Youngkin Won’t Rule Out White House Run

by Patrick Houck

It’s not so much what he’s saying but what he’s consciously leaving out.

Campaigning for Republican candidates in the state’s General Assembly, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin declined to answer Fox News Digital’s polite but provocative question about a potential White House run next year.

According to inside sources, Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch has heavily lobbied Youngkin to run for the Republican nomination. While Youngkin demurred when asked about 2024, he had plenty to say about Virginia’s November elections.

Speaking to Fox News Digital from a campaign event in Manassas, he said, “The most important election in the nation, I believe, is Virginia this year. We are laser-focused on holding our House, winning our Senate and getting [state Senate candidate] Bill Woolf and the other great Republican candidates elected.”

From Fox Digital:

“We have demonstrated that you can take a state that was really so much headed in the wrong direction and redirect with commonsense, conservative principles and leadership and policies,” he continued. “We can take a state that was near the bottom, and put it near the top. Folks, this is so important for us to do and that is why I have nothing else in my mind other than 2023.” Asked about those who have been encouraging him to enter the crowded 2024 presidential primary field, Youngkin said he appreciated the recognition of Virginia’s conservative accomplishments. But he did not respond to follow-up questions about whether he would rule out a late entry into the 2024 race. “I meet lots of people and I’m always so humbled by the fact that people are encouraging us to do what we’re doing in Virginia outside Virginia,” Youngkin said. “But we’re focused on Virginia, and what is so nice is that people appreciate what’s happening here. And what we are doing is exactly what we said we’re going to do. We have lowered the cost of living, we have backed the blue, we have re-established excellence in education. It works, it works,” he added. For months, speculation about whether Youngkin would enter the race for the GOP nomination for president in 2024 has swirled, though the popular conservative governor has downplayed and dismissed his consideration for higher office.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard.

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44 responses to “Youngkin Won’t Rule Out White House Run”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Trump will be the nominee. The indictments have had their intended effect.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The question is what impact that will have in the general. It is hard to predict how indictments will play against the combination of dementia and its running mate nonfeasance. Beyond that if Biden and Trump are the nominees one of them will win and the country will lose.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    None of these guys including Youngkin are running for POTUS, they are running to be Trumps VP…. Truth!

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No. Only Vivek Ramaswamy is that stupid. I can’t see DeSantis or Haley doing that.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No. Only Vivek Ramaswamy is that stupid. I can’t see DeSantis or Haley doing that. Others on the stage attacked Trump openly.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        All of them.. including DeSantis… but not the ones critical of Trump. But all of them running
        for POTUS that are not critical of Trump and support him, if they got asked to be?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          All know he will be crushed in a general and is likely to turn on them just like he did Pence. All but Vivek would say no.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            He will look for a VP that will get him more votes in the general… and all the ones running right now who support him… are auditioning for that slot – IMO.

            If Youngkin or Haley or Scott can bring him more votes from independents… and/or GOP “leaners” … then yes … why not?

            If Biden goes down, it’s all over…

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Why do you think McKinley tapped Teddy R. for VP? A little more than adding a war hero. McKinley needed to silence the Republican snapping turtle and making him VP was the best way to do so.

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        Ramaswamy is undoubtedly a number of things, but stupid is not amongst them.

  3. Youngkin Won’t Rule Out White House Run


  4. Youngkin is a huge improvement over Ralph Northam. Under Youngkin, Virginia has stopped slitting its wrists. But has he stopped the bleeding? Maybe marginally in K-12 and energy/environmental policy. But I haven’t seen him take any risks or expend any political capital. If the Rs take control of the General Assembly, he’ll be a hero in the national press. But will he have really learned to push through an agenda in a purple state? I don’t see it.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      Agreed. Youngkin is milquetoast. At this point, people want revolution just short of physical violence.

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      If the Republicans take control of the State Senate, then those Republicans will pass some obnoxious anti-abortion law and Youngkin will see his presidential ambitions fading away. Just ask Meatball Ron.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think when I see Youngkin reform K-12 schools, walk-the-walk, I’ll become a convert.

      Until then, I’m thinking he’s more of a poser and if he runs for POTUS, we’ll know for sure.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    There is no point in anybody else getting in until or unless Trump self-destructs. That won’t happen by the time of Virginia’s elections and I don’t think will happen until maybe a setback for Trump in Iowa. Nothing happened in the debate to raise the prospect any of them can persuade defectors to Trump. What needs to happen now is fewer people on the next platform. But it won’t matter now.

    Who could possibly care what Murdoch wants? His Fox News team with that silly debate (climate change?) did Trump more good than the Democrat prosecutors are doing, and ensuring Trump is the nominee is clearly the point of that whole exercise. The prime time show they allowed him to put on yesterday in Georgia, that smirking mug shot, should have counted as an in kind contribution (as Larry proves by using it again).

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      “I don’t think will happen until maybe a setback for Trump in Iowa.”

      Either that or all the decades of Big Macs catch up with him, plus his BMI is over 30. That’s a bad combination, especially with his age, stress level and lack of exercise.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “I don’t think will happen until maybe a setback for Trump in Iowa.”

      Either that or all the decades of Big Macs catch up with him, plus his BMI is over 30. That’s a bad combination, especially with his age, stress level and lack of exercise.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Well, yes, the Almighty could throw a wrench. 🙂

        1. How about two wrenches?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            I’ll see those 2 wrenches and raise to 3 to include Mz nonfeasance too.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        Didn’t he weight in at 215 at 6’3″ at his recent booking in Georgia? That’s not terrible.

        1. He told them he weighs 215. I do not think they actually weighed him.

          If he’s 6’3″ then he looks more like 245 to me.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            245 would put him over 30 BMI, obese as reported. At 215 BMI would be 26.9, moderately overweight, which is not consistent with recent pictures. Make that a large fry with extra sauce on the Big Mac please.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            While I concur with your assessment on him, BMI is a horrible matrix to measures health.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Please educate me.

            BMI has seemed a reasonable, if crude, measure of body fat. Over 35 is morbidly obese, over 30 is obese, and under 25 down to about 18 is normal. It doesn’t work well for the very fit, with muscle mass rather than fat. For the rest of us, it doesn’t seem like a bad yard stick, although the two methods for calculation yield slightly different results.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            BMI is based upon height and weight, the largest and most glaring issue with BMI (isn’t one of Trump’s concern), is that muscle and fat are treated the same. It also doesn’t account for where that fat is located, which has an impact on the persons health.

            Much like height and weight standards for the military haven’t changed since WW Duce, while foods are no longer stewed/boiled/or fortified, I had a solider with about 8% body fat who would fail height and weight and was subject to the tape test (which is also inaccurate and depends on who’s doing the taping).

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Thank you.

            I weigh about the same as I did in high school, but it sure ain’t distributed the same. My BMI is “healthy”, but that’s about as far as it goes.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s true for most, but it runs short on those whom are more athletically inclined.

            Like I said, BMI is probably accurate for Trump at least now in his “vintage” years.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            me too… he’s not skinny…

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Dunno, he looks a lot stouter than that to me. I did see that his BMI is over 30, that seems consistent with his pictures, and that is obese. Over average male life expectancy in the US and obesity are material health risks. Despite his upbeat comments, the stress level must be huge too, and yes, he’ll take fries with that.

          Biden’s dementia or balance are not going to get any better either. Reports of his off camera rages indicate considerable stress too.

          They are both actuarial bad bets and we’re still well over a year out from the election. As the bard observed, there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip. There’s a lot of room for father time to play in between now and election day.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Yeah either way he’s more fit than Biden, physically and mentally.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            They’re both unfit for office.

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      It’s not hard. Trump will be the nominee because the cathedral doesn’t want him to be.

      The people were told what to do for 2 years during COVID. They are told untruths such as women were men and men were women. They were told Ukraine is winning. They are now saying F you.

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Like Ron DeSantis, he would be a fool to step out. Do the job in Virginia. Trump already has it won, and he would destroy him. Put up a record, and learn how to play in the minor leagues. The media will hate you whether you run now or later. But you don’t have the Oliver Anthony street cred to make people believe you “get” Rich Men North of Richmond, and I don’t think you really do. You were just fortunate Terry McAwful stepped in it.

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