Youngkin Woos Black Voters

Diante Johnson

Glenn Youngkin, Republican candidate for governor, has launched a “Black Virginians for Glenn” Coalition, headed by Diante Johnson, president of the Black Conservative Federation.

I have no idea if this group will gain traction. African Americans’ loyalty to the Democratic Party runs deep. But it is imperative that Republicans make the effort. The GOP cannot win a majority in Virginia without becoming a big-tent party.

Said Johnson in the press release: “Glenn understands Black Virginians want more opportunities, better education, more business and home ownership, and easier access to job training and occupational licensing. He is committed to carrying our message of conservative solutions to all voters and rebuilding the Commonwealth so that it works for all Virginians.”

Adds Youngkin: “I will wake up every day as governor seeking to serve all Virginians. That means we are going to give parents the power to choose where their children go to school and access to the resources needed to empower students to succeed. I will remove roadblocks and cut red tape to make it easier for businesses to succeed. We will build a rip-roaring economy that creates jobs and boosts wages, and make Virginia the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family.”

Creating a rip-roaring economy is easier said than done – frankly, there’s only so much that any governor can do — but it’s important to set the right tone and sense of direction.

Republicans need to position themselves as the part of aspiration and opportunity for middle-class Virginians — of all races and ethnicities — and paint the Democrats as the party of special interests, rent seekers, and grievance mongers. With a little message discipline, that shouldn’t be hard to do.


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37 responses to “Youngkin Woos Black Voters”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Younkin’s TV commercials are pretty good. He doesn’t explicitly refer to “the Imperial Clown Show in Richmond” but one commercial has a group of uncoordinated politicians in their underwear trying to play basketball kind of makes the same point.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, DJ, right up your alley. Yeah, %$#$ on his fellow Republicans is exactly the path to victory. At least for that ad he’s openly behind it. Somebody is behind the anonymous (cowardly) negative mail and TV. Somebody with real $$$.

      You are perfectly correct about what is needed to win in November, Jim. Getting the nomination is more focused on finding individuals willing to 1) go through the process of being designated a “delegate” and 2) show up May 8 to vote in what is really just a canvass. That is what is underway right now, and in many localities the deadline for becoming a delegate has passed. Henrico was Saturday.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        When you start the game with 0:15 left on the clock, down by 6 … you throw a Hail Mary. When was the last real political outsider to serve as Governor of Virginia? Has there ever been one? Beyond that, the Republicans in Virginia are goat rodeo with odd convention primaries and Amanda Chase. Younkin doesn’t need to be tightly associated with that fiasco. Younkin needs to be the outsider that isn’t an acolyte of Donald Trump. Get credit for being an outsider without the baggage of Trump.

        As for anonymous (cowardly) negative mail and TV … Younkin doesn’t seem to be looking for anonymity. I’d think more about Pete Snyder for that. But, that’s just a guess.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Time will tell. Outsider….well, Robb certainly was when he ran for LG. Pretty well connected, though. Straight to Governor? None come to mind.

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    They already are. Have you seen the number of non WASP males running for offices? The head of the VBRP is African American. Another one was. There are people from India running for office that have been R’s for years. There’s a lot of support for folks, people just aren’t taking the time to look and welcome those coming. There was a Trump train that had a lot of people involved in this area, and when they stopped, an African American young man was interested. From what I understand, about 10 people gathered with him and helped him as to where he can be a part of what was going on.

    Someone may need to talk to Del. Clinton Jenkins, who sold out an African American female to endorse a WASP male at the behest of a Senator who has had a history since ’80’s (at least she did in the Shipyard) of selling out our her own folks and doing nothing to help decent folks. So her horse dump accusations and nasty comments made not long ago about the educational issue are just that: horse dump hypocrisy.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      That would be Norfolk Naval, not Newport News….since you were not specific which shipyard. 🙂

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Yes – why did it matter? I didn’t mention it because I was sure that everyone on here would know what the reference was to, and who to.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          “The Shipyard” to most people is Newport News Shipbuilding, not the public yard.

          1. vicnicholls Avatar

            I’m on the southside of Va so we’re used to the Shipyard being the one here, not on the Peninsula.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Younkin and Snyder seem the same to me. Just because you have cash for commercials doesn’t mean you are the best candidate. Not sure if a Harvard grad and private equity firm owner is going to remember the needs of working class conservative Virginians. I am definitely not interested in the former state campaign chair for Mitt Romney. That has loser written on it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      And what is Kirk Cox? Another politician for life from down in plantation country? In office 32 years. Majority Leader of the House of Delegates for 8 years, Speaker for 2. Presided over the absolute meltdown of Republican power in the state.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Suffered through a meltdown that rolled downhill from the Potomac, aided by a massive court-ordered gerrymander. Be fair….

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          True on the gerrymander but other states’ Republican Parties survived Trump. Letting Henrico go blue was the real dead canary in the coal mine.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            How does Henrico go “blue” ?

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Well Mr. DJ one thing I like about Mr. Cox is he was actually born in Virginia. That means something to a guy like me that can trace back 400 years of family history in Virginia. He has institutional knowledge from many years of experience. This isn’t just a pick up game. Mr. Cox was reelected last time around even though his district was gerrymandered to flip the 66th district. He clearly had to reach out to communities that were new to him and he appears to have done so successfully. School teacher, I like that having retired from it. I met him one time at the YMCA Mock General Assembly. One of the only politicians who made time to engage with teenagers and I was impressed. The body blow about presiding over a disastrous Speakership last time around is a fair question. I want to know what Mr. Cox has to say about that.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I’m open to Mr. Cox but I won’t coronate anybody. He’ll need to get his positions out. I’m seeing ads from Snyder and Younkin on TV right now. Nothing from Cox. Does he think he is a shoe in? As an aside, Glenn Younkin was born in Richmond, grew up in Virginia Beach and has lived in Northern Virginia for years. I call that the trifecta of urban Virginia. I don’t know where Pete Snyder was born but he went to W&M and launched his first company from his apartment (at age 26) in Northern Virginia. That’s Virginian enough for me.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            So COX needs to put forth his vision for governance in Virginia that appeals to urban Va, Nova and people of color – without alienating the rural base that Chase appeals to.

            Good Luck on that.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            So COX needs to put forth his vision for governance in Virginia that appeals to urban Va, Nova and people of color – without alienating the rural base that Chase appeals to.

            Good Luck on that.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Here here Mr. DJ. I can’t wait to get my rank choice ballot!

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    The GOP is always talking about “messaging”. I’d submit it’s more than that.

    The various constituencies of voters – to include any/all who are not the standard GOP followers… need to hear from the GOP , MORE than “messaging” if they want those votes. More than that, the GOP has to address the fact that they have folks in their “tent” who are less than inviting to diverse populations of people. For instance, they grab onto the Asian school thing but nary a word about attacks on Asians – like it’s rare and does not exist. Asians are listening. I don’t think that’s enough to win them over.

    Ditto with African Americans or Latinos. It takes more than “messaging”.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      18% of Black males voted for Trump. And quite a few Latinos too.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “For instance, they grab onto the Asian school thing but nary a word about attacks on Asians – like it’s rare and does not exist.”

      Translation: You don’t like their messaging.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, no, not me. How about Asians?

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Larry, why don’t you and Nancy Boy and Eric the Half Wit Troll ever write about the D candidates? Stick YOUR necks out. I mean, if I go over to their playhouse and try to put up comments, they tend to disappear. I won’t say you guys are always welcome here, but you are….here.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        It’s more fun to be Waldorf and Statler. Only part of the Muppet Show I liked.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, sometimes Steve, it’s not a matter of what you want, but what you know you don’t want. You don’t want taxes and so appear receptive to any cut, no matter who suffers from the lack of service that ensues.

        Oh, what am I thinking? Republican. You’ll simply borrow to pay for it.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Steve – I have… multiple times but the GOP these days is a special brand of stupid when it comes to issues involving people of color because they keep saying it’s a “messaging” issue as opposed to really representing the concerns of those constituencies.

        If the GOP actually did take these other constituencies seriously and actually did try to actually represent their interests, they WOULD beat the Dems who actually DO pander.

        When we talk about Confederate Statues, discrimination, equity, etc… where is the GOP and their “messaging” to people of color?

        When we talk about immigration, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians – what is the GOP “message” to these folks on the issues that affect them?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Larry – just about every candidate the Republicans have run from my district and adjoining districts over the past 5 years has been a person of color.

          For example, Gerry CONnolley vs. Manga Anantatmula.

          Which one do you think was the person of color.

          Or, Kathleen Murphy vs Gary Pan in the House of Delegates race in the 34th.

          Which one do you think was a person of color?

      4. vicnicholls Avatar

        Just block them. I have. Eric has been booted off other places, that’s why he is here.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          And I would AGREE wholeheartedly if what you “conservative” guys/gals want is really just another right wing echo chamber chock full of grievances, lies, disinformation and conspiracy theories like a lot of them are and want to be.

          Go for it!

          BR started out as a non-partisan “conservative” leaning site that mostly discussed public policy issues – like settlement patterns, home rule versus Dillon Rule, etc.. and over time it has moved further and further into the culture war and now Critical Race Theory and worse!

          Some of us stick with it to try to provide some level of balance and keep things more oriented to realities but heck if what you REALLY want is your own right-wing forum with no liberals allowed… just be honest with yourselves and do it! 😉

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I have never been booted off of anywhere.

      5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I come for the shout outs!!

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Something tells me he won’t get the R nomination… call me crazy…

  6. StarboardLift Avatar

    Youngkin doesn’t mention Trump and religion overtly, while Snyder does. I see the Virginia Rs divided into 3 subparties: the traditional less-is-best-keep-your-hands-off-my-body-and-stay-out-of-my-bedroom, the Amanda Chase/Marjorie Green (too bad they happen to be women) vaccination=mark of the beast ilk, and Trump supporters who are willing to walk a squiggly line between the two others. I see the Ds divided into about 2 subparties, as well. The only hope Rs have for winning the majority in GA or governor’s seat in Virginia is to move toward the first group.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep. The GOP needs to spend less time venting their spleen over the Dems and get their own act together as to what THEY offer voters that is better than the Dems.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep. The GOP needs to spend less time venting their spleen over the Dems and get their own act together as to what THEY offer voters that is better than the Dems.

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