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Yes, MSNBC Morons, Virginia IS a Border State.

by Kerry Dougherty 

Remember back on the night of Super Tuesday when MSNBC’s far-left host Rachel Maddow and former Biden mouthpiece Jen Psaki convulsed in laughter as they reported that the number one issue for Republican voters was the border?

“Well Virginia does have a border with West Virginia,” Maddow cackled, sending the panel of unserious pundits into more gales of laughter as they mocked both conservative Virginians and West Virginians.

It was a leftist twofer! The only thing missing was a crack about “deplorables.”

I guess it never occurred to these mindless cable creatures that 1,951 Virginians died of fentanyl overdoses in 2022, up 30% from the year before. In fact, according to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, more Virginians die every year from drug overdoses than motor vehicle accidents and gun-related deaths combined.

Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of unnatural death in Virginia.

And how do most illegal drugs get into our country? From China, via Mexico and the drug cartels running our border.

But go ahead and yuck it up ladies. We’re such a bunch of rubes down here.

Fact is, every state is a border state.

Want more proof? How about this:

According to a press release from Virginia’s Department of Corrections:

The Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) is mourning the line of duty death of Rivan, a K-9 killed while heroically protecting its assigned Corrections Officer, staff, and inmates at Sussex I State Prison.

On Tuesday, April 2, three inmates affiliated with the MS-13 gang who are housed at Sussex I State Prison viciously attacked another inmate within one of the facility’s housing units. A fourth inmate appeared to be supervising the brutal assault.

Corrections Officer Kharmishia Phillip Fields and her assigned K-9 Rivan were on duty and working in the area at the time of the attack. Officer Phillip Fields and Rivan responded to stop the attack, protect the inmates, and restore order. Rivan was violently and repeatedly stabbed and kicked by the inmates and later tragically died at the facility while VADOC staff attempted lifesaving measures. Officer Phillip Fields, a trained K-9 handler and 4-year veteran of the Department, sustained no serious injuries due to her training and Rivan’s courageous actions.

Here’s the money quote:

The inmates involved in the malicious attack are from El Salvador and Guatemala and at least three are verified members of MS-13. The Department has confirmed that all four of the inmates were in the United States illegally at the time of their arrest and conviction. The inmates are incarcerated for several charges, including first degree homicide, attempted rape, kidnapping/abduction, malicious wounding, use of a firearm in commission of a felony, child pornography charges, grand larceny, and possession of a Schedule III Drug. The Virginia Department of Corrections intends to pursue prosecution of these inmates to the fullest extent of the law.

“The loss of Rivan is truly tragic, but it is important to remember he did not die in vain,” Director Chad Dotson continued. “He lost his life while potentially saving the lives of two people, his assigned Officer and an inmate. The VADOC will never forget Rivan’s sacrifice.”

Very sad. Pity Rivan didn’t take an inmate with him.

You know what would be even better? If these violent, worthless gang members — human scum — were blocked from walking across Biden’s open border to commit crimes on our soil, fill our prisons, slurp up our tax dollars and imperil the lives of ordinary decent criminals and the men and women who guard them.

Not to mention the highly trained K-9s who will fight to the death to protect the innocent from the criminals that Joe Biden is allowing to flood into our country.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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