Youngkin on Fire

by Kerry Dougherty

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is a quick study.

In eight short months he learned that there is no pleasing leftists. No matter how cordial you are, no matter how many times you extend your hand, the far left will slap you away if there’s an R after your name.

Despite the amiable governor’s good-natured attempt to win friends with a charm offensive — remember his face-to-face meeting with nasty Delegate Don Scott, D-Portsmouth, who questioned his religious faith on the floor of the General Assembly? Remember his friendly visit to vitriolic State Senator Louise Lucas, D-Portsmouth, to present her with one of his fleece vests after she mocked his attire?

To no avail. Lefties don’t want to play nice. Youngkin gets that now.

Finally, Youngkin is playing serious offense. He’s being true to himself and the people who voted for him. He seems to have grown impervious to the relentless attacks from nuts on the left.

A strong sign that Youngkin’s now playing hardball came over the weekend with the release of new policies by his Department of Education. The new regs simply reinforce parental rights and strip schools of their power to come between a parent and child. These rules will go into effect in all of Virginia’s school districts in 30 days.

Despite the best attempts of the corporate media to portray the regs as an attack on transgendered students the policies are NOT that. Any child who is identifying as trans with his or her parents’ permission can do so in public schools. However, children who are experiencing gender identity conflicts without their parent’s consent or who are gaming the rules will have to stick with the gender given them at birth.

It does not permit or encourage bullying. In fact, bullying will continue to be dealt with strictly and uniformly. No matter who engages in it or for what reason.

According to the new rules, some of the far-out interpretations of Virginia law and edicts of the Northam administration — the very behavior that got the Dems tossed from office in Virginia — will cease next month. Public schools will continue to require children to use the bathrooms and pronouns indicated by their birth certificates unless their PARENTS request a change in writing.


No longer will schools be allowed to help hide a child exhibiting mental problems from his parents. No longer will girls have to share bathrooms and locker rooms with biological boys who change their gender when they enter the school building without their parents’ knowledge or permission.

Proof that the governor’s doing the right thing is when all of the wrong people and news outlets have their hair on fire. The aforementioned Lucas, for instance, was Tweeting her usual bile about Youngkin over the weekend with reverential references to transgenderism. Teachers union leader Randi Weingarten attacked the governor on Twitter. NPR joined the left-wing chorus.

“Virginia Has Moved to Restrict The Rights Of Transgendered Students In Its Public Schools,” NPR

“Youngkin Administration Rolls Back Protections For Transgendered Students, “ Richmond Times-Dispatch.

“Virginia Policy Latest Attempt To Restrict Rights of Transgendered Students,” The Washington Post.

Only Fox News and, oddly enough, the Associated Press, took a stab at unbiased and accurate reporting:

“Gov Youngkin Introduces New Model Policy For Virginia Transgender Students,” Fox News.

“Virginia Governor Seeks New Transgender student Policy,” AP.

Key elements of the new policy simply protect the principle that parents are the ultimate authority over their children and government must take a back seat to them.

The regs state that “Parents have the right to make decisions with respect to their children” and that “Schools shall respect parental values and beliefs.”

For too long public schools have been substituting the values of the loathsome union boss Randi Weingarten and other far-left kooks for those of parents. That’s wrong and needs to stop.

Furthermore, for legal purposes, a transgendered student is now identified this way in the new regulations:

The phrase “transgender student” shall mean a public school student whose parent has requested in writing, due to their child’s persistent and sincere belief that his or her gender differs with his or her sex, that their child be so identified while at school.

In other words, no longer will kids be allowed to insist on using facilities of the opposite sex without their parents knowing about their child’s behavior and acquiescing to it.

Sounds sensible to normal people. No wonder the left is coming unglued.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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17 responses to “Youngkin on Fire”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I would still like to see him flex on UVA (but I think everybody knows that already!).
    The UVA BOV is a bad, supine joke.
    Jim Ryan says jump and the BOV says “how high.”
    The students are terrified that Bert Ellis disagrees with “wokism,” as does a majority of Americans once they finally understand its un-American, destructive ideology – “equity” ain’t “equality under the law” – it is racial hate-mongering for power and money and a complete 180 degree turn from MLK wanting his descendants judged by the “content of their character.”
    The BOV extended Ryan’s contract, out of sequence, for 3 years, which just “happens” to then come up for an extension after Youngkin will be gone and the new Gov will have had 3 BOV appointment opportunities. Chance? I think not.
    Or how about the UVA 3rd shot mandate? It was to be done by February 1, 2022. Except, on January 7, 2022, UVA announced it had to be done by January 14. Why the escalation? I’m sure it also had nothing to do with Youngkin/Sears/Miyares being sworn in on the 15th, right? Or maybe even hearing that Youngkin was choosing Marty Makary as his Covid advisor…
    UVA, and the supine BOV, have not apologized to the lab rat students for the Covid policy. Did you know the vaccinated students had “cases” at a higher rate than the evil un-vaccinated students?
    But the concerted attacks on Bert Ellis are beyond the pale, and utterly revealing of the lack of honor among the UVA admin and the BOV (no wonder the honor system is practically dead). The BOV supposedly “unequivocally” believes in free speech. But not for Bert. The CD has been relentless attacking him for sponsoring a debate (this is of the speech is violence Marxist thinking and is prevalent on all college campuses) and for not sponsoring another one. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t!
    But according to the CD, the Daily Regress, Times-Disgrace, etc, it proves he is a racist and a homophobe. The CD’s editor is named Surovell. Is she related to Dem Sen Vice Chair Surovell? Was the statement by the UVA Dems and the Dem Party of Va coordinated with the CD? Are these illegal political in kind contributions? Have you EVER in your lifetime as a Virginian (65 years for me) seen a campaign against a BOV appointment? It’s Alinskyite cancel culture and it should be denounced immediately, by all of the Unequivocals (the UVA admin and the BOV)…but the silence is deafening. Whitt Clement, as Rector, should insist on this stopping and denounce the Marxist tactic. So should Jim Ryan, but that would ruin his academic street cred and stop him from being President of Harvard or Yale.
    Given this inexcusable silence, I think Gov Youngkin should tell Whitt Clement to call the inmates on the BOV to stop the nonsense and denounce, or prepare to get fired. Which he has the authority to do. Of course, then the moderate Senate Dems will threaten to not approve all of his nominees. And then he should just remove all of them from all Boards.
    The cancellation effort is despicable. Un-American. Dems need to put their Marxist genies back in the bottle. But I doubt they will.
    Fire Whitt Clement!

    1. I recall that when Bruce Smith was named to the VT BOV there was an uproar when folks discovered he left before graduating and did not have a degree. The nomination was rescinded.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Wasn’t paying attention then. Uproar. But was it a coordinated political campaign with QR codes opening to a form letter to send to the State Senators to vote against?

        1. We didn’t have that specific set of tactics then but was similar in tone and resulted in him not serving.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I would still disagree. The complaint was he didn’t graduate?
            How does that compare to libeling? To calling him a racist for agreeing to sponsor a debate between Shockley and Gadsby, and to call him a homophobe for not sponsoring a gay guy for the nascent Gay Student Alliance…
            Two years later, Frank Hereford wanted to remove an “out” resident advisor – Bob Elkins. There is a big qualitative difference – being a graduate is not a requirement, but maybe a good idea. Character assassination should be condemned.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Coulda stopped at the headline.

    Which is the correct usage in such situations, “on fire” or “afire”?

    1. I’m not sure. Of course, I’m still confounded by the fact that flammable and inflammable mean the same thing…

  3. Paul Sweet Avatar

    Please don’t use the woke phrase “the gender given them at birth”. People are NOT arbitrarily “assigned” a gender when they are born. The birth certificate states their physical sex, which is determined by their genes and plumbing.

    1. There you go with science and grammar……… both died a quick and quiet death in education long ago…..

    2. But… in some cases there are also internal – unseen – physical features that conflict with the external features used to specify gender at birth. Genes affect these unseen features, too. I know several people for whom that is true. We need to treat those to whom this happens with decency. We were finally doing that – unlike years ago – now we’re pushing these folks, who were born with a mixture of physical sexual features – way back into the far corners of nonacceptance. If you knew people and walked along with those who’ve dealt with this, I hope you’d be willing to accept some flexibility to respect them.

      I’m not talking about mistreating parents but focusing on the individual at the center of the issue – the child. Some of these children are getting very close to being 18. After about age 15, if parents and child view things differently, shouldn’t we begin to give the almost adult more space than if they were 6? By 15 or so the “child’s” developmental task is starting to shift toward becoming a responsible adult.

      Again, not arguing against parental rights – but wanting to support the individuals out there who don’t have the typical situation, especially when physical evidence of sexuality is mixed.

  4. Deckplates Avatar

    Parents “hire” teachers, administrators, and support staff to educate their children. Now, due to an election, a focused administration is effecting a change in the regulations into Virginia Schools.

    The parents & majority of voters have spoken; the Virginia State elected representatives have acted; now it is time to implement.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yep, Youngkin’s on fire all right. He’s been crisscrossing the country campaigning for MAGA Republicans who tend to make racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-gay statements. At taxpayers expense.

    1. john harvie Avatar
      john harvie

      “At taxpayers expense.”

      You can document this, I presume

    2. john harvie Avatar
      john harvie

      At taxpayers expense.

      You can document this I assume

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Wears fleece and speaks in moderate tones… oh yeah, and has the exact same agenda and exact same allies as Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The new regs simply reinforce parental rights and strip schools of their power to come between a parent and child.”

    In so far that teachers are an agent of the “school” this is 100% false. Youngkin places the rights of teachers to refuse trans gender requirements over the rights of parents. Strike 1, Kerry.

    “Public schools will continue to require children to use the bathrooms and pronouns indicated by their birth certificates…”

    Absolutely untrue as Youngkin recognizes that exceptions must be made for trans students under current federal law and references the relevant case. Trans students will continue to have access to the bathroom corresponding to their gender. Strike 2, Kerry.

    “…unless their PARENTS request a change in writing.” Again completely and utterly incorrect. The policy makes no mention of parental requests when it comes to bathroom usage. None at all. Under the policy, the school must give trans students access to the bathroom for their gender and the parents have no say in this matter whatsoever per Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board. That is what the policy says. Strike 3, Kerry. Better luck next time.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The Kerry errors keep coming:

      First she says this: “The phrase “transgender student” shall mean a public school student whose parent has requested in writing, due to their child’s persistent and sincere belief that his or her gender differs with his or her sex, that their child be so identified while at school.”

      Then says: “In other words, no longer will kids be allowed to insist on using facilities of the opposite sex without their parents knowing about their child’s behavior and acquiescing to it.”

      And yet the Policy makes ZERO reference to “transgender students” when outlining the policy addressing use of facilities. None. The definition set out for “transgender students” does not apply to facility usage in any way shape or form (including parental involvement).

      Not that the straw man scenario Kerry presented is actually happening but she clearly hasn’t read the policy outside of the headline reporting.

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