Young Peoples’ Attitudes About America Show that the Nation is Reaping What the Left has Sown

by James C. Sherlock

Updated Dec 2, 5:34 PM.

Terry McAuliffe:

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Clearly, parents have not done so successfully. The Left has.

For a dramatic lesson in what the young have learned about America at enormous public and private expense, please see the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics Harvard Youth Poll Fall 2021 Top Trends and Takeaways, published yesterday. The poll of more than 2,000 18- to 29-year-olds was taken between October 26 and November 8 of this year.

Some poll results:

A majority (52%) of young Americans believe that our democracy is either “in trouble,” or “failing.”

More than half (51%) of young Americans report having felt down, depressed, and hopeless — and 25% have had thoughts of self-harm — at least several times in the last two weeks.

American Exceptionalism is a highly divisive issue among young Americans; less than one-third believe that “America is the greatest country in the world.”

In a Spring poll taken March 9-22, 2021, young people were much more hopeful. In fact, their rate of loss of hope in the last seven months could reasonably be called a crash.

Harvard has been doing this survey twice a year for 46 years. The results are  not surprising. However, they will serve as a perfect Rorschach test for one’s political beliefs.

The Left will find them encouraging; the rest of us will not.

America is reaping what those who have captured the heights of the culture — the limousine Left, elite education schools, many colleges, the legacy national media, Hollywood, the music industry and the rest of the America-hating progressive cultural juggernaut — have sown for decades.

This coup happened while Americans who made the country work were going about their daily lives.

My parents’ generation won World War Two. My generation brought down the Soviet Union. Fascism and communism were defeated in a span of 50 years. America and the west had won. That was supposed to signal the “end of history.”

Now America and the west suffer assaults from their own cultural elites. The left thinks that fascism and communism had good ideas, but simply executed (excuse the expression) them incorrectly. These elites attacked from within;  America and the west, looking outward, mounted no effective response.

After decades of unyielding efforts to destroy this country, the progressive Left is succeeding all around us. The Biden and Northam administrations are perfect models of dogmatic incompetence — not an ideal combination as it turns out. Race is their get-out-of-any failure card.

Education, the border, Afghanistan, China, crisis response, crime, inflation – take your pick — are rolling disasters for America. The Left has a near perfect record of taking things that have worked in the past and breaking them.

Only when you comprehend that this is their goal can you understand them.

Our public education system in the nation and here in Virginia, under the dominance of the ed-school Left for at least 50 years, has failed to educate the poor and minorities it has claimed to champion.

Even more maddening, it has given up trying. Others — see the most successful charter networks that specialize in educating poor and minority kids — do it successfully. But the Left does not want to do it that way. It’s too traditional and it works. Instead they declare those kids systemically oppressed, uneducable to modern standards, and continue to lower the standards. They deny these kids futures and agency in their own lives; and they wonder why some go astray.

They even have a name for it: school-to-prison pipeline, and the progressive fix is eliminating discipline in schools. That should help.

Parents and the rest of us who care about the future are forced to look outside the ed schools and the school administrators they have trained for solutions. They fiercely attack any such efforts. See Terry McAuliffe’s comment above.

In short, the loss of trust in America and its institutions by today’s youth has been driven by the outsized influence of the Left on those institutions. The young are not stupid. Many have been badly taught, but they clearly also have absorbed what has gone on around them.

Read their attitudes about America that Harvard has captured.

For those on the Left who see in these young peoples’ attitudes a triumph, ask yourselves: what comes next? And please share it with the rest of us if you know.

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59 responses to “Young Peoples’ Attitudes About America Show that the Nation is Reaping What the Left has Sown”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    My general reaction to this post:

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You said it. Andrew Wheeler and James… we’re boned.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    “My generation brought down the Soviet Union. Fascism and communism were defeated in a span of 50 years. America and the west had won. That was supposed to signal the “end of history”.

    Capt. Sherlock, your generation did not bring down the Soviet Union. It brought itself down. Communism did not end. Still going strong in China. Fascism is still going on strong with Putin. I mean, give me a break. I only spent six years in Russia as a U.S. correspondent so I have a minimal idea of what was going on. (Trolls, take me apart).

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Thanks, Peter. I can always learn something. I did not know we did not bring down the Soviet Union. Consider me trained.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I think the phrase is house-broke. And, not well.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I think the phrase is house-broke. And, not well.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hear tell we brought down the USSR by outspending them in the military, causing them to overspend, and by them being dumb enough to fight us by proxy war in some podunk country.


      Pete, around here, WE’RE the trolls.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      To ignore the Arm Race (Leonid Brezhnev) with the United States as being a contributing factor of the collapse is tantamount to revisionist history.

      “(Trolls, take me apart)”

      Trolls post inflammatory and off-topic comments, truths inconvenient to you don’t fall under that blanket.

    4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      His generation also tried to prop up Apartheid but mine interceded…. details…

  3. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    I can’t help but notice the passionate yelping in the comments, James. Reminds me of the old saying: “If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the ones that yelp loudest are the ones your rock hit.” I think you scored a few hits.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      They really love me, Donald.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        We do, James. In the same fashion we love the challenged in other life endeavors.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You would yelp if I posted an article in which I said that those on the right are racists and white supremacists. That would be equivalent to your comment that “the left thinks that fascism and communism had good ideas, but just executed (excuse the expression) them wrong.”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh yep,
      Nice thing about the internet… myth busting.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    What a rambling hodgeopodge of your usual complaints about the “left”.

    What in that Harvard poll has gotten you so convinced that the “left” is winning over the kids and ruining the country? I would argue that the first two attitudes discussed are the results of the attitudes and actions of the right, particularly those linked to Donald Trump:

    1. A majority (52%) of young Americans believe that our democracy is either “in trouble,” or “failing” .

    2. Young Americans place the chances that they will see a second
    civil war in their lifetime at 35%; chances that at least one state secedes at 25%.

    Please provide evidence or the basis for this statement of yours: “The left thinks that fascism and communism had good ideas, but just executed (excuse the expression) them wrong.”

    Finally, you lament that the kids are being taken in by the “left”, but you conclude by saying, “The young are not stupid.” It is hard to reconcile those two attitudes, other than the kids are seeing the light.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And this guy weasseled on the same committee as Andrew Wheeler.

      Who knows, maybe Youngkin will read this screed and seek a resignation… oh wait, no. He’s angling for the chair.

      I’ve tried to tell y’all that he’s been sniffin’ AvGas too long.

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      If we’re playing the “please provide evidence” game, may I play too? Please provide evidence to support the following argument.

      “I would argue that the first two attitudes discussed are the results of the attitudes and actions of the right, particularly those linked to Donald Trump.”

      While you’re at it, could you also explain how Donald Trump was the second gunman on the grassy knoll…

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        DHS is fact free in most of his comments, always requiring evidence from those whom he doesn’t politically align and never questioning those he does.

        In his case, his silence is his approval.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          See above.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So see your additional fact free posting without evidence to anything I stated, try harder next time. Also, instead of lecturing people you should open a book first.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I think the insurrection on Jan. 6 and the maneuvering by Trump to overturn the election results are evidence enough.

        1. Packer Fan Avatar
          Packer Fan

          I thought January 6 was a “mostly peaceful” protest.

    3. sherlockj Avatar

      I apologize for repeatedly standing up for better educations for poor and minority kids in Virginia.

    4. sherlockj Avatar

      What light do you assess the 25 of these young people contemplating self harm are seeing?

    5. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Please provide evidence or the basis for this statement of yours: “The left thinks that fascism and communism had good ideas, but just executed (excuse the expression) them wrong.””

      I say look at history but you’re blind to your own parties transition through the years. However, since you’re so inclined to require evidence for which you don’t approve (again Argument from ignorance), words abound.

      Then I’d point to the following:

      Sen. Sanders (DINO, Democratic Socialist)
      Rep. Rashida Tlaib (DINO, Democratic Socialist)
      Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (DINO, Democratic Socialist)
      Rep. Omar (DINO, Democratic Socialist)

      I mean there is even a Democratic Socialist Party of America (DSAUSA). Their tenants are nothing but Socialism (minus Socialism never works and devolves into Communism were the few control the many and everybody is equally worthless unless you’re at the top.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        By your definition, the Nordic countries of Europe are communist. Most scholars recognize a difference between democratic socialism and communism.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          False, Nordic countries operate under the Nordic Model.


          Can you too can stop being as uneducated as Sen. Sander’s if you’d only read.

          Most scholars recognize a difference between democratic socialism and communism. Where did I say they weren’t different, strawman for 1000 Alex. I said Socialism turns into Communism, because neither are sustainable, as humans aren’t austere by nature.

          Furthermore, when you’ve taken to citing “workpopulationreview” as evidence you’ve just lost the argument.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Most scholars recognize a difference between democratic socialism and communism. Where did I say they weren’t different…?”

            “I mean there is even a Democratic Socialist Party of America (DSAUSA). Their tenants are nothing but Socialism (minus Socialism never works and devolves into Communism…”

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So reading escapes you as well, not shocked you’ve shown little to zero understanding of most topics you opine.

            “Their tenants are nothing but Socialism (minus Socialism never works and devolves into Communism…”

            Words have meaning and devolves is the following:

            “degenerate or be split into.”

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            The correct word is “tenets”. “Tenants” are people who rent their housing.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Dick Hall-Sizemore Matt Adams • 17 minutes ago
            The correct word is “tenets”. “Tenants” are people who rent their housing.”

            Thanks for the deflection (oops I mean error correction). It however is not really relevant considering you knew what I meant and I don’t pick your grammar and spelling errors.

            The real question is when as a bureaucrat did you become a full blown partisan politician?

          5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Bureaucrats can’t have partisan opinions?

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Look at what the liquid courage brought in, ps again you seem to have a reading problem. I didn’t say you couldn’t, I just called you a partisan hack. Which is and what you are Dick. Despite wanting to be venerated as an unbiased opinion, you’re not. You’re a hack, whose silence on some matters and aggressive statements on others (like where you were wrong here) say you’re a two bit hack.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          There’s no point.

        3. Most scholars recognize a difference between democratic socialism and communism.

          Yes, and I do not want either one as the economic system or form of government for the United States.

    6. VaNavVet Avatar

      In addition to attitudes and actions on the right, you could add Covid fatigue. The time from March to October would cover the emergence of the Delta variant.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    A majority (52%) of young Americans believe that our democracy is either “in trouble,” or “failing”

    Cannot imagine why. Clearly that 52% are Democrats. The GOP is down with this…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Don’t examine the facts, just react from your basement. How do you explain the 25% of the more than 2000 young people polled that have recently considered self harm. What light in the East did they see?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Self harm? 25%? They’re considering voting for Trump in 2024.

        What % were military? They have a self-harm problem. They also have a rape and sexual assault problem. Given what they’re finding on military radicals and J-6 (not to be confused with the Joint Chiefs’ J-6), they’ve got a bad attitude problem too.

        I know a ret, Capt’n loves America, just hates 1/2 the people who live there.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Glad to see the self-harm figures bring you joy in this holiday season.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You brought it up… blamed it on the Left, and I had the great joy only in showing you that the highly Right leaning military vets have figures of 33%.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        What is the norm for this age group? From what I have read 25% is not far off.

        1. You are correct. The percentage who report thinking seriously about suicide has fluctuated a bit over the last 20 years or so, with a general downward trend. Based on what I have read it has been as high as 29% and as low as 15%

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Another detail stepped over…

    One thing I’ll give y’all Right wing nutsacks, he certainly had a solid floor! Problem is that he spent his entire time lying on and about it. Operative word: lying.

    1. I think the graph “proves” that young people are stupid. They don’t investigate alternate sources of news and believe everything as framed. I talked with a college kid about Rittenhouse. Her version – why did he have a gun and why did he cross State lines. They are propagandized and do not yet have the humility to realize they don’t know everything. Then throw in the totalitarian Leftist academics, who DO think they know everything…a toxic mix.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt Adams, sure the arms race played a role in the demise of the USSR, but others include the gross inefficiency of central planning and the widespread corruption in the Party and the bureaucracy. The country couldn’t produce much more than weapons in petroleum. Andropov knew this. So did Gorbachev.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      And vodka… amiright!!

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I agree. Unfortunately Americans are experiencing first hand the gross inefficiency of central planning.

      The feds are appropriating so much money that neither the federal nor state bureaucracies can handle it efficiently and effectively.

      President Biden wants $4 trillion more in any honest accounting of BBB. Even if one thinks that is a good thing, there is no way the bureaucracies can even process that much money, much less oversee its efficient and effective distribution and spending.

      See the Virginia Unemployment Commission as just one tiny example.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The funding in BBB, be it $1.2 trillion or $4 trillion, will not be spent in one year. A lot of it will be allocated over several years.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Dick Hall-Sizemore James C. Sherlock • 16 minutes ago
          The funding in BBB, be it $1.2 trillion or $4 trillion, will not be spent in one year. A lot of it will be allocated over several years”

          It will also suffer the same fate of mismanaged fed down bureaucracy that many an omnibus bill before it.

          That’s not even touching it’s nothing but a pork surplus meant to benefit who crafted it.

        2. You mean it will be distributed as if the government is implementing some sort of “Five year Plan”?


    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Could you please use the reply function allotted to you, having to chase you all over the comments is a tad cumbersome.

      Furthermore, your comment was as follows:

      “Peter Galuszka • 15 hours ago
      “My generation brought down the Soviet Union. Fascism and communism were defeated in a span of 50 years. America and the west had won. That was supposed to signal the “end of history”.

      Capt. Sherlock, your generation did not bring down the Soviet Union. It brought itself down. Communism did not end. Still going strong in China. Fascism is still going on strong with Putin. I mean, give me a break. I only spent six years in Russia as a U.S. correspondent so I have a minimal idea of what was going on. (Trolls, take me apart).”

      I’ve highlighted the text where you ignored history. Andropov was a party to the Arms Race started by Brezhnev for 2 years. Brezhnev had 18 years of an arms race to squander all the petroleum gains of the USSR. Not to mention a certain Rep. from Texas’s 2nd District arming the Muj in AFG, causing the USSR to dump capital into the Graveyard of Empires.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Underreporting their K,W,&MIA in Afghanistan didn’t hurt. The people were pretty po’ed when they began to realized it was costing them.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Could you please use the reply function allotted to you, having to chase you all over the comments is a tad cumbersome.”

    Let’s call Matt a wahmbulance!!!

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Eric the half a troll • a few seconds ago
      “Could you please use the reply function allotted to you, having to chase you all over the comments is a tad cumbersome.”

      Let’s call Matt a wahmbulance!!!”

      Is that what you told your elementary students when they corrected you?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You must play by my rules!

      The best way to deal with him is the way Pete does — don’t reply directly. That will just go on and on.

      Instead talk about him on another thread. Drives him nuts.

      I mentioned masks in Hong Kong during flu seasons and he rants and throws out it’s year round for smog and links an article on Japan which starts with wearing masks for the flu epidemics in the early 1900s. Strictly Identification 10T.

      Oh, and append to your posts. That really inflames him.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The devil, as they say, is in the details, Capt’n.
    “While Democrats are divided (44% healthy/somewhat functioning and 45% in trouble/failed) about the health of our democracy, 70% of Republicans believe that we are either a democracy in trouble (47%) or failed (23%). A majority (51%) of independent and unaffiliated young Americans also say we are in trouble or failed. ”

    “Nearly half (46%) of young Republicans place the chances of a second civil war at 50% or higher, compared to 32% of Democrats, and 38% of independent and unaffiliated voters. Level of education (27% among college students and those with degrees compared to 47% for others) and whether young people live in urban (33%), suburban (33%), rural (48%) or small town (51%) environments are all significant predictors.”

    Never seen a bar fight where the agressor didn’t know he was gonna throw the first punch.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      This is the one that really bothers them: “By a margin of more than 2-to-1, young Americans value compromise over confrontation”

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