Yes, MSNBC Morons, Virginia IS a Border State.

by Kerry Dougherty 

Remember back on the night of Super Tuesday when MSNBC’s far-left host Rachel Maddow and former Biden mouthpiece Jen Psaki convulsed in laughter as they reported that the number one issue for Republican voters was the border?

“Well Virginia does have a border with West Virginia,” Maddow cackled, sending the panel of unserious pundits into more gales of laughter as they mocked both conservative Virginians and West Virginians.

It was a leftist twofer! The only thing missing was a crack about “deplorables.”

I guess it never occurred to these mindless cable creatures that 1,951 Virginians died of fentanyl overdoses in 2022, up 30% from the year before. In fact, according to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, more Virginians die every year from drug overdoses than motor vehicle accidents and gun-related deaths combined.

Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of unnatural death in Virginia.

And how do most illegal drugs get into our country? From China, via Mexico and the drug cartels running our border.

But go ahead and yuck it up ladies. We’re such a bunch of rubes down here.

Fact is, every state is a border state.

Want more proof? How about this:

According to a press release from Virginia’s Department of Corrections:

The Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) is mourning the line of duty death of Rivan, a K-9 killed while heroically protecting its assigned Corrections Officer, staff, and inmates at Sussex I State Prison.

On Tuesday, April 2, three inmates affiliated with the MS-13 gang who are housed at Sussex I State Prison viciously attacked another inmate within one of the facility’s housing units. A fourth inmate appeared to be supervising the brutal assault.

Corrections Officer Kharmishia Phillip Fields and her assigned K-9 Rivan were on duty and working in the area at the time of the attack. Officer Phillip Fields and Rivan responded to stop the attack, protect the inmates, and restore order. Rivan was violently and repeatedly stabbed and kicked by the inmates and later tragically died at the facility while VADOC staff attempted lifesaving measures. Officer Phillip Fields, a trained K-9 handler and 4-year veteran of the Department, sustained no serious injuries due to her training and Rivan’s courageous actions.

Here’s the money quote:

The inmates involved in the malicious attack are from El Salvador and Guatemala and at least three are verified members of MS-13. The Department has confirmed that all four of the inmates were in the United States illegally at the time of their arrest and conviction. The inmates are incarcerated for several charges, including first degree homicide, attempted rape, kidnapping/abduction, malicious wounding, use of a firearm in commission of a felony, child pornography charges, grand larceny, and possession of a Schedule III Drug. The Virginia Department of Corrections intends to pursue prosecution of these inmates to the fullest extent of the law.

“The loss of Rivan is truly tragic, but it is important to remember he did not die in vain,” Director Chad Dotson continued. “He lost his life while potentially saving the lives of two people, his assigned Officer and an inmate. The VADOC will never forget Rivan’s sacrifice.”

Very sad. Pity Rivan didn’t take an inmate with him.

You know what would be even better? If these violent, worthless gang members — human scum — were blocked from walking across Biden’s open border to commit crimes on our soil, fill our prisons, slurp up our tax dollars and imperil the lives of ordinary decent criminals and the men and women who guard them.

Not to mention the highly trained K-9s who will fight to the death to protect the innocent from the criminals that Joe Biden is allowing to flood into our country.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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165 responses to “Yes, MSNBC Morons, Virginia IS a Border State.”

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Kerry, superb article. The Biden Administration is actively aiding and abetting the destruction of America.

    I would love to ask him directly what in God’s name his end game is: utter chaos? anarchy? the abolition of law and order? If he had a strong dose of the Prevagen he no doubt needs before speaking in public perhaps he could focus for 5 minutes or so and provide a direct answer.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The answer to your three questions is yes, yes, and yes. I think the other shoe has already dropped. Not enough people heard it, sadly.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      What chaos? What anarchy? What abolition of law and order? The violent crime rate has decreased during Biden’s term.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Violent crime has not reduced, you merely found a source that repeated your own biases.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            How’s about you cite the FBI, instead of citing entities whom inject their opinion? Especially entities that are funded as the propaganda wing of the Government.

            I’ll merely take your carrying of water and your parroting party line talking points and nothing you state can be taken seriously.

            You didn’t even acknowledge the citation you were provided, you’re a partisan plan and simple.


          2. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            So there should be no need for additional laws restricting firearms.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        The violent crime rate has decreased during Biden’s term.

        That is fantastic news. You made my day.

        Now I’m sure, what with democrats being honest fact-based-type folks, they will end their efforts to further restrict and/or ban guns. There is obviously no need to infringe further on our 2nd Amendment rights. After all, more than 50 million firearms have been sold in the United States on the civilian market since Biden became president, yet violent crime is decreasing…

        It’s pretty clear that an increase in the number of guns in private hands does not correlate to more crime.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          selling weapons to the mentally ill seems to be a problem not yet resolved. Is that obvious also?

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Yes, and the solution is to put criminally insane people in secure mental hospitals, not to take guns from law abiding citizens.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. We don’t and won’t do that and instead of refusing to sell them guns, we do it anyhow.

            No matter what we do (or not) with people who have mental issues, NOT selling them a gun is a right thing to do, just like we don’t sell guns to kids or to felons… or others who should not have them.

          3. WayneS Avatar


            What does that have to do with an increase in gun ownership not correlating with an increase in crime?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            who said that? increase sales of weapons to the mentally ill?

          5. WayneS Avatar

            Your comments are not making sense. So, have a nice evening. Maybe get some rest.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            and you fella..

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            and you fella..

          8. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            No more guns for Larry.

          9. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Illegal Aliens can buy and carry firearms in this sick Country. What could go further wrong? Rhetorical question, obviously, as they are already using firearms to further their list of violent crimes. Thus, the need for law abiding citizens to own and carry firearms.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            illegal aliens are not the problem with guns in this country other than one-offs… we have a much bigger problem selling guns to US citizens who should not have them, IMO.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. Not even a bad try…. the immigration system is broke. The GOP had a chance to fix it and look at what they did after Trump weighed in. You folks don’t want a solution..

          12. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry deal with this truth. Trump had the border and illegal immigration pretty much under control.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            And Trump told the GOP to kill a bill that would address. Trump did not “control” the border at all, he used COVID to stop the flow. Biden did also til the courts ruled it illegal. The “truth” is that the GOP and Trump oppose fixing the border right now.

          14. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            actually many felons can now buy guns after having their rights restored

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            And I’m fine with that as long as they meet the qualifications as others should also.

          16. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I am waiting for the Larry plan to reliably and consistently identify the mentally ill.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            We have folks right now who have been identified as having mental issues that STILL
            got guns – “What we know about Lewiston, Maine shooting suspect Robert Card and his mental health history” …. ” Mental health history
            Officials said Card had mental health issues and recently said he was hearing voices. At one point, he allegedly threatened to shoot up the base where he was stationed.

            A New York National Guard spokesman said that on July 16 they received a report from leaders at the Camp Smith Training Site in Cortlandt. Card was reportedly “behaving erratically” at the New York facility.”


          18. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Well Larry inconvenient as it is, citizens have rights. Generally depriving people of their rights requires sworn statements , court proceedings, access to a lawyer – you know, that due process stuff!

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            when someone has documented mental health issues and the process does not function like it is
            designed to function – that also is a “due process” issue. The whole idea of “guns” is at issue. WHO
            determines that you cannot possess weapons like stinger missiles or RPG or other “arms” that supposedly citizens are entitled to own by the 2nd amendment? Where does it define what “arms” are or not?

          20. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, take some time and review the relevant Supreme Court cases ref the 2nd Amendment for what “arms” are protected. ATF form 4473 and Virginia State Police form SP65 (both available online) summarize the mental health prohibitions regarding firearms.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            until we do, sell them guns all they want? good plan?

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            Marty – we don’t even stop the ones that are KNOWN and documented as mentally ill… the means to get the data and make it available to gun sellers is apparently not in place ?

          23. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            you are correct! Various privacy laws are in conflict with creating searchable databases of persons being treated for mental illness. Point of sale background checks are only as good as the data being checked!

        2. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          It doesn’t result in more crime overall just more gun crimes and injuries/deaths as a proportion, many of which are self-inflicted and/or accidental.

        3. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          It doesn’t result in more crime overall just more gun crimes and injuries/deaths as a proportion, many of which are self-inflicted and/or accidental.

      3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        Dick Sizemore, I have no clue where you live, but suggest you source your data from media outlets a tad less doctrinaire than NPR.

        I live in Baltimore where crime is out of control. Murder is down by about 30 deaths in 2024, but assaults and car jackings have skyrocketed. Ditto NYC, Chicago, other blue cities.

        Your earlier comment about judges and DA’s is a distinction without a root differentiation. DA’s propose catch and release policies, judges follow through. Both are complicit.

        Read this article. This is a great example of what I’m talking about.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          I live in Richmond. The NPR and PBS articles cite FBI data. The data is the same whether it is cited by NPR or the Wall Street Journal.

          1. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Why not cite State Police and Richmond PD data?

  2. Teddy007 Avatar

    $750 billion dollar of commerce crosses the border between Mexico and and the U.S. The only way to really reduce smuggling would be to stop all commerce, all vehicles crossing, and all people crossing. It that what Republicans means when they say “close the border?”

    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      No that’s legal commerce with drivers possessing trucking permits that can be checked. We are talking about illegal aliens without passports or green cards who cross the border, are briefly retained, then released by Biden’s HMS agents.

      I’m typing this slowly so you can perceive the difference in the two types of border crossing. Tell me it you need me to repeat it.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Drugs are not carried across the borders in backpacks by illegal aliens. Fentanyl and all other drugs are smuggled in in vehicles. See
        ” The fact that most illicit fentanyl is smuggled through POEs adds credence to nationwide evidence that illicit drugs are predominantly smuggled through land ports, not between.”

        Illegal aliens applying for asylum is a very different issue than fentanyl. Mixing the true is a huge tell on the hidden agenda for the speaker/writer.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You should watch “To Catch a Smuggler” on NatGeo. Most drugs run into the country from Mexico are brought in by Americans too.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        you mean they at stopped by Border Patrol and not searched for fentanyl then release to go about their ways? Is that how it works?

      4. LarrytheG Avatar

        “90% of fentanyl seized by CBP was at U.S. border crossings into Arizona and California.12 While Texas Republicans point to undocumented immigrants in their state as fentanyl drug smugglers and traffickers, almost all fentanyl seized by CBP was at legal points of entry in Arizona and California.”

        1. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          the “seized fentanyl” is not the problem! Clearly most of it is not being seized.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            that might be true – but the vast majority of it is not coming across with illegal immigrants but instead the points of entry – we know this. Deal with the truth Marty.

          2. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, if it is NOT being seized how do you have any idea how it is getting in?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            We know from searches and seizures the primary paths and volumes. It’s particularly difficult, for instance, to systematically search thousands of containers off of ships, but we do it. We KNOW that individuals bringing drugs in can be searched at ports-of-entry and caught. We know that most undocumented get caught by INS when they cross. There surely are some crossing the border and not getting caught also but talking about it as if it’s an “immigration” problem is ignorant and misleading.

          4. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, we do not know several of those things. How can you possibly know for certain how many illegal aliens we are not catching. How can we know how much fentanyl is not being seized? We can estimate and extrapolate but that is not knowing! So I would urge you to be more careful about using words like “ignorant” and “misleading”.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, Republicans? No. Trump-voting Republicans? Yes.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Most Trumpist use the term “close the border” when they do not mean it just like progressives say “Medicare for All” when they mean single payer healthcare with board benefits and no copays.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, the problem stems from the fact that most Republicans don’t realize that while the source of the drugs are Mexico, China, etc., the persons who are doing the smuggling are not foreigners but Americans making round trips — taking money out and bringing drugs back.

          How can you blame them, what with record Biden inflation, unemployment, productivity, crashing stock markets, defaulting mortgages, yada, yada, yada?

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            If one was trying to be sarcastic with the last line, then one failed. If one is being serious, the stock market is at or near highs and mortgage defaults are lower than in 1992.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Opps, meant “faltering productivity”.

            BTW, the I believe that most of those “entering illegally” are still those overstaying visas.

          3. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again, is it sarcasm or is one trying to claim that the economy is horrible and that Trump would have done better?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay, it’s sarcasm. Yes, inflation ain’t fun but it’s been worse. Of course, it’s just a game and thinking of it as such, we’re winning. Really winning now, and will continue for awhile unless November proves Americans just love the Trump.


          5. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Nancy, if you have a VISA you have entered legally. If your VISA expires and you remain here you are here illegally, but you did not enter illegally.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And soon, if you conceive while here, you’ll conceive a US citizen.

            Both of which are immaterial to the discussion of between ports of entry drug smuggling… a nearly nonexistent issue.

            Giving up on book bans already?

          7. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Nancy, you are correct. Anyone born in the U.S. is a citizen even if both parents are here illegally.
            You brought up the topic of overstaying Visas?

            Waiting for your example of a book being banned in 21st Century America.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You mean nationally? Your side ain’t there yet, but they’re succeeding in removing them from schools AND public libraries. Step 1.

          9. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I mean anywhere in the US where an adult is being denied access to printed or online material without due process of law and in violation of the First Amendment freedom of the press.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            adult? can you show that definition and rule for free speech?

          11. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, I honestly do not understand your question.

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Denying the people’s library is denying the people.

          13. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            No, the people get a say by voting for the school board, town council , or whatever body decides what books the library offers and funds the purchases.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            are we differing on the words here… overstaying a visa is not as “illegal” as entering “illegally”?

            splitting hairs?

          15. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, both are potential violations of law. They are related but distinct. As with most potential crimes, intent is an important element.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            if you are talking about “illegal” immigration – does “intent” enter into it ?

          17. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Yes, I suspect in remote areas you could inadvertently wander across the border.

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            it’s like they were not alive when cocaine and heroin were being smuggled in … NOT through the Mexican border….

          19. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Knew a guy who brought a load right up the Chesapeake into the Ware river. A 66’ sailboat can carry tons. (FWIW, he got caught on a subsequent trip)

          20. WayneS Avatar

            Knew a guy who brought a load right up the Chesapeake…

            His last name did not begin with a ‘T’ by any chance, did it?

          21. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I know a ‘T’ and if’n I were in need then ‘T’ would be my connection.

            I can’t remember the owner’s name, but it was a red 66’ Cardinal and the crew member I really knew was Keith Darby. His story is better. He flipped, and was told he wouldn’t be charged. Shoulda gotten it in writing. Between the time he testified and 7 years later, the FBI computerized the cases. He popped up as a statute of limitations risk, and they issued a fugitive warrant.

            When they got to the arraignment, the FBI agent claimed that Keith was an outlaw and they had been searching for him for seven years. The USA was seeking remand.

            Keith’s lawyer said, “Well, if’n they was searching then they wasn’t searching hard. He’s living in the same house, and driving the same car with a vanity tag that reads “DARBY”.


            They settled for 6 months probation.

          22. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, are you really trying to argue coke and heroin have not been smuggled over the Mexican border? BTW I think we are about the same age.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m saying that illegal drugs have been brought into the country in a wide variety of ways for a long time and not just over the Mexican border. Beyond that , they primarily come through methods and means like ports of entry rather than illegal border crossers.

            Most undocumented get picked up by border patrol – right?

          24. WayneS Avatar

            I liked your sarcasm…

          25. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Facts to support this American round trip theory…?

        2. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          secure the border is the more accurate term.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        The thing is – the narrative that Conservatives use on these issues is bogus to the bone… it often has some slim truth to it and the rest of it is just out and out falsehoods.. They PROMOTE this as if it was the truth and reality.. and why?

    3. WayneS Avatar

      The only way to really reduce smuggling would be to stop all commerce, all vehicles crossing, and all people crossing.

      That seems a bit hyperbolic.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        I visited the port of entry at Otay Mesa California. It was four lanes of tractor-trailer semis waiting to get into the U.S. Everyone of them is a pathway for a smuggler. If one wants to keep out a powder, then one has to keep those trucks outside the U.S.. When Republicans talk about closing the border, are they willing to give up fresh tomatoes for moths at a time and pay more at the grocery store?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar


          Think about a container ship with thousands of containers….much easier to think in simplistic terms of “illegals” bringing fentanyl in but far from reality.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      Actually, that would be a good start. The real problem with Mexico is López Obrador and his willingness to ignore the cartels – giving them all but free reign inside Mexico.

      Those cartels smuggle illegal aliens into the US, formulate and smuggle fentanyl into the US, pay their Chinese fentanyl precursor suppliers increasingly with illegally caught wildlife which can be sold at huge profits in China.

      Meanwhile, Lopez Obrador demands $20B per year in foreign aid, recognition of Cuba and the granting of citizenship to illegals in the US before he will make any effort to prevent Mexico from being a high speed on-ramp for illegals into the US.

      An American plan of maximum pressure on Mexico and Lopez Obrador is warranted.

      This plan should include economically debilitating tariffs on Mexican exports to the US, strict and aggressive protection of the border, deportations of illegals back to Mexico, economic sanctions against Mexico and lethal covert action against cartel leaders.

      There needs to be regime change in Mexico.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        That would be a political policy is one was willing to tolerate how expensive produce would get in the grocery store and the economic downturn along the border.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        More than 1/2 of the immigrants are NOT Mexican. They not only come from other Central American places but places like China and Haiti and other places and they FLY to Mexico!

        What exactly should Mexico do?

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          ….close their own border…..

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            AH… sounds like a big problem… eh?

        2. Teddy007 Avatar

          The argument would be for Mexico to enforce its borders and keep the refugees out of Mexico. That Mexico lets them in means that Mexico should be the country granting them asylum.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Can someone fly to Mexico without requesting asylum and then make their way north?

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Under the international rules of asylum, it they fly to Mexico, they should apply for asylum in Mexico.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you fly to the US or Mexico from another country do you have to apply for asylum or can you also get a visa instead?

          4. Teddy007 Avatar

            I never understand peiople who think they are being clever by intentionally misunderstanding. The problem at the border between Mexico and the U.S. is all of the people from other countries who are applying for asylum for various reasons. That those people left their home country and passed through other countries to apply for asylum in the U.S.

            And coming to the U.S. as a tourist differs country to country with some tourist having to provide assurances that they will leave before their visa expires such as having purchased a return ticket or putting up financial assurances. Try reading instead of trying to be clever.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Does anyone and everyone who goes to Mexico need to get asylum? Can people visit Mexico without geting asylum?

        3. DJRippert Avatar

          What should Mexico do?

          Enforce their own immigration laws.

          Enforce their own drug manufacturing laws.

          Close the “pharmacies” run by the cartels where people buy fentanyl based products which are then mailed to the US.

          Once upon a time, the Afghan government refused to enforce their own laws and let Al-Quida hode, plot and plan inside Afhganistan.

          I’m not sure I see a big difference between what the Afghani government was doing and what the Mexican government is doing.

    5. DJRippert Avatar

      Actually, that would be a good start. The real problem with Mexico is López Obrador and his willingness to ignore the cartels – giving them all but free reign inside Mexico.

      Those cartels smuggle illegal aliens into the US, formulate and smuggle fentanyl into the US, pay their Chinese fentanyl precursor suppliers increasingly with illegally caught wildlife which can be sold at huge profits in China.

      Meanwhile, Lopez Obrador demands $20B per year in foreign aid, recognition of Cuba and the granting of citizenship to illegals in the US before he will make any effort to prevent Mexico from being a high speed on-ramp for illegals into the US.

      An American plan of maximum pressure on Mexico and Lopez Obrador is warranted.

      This plan should include economically debilitating tariffs on Mexican exports to the US, strict and aggressive protection of the border, deportations of illegals back to Mexico, economic sanctions against Mexico and lethal covert action against cartel leaders.

      There needs to be regime change in Mexico.

    6. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      What…? No, when Republicans say “close the border”, that means close the border to illegal immigration, not commerce.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        And how would that work. Or do they really mean stop accepting anyone who is applying fo asylum. Of course, neither is very well defined in policy terms and neither will slow the number of fentanyl deaths.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This article is misleading from two perspectives. First, the author assumes that the inmates “walked across Biden’s open border.” There is no proof provided that this was the case. In fact, considering the time that elapses between the commission of a crime and the actual incarceration of the offender, it is highly likely that these inmates entered the United States when Donald Trump was president.

    Then there is the familar hyperbole of immigrants “filling up our prisons.” Again, no proof offered. In fact, the opposite is the truth. The Youngkin recently announced the closure of four prison facilities, including two major prisons. Furthermore, research, including some recently published by a W&M faculty member, demonstrates that “that long-standing concerns about immigration as a major source of crime are unfounded.”

    Particularly strange is Kerry’s remark about “ordinary decent criminals” in Sussex I being endangered by these offenders who are undocumented immigrants. Sussex I is one of the facilities used to house violent offenders. I assume the “decent” rapists and murderders in that facility are the ones that are American.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Stick to Obits, Karen. Albeit dated 12/22, and likely the source of your statement on unnatural death, COVID was still killing twice as many as all unnatural deaths, and COVID was just number 3.

    As for fentanyl walking across the border,

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      dealing with the facts when it comes to COVID with Conservatives is interesting these days – and not in a good way.

      Revisionist history and alternative “facts” on steroids is the name of the game with those folks these days.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        The worst problem on Covid-19 is that the covid truther want to pretend that the situation in the spring of 2020 is the same as in the spring of 2024. The idea that the U.S. could have ignored Covid-19, that everyone would have gone along, and that there would have been fewer deaths is pure insanity.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but that’s what they clearly believe…. or say or pretend….

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    The one thing one can count on these days is the promotion and dissemination of bogus misinformation by much of the right.

    Over and over, we hear of the fentanyl crisis – and how it is often associated with illegal immigration.

    The truth is, it gets here the same way other illegal drugs have for decades – i.e. through legal points of entry and smuggling into the hands of American criminals.

    “United States citizens comprised 86% of fentanyl trafficking convictions in 2021.6 1,322 of the 1,533 charged fentanyl trafficking offenders were US citizens.7 Even the CATO Institute, a libertarian think tank, acknowledges this point. In fact, just 0.02% of people arrested by Border Patrol for illegally crossing possessed fentanyl.8
    More than 96% of fentanyl seizures along the border since the start of fiscal year 2023 have been at legal US ports of entry.9 Fentanyl is rarely carried over the border through the desert. It’s being smuggled across legal points of entry inside seat cushions, car batteries, even inside the metal frame of a walker.”

    Then Kerry is onto anecdotal stuff about convicts attacking and killing others as if it also is an “immigrant” problem.

    My question is , how did Kerry (and others like her) actually get this way – where not telling the truth is their preferred way of communication their dislike of things?

    This is how the GOP tries to win votes these days. It’s not about the truth and facts – nope. Go back and read Kerry’s rant then do a little googling to easily see both the truth at factual web sites as well as the usual right-wing fear mongering about “immigrants” ala Trump.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Remember those days when Conservatives did not care about drug overdoses? I wonder what changed…?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        They still don’t. They could give a rat’s behind about it except to make it “fit” their false narratives about drugs and immigration that appeals to some folks who are avid consumers of such.

        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          LarrytheG and Eric the half a troll: two reliable sources of Progressive, leftist drivel.

          Keep living in your world of self-delusion as American implodes with out-of-control crime due to Progressive DA’s “catch and release” policies and, yes, the millions of illegal aliens you refuse to acknowledge who are bankrupting our cities and helping to fuel the already increasing violent crime rates.

          Can’t wait for the end of the Biden presidency. It cannot come fast enough for thinking, rational citizens.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            FYI–violent crime has decreased in recent years since Biden was elected.

        2. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          Larry, are you not concerned fentanyl overdoses killing kids and young adults? Where do you think this stuff is coming from?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s coming from a variety of places just as other illegal drugs are. As long as there is demand for them, they will continue to find a path to those that want them. It’s not a partisan issue except in the minds of those who want it to be.

          2. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, fentanyl overwhelmingly comes from pill factories in Mexico using machinery and ingredients from China. Demand may not be the correct term since fentanyl is often disguised as other pills or mixed with heroin.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Marty – Google is your friend and a way to find the truth on fentanyl as well as other illegal drugs. Some of it does come from China but it gains entry to the country through many means beyond undocumented. “Demand” has aways been what drives the production and supply of illegal drugs. If they can’t get one drug, they will find another including ones made in the US.

          4. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, so you are not disputing the sources of fentanyl? The current issue is death by overdose ( plus huge numbers saved by Narcan!) Fentanyl is particularly deadly because the user often is not aware of what he is taking, it is cheap to manufacture, and tiny doses can be fatal. So once again greater border security is Part of the solution on the supply side. I am open to your thoughts on how to reduce demand.

          5. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            google is really, really not my friend!

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            finding facts and understanding what is and is not …. is…. picking sites that confirm your own beliefs and biases using what-a-boutisms and such is not so much.

          7. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I think you projecting wildly here Larry. Even a cursory review of your 30 THOUSAND PLUS comments on this site indicates you are the undisputed King of “What-a- boutism”. I have no problem with comparing like items or similar situations if that is what you mean by what- a- boutism. However, such comparisons need context and some factual basis.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            been on this site for a few years Marty. “what-a-boutism” is speculating without hard facts. Give me some hard facts on the issue. One’s that can be verified with a credible source.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            I DO care about overdose but I also care about the truth and not lying about it for political reasons.

            fentanyl is the latest is a long line of drugs that has afflicted the US. It has nothing to do with immigration at all other than, like cocaine and others, it does come across borders.

            Deal with the truth Marty and we can find common ground.

          10. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Do you think perhaps the same cartels that smuggle people also smuggle drugs? Could it be that our lack of effective border enforcement enables both?

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Marty – do you think fences will stop cartels?

          12. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Physical barriers allow for efficient use of Border Patrol manpower. So they are a part of a larger strategy.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            do you think they are not effective at the points of entry also?

          14. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Are you asking about physical barriers at ports of entry?

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. trying to understand where you think the stuff is coming across the border.

          16. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            the Cartels seem to have an extensive network of tunnels under the border. In my opinion (not asserting a hard fact here) the illegal immigrant smuggling operation serves to overwhelm and tie down the Border Patrol and Customs and facilitates drug smuggling by a variety of means, planes, ships (even crude submarines!) and commercial trucks.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            got that credible source on this?

          18. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            You can find published reports on all of the above. Whether you find them credible is up to you.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            I did not make the claim and I have not heard much about these claims from credible sources.

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        The optics of the politics. Blue collar whites dying of overdoses works better than gangbangers in Baltimore killing each other for territory.

        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          I live just outside Baltimore city and can attest to that. Crime is so out of control many won’t even drive into the city anymore since drug gangs are paying 12-17 year olds to steal cars, knowing our Progressive DA will release them without bail. Here’s but one of many articles on what’s happening:

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            more “untruth” telling here:

            ” BALTIMORE — Baltimore Police arrested two juveniles in connection to an armed robbery and carjacking.

            On Friday, officers responded to a call in the 4600 block of Sinclair Lane.

            Police discovered the victim, who stated he was robbed at gunpoint by a group of unidentified males.

            Officers requested assistance and discovered the juveniles were attempting to flee the area in a vehicle traveling at a high speed.

            During their attempt, they struck and damaged another vehicle.

            They also struck a marked police vehicle in the 900 block of North Belnord Street.

            Police apprehended the suspects, a 13- and 14-year-old after they attempted to flee on foot.

            Officers also learned that the vehicle the juveniles used to flee was one they had taken in an armed carjacking.

            They were transported to the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center.”

            shame on you Wahoo

          2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            What are you talking about? These articles come out weekly here. They corroborate that drug gangs are enlisting kids who won’t get prosecuted to steal cars and rob people. What part of that don’t you get?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            “Police apprehended the suspects, a 13- and 14-year-old after they attempted to flee on foot.

            They were transported to the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center.””

          4. WayneS Avatar

            And what happened during their first court hearing?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you know? Did they get turned loose or not? If you don’t know, then why would you say one way or the other?

            And what does this have to do with immigration and fentanyl?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            THe point is that we KNOW they were arrested and jailed. That’s what we do know. What we don’t know is what happened after. Right? So what would you conclude about what is not known?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            “Crime in America is down, rudely interfering with GOP narrative that it’s out of control
            Some inconvenient facts have come along that threaten to undermine the hard work we’ve put in convincing our beloved Republican voters their country is a wasteland ravaged by violent leftists.”


          8. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            And they were released.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            did not see that..

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            and what does this have to do with immigration and fentanyl?

          11. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            The decisions on bail are made by judges, not DAs.

          12. WayneS Avatar

            The decision on what bail to ask for is taken by the DA. If they don’t ask for bail it is unlikely the judge will impose it.

          13. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            In Va the initial bail decision is most often made by a magistrate following an arrest.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Remember those days when Conservatives did not care about drug overdoses? I wonder what changed…?

  6. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Thanks for the article, Kerry. Facts all should know. Very sorry to hear about the loss of a good dog. Should be a Capital Offense.

  7. SudleySpr Avatar

    Comments are being removed. Not good. I see a lot of comments I think should be removed. Who is censoring?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Be aware the rules allow for subjective determination of the rules so, yes, sometimes things will disappear because of POV.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        apparently the comment removed used a word that was in the title of the blog post?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Ah, didn’t catch that, but yes it did. Yeah, they need to have some way to assure that quotes from the article are okay.

        2. CJBova Avatar

          Complain to the editors. Title use does not excuse restricted words in comments unless quoting the title itself.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            just pointing out that the blog post writers can apparently flaunt the rules with impunity while those that comment get whacked for using the same words.

            The “ideas” of moderation, i.e. the “need” for moderation??

          2. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            CJ, what is the process for complaining to the editors?

          3. Write to Jim Bacon. jabacon[at] Substituting @ for[at]

          4. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman


      2. CJBova Avatar

        Usually low grade snark.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Since the quality of snark is not in the eye of the recipient, but the broader audience, you could implement a simple acceptability based on a minimum of two upvotes.

    2. CJBova Avatar

      You had one comment removed by disqus for using a restricted word—morons. As moderator, I can’t remove comments I don’t like unless they break the posted rules. Editors deal with articles.

  8. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Everyone knows crime is up, the border is a crisis, drugs are flowing in illegally, and the country is a mess. Blame belongs squarely on progressive policies on various fronts. Doesn’t matter what people are posting on this blog, what matters is how people feel, and the answer is unsafe. Nothing else needs to be said.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s the same argument that conservatives and GOP have used since Nixon… over and over…

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