Site icon Bacon's Rebellion

World’s Biggest Dumbass

Yes, that would be me. Right now, I feel head-smackingly stupid.

I had every intention of attending the Blogs United conference in Newport News today. I registered, sent in my check, lined up a hotel room at the Marriott and entered the date into my calendar. I got up early this morning, hit the road and made it to Christopher Newport University in time for the 8 a.m. conference check-in. But when I found my way to the student center ballroom, instead of a mob of bloggers, there was some Virginia teen leadership confab.

Whoops. The conference begins this evening. The program starts 8 a.m. tomorrow. Alas, I had too many things to get done to hang around Newport News all day with nothing to do. I headed home, very much regretting my dysfunctional scheduling skills. I’d been looking forward to the conference so much: partly for the great line-up of topics but mostly to meet my fellow spirits in the blogging community.

Hey, guys, have a great conference. Maybe next year.

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