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Words to Warm Your Heart — and Ignite the Rebellion

In the depths of the cold, gloomy winter, there’s only one thing you can count on to set your hearts ablaze — not to mention the lord’s manors, the courthouses and debt records, and other symbols of oppression. The Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine! View the January 28, 2008, edition here.

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Here’s our line-up of querulous commentary:

Tomahawk Chop
The departure of the R-Braves baseball team is no great loss to Richmond. Indeed, the region should take the tomahawk to other groups of marginal value and invest in institutions of knowledge creation.
by James A. Bacon

“They Played Us”
Talking trash instead of transit, federal officials used a New York minute to suggest an end to Dulles Rail.
by Doug Koelemay

Who Killed Rail-to-Dulles?
Many people share the blame for the collapse of the Rail-to-Dulles financing scheme. The feds are only the first in a long line of guilty parties.
by EM Risse

Lottery Options
Virginia should consider leasing out rights to operate the state lottery. Privatization could generate a steady income stream, reducing risks of revenue variability.
by Leonard C. Gilroy

Baptists and Bootleggers
When good intentions collide with self interest, self interest almost always wins. You can’t go wrong betting on politicians, whatever their high-minded principles, to do what’s expedient.
by Norm Leahy

A Matter of Exquisite Balance
In a world where the only constant is change, the State Corporation Commission is the keeper of economic balance in Virginia. A judgeship is open, and I would like to fill it.
by Barnie Day

A Sensible Tax
A 5-cent hike in Virginia’s gas tax as a way to fund transportation improvements is vastly preferable to the motley mash of taxes, fees and fines enacted last year.
by James V. Koch

Nice & Curious Questions
Millions of Kilowatt Hours: Nuclear Power in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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