Wrestling Control of Schools from the Loony Left

by Kerry Dougherty

I’ve never been a fan of checkout charities.

You know how they work: The cashier loudly asks you if you want to round up to fight something like restless leg syndrome and you are shamed into contributing, even though you know this lets the Piggly Wiggly take credit for a fat check to charity.

Yesterday I was picking up notebooks at a Virginia Beach office supply store when the checkout clerk asked if I wanted to donate to “local schools.” He didn’t ask if I wanted to buy school supplies for needy kids, which I would have done in a heartbeat. He wanted to know if I’d like to lard something onto my bill for local schools.

“Nope,” I replied without hesitation.

Frankly, I don’t want to give one penny more to our Virginia Beach schools where the far-left majority on school board fought reopening classrooms last year. Where teachers are quietly being indoctrinated in critical race theory under euphemistic names. Or where the superintendent’s wife in 2020 posted a snuggly photo of herself and her husband to Facebook with an obscene message directed at then-President Donald Trump.

Still, I felt a little guilty when I left. So I gave the homeless guy in the median strip a few dollars.

“Thank you, beautiful lady,” he said, sweat pouring down his face.

Worth it.

Hey, at my age you take compliments where you find them, even if it’s from a panhandler blinded by perspiration.

Back to schools.

Statewide SOL scores were released last week and they were dismal. Virginia’s kids are falling behind, especially in math and science. Naturally, the hardest hit were schools in poorer districts where the children trail the rest of the commonwealth anyway.

Is anyone surprised? Our governor was the first in the nation to close schools for the season in 2020 and he sucked his thumb as militant teachers unions fought to keep kids out of the classroom last year.

It wasn’t safe, they argued. Students might bring the virus into class and kill the teachers.

So teachers elbowed seniors and cancer patients to be first in line to get their vaccines to protect themselves.

Still, some Tidewater schools didn’t reopen until April. More than a year after they closed.

Now that it’s back-to-school time, districts are implementing quarantine rules that practically ensure another year of disrupted education.

But the real reason I wasn’t feeling kindly toward public schools yesterday was that I’d just read bizarre remarks made by a union leader in a school district far from Virginia.

She’s Cecily Myart-Cruz, president of United Teachers Los Angeles (the union that orchestrated the first teacher strike in LA in 30 years in 2019 and that got Gov. Gavin Newsom to knuckle under and help squash new charter schools.)

In an interview, Ms. Myart-Cruz shrugged off suggestions that children have suffered during the prolonged school closures.

“There is no such thing as learning loss. Our kids didn’t lose anything. It’s OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrection and coup.“

Have you ever heard such claptrap from a so-called educator?

If we don’t wrestle control of our schools from people who think like this and do it soon, we’ll lose an entire generation of American children.

We don’t do it with symbolic gestures at cash registers, though. We do it at the ballot box.

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20 responses to “Wrestling Control of Schools from the Loony Left”

  1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie


    We have already lost a generation. The question is when and can we stop it.

    Lots of parents are getting it. Home schooling is increasing at a meteoric pace with those students far out-performing their public school counterparts, regardless of demographics.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    “On education, Youngkin will propose opening 20 new charter schools in the state, at an estimated cost of $100 million. Youngkin will also propose spending $100 million annually to give raises to teachers. On top of that, he will call to keep schools open safely for five days a week and ban critical race theory in the classroom.”

    The Bull Elephant.


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but he’s gonna CUT taxes.. how does that work?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        $200m out of $47B per year? I think he can find places to trim. Firing about half of VDOE would be a good start.

        If you re-read the tax cuts most are one time rebates which will draw down the ridiculous $1.5B surplus.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Oh, one time? Same for cutting property taxes? one time? I don’t know how he’s gonna do that since it’s local BOS that levy those , right? Is he going to “order it so” or ask the GA to do it?

          It sounds totally off the wall, but then what Gilmore did also sounded that way and the GA actually did it – and has not undone it yet! We pay higher State income taxes so the State can then “refund” local car taxes! bizarre

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        By raising fees. “Read my lips…”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          shoot, shoulda seen that:

          charter school Fee ….
          teachers raises fee ….
          keep schools open fee….
          war on CRT Fee…..

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            “Between fiscal years 2015 and 2016, total government spending in Virginia increased by approximately $2.1 billion—from $47.1 billion in fiscal year 2015 to an estimated $49.2 billion in 2016. This represents a 4.5-percent increase.”

            Something tells me he can find a couple of hundred million.


          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wasn’t a lot of that “increase in spending” the Medicaid dollars from the Feds for the Medicaid Expansion?

            Oh, I get it now. Youngkin will bail out of the Medicaid Expansion and claim he lowered spending, right?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      What’s your proof he’s not just talking out of both sides of his mouth on this? He’s been caught…

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Some kids have lost at least a year or more – that would be the ED kids who sometimes lose 1/2 year over the summer in normal times.

    Other kids, if you believe some folks here in BR supposedly didn’t lose anything because they went to a public school that stayed open (despite claims that Northam closed them), some went to private schools and some were home schools all along.

    So do we have a clue how many are behind and how many not?

    Do we really want to know or better just to say all public schools failed all kids?

    Now, THATs the TICKET if you are some folks for sure It suits their mindset even if it’s not exactly sentient.

    Then why in the world would the critics who blame the teachers to start with – actually want them to go back to teaching the kids anyhow, especially when they’re now indoctrinated with CRT and DEI?

    I agree with the critics on this. If you don’t like it and you don’t then get your sorry behinds in gear and gin up real alternatives (not pretend stuff) and oh by the way – have them also measured and tested so we actually know they perform better.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Based on the notion that the previous generations didn’t lose a year and a half of learning time
      maybe this is a good thing?

  4. I would have gone with “Wresting Control…”

    By the way, is anyone raising money to help cure Didactic Pedantry? I’m asking for a friend…

  5. I would have gone with “Wresting Control…”

    By the way, is anyone raising money to help cure Didactic Pedantry? I’m asking for a friend…

  6. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I always enjoy your enthusiasm, often on the other side of my thinking. But you are so right on this one. The SOL scores are ONLY a data point demonstrating time lost learning. We have a lot to do in education to get kids back on track. We can’t lower expectations and make it better. It isn’t about blame, it is about more time needed to teach to make up for time lost.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      A better outcome would be something new that rises from the ashes of the very failed public school system.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    CHKD. Always round up for them. No one else.

    As long as it rings through the register at least you know it’s reported to the IRS and not going from the jar to the owner/manager’s pocket.

    9-11 enriched more than a few… “Buy gloves for the search and rescue?”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I check Charity Navigator but generally the stores that do this do some vetting but I dunno about schools.. and I definately am suspicious of volunteer fire stuff when the county has paid fire and rescue AND charges the insurance companies also!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Cops, firefighters, wounded soldiers… red meat for fraudulent charities. They bleed the Right.

        Children, dogs, wildlife… red meat for fraudulent charities. They bleed the Left.

        Read the room.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar


          I almost never give to the median guys … and when I do my wife gives me hell.

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