Youngkin Gets Romneyfied

Glenn A. Youngkin

by James A. Bacon

The Associated Press has just published a story highlighting the plight of newly retired Judy Pavlick in a mobile home park in Sunnyvale, California. When the park was acquired in 2015 by the Carlyle Group, a Washington, D.C.-based investment firm, “things began to change.” Pavlick’s rent surged 7%. Additional fees followed. The higher costs forced her and her neighbors, “many on fixed incomes and unable to relocate” to “sometimes choose between food and medicine.”

Here’s the kicker:

The deal, one of hundreds Carlyle executed in recent years, could become a political liability for the company’s former co-CEO, Glenn Youngkin, who is now running as the Republican candidate for governor in Virginia and highlighting his experience “building businesses and creating jobs.”

I knew this was coming. It was inevitable. We saw this attack before — in 2012 when Mitt Romney ran for president against Barack Obama. The Obama campaign highlighted Romney’s track record as CEO of Bain Capital, which financed the acquisition and turnaround of dozens of companies, often restructuring businesses and laying off workers in the process.

Youngkin is being Romneyfied. The AP article was just the opening salvo.

While McAuliffe’s ties to big donors and lobbyists are well established, writes the AP, Youngkin has only begun to confront “difficult questions” about his business background.

“Glenn Youngkin’s record is clear: shipping American jobs overseas and harming seniors and homeowners, all for his own profit,” said Christina Freundlich, spokesperson for the Terry McAuliffe campaign. “Virginians deserve better than an extreme, Trump-endorsed job killer with a track record of always putting his own wealth first.”

The AP article does quote Youngkin campaign spokesman Macaulay Porter as touting the Carlyle Group’s business success: creating tens of thousands of jobs, employing nearly 2,000, and funding the retirement pensions of police officers, firefighters, and teachers. The article also notes that McAuliffe invested at least $690,000 in Carlyle funds between 2007 and 2016.

But the bulk of the article details negative aspects of the Carlyle Group’s social and economic impact.

Carlyle made investments in companies that, under Youngkin’s leadership, moved at least 1,300 American jobs to Korea and Mexico. After they were restructured, all three companies were sold for hundreds of millions of dollars more than they were acquired for. Carlyle also invested in a company that manufactured “less lethal” munitions such as tear gas and super-sock bean bags that were used to quell demonstrations in developing countries.

I conjecture that the article, which makes no effort to document jobs created, companies salvaged, products and services launched, or retirement funds bolstered, recycled opposition-research work product from the McAuliffe campaign. At least the AP reporters were honest enough to document McAuliffe’s own indirect entanglements with Carlyle.

I’m confident that we haven’t heard the last of the Carlyle Group. Portraying Romney as an uncaring CEO who got rich from laying people off worked for Obama eight years ago. The strategem could well work for McAuliffe in 2021.

As for AP’s assertion that McAuliffe’s “ties to big donors and lobbyists are well established”… are they? Virginians know the story of the Greentech electric vehicle fiasco from McAuliffe’s last political campaign. But what has the Macker been doing for the past four years? Maybe Youngkin’s oppo research team will find out.

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58 responses to “Youngkin Gets Romneyfied”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wasn’t he like a co-CEO or something?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, starting in 2018 until he left the firm.

      1. Didn’t McAweful profit from this event?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          McAuliffe was a significant investor in Carlyle. Like the monkey with its hands over its eyes McAuliffe must not have known that Carlyle was a private equity company.

      2. Didn’t McAweful profit from this event? Records reveal that he held hundreds of thousands of dollars in investments in Carlyle at this time.

  2. tmtfairfax Avatar

    This is from the same scum-%^&* media types who missed Northam’s blackface conduct in two successive election cycles. Hopefully, more and more journalists are loosing jobs.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Liberals , probably most NoVa don’t care about the blackface thing. It’s a Conservative thing.

      Besides that, what kind of strategy for Governor , do you run against the outgoing govt?

      Youngkin is a hansome guy but the mudslinging has just begun!

      What Conservatives should pay attention to is not the things that Conservatives are all atwitter over, but what can move votes from Dems and Independents to Youngkin.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        In NoVa, two words: school choice. McAuliffe’s grand strategy is to buy teachers’ votes with a promise of increased pay. Most of the teachers were going to vote for McAuliffe regardless. The parents – that’s another matter. The parents in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties have now seen the public school education system (including a majority of the teachers) as disinterested in real progress and generally out of control. Keeping the public schools almost entirely closed to in-school learning for the entire 2020 – 2021 year was a very stupid move. The many other school districts that opened without significant incident proved that Fairfax and Loudon had their heads up their butts.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Please explain what you mean by “school choice”.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I have to run but let’s start with a much more liberal ability to start charter schools.

          2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I could go along with that.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Everytime I hear this, I think back to Sherlocks mother lode of data that he (and Bacon. Cranky, and others) get hold of and use to focus on the performance of public schools.

            And then they USE that data to advocate for “choice” schools but nary a word about requiring the same data to be collected so we can judge those schools performance.

            If these guys would just say “School Choice with the same transparency and accountability as our public schools” , I’d be on board.

            So that’s when you know it’s a really bogus idea.

          4. This is an example of why you can never believe what LarrytheG says when he purports to express the views of others.

            I have always approved of the idea of holding private schools accountable, if they receive public funds under a school-choice scenario, by requiring students to take the SOL exams. If public funds are being provided, then it’s perfectly reasonable to hold private schools to the same standards as public schools for tracking student progress. I’d go further and say that the state should be empowered under a school-choice scenario to block public funding for private schools that failed to meet accreditation standards.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            How about providing a link or two to where you have said that?

            I don’t recall seeing it in many/most of the posts you’ve done, Cranky, Sherlock, etc… but perhaps I’ve missed them.

            If true, we totally agree, so what’s the argument? 😉

            I think such a proposal from Youngkin WOULD fly in NoVa and other.

        2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          McAuliffe also wants to increase women’s pay.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think you’re talking about “conservatives”, not most NoVa folks who know what a good deal public school is in Fairfax.

          Ya’ll have this problem – you can’t see the reality.. wishful thinking out the wazoo, oh, an yes… pointing that out is trolling. 😉

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            As possibly the only graduate of Fairfax County public schools active on this blog … they once were a good deal. No more. Schools closed to in-person learning under the sham science of runaway infections are not a good deal. Schools that prohibit fast tracking of math classes for talented math learners until 11th grade are not a good deal. Schools attempting to indoctrinate students with Critical Race Theory racism are not a good deal. Schools that dumb down programs for the best and brightest because they contain “too many Asians” are not a good deal.

            Fairfax County public schools have been in decline for years. McLean High School is one example. In 2016 it was rated the 108th best high school in America. In 2020 it had dropped to #236.

            Voters in Fairfax County and Loudoun County and Fairfax County are parents before they are Republicans or Democrats.

            Northam, et al have really wet the bed with the actions around public schools in NoVa. We’ll see if Younkin can capitalize on the Democrats’ incompetence.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Why do I think you do NOT represent the views of NoVa voters? 😉 You’re using the standard Conservative talking points, no?

            Will NoVa voters vote GOP over the pandemic’s effect on public schools?

            NoVa is one of the most diverse demographic places in the US. They did not the pandemic effect on public schools but I think they’re going to go back to public schools and not vote for GOP talking points.

            If that’s what Youngkins msg is going to be, he’s gonna lose big time.

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            When I hear “school choice” and “providing public money for private schools,” I assume that folks are talking about vouchers.

            Here is why I am opposed to vouchers. It sounds good, but in practice they don’t work as they should. Let’s assume there is a private school with tuition of say $30,000 per year. (That is probably low for some NoVa private schools.) Everyone gets a voucher equal to what the public schools spend per pupil. Let’s say it is $12,000. That would drop the net cost of the private school to $18,000. Low income parents can’t afford $18,000 per year for school and neither can low middle income. If there are two or three children, then it would be $36,000 or $54,000 per year. So, the low and low-middle income kids still go to public school and the parents of rich kids, who would have gone to the private school anyway, get a subsidy.

            A version of school choice I could support would be allowing kids in Richmond attend schools in Henrico or Chesterfield counties.

            Public charter schools would be good, too.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I hear “godless public schools”

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: consolidated school systems.

            The “original” idea of “choice” in NCLB law was that a neighborhood school did not perform up to a standard, the child had a right to attend other schools that did.

            I’ve said many times here in response to a plethora of BR articles that typically focus on a public school system and it’s poor results to then advocate for “choice”, and non-public schools but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen in any of those blog posts that similar transparency and accountability to a requirement of “choice” schools, public or private. What is said or implied usually is the premise that private schools are better without really have to demonstrate it.

            Bacon claims he has , I’m not remembering at all that it was.

            Bacon and Cranky (and now Sherlock) have hammered on Richmond schools relentlessly over the years, but again I have never heard them explicitly advocate for private schools with the same transparency and accountability as public schools. as a REQUIREMENT of offering “choice”.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        “Liberals , probably most NoVa don’t care about the blackface thing. ”

        They’d care about it if a photo of a republican governor dressed in black-face came to light.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well, of course. Do you not understand here?


          blackface is classic “gotcha”. Ask for the other things in Northam life that demonstrate he’s a racist? It’s a nothing burger.

          Here’s the deal.

          What are the most important issues to folks in NoVa?

          Does the average Conservative even know?

          Some say CRT and school choice, etc.


          What percentage of NoVa supports Northam – blackface and all?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You got one? Allen maybe, but I never would believe McDonnell.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    What’s that they say about a good “defense”? McAuliffe KNOW the GOP is going to use Greentech against him. How many times have we seen that in BR over time.

    So what should McAuliffe do? Clearly, he should demonize Youngkin as an evil businessman, no?

    Wait til they ask Youngkin about Medicaid and Confederate memorials…


    1. DJRippert Avatar

      You want to know what nobody cares about in NoVa? Confederate statues.

      McAuliffe can try to demonize Younkin as an evil businessman but Terry will have to explain his own significant investment in Younkin’s evil business.

      Meanwhile, Younkin can demonize McAuliffe as a con artist.

      The AP article was pretty sad. “Pavlick’s rent surged 7%.” SURGED 7%? Even by the low standards of Libtwittery that’s pretty ridiculous.

      McAuliffe was found to be lying about Greentech and Virginia back in 2012 and I’ll wager he continues tto make false statements in this election.

      Good that Virginia was on the ball …

      That same day, Lehmkuhler sent an email to Secretary of Commerce and Trade Patrick Gottschalk expressing concern about GreenTech. The “group has no demonstrated ability to run an automotive company,” he wrote.

      Of course they had no demonstrated ability to run an automotive company. That was never the point.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You shouldn’t told that guy that ran against Northam on those statues…eh?

        Ask Youngkin his position on health care.

        Ask what he would do about Dominion.

        Youngkin is for school choice?

        Does he suport Trump?

        Youngkin has the typical problems of Conservatives in a purple/blue state.

        Rather than an optimistic look at the future, it’s the blame game for everything conservatives don’t like. REALLY effective with conservatives, sucks big time for anyone to their left.

        When push comes to shove, he has to please his base not NoVa.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          But Larry, when Youngkin’s dad lost his job….

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah, but….

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I never want to see another Youngkin commercial with nice guy shooting hoops and telling me how great he is going to make Virginia. Glen, please unlace the Chuck Connors sneakers and lace up the boxing gloves. Don’t hesitate to put a roll of quarters in those gloves. You are in the ring now. Punch back, punch hard, and win.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Thank GAWD others are seeing just how PHONY that commercial is… BARF!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Is it me? Or is Youngkin really as goofy-sweet as the guy who builds treehouses on HGTV? ‘Cause if’n he is, even the sad excuse of a Virginia Press Corps will eat his breakfast and steal his lunch money.

      McAuliffe is greasy, but Youngkin may be worse if those ads are phony.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Enemies of the People.

    But it is incumbent on the Youngkin camp to make the positive case for how his career and that firm have created wealth and success, here in Virginia and elsewhere. The one-sided trashing, as you said, was inevitable. The hypocritical attack from failed business hack McAuliffe also predictable.

    The guy can win. He will be sufficiently funded. You can not even imagine how ugly the Left will get for this campaign.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Agreed. Team Youngkin must have known this was coming. The good news is—the MSM’s credibility is in the tank. Youngkin must take advantage of that.

      He can’t expect to get treated fairly, even if he should be treated fairly. He won’t be treated fairly—but he knows that. He has to plan and act accordingly.

    2. dick dyas Avatar
      dick dyas

      I am not worried. Who else is there to vote for?

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    “Virginians know the story of the Greentech electric vehicle fiasco from McAuliffe’s last political campaign.”

    Oh no they don’t.

    Greentech went bankrupt in Feb, 2018. Not only AFTER McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign of 2013 but after he left office.

    Greentech was a classic tale of a crony capitalist using political connections to get investment money from people who wanted US visas for an idiotic idea – starting a new car company on a relative shoestring.

    Informed automotive experts claimed that Greentech had no reasonable chance of success as it was being formed. The only heroes in the Greentech story are the members of the McDonnell Administration who refused to give any of our public money to the bad acid trip called Greentech. No doubt the good people of Mississippi wish they could say the same.

    Did McAuliffe make or lose his own money with Greentech? If he lost a notable amount of his own money I will call him an investor. If he pocketed money I will call him a charlatan.

    It’s up to Terry to come clean.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      This was AFTER he was selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom for the Clintons, right? Look, it is a great rule of thumb with liberals to see what they are screaming loudest about and check their own record. There is this pattern….

      Warren Fiske of PolitiFact, Jim’s and my former colleague, recently dinged McAuliffe for a misleading ad which took some of Youngkin’s comments (about McAuliffe) out of context to make them appear more positive. You KNEW that wouldn’t stand, and apparently the rug has now been pulled out from under Fiske and a retraction issued by his bosses.

      The media’s bias and animus will be on full display from here on out. This is war and they have a side. Do not expect much focus on how deeply McAuliffe himself was invested in Carlyle.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Here is the “retraction”. It is not an actual retraction, but a modification of the former verdict. Whatever it is, the explanations are so confusing that I could not figure out who was saying what.

        By the way, Fiske recently gave McAuliffe a “Pants on Fire” rating.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I heard the McAuliffe camp selectively edited the panel discussion to dishonestly make it sound like Younkin was praising McAuliffe. If so, that’s pretty bad.

  7. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Youngkin in the DMV news today, defining Loudoun as ground zero for CRT, and going to the defense of conservatives there. More or less his first public policy move.

    Romney looks good to me these days, FWIW.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “Romney looks good to me these days, FWIW.”

      Yes. It’s kind of sad, isn’t it?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        compared to the other GOP whose lips are firmly attached to Trumps butt? geeze!

        1. WayneS Avatar

          You appear to have misinterpreted my meaning, which was: It’s sad that pretty much everyone currently representing the GOP is so bad that they make Romney look good.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            In a similar way that Cheney looks “good”? She’s toast in Wyoming, right?

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Will Youngkin present innovative ideas, different approaches that appeal to folks that are not Conservatives?

    Or will he just recast the Culture War hate and discontent?

    If that’s what he’s selling, the blue parts of Virginia won’t buy it no matter how many “hoops” he shoots

    McAuliffe has always struck me as bit of a used car salesman. I’m sure I’m not alone so Youngkin does have opportunity if he can get free from the standard Conservative dog whistles and blame game.

    Whatever he says to Conservatives in RoVa is going to be rebroadcast in NoVa. His words will hang him if he is not careful.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The battleground this year is going to be in places like Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and yes Fairfax. Youngkin doesn’t have to win out right here. Needs enough upset parents and taxpayers who will switch teams in November. Needs to siphon off enough votes to get over the hump. His words might hang on him if not careful. Then again if he plays patsy cake nice guy with Terri the results will be worse. I am not sure this man has the pulse rate of the average conservative Virginian. He better figure it out quick. 10 weeks until early voting commences.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I know you will laugh, but I’m open-minded , I want to hear his ideas. And for me, he can’t be a Trumpster or associated with the hard right. Even though I know if he gets elected, all those hard right will get into the mix.

        I think the election is McAuliffes to lose and Youngkin can do it – he has that potential and if he wins – Virginia goes back to purple or red.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I believe you Mr. Larry. I am curious to see how many people early vote in September. To me the candidate that builds the early lead is in the drivers seat. The game is all different now with new rules. Which candidate is going to capitalize on that?

  9. The Virginia GOP just issued the following statement:

    This morning, The Associated Press revealed that Terry McAuliffe invested in The Carlyle Group both before and after becoming Virginia’s governor in 2014, all while Glenn Youngkin was with the firm.

    Many questions remain unanswered about McAuliffe’s investment in Carlyle.

    Terry McAuliffe should come clean and answer these questions:

    • Are you currently invested in Carlyle?
    • When did you divest from Carlyle, specifically?
    • Was your investment in Carlyle on terms that could be described as a “sweetheart deal” or special treatment?
    • Prior to 2013, The Carlyle Group required a minimum investment of between $5 million and $20 million. The Associated Press reports that you invested “at least $690,000.” How many millions did you initially invest in 2007?
    • When investments fall apart you often describe yourself as a “passive investor” to plead ignorance. Regarding your failed deal with the Chinese firm Lindenburg, would you describe yourself as a passive Governor?
    • Apparently, you trusted Glenn Youngkin and The Carlyle Group enough to invest “at least $690,000.” Why shouldn’t Virginians trust Glenn Youngkin to deliver a good return on investment for them?

    The Lindenburg question was a cheap shot, bearing no relationship to Carlyle, but all the other questions strike me as eminently fair.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      This is the sort of stuff that makes me wonder if either candidate has any idea of what the working class Virginian has to go thru in this world. Neither candidate has had to go to bed worrying about some bills that are never going to get paid.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        In short, stop wondering. The answer is “No.”

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Does the Republican Party actually think that advertising that Youngkin’s firm required a “minimum” investment of $5-20 million is going to help his appeal with the average Virginian voter?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        $5M?? I didn’t realize that the Carlyle Group was for the little people.

  10. CJBova Avatar

    Youngkin upset some Loudoun Dems yesterday before he said anything at a rally.

    Posted 6-30: “During a virtual meeting for Virginia Democrats this morning, Loudoun School Board Vice Chairwoman Atoosa Reaser (Algonkian) called on Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin to tone down his party’s divisive rhetoric about schools ahead of his planned campaign rally this evening at the school division’s administration building. …

    “At an event in Loudoun this evening, Youngkin plans to reveal the first phase of his education plan for the commonwealth. [Democrat Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan] Swecker urged Youngkin to acknowledge the severity of the situation in Loudoun, where KKK fliers were tossed in driveways of some Loudoun homes last week.

    “I think he needs to find a backbone and work to tone down this mob mentality and address the KKK being in Fairfax and Loudoun,” Swecker [Democrat Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker] said.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I believe introductions are in order. Mr. Romney, this is Mr. Youngkin. Mr. Kerry, this is Mr. McAuliffe. Ms. Helmsley, this is Mr. Kozlowski and Mr. Trump.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Do you ever wonder what kind of damage to a generational psyche he may have wrought? What were the undercurrents in those scripts?
        This was my man,

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    The basic premise of this post is funny as heck: ” Youngkin Gets Romneyfied”.

    Yep, sure enough Romney got whacked for his involvement in business by some Dems but now look at him and his standing with his own GOP!

    I don’t think Romney changed much but the GOP has.

    Now look at Youngkin, yep, predictable the Dems try to demonize him – but look at what his own party in Virginia is doing to him – calling him a RINO!

    So if Youngkin actually tries to track more to the middle, his own party will reject him.

    How can ANY moderate GOP get elected these days?

    Haner KNOWS THIS and yet he still wants to blame the Dems! Sad!

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