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Yes, Virginia, There Will Be a Third Party Choice this Fall

Cliff Hyra

The major media took absolutely no notice, but over the weekend the Libertarian Party nominated a candidate for governor: Cliff Hyra, a Richmond-area patent attorney. His top three issues are economic growth, criminal justice reform, and adding choice to the education and health-care systems.

Rick Sincere, a libertarian blogger, covered Hyra’s nomination for Bearing Drift.

Hyra’s advocacy of cutting taxes and regulations echoes the national priorities of President Trump. But he has a very different approach to law-and-order issues. Virginia should de-criminalize marijuana and stop arresting 35,000 to 40,000 people a year for victimless drug crimes. He also would “introduce elements of competition and choice” to education and health care, he says.

Hyra’s first challenge is obtaining 10,000 valid signatures of registered voters, including a minimum of 400 from each of the eleven congressional districts, in order to get on the Virginia ballot. The deadline is June 10. Bo Brown, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Virginia, said that he had about 7,000 signatures in hand or turned into the State Board of Elections.

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