World’s Biggest Dumbass

Yes, that would be me. Right now, I feel head-smackingly stupid.

I had every intention of attending the Blogs United conference in Newport News today. I registered, sent in my check, lined up a hotel room at the Marriott and entered the date into my calendar. I got up early this morning, hit the road and made it to Christopher Newport University in time for the 8 a.m. conference check-in. But when I found my way to the student center ballroom, instead of a mob of bloggers, there was some Virginia teen leadership confab.

Whoops. The conference begins this evening. The program starts 8 a.m. tomorrow. Alas, I had too many things to get done to hang around Newport News all day with nothing to do. I headed home, very much regretting my dysfunctional scheduling skills. I’d been looking forward to the conference so much: partly for the great line-up of topics but mostly to meet my fellow spirits in the blogging community.

Hey, guys, have a great conference. Maybe next year.

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5 responses to “World’s Biggest Dumbass”

  1. What makes that particularly cringe-inducing is that I could easily see myself doing the exact same thing.

    I’ll be spending the weekend on The House, as the project is simply referred to now, and just can’t be gone for two days to attend the event. Thus will go all of my weekends for the next eight months, I guess.

  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    I was counting on seeing you in Newport News, Waldo. I feel a little less bad knowing you wouldn’t have been there. Have fund working on the House.

  3. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    Eight months? That’s optimistic.

    Have you ever owned a house before? “The House” project never ends.

    It once took me two years to get a building permit.

    Seriously though, good luck, and have fun.

  4. Jim Patrick Avatar
    Jim Patrick

    Jim – On a par with you, I didn’t register for the conference because of an important event here in Shenandoah County. Saturday morning I learned the event was next weekend.

  5. Vivian J. Paige Avatar
    Vivian J. Paige

    Til now, I thought both you guys named Jim were pretty smart. Now I know differently 😉

    Y’all missed a good time.

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