Youngkin Orders Flags at Half-Mast to Honor the Dead in Israel

by The Republican Standard

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an order Sunday to fly flags around the state at half-staff.

This was the statement issued by his office:

“In accordance with the authority vested in me as Governor, I hereby order that the flags of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia be flown at half-staff on all state and local buildings and grounds to honor the lives lost in the horrific terror attack committed against Israel and to hold those injured and held hostage in our thoughts.

I hereby order that the flags shall be lowered immediately on Sunday, October 8, 2023, and remain at half-staff until sunset on Saturday, October 14, 2023.”

Iranian-funded Hamas terrorists attacked Israeli citizens on Saturday morning, a day that totaled the single largest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. The attacks were also carried out on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.

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44 responses to “Youngkin Orders Flags at Half-Mast to Honor the Dead in Israel”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    If this report is to be believed, several Black Lives Matter chapters around the US are celebrating the Hamas atrocities.

    Good to see the comments from Amar’e Stoudemire though.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      This has been corroborated by several other sources. Disgusting.

    2. I would expect that from BLM.

      But I would thought better of Harvard.

      Harvard is a national disgrace

      Reading the “Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine”, I can only hope that many Harvard faculty are appalled at the little monsters they’ve helped to create.

      The statement, signed by 31 student organizations from Harvard College, the Divinity School, the Law School, the Medical School, and the Kennedy School of Government (including, incredibly, a group called “Harvard Jews for Liberation”), “hold[s] the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence”. That would include, as Victor Davis Hanson has written, “pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street” — atrocities last seen during the Holocaust.

      The statement makes no mention of Hamas, the Iranian-funded Islamist terror group that is explicitly dedicated to the obliteration of Israel through Jihad. The Hamas Covenant includes the following language, from the hadith (sayings attributed to Mohammed): “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’”

    3. I would expect that from BLM.

      But I would have thought better of Harvard. I was wrong.

      Harvard is a national disgrace

      Reading the “Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine”, I can only hope that many Harvard faculty are appalled at the little monsters they’ve helped to create.

      The statement, signed by 31 student organizations from Harvard College, the Divinity School, the Law School, the Medical School, and the Kennedy School of Government (including, incredibly, a group called “Harvard Jews for Liberation”), “hold[s] the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence”. That would include, as Victor Davis Hanson has written, “pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street” — atrocities last seen during the Holocaust.

      The statement makes no mention of Hamas, the Iranian-funded Islamist terror group that is explicitly dedicated to the obliteration of Israel through Jihad. The Hamas Covenant includes the following language, from the hadith (sayings attributed to Mohammed): “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’”

  2. We should also fly the flag at half-staff for the U.S. Department of State.

    Top Biden Official Under Criminal Investigation Is Linked To ‘Iranian Spy Ring’ In D.C.: Report

    Robert Malley, President Joe Biden’s now-suspended special envoy to Iran, has reportedly been linked to an “Iranian spy ring” operating to shift U.S. policy to favor the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    The news comes as Iranian-backed terrorists launched an unprecedented wave of attacks against Israel over the weekend, killing hundreds of people and wounding thousands more.

    Tablet Magazine highlighted recent reports from Semafor and Iran International on emails stolen from the Iranian government allegedly outlining the operation.

    Malley — who is currently under criminal investigation by the FBI over his handling of classified material — is accused in the reports of advancing several operatives in the spy ring, including helping an alleged Iranian asset named Ariane Tabatabai infiltrate her way into “some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government,” including at the State Department and Pentagon.

    1. Yes. Interestingly, while he is “on leave” from the State Department, Mr. Malley will be getting paid by Princeton University for his services as a “Visiting Professor and Visiting Lecturer” in their School of Public and International Affairs.

      I suppose if worse comes to worst for him he can always lecture remotely from prison.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Malley had his security clearance suspended and was placed on leave because of an investigation into whether he mishandled classified information”

        Imagine that! A public official under investigation for mishandling classified information getting paid for speaking engagements…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          shades of Sandy Berger!

          1. Oh yeah, which ivy league university hired him as a visiting professor?

            Also, Berger was never investigated for associating with a foreign spy ring.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            no .. doing irresponsible things with classified docs…

            ” Both the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of espionage in the White House in modern history.

            Officials tell ABC News the alleged spy worked undetected at the White House for almost three years. Leandro Aragoncillo, 46, was a U.S. Marine most recently assigned to the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney.

            “I don’t know of a case where the vetting broke down before and resulted in a spy being in the White House,” said Richard Clarke, a former White House advisor who is now an ABC News consultant.

            Federal investigators say Aragoncillo, a naturalized citizen from the Philippines, used his top secret clearance to steal classified intelligence documents from White House computers.”

          3. I know what you are misleadingly trying to imply, but Aragoncillo was first assigned to Al Gore’s staff, so his “vetting” occurred during the Clinton administration.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            just pointing out that it happens… and it’s not specific to Dems or GOP – which is what is really misleading…

        2. Visiting professor/visiting lecturer is a step beyond “getting paid for speaking engagements…”

      2. Sure. Mr. Malley will probably be very popular with our intelectual elite.

        Biden likes to think of himself as the next FDR. Perhaps he is. Remember Alger Hiss?

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    I also see where some group at UVa is siding with Hamas. Pretty sad.

    I will give Biden credit here – he has said the right things and seems resolute in standing with Israel. Good for him.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” I will give Biden credit here” GOOD LORD!

      good for you!

      yes… there are groups out there that feel that as a people they have been oppressed and feel that atrocities have been done to their people and so they support it.

      It’s terrible and wrong thinking but to not recognize that this kind of thing is not unique and, in fact, fairly common in history is basically ignoring history ….

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Violence begets violence begets violence… that is all there is to it… nothing else.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Then, after we flattened Fallujah, possibly using weapons of questionable legality, we come to find other “contractors” (mercenaries by other words) were riding around in their black up-armored Suburbans, doing donuts, and killing civilians.


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          can’t be.. we don’t do stuff like that, right?

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      I don’t stand with Israel. What they did to Gaza in response was unconscionable. There are large sections of parking lot there now.

      I don’t condone celebrating the massacre of civilians by the hands of Hamas, but let’s not pretend that the state of Israel is innocent.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Raping women? Deliberately killing babies?

        Hamas are sick animals and sometimes the only thing to do to a sick animal is to kill it.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          So you are all for “killing” Russia then?

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Your buddy Joe Biden sent $130B to Ukraine to kill Russians.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The Russians are also “ sick animals”… so are you then saying you support Biden’s initiatives? Notice the question mark.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            then there is Trump’s Russia “initiatives” to consider also…….. especially those that vote for him!

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          You realize Israel is mostly responsible for bootstrapping Hamas right?

          Not to mention the Israeli government literally keeps these people locked up in their own “country”.

          I’m not excusing attacks Hamas perpetrated on civilians, but it’s almost as if Israel wants perpetual conflict based on their official words and actions.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        wow! This is coming from a solid conservative! I agree! This approach is going to CREATE MORE terrorists.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          How many significant terrorist attacks have here been in the US since 9-11?

          Terrorists are cowards.

          Once Al-Queda and ISIS had to confront armed men with guns instead of unarmed civilians, they folded like tents.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Not including right wing Conservative Americans?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            When you kill civilians in the process of killing the terrorists, what happens?

            How many terrorists attacks have there been in the WORLD since 9-11?

            Have we really “eradicated” most terrorist groups? you can kill some of
            them and even their leader, but do they actually go away ?

            Need to think longer term here. What happens after we “kill the SOBS”?

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            How active is the Nazi threat in Germany these days?

            Lots of German civilians were killed in WWII, many intentionally. See: the firebombing of Dresden.

            The German Nazis didn’t become terrorists, they gave up.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar


          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Both are still around as well as other variants.

            The thing the US did was to NOT kill a bunch of innocent civilians to get to the Al-Queda and ISIS leadership.

            It took time and patience to get them instead launching attacks to kill everyone no matter whether they were terrorists or civilians.

            Don’t be dumb.

          6. killerhertz Avatar

            Who said we were excusing the murder of civilians by Hamas? I suppose you adhere to the ol’ eye for an eye maxim?

            Life has been far worse wrt freedom, liberty, and prosperity post 9/11, so I don’t get your argument there. Our government likely killed many more with draconian lockdowns and forced vax mandates than the hajis did.

            It’s awfully convenient that the most secure WALLED border was violated willy nilly by guys in pickup trucks and paragliders. AND the IDF somehow failed to react promptly to save anyone.

            Your comments smell of the same jingoistic rhetoric that was espoused after 9/11. Apparently the Israeli MSM is sending the same message over there to harden the populace and dehumanize the Palestinians for some sort of major action. Is it beyond bombing Gaza or something greater – I guess we will find out!

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            chicken hawks and wannabes?

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          It doesn’t take a big brain to understand this one.

          Most people are midwits and don’t understand the history or willfully choose to ignore it. Like the fact that Israel is responsible for the power that Hamas now has by funding it as a hedge against the PLO in the 70s and 80s.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not unique to Israel at all.. we have a long history of this in the world and the US. What we DO
            have is short memories and ignorance of ample history IMO.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Nothing excuses butchering unarmed civilians, raping women and murdering babies.

            We’ll see how brave the Hamas terrorists are when they come face-to-face with the Israeli Army.

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “I don’t stand with Israel. What they did to Gaza in response was unconscionable. There are large sections of parking lot there now.”

        You know what’s a real good way to not get people to turn to your side? Murdering those whom oppose their own Government in the name of jihad. That’s exactly what Hamas did when they when on their killing spree at a peace concert to the tune of 260 ppl.

      4. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The most valuable asset in politics is knowing who hates who and by how much.

        And me? I don’t like anybody very much.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          is that a quote or what?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sort of, and by one of the slimiest of them all. The “how much” is mine.

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          This is one thing we can agree with. “People are trash” – a wise racoon

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