Youngkin Upholds Parents Rights in Transgender Debate

by James A. Bacon

With educational outcomes for Virginia public school children collapsing across the board, I’m not sure that the use of pronouns and restrooms for transgender students is the most urgent policy facing our schools today. But both sides of the culture wars are determined to fight this battle, so it continues to consume an inordinate share of our attention — as when Governor Glenn Youngkin issued yesterday his revised “model policies” for treating transgender students.

I will spend little time rehashing the details of the new model policies, which you can read here. The Washington Post summarizes the key points, as do the state’s other major newspapers. In broad brushstrokes, Youngkin’s purpose is to strengthen parental rights, restricting the ability of schools to make contentious decisions regarding a student’s gender identity without the parents’ knowledge and consent.

I’m more interested in peripheral — yet telling — aspects of this story. I’m interested in seeing how the shapers of public opinion are constructing their narratives.

It is interesting to see how Team Youngkin attempts to frame the narrative. You can see it in the full title of the document: “Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools.”

“All children in Virginia deserve to have a parent engaged in their life and to be treated with dignity and respect,” Youngkin said in a statement Tuesday. “The VDOE updated model policies reaffirm my administration’s continued commitment to ensure that every parent is involved in conversations regarding their child’s education, upbringing, and care.”

Privacy. Dignity. Respect. Parental involvement. Those are all positive things. Good messaging.

Now, look how the Post frames the story. It provides this paragraph of national context:

Youngkin’s policies made Virginia a flash point in a national discussion — mostly by conservative lawmakers — regarding regulations and restrictions around the treatment of trans youths in schools. And it matched a trend of increased legislation and targeting of trans youths. A Washington Post analysis found that in 2022, more legislation had been filed to restrict the lives of trans people than at any other point in the nation’s history.

See there? The controversy is mainly the making of conservative lawmakers. Conservatives are the ones introducing legislation “targeting” trans youth. Indeed, more legislation had been filed to “restrict the lives of trans people” than at any other point in the nation’s history.

One would imagine from this casting of events that transgender students had been imbued with unalienable rights for centuries and only now in the 2020s, gripped by the fever of the culture wars, conservatives are seeking to roll back those rights. One would never suspect that transgender rights in public schools were not even a dot on the radar screen at the turn of the century, that they surfaced as an issue for a tiny number of students identifying as transgender less than a decade ago, nor that existing transgender guidelines, like those written for Virginia during the Northam administration, occurred in an opaque administrative process with almost zero input from parents or legislators.

Given the fact that the transgender issue has materialized almost overnight, one might just as easily report, should one trouble himself to do the research, that more legislation has been filed to restrict the rights of parents on transgender issues than at “any other point of the nation’s history.”

Which brings me to the second observation. The Post cites research that “suggests” that 4,000 of the state’s 1.2 million school children are transgender. It may be true that 4,000 children have identified as transgender, but that’s a very different thing from saying that they actually are.

Transgenderism is a very real phenomenon. A few children identify as members of the opposite sex from a very early age and never veer from that assessment throughout their lives. The cause likely arises from an abnormality in fetal development. No caring person wants to see these individuals bullied or mistreated, and it is appropriate for schools to implement policies that deal with the issues that arise from their condition.

But that tiny handful of children is not driving the transgender debate today. Now we’re talking about 4,000 supposedly transgender children in Virginia alone — children whom many are urging to undergo endocrine and surgical treatment. Folks, the surging numbers indicate that this is a social-contagion phenomenon, in which troubled children undergoing adolescence seek explanations for their confusion, anxiety and depression and receive positive feedback from a progressive educational and medical establishment.

One can argue endlessly the rightness or wrongness of “affirmative” treatments for adolescents that could disfigure them permanently if, as many do, they conclude later in life that they are not transgender after all.

One can safely say without qualification, however, that the efficacy of the treatment is controversial and contentious. The question, then, becomes who should make life-altering decisions for their children — schools or parents? I’m betting that most people, especially those with offspring, will side with the parents.

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94 responses to “Youngkin Upholds Parents Rights in Transgender Debate”

  1. Teddy007 Avatar

    I saw a Youngkin interview from the press conference. His word salad was designed to be misunderstood and to not inform anyone. Of course, the media did not ask any question to clarify what Youngkin was saying. Additionally, no one ever asks Youngkin to square how his own children were taught compared to how public school students in Virginia are taught.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Rather the point isn’t it? Youngkin made choices for his own children just like the rest of us should make choices for ours.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A statement comprised of nothing but buzzwords rarely makes any sense.

      Then again, his public statements cannot be trusted at all.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Then again, his public statements cannot be trusted at all.

        Need I remind you that he is a politician?


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Eggzachery! So nobody can.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Let’s use your frame of reference: Privacy. Dignity. Respect. It would seem to me that respecting a child’s dignity and privacy would entail using the name and pronouns preferred by the child.

    1. Nathan Avatar

      Are student grades “private,” or do parents have a right to this information?

      Frame it however you wish, the fact is that gender dysphoria is a disorder. My wife and many other relatives work in K-12 serving students with a variety of disorders. Parents have every right, legal and otherwise, to be informed and make decisions on behalf of their children. Why should gender dysphoria be treated differently?

      The transgender movement does a genuine disservice to transgender individuals and society as a whole when they insist that all legal, medical and social norms must be abandoned to serve their cause.

      Every knee must bend, or be crushed by the transgender movement. Their perceived needs outweigh any and all needs of society.

      Here’s an example:

      Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.

      Service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards. This waiver often becomes a de facto permanent situation, and the transgender identifying service member just has to renew the exemption request every six months.

      Service members who identify as transgender will be considered “non-deployable” for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their “transition” period. Again, given that these hormones are often required for life, this may render the transgender identifying service member as permanently unable to deploy.

      1. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Only until the child is 18. Public school students are, often, over 18.

        1. WayneS Avatar


          Of course, the overwhelming majority of public K-12 students are younger than 18, so policies should generally be geared towards them.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Children ain’t people. Zygotes are.

    3. Craig DiSesa Avatar
      Craig DiSesa

      Actually, referring to their preferred pronouns opposite their biological sex is lying to them, thus showing them disrespect. Telling children the truth is showing them respect.

    4. Lefty665 Avatar

      Explained to my son when he was about 7 that no matter how much he liked the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that we would not address him as Tyrannosaurus Rex. At 43 he seems to have adjusted and survived the indignity and disrespect.

  3. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Next up… when your child identifies as a cat. How far do we take this?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      To the medical professionals that can help. Exactly the same. Apparently, the parents failed.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Furries have rights too you know:)

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      To the medical professionals that can help. Exactly the same. Apparently, the parents failed.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Right. We employ medical professionals to help the child understand that he is not a cat.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Or the parent acts like a parent, corrects the child (spanking when necessary) and goes after any adults screwing with his child…
          Unfortunately, it is being pushed by the “education” profesionals.
          Public school is a crime (and expensive public schools are only marginally better b/c they are pushing the same waste matter)
          Home school. Church cooperative pods. True school choice of money follows the kid.
          Oh, and no unions for public employees…even FDR thought that was crazy.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            I think you may have missed the point of my analogy.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No I didn’t. I was continuing the concept. Actual conversation gets lost in blog comments sometimes.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Define male and female, James. XX and XY? Parts? Go ahead. Pick something. It’s not 100% no matter what you pick.

    1. Nathan Avatar

      Almost nothing is 100%, with zero outliers. Does that make all biological tests invalid?

      So according to you, doctors should ignore tests which have proven to be accurate, and instead just ask patients what they think their condition is?

      Doctor in Nancy Naive’s ideal world:
      “I would normally take a biopsy, but those aren’t 100%, so do you think you have cancer or not? If you say, we can start chemotherapy today.”

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Yes it is.
      billions, trillions of cells. Only people confused are the so-called smart ones.
      Immediately upon conception the “clump of cells” (being intentionally nice to the scientific baby-killer types here) starts dividing into male and female, over and over. Not a mistake. Any mistake is listening to the “smart” people who are smartly busy destroying society…not sure why, but certainly for no good or selfless reasons

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, so-called smart ones, like doctors and scientists.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Get them to come out and say it. Let’s have them self-identify as idiots so we can get them fired for being political hacks, and not scientists.
          All for it. “Gender affirming care” – what BS. Always has to hide behind meaningless word salads of obfuscation.
          This only became a “problem” with indoctrination as education, and Christians being silent for 60 years, thinking toleration would work. They were wrong. Marxists aren’t tolerant. They are horrible, evil people who wish to make everyone as unhappy as they are.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          Yes. The same smart doctors and scientists who awarded António Egas Moniz the Nobel Prize for introducing the frontal lobotomy.

          Smart people make mistakes. And their mistakes tend to be bigger, and have more far reaching negative effects than the mistakes of us regular old stupid people.

  5. Nathan Avatar

    What Is Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria?

    From Phycology Today:

    Two lines of evidence support the “social contagion” hypothesis. The first comes from reports of parents whose children transitioned as teens. While many parents support their children’s desire to transition, others are hesitant to do so. It could be that these parents are transphobic, but research shows this may not be the case. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria often occurs in adolescents growing up in well-educated, reasonably affluent families with fairly liberal social values. These parents aren’t anti-trans. It’s just that they don’t think gender dysphoria is the right diagnosis for their child.

    According to parental reports, these teens were already experiencing mental health issues, and it wasn’t until after they started interacting with trans groups on social media that they began to attribute their psychological problems to gender dysphoria. Furthermore, their online friends convinced them that the only way to overcome their feelings of depression and anxiety was to transition.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I think the fact that the issues of ‘social-contagion’ and ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’ are being considered, and even openly discussed, by the psychology industry is encouraging.

      1. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        It is but it doesn’t affect all socioeconomic and ethnic groups equally and is too *new* to legislate.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Right. So for now, I think we should be treating children who think they are gender dysphoric with the utmost caution. And to me, that means not drugging them or advocating slicing up the sex organs of 14 year old kids. Not that you are advocating such things, but many are.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Parents, eh? Uh huh. Mom dressing him as a girl didn’t mess him up at all…

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      When you post your —— deflections, could you at least let those of us who live in normal world who that was?
      Or is your —— point parents aren’t perfect? Wow. Genius. But they would nearly 100% of the time be better than “help” from crazed, indoctrinated Leftists who think boys can become girls and vice versa.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Men lactate. Whoa! What?!

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Here’s the CDC guidance on “chest feeding”. Guess it depends on how “man” is defined.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Funny, I would have guessed that was a novel theory about how the universe was formed, and perhaps a commentary on god’s digestive tract.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s what happens when parents foist too much religion on their children.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Goodbye big bang theory, hello big splurt theory.

      2. Walter, please refrain from using the word “stupid” (or synonyms) to characterize other participants in the blog, or your comments will be deleted. That is not the kind of civil dialogue we want for this blog.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wait! What if I want him to call me stupid? From him, it’s my preferred adjective.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            I’m pretty sure it can also be used as a preferred pronoun. As in: Hey, stupid, do want to go to the library?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You’re correct, but bad example. You know the answer.

          3. WayneS Avatar

            I was trying to tie it back to my “read a book now and then” comment. A bit subtle, though, I will admit.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            But is it how you identify? That’s the important question.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            To him? Yeah, that’s okay. It’s a source thing.

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Sorry. He got my 15% Irish up.

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Warning to preferred commenters vs. actions against non-preferred commenters… smh…

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            While the commenting policies have never been written down (to the best of my knowledge), here are the rules as I believe them to exist:

            1. No direct insults of commenters.
            2. Criticisms of commenters ideas are fine but should focus on the idea and describe the issue with the idea. For example, saying, “DJRippert’s argument is stupid” (while perhaps valid, lol) does not insult me but also does not address my actual argument.
            3. Generalized insults toward public figures are usually ok. Calling Youngkin a “political lightweight” is acceptable although that comment doesn’t address any particular policy of Youngkin. Calling Youngkin a “mealy mouthed imbecile” is not ok because there is no underlying basis for declaring Youngkin dumb.
            4. Generalized insults towards groups of people are ok, as well. For example, “the insipid simps in the mainstream media”, or … my favorite, “The Imperial Clown Show in Richmond” are acceptable.

            Those are my guesses as to the details of the policy.

            If they are wrong, I am happy to hear the actual rules.

            And, please remember … neither Jim Bacon nor Carol Bova get paid to run this blog or enforce the rules. Although …. with the number of ads on this blog lately … if one of you Richmonders see Bacon in a new Mercedes – snap a pic and post it!

          2. CJBova Avatar

            See Comments at the top of the page.

          3. WayneS Avatar

            Warning to preferred commenters vs. actions against non-preferred commenters…

            I think you have a legitimate point, from a straight-up fairness standpoint. It’s a privately run blog, though, so….

            Of course, I can’t tell whether I’m a preferred commenter or a non-preferred commenter, so what do I know?


        4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Warning to preferred commenters vs. actions against non-preferred commenters… smh…

      3. Lefty665 Avatar


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Now you see, by telling him, Walt has learned nothing about image searches or deciphering urls.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Not much of the url shows up on BR. Had to click on it for a new tab with the picture to show the whole thing.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            See? You learned something.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Hey, you made me curious. That’ll catch me every time. Tku. Hope I occasionally return the favor.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            FYI. I knew who it was without looking it up. Surprising, I suppose, since I was educated at one of Virginia’s “2nd tier” public universities (at least that is how I have seen it described on this blog) – and as an engineer, not a literature or English major.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            You’re a step up on me. My mental image of him is with a beard. I didn’t come close to twigging to who it was without looking, just knew he looked vaguely familiar, a little Walt Disneyish with the mustache.

            I must have been at a 3rd tier school, and in the B school to boot. We may have been even less literate than the engineers.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Didn’t mess him up at all until he committed suicide.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ask that of the women in his life.

        Somebody tell Walt how to figure out who that is, please.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          I don’t know, read a book now and then?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Well … actually … the shotgun blast only finished what the gin had started ….

        “As British journalist John Walsh documents in an article on Hemingway’s suicide:

        Ernest went to a doctor in 1937, complaining of stomach pains; liver damage was diagnosed and he was told to give up alcohol. He refused. Seven years later, in 1944, when Martha Gellhorn visited him in hospital, she found empty liquor bottles under his bed. In 1957, his doctor friend AJ Monnier wrote urgently, “My dear Ernie, you must stop drinking alcohol. This is definitely of the utmost importance.” But even then, he couldn’t stop.”

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          20 years! Bad diagnosis.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And, can be ignored.

    Gonna sue Busch Gardens next, Ronnie Lite?

  8. Nathan Avatar

    “Folks, the surging numbers indicates that this is a social-contagion phenomenon, in which troubled children undergoing adolescence seek explanations for their confusion, anxiety and depression and receive positive feedback from a progressive educational and medical establishment.”

    Every thinking person should be alarmed at the explosion of youth reporting gender issues.

    There are many contributing factors. Adolescence has been a difficult transition for many generations. What’s new is the impact of social media. Not only are youth presented with encouragement to question their gender, they are also showered with the attention and affirmation they crave if they will identify as transgender.

    It’s called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

    Once started, it’s difficult to impossible for troubled youth to get off the conveyer belt leading to life altering drugs and ultimately surgery. Everyone finds it difficult to admit error, but for a transitioning youth it is especially hard. The very community that has showered them with affection and support, will turn of them with hatred and venom if they try to change their mind.

    Some will say that there is a scientific basis for the trans movement. Hogwash! There’s currently no test for gender dysphoria that can reliably discern those who genuinely would be happier long-term living as a different gender from those caught up in the emotion and hysteria.

    Until such a test exists, extreme caution is warranted.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Do a web search for “Milo Detransition” if you want to read a very sad story about what happens when parents, teachers and doctors rush in to “affirm” a young child’s “identity” as soon as that child announces she may be gender dysphoric. It’s not just a one-off incident either. There are numerous other individuals with similar experiences.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        De-transitioning is a growing issue, but largely without the media fanfare that accompanies prominent transitions.

        How can anyone say that they are looking out for the best interest of those with gender dysphoria, if they aren’t warning about the very real danger of getting it wrong?

        I recently had back surgery. But before I was scheduled for surgery, I had to document that I had tried everything else without success. I also had an MRI showing conclusively the need.

        But in spite all all that, I still had to get my primary care physician to approve. That entailed getting warned about every possible negative outcome.

        So why, when it comes to gender dysphoria, are those who point out the dangers considered “haters”?

        I do not hate anyone with gender dysphoria. I just think transitioning is a HUGE decision that should be taken only after much consideration, and with full knowledge of what can go wrong.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          I do not hate anyone with gender dysphoria. I just think transitioning is a HUGE decision that should be taken only after much consideration, and with full knowledge of what can go wrong.

          …and only by adults.

          1. Nathan Avatar

            “…and only by adults.”


            And I would define adult as someone who can vote and carry a concealed weapon.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Considering they just moved the age at which you can purchase tobacco products, perhaps the new age of majority should be 21.

            If the contention is that children aren’t developed enough until 21 to make those decisions, I think that should hold true for all others.

        2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

          I recently went to see a doctor about what I thought was persistent fungus on one toe. The doctor asked me many questions and examined my feet carefully. He said it could be toe fungus but it could be other things as well. Funny how getting older affects that.

          He offered a treatment but also advised of some significant downsides. After asking questions we agreed to stick with applications of Vicks VapoRub to the toe.

          What would he have done had the patient been a teenager? I would think he’d have the same conversation with patient and parent.

          The European medical communities have made a big change and are very reluctant even to engage in hormonal therapy for minors. Shouldn’t a teen girl be counseled that there is a good chance that, if she has hormonal therapy and later changes her mind, she may be sterile.

          If an adult wants these treatments, so be it.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            I got the same suggestion from an otherwise respectable doc on Vic’s for toenail fungus. Didn’t do squat for me, and actual medication has downsides, not common, but real.

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “I recently had back surgery. But before I was scheduled for surgery, I had to document that I had tried everything else without success. I also had an MRI showing conclusively the need.”

          Insurance requirement?

          “So why, when it comes to gender dysphoria, are those who point out the dangers considered “haters”?”

          Because you are not their doctor. Also, don’t you believe their doctors are discussing any potential negative implications with them before going forward?

    2. WayneS Avatar

      I think there is a strong chance that one day in the future the current rush to ‘affirm’ and ‘transition’ gender dysphoric children will be viewed the same way we currently view lobotomy as a treatment for mental disease.

      The frontal lobotomy procedure won the 1949 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. It was all the rage from the late 1940s until the mid-1950s, with some procedures being performed as late as the 1980s.

      The doctors said it could cure all kinds of psychological issues. It was used to “cure” schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The doctors knew best, and you had to be ‘crazy’ to question the efficacy of the procedure.

      Today, we know that lobotomy is not a psychological cure-all and we recognize it as barbaric and inhumane.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Yet it lingers as a job requirement for many of our politicians. Go figure.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    What if they discovered a surgical fix for homosexuality? I dunno, suppose one pound of surgically implanted bacon caused gay boys to become straight men, could the kid seek therapy on his own then?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      It would depend on how “crispy” it made him?

      If it was Canadian bacon would it give him the urge to head north? Currently that would give him the opportunity to get wood smoked too.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        …and wear a toque, and say “eh?” a lot?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I’m sure if it was Canadian bacon on top of Poutine, he’d be drawn to a specific region.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      Surgically implanting it, no. Parental involvement is needed if the person is under 18.

      Eating it, yes.

      Of course, he and his parents also have the option of not seeking the surgical ‘solution’.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    This goes into effect today. Happy Model Policies Day. In about 4 weeks we should hear the first rumblings from the schools.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yep, but what weight does it carry?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        What weight did Ralph Northam’s Model Policies carry? All in the eye of the beholder. I expect places like Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William to ignore the policy and proceed with local direction.

      2. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Very little. It’s advisory. Where it will matter most is in the swingy areas where voters/parents are most likely to be swayed by right wing media consumption (read: Chesapeake). One of the district’s high schools didn’t crown a prom king/queen last year. Heaven forbid. That’s likely to change so bigots can feel more comfy. Never mind that it was a student-generated/supported/advanced change. Those who sat through Hickory’s interminable parade/display were grateful for the youth leadership.

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “One would imagine from this casting of events that transgender students had been imbued with unalienable rights for centuries…”

    Given that transgender students are also human, they have…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Aye, that’s the rub. To them, they’re the other. They’re not human.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Aye, that’s the rub. To them, they’re the other. They’re not human.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      Children have always had reduced rights. From voting to drinking to driving to getting tattoos.


      Because they are immature, their brains are not fully formed and they are very impressionable.

      The “woke revolution” went too far when it came after the kids.

      Youngkin essentially won the governorship with “parents’ rights” and the GOP may be on the way to winning the remainder of the state government with the same platform.

  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The question, then, becomes who should make life-altering decisions for their children — schools or parents?”

    Don’t think any schools are making “life-altering decisions” for children. Another straw man slayed…

  13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “A few children identify as members of the opposite sex from a very early age and never veer from that assessment throughout their lives. The cause likely arises from an abnormality in fetal development.”

    Remember when we treated homosexuality as a treatable (often forced) mental illness? Good times…

  14. DJRippert Avatar

    Youngkin may firmly believe in the rights of parents but he is also being politically smart in this Virginia election year.

    The “woke revolution” caused by Covid and the murder of George Floyd has crested. Like most social revolutions, it went too far and is visibly receding.

    Youngkin’s policies will be endorsed by about 65 – 70% of Virginia’s voting electorate.

    In a toss-up state, every swing voter counts.

    Youngkin won more than he lost with these policies.

  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I see nothing in these guidelines that state that parents must be informed if a child identifies as a transexual at school or asks for their sexual identity to remain private (including from parents). So that is interesting… and positive. Apparently they are providing room to leave it up to the discretion of the principal or administration.

  16. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Whatever the correct answers are, it can be difficult issue for families. All have to agree on approach which is no guarantee. Sort of like when Trump became a marital issue.

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