuz I’m pretty sure the Venn Diagram of the current destroyers and baby-killers overlaps greatly – actually, I think that is a pretty good test for pre-emptive cancellation – if you are on the same side on both of these issues….seeya!

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            If you would simply acknowledge TJ was woke, the debate is ended.

        3. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          TJ was not flawed! The ad in discussion describes a woke hero who some acknowledge may or may not have had an intimate relationship with an enslaved woman. One advocate described it as a mystery. As such, it makes TJ human which the more zealous advocates, by their ideology, detract from.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “A sperm cell from a man went into an egg from his chattel and a human being was created.”

        Fixed it for you…

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          And even in that case, a human being was created. There fixed it for you guy who wants to gloss over when it is OK to kill a human. A vestige of your white supremacy?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Shorten it. Tell people to “Visit Montecello” and see what happens.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    C’ville has fallen. Quite a while ago. Bring TJ down to Blacksburg. The Hokie Pokie is similar to the Virginia Reel.

    1. And the VTCC wear Confederate Grey uniforms….

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Amen! We have a working civil war cannon too!

  7. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, excellent summary of this travesty. If the UVA Alumni Association will not allow open debate about the scurrilous slurs against Thomas Jefferson, who’s left to defend him?

    Professor Robert Turner’s The Scholars Commission Report provides overwhelming evidence refuting the Jefferson-Hemings liaison. It is clear Alumni Association Executive Director Lily West and her Communications Director Richard Gard have never read it. Like their philosophical counterparts in totalitarian countries, they won’t tolerate any opinions that challenge their heterodoxy.

    West and Gard should both be fired. Intellectual diversity and open discourse must be restored at Mr. Jefferson’s University. The new BOV members need to start the effort.

    Tom Neale
    The Jefferson Council

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    It is a political ad making a political argument which is counter to their policies. Seems fairly cut and dry to me. Don’t run a political ad… 🤷‍♂️

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No. It was bait, specifically a red herring — a reason to create a story. Running out of whiny white boy material.

  9. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Lefty/socialists can’t handle the truth only lies that they approve of. The lie put forth that Jefferson was the father of Hemmings children was was rebutted long ago but thanks to the Bozos Post and others it is considered “truth”.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Get over it!! It’s NBD whether or not TJ fathered children with an enslaved woman. The purity debated toxically exists only in the mind. Whoever has contributed to making this a left-right battle only diminishes TJ. It’s the largest red herring on BR.

  10. I really don’t care about TJ or UVa, nor do I think we should rename or remove his presence as a founding father or founder of UVA, but that ad does not say he was a slave owner. If it’s an attempt to be balanced, why wouldn’t that be stated. It’s clearly an intended omission, and it’s part of the contradiction about him. His actions belied his words when it comes to slavery. If you want a fair and balanced discussion, be fair and balanced. Don’t cherry pick

    And to not think the Hemings reference isn’t contentious is frankly dumb. That may be a fact about someone’s opinion, but the topic is contentious.

    Lastly, is the alumni magazine the place for a contentious debate? Equally dumb. Find a different venue.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The ideologues prefer a toxic exchange over a simple recognition that TJ’s whatever with Hemings does not detract from his contributions. The venue, unfortunately, for the blinding ideology is BR. Next we will be presented with toxic defenses concerning TJ’s abortion ban views as interfering with his property rights in his slaves. Theology and ideology often mirror one another.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Next up… the Children of Jesus debate…

  11. BROWN '57 Avatar
    BROWN ’57

    I would suggest that you all read David Barton’s book, “The JEFFERSON LIES”. Published by World Net Daily, 2016

  12. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Jim, this is an excellent piece. Thanks for writing it. TJ was a human being and like all of us had his flaws but they were drafted by his accomplishments. We have a better life and society because he lived and wrote our foundation–the Declaration of Independence.
    The argument of whether he fathered children by Sally Hemings will never be settled. The accusation of rape is disgusting. When Sally and her brother were in France with Jefferson, she could have stayed but didn’t even though we can debate whether that was a full exercise of free will.
    I doubt that those who are so forceful in condemning him and his life would not accept their lives being scrutinized.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Thomas Nelson eradicated! TNCC changed its name today to Virginia Peninsula CC. The all important 4th governor and exemplary white slave-owning dude has been CANCELED!

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m not sure Sally Hemmings is the only issue for people of color:

    ” Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of abolition was intertwined with his racial beliefs. He thought that white Americans and enslaved blacks constituted two “separate nations” who could not live together peacefully in the same country.14 Jefferson’s belief that blacks were racially inferior and “as incapable as children,”15 coupled with slaves’ presumed resentment of their former owners, made their removal from the United States an integral part of Jefferson’s emancipation scheme. Influenced by the Haitian Revolution and an aborted rebellion in Virginia in 1800, Jefferson believed that American slaves’ deportation—whether to Africa or the West Indies—was an essential followup to emancipation.”'s%20belief%20in%20the%20necessity,slave%20trade%20would%20be%20abolished

    Now, if you are an African American, I doubt seriously you’d find Jefferson such a person of high values to be honored today.

    The Jefferson Council seems to not only dispute the history but also discount/ignore how African Americans feel about Jefferson.

    Some folks see this as a modern-day example of systemic racism and white supremacy.

    What’s a middle ground for UVA on this?

    Should they adopt the Jefferson Council viewpoint if it is perceived as systemic racism by black folks and their kids who might consider attending UVA?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Did you ask him that? Remember, with TJ and the BR crowd, first source documents won’t do. You have to hold a seance.

  15. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    Not my alumni dollars, sadly I no longer give a dime to anything associated with UVa and will not until things change in C’ville. Unfortunately with an endowment larger than many Ivies, UVa can do whatever it wants with impunity, no matter how inane.

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