Yes, We Know Something Is Wrong

Apologies again to readers. Our blog hosting service has been misbehaving since yesterday. For three hours yesterday, the blog was down. It came back up, but for some unfathomable reason, visitors cannot clickthrough to finish reading articles or see comments. I have no idea what is wrong. There may be a connection to the unprecedented volume of traffic we’ve experienced in the past few days (a good thing), but we don’t know that to be a fact. Our host provider is looking into it.

Thanks for your patience. Please check back later and finish reading the posts.

Update: We’re still working on some things on the administrative side, but looks like the user experience has been restored. Let us know if you experience any problems.


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21 responses to “Yes, We Know Something Is Wrong”

  1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Ah ha! Now that was interesting.

  2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Ah ha! Now that was interesting.

  3. idiocracy Avatar

    Still broken. But I can at least see the article when logged in now. But I see no comments.

  4. idiocracy Avatar

    Still broken. But I can at least see the article when logged in now. But I see no comments.

  5. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Comments don’t show up here, but they can be seen on the WordPress Dasboard.

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Comments don’t show up here, but they can be seen on the WordPress Dasboard.

  7. idiocracy Avatar

    Chrome gave me a popup saying that there was a data breach on this site and suggested I change my password. And now my comment here is the only one that shows up…after I changed my password. Maybe the solution is to change your password??

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Hello. Not the only

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        Upon further investigation, Chrome was apparently warning me that my password used on this site (which I had used elsewhere a long time ago; never changed it in years till now) had been compromised *somewhere*. But not necessarily here.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          It’s not you. For some reason, the WordPress dasboard told me the following for this site.
          Brute force attack protection
          Blocked malicious login attempts

          And that Jetpack and WordPress needs to be updated.

          1. I updated my Jetpack last week, and now it flies much faster and can reach a much higher altitude.

          2. idiocracy Avatar

            Almost makes you want to give up and go back to filing cabinets and typewriters.

          3. idiocracy Avatar

            I updated my Jetpack and it exploded.

  8. idiocracy Avatar

    Chrome gave me a popup saying that there was a data breach on this site and suggested I change my password. And now my comment here is the only one that shows up…after I changed my password. Maybe the solution is to change your password??

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Hello. Not the only

  9. Things are working much better now, but I still cannot see all comments.

  10. Things are working much better now, but I still cannot see all comments.

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar


    I keep getting these two messages with this site:

    WordPress 5.5.1 is available! Please notify the site administrator


    Jetpack requires a more recent version of WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying Jetpack.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar


    I keep getting these two messages with this site:

    WordPress 5.5.1 is available! Please notify the site administrator


    Jetpack requires a more recent version of WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying Jetpack.

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