by Kerry Dougherty

It’s official. The CDC is run by wankers.

(Yes, I am binge-watching Apple TV’s  “Ted Lasso.” Why do you ask?)

These fools constantly move the goalposts – remember 15 days to slow the spread? Remember just wear a mask for 100 days? – and issue rules that no one with a lick of common sense would follow. Let alone anyone who took high school science.

Take yesterday’s big announcement, for instance.

The CDC declared that it’s safe for all of us – the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike – to go maskless when we bike, run or walk with members of our households.


Now who’s going to tell these clowns that those are things most of us have been doing all along?

Oh, and as a reward for being immunized, vaccinated folks can now dine unmasked! At outdoor restaurants!

Ooops. We’re ahead of them on that one, too.

But woe to the vaccine hesitant:

Unvaccinated people…should wear masks at small outdoor gatherings that include other unvaccinated people, the CDC says. They also should keep their faces covered when dining at outdoor restaurants with friends from multiple households.

Prediction: Not going to happen. We were all unvaccinated a couple of months ago. Many of us were dining indoors as well as outdoors.

These folks need to get out more.

Here’s the best part:

And everyone, fully vaccinated or not, should keep wearing masks at crowded outdoor events such as concerts or sporting events, the CDC says.

The agency continues to recommend masks at indoor public places, such as hair salons, restaurants, shopping centers, gyms, museums and movie theaters, saying that is still the safer course even for vaccinated people.

So they’re saying the vaccines don’t work indoors or in large crowds.

Good to know.

It’s almost as if the experts running the country don’t really want people to get the vaccine. Or worse, they want to keep the public trembling in fear even after they’ve taken the shots.

Get a load of the president yesterday as he emerged – alone – from the White House to announce that vaccinated people could now venture outdoors without a mask.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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65 responses to “Word Salads from Wankers”

  1. What does Wise King Ralph have to say about the need for vaccinated people to wear masks indoors?

    I’m vaccinated. I feel safe, and I feel certain I’m not an asymptomatic carrier. I don’t believe I have any personal benefit from wearing a mask, nor do I believe I am protecting others. But I continue to wear masks indoors at public places simply so others don’t freak out.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Wise King Ralph is not going to change his own Edict of Pretend Protection. He wants us to keep up the virtue signaling. He can go %$$# himself. (The official state rule actually is that no mask is needed if it is possible to maintain six feet, and of course it always possible — you just might not do it.)

      Kerry is probably correct that those who are enjoying The Power really don’t want this go to away, so secretly they are happy that vaccinations are decelerating. I’ve got mine, all the hard evidence is they work as advertised, and I’m moving on. Had two workmen in the house yesterday for hours and I told them don’t wear those masks on our account — feel free, up to you.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tucker Dougherty.

    Don’t ever wear a mask, Kerry. Let’s experiment.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I bet that experiment has been underway….

      No more bull*^$@ from you people about following science because the effectiveness of the vaccines is truly amazing. Even the CDC Big Sister of Fear said on air yesterday that the handful of breakthrough infections (1 in 10,000?) are minor to asymptomatic. I’m done worrying.

      Virginia has put out 6 million shots now. Probably half of adults fully vaccinated, when you add the federal distribution. Based on the IFR, perhaps 4-5 million Virginians now have had this bug. We still see deaths because about 25% of the 70 and up population hasn’t gotten the shots and those are still most of the deaths.

      I haven’t heard a word out of Northam or Avula explaining why so many of the vulnerable senior citizens are not vaccinated. That is the best evidence they don’t want to stop people dying.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The vaccines came from the SAME SCIENCE as the other COVID advice and information came from,

        Why do some folks believe one and not the other or worse than that don’t believe the CDC – NOR the vaccine?

        And Northam – how many other governors have similar issues with the un-vaccinated? Is it a Northam-only issue?

        Ya’ll ARE – ALL OVER THE MAP on this. Nothing but disbelief of science for some, disbelief of the CDC guidance and grievances from the doubters about how Northam has “failed” – hypocrisy on steroids!

        These days – few Conservatives can hold their heads high as PRINCIPLED any more. Virtually the entire outfit has turned rancid, it matters only by degree from full wacko to grievance mongers… Look at the polls on the issues – it tells the story.

        1. ” These days – few Conservatives can hold their heads high as PRINCIPLED any more. Virtually the entire outfit has turned rancid, it matters only by degree from full wacko to grievance mongers… Look at the polls on the issues – it tells the story.”

          Yup. Frankly, I’m amazed you’re willing to lower yourself by associating with us…

          Maybe you should stop.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Stop what? “Associating” with youse guys?

            Is that what you call this?


          2. Associating, denigrating, lecturing – to you they appear to be synonymous.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            are you worried about me or you? You can block if it causes you angst and I don’t give a hoot about your opinions which seem to want to “police” others. Who appointed you? Go sit down.

          4. I’m just having fun. If I block you I can’t have as much fun.

            PS –


          5. I’m just having fun. If I block you I can’t have as much fun.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep.. so you won’t mind if I don’t respond the way you want? Or you just like to bitch for the heck of it?

            Some folks.. their “fun” is abuse… right?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s all voluntary, or unenforced on any scale. So go ahead, call CPS if you see a mask on a kid.

        Well, scientifically speaking, somebody got COVID fatigue as opposed to fatigue from COVID.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          here’s the hypocrisy – the very ones who are questioning the science are also pillorying Northam for not doing enough ….

          you know then what it’s really about!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Those BAs in Journalism and History allow them to latch onto generalizations while smirking at the philosophy major’s student debt.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly you aren’t aware that a philosophy is also a BA.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            So is math. What’s yer point? Maybe if you had a home internet connection then you could be here SUNDAY.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm yeah that’s incorrect, you can get a B.S. in Mathematics just fine.

            Edit: Just an FYI, I dedicate my entire weekend to my family. So you can drop your BS, it’s called having principles, something you’d never understand.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Didn’t say you couldn’t. The BA in math is often a more generalized study allowing for a double major which is ironic when the second major is Physics.

            Here, have some context.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            BA degrees are liberal arts based, BS prepares the student for graduate studies.

            To get a B.S. or B.A. in physics isn’t worth all that much unless you either like physics or want to be an engineer.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Again, it was NOT the issue in the post and this has been a tangent and not worth discussing with you. BA/BS or not, the point was area of study.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A tangent that you created, which happens on just about every article because you can’t stick to the topic at hand.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Then why did you bother? Because you just can’t stick to the subject.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Because I like pointing out how incredibly inaccurate just about everything you say is. Does it bother you, that you’re wrong about 99% of the time, or is that just the senility setting in?

  3. David Edwin Avatar
    David Edwin

    In the “you can’t make this stuff up” category: The vaccinated and masked dolt-in-chief announces the obvious…that it is O.K. for those that are vaccinated to not mask when they are outside.
    Those that believe their feelings equate to facts and that their “science” does not require verification (just belief) have never been comfortable with substantiated facts. The only peer reviewed and replicated studies employing the scientific method (not voodoo science), indicate the ubiquitous cloth or paper mask is not effective protection against the .2 NM pathogen. It is like using a soccer goal net to stop golf balls.
    Anything other than an N95 mask is ineffective. And oh, by the way, the preferred way by so many to wear a mask, that is, below the nose, doesn’t work that well.
    Randomized, data-controlled and peer reviewed studies also show that the virus can be transmitted through the eyes yet the intelligencia has not issued any edicts regarding goggles.
    Anyone that thinks this isn’t about “our betters” and elites that control the state maintaining power are probably the ones that think drool’in Joe is all about a return to normalcy and unifying the country.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Larry wouldn’t know science if it bit him on the….He needs a good does of Feynman.

      Most of the CDC advice a year ago was in the category of WAG, based on assumptions, not studies. Maybe some small studies. It was well meaning. But where it turned out to be wrong, they’ve been very reluctant to backtrack. Quelle surprise….This business of outdoor transmission is one of them, the utility of non-medical masks another. If they really want everybody vaccinated, the message should be it is a passport to Normal City.

      The data map Larry cannot see through his dark glasses. A sea of green:

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        EVEN Haner was saying “wear the damn mask” – no?

        What exactly did you base your view on when you said that? Are you actualling agreeing with David Edwin here?

        Makes one wonder why Haner was so hot to trot to get he vaccine to start with if he doubts the science, no?

        What Science and the CDC has said from the get go is that they don’t know with 100% certainty – what the answers are. They give their best assessments and update/change them as more info becomes available. Hells Bells, it will take 3 years to full ascertain the safety and efficacy of the vaccine for all populations but like I said, didn’t keep Haner from whining about not being able to get it pronto.. seems like a conflict, no?

        What exactly is your alternative to science and the CDC ?

        Conservatives spend their time looking for things to complain about – their grievances. They attack science and institutions , government and the media.

        But they do put stock in bloggers who claim they know because they have a “degree” and are “smart people” and websites that traffic in disinformation and conspiracy theories. WTF?

        Who are the vaccine deniers?

        Conservatives for the most part – even as some of them do get the vaccine (and wear masks) but then join their fellow deniers for the narratives agasin science and the government…

        All you need to do is look at India and Brazil to see how things work when too many folks just disregard science and the government becomes an enabler of the deniers.

        We’re not going to reach herd immunity anytime soon, primarily because of deniers…..

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Give Biden a break. He flunked third grade. And he clearly suffers from dementia on top of that.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d say he has done pretty well. Downright scary what would have happened if he was smart and alert…eh?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    You KNOW just how ignorant this narrative is – when you look at countries like India and Brazil which ought to tell you all you need to know that COVID IS REAL and while there are differences of opinion as to exactly what level of protection to take or not – just denigrating scientific organizations like the CDC and Governors like Northam (who is one of many) is truly the business of dancing idiots – who for some reason tend to be Conservatives…. who blather on and on about personal freedom and liberty – as if the virus gives a rip.

    Let’s be clear. The “king” is the idiots who have to put it on full display as proof of who they are,

    Believe what you want for sure but for gawd sake don’t be an idiot about it.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The word Dr. Gottlieb used this morning to describe the recent CDC advice was “Byzantine.” It has been clear since about a year ago that the risk outdoors was tiny. Tiny. Pre vaccines. If Jim and I didn’t believe “Covid is real” we wouldn’t have bothered to get vaccinated. And I bet you are just posturing, and in your own activity are going around unmasked far more often than you’d admit.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        What’s ‘clear” is that some folks pick and choose what science from the CDC they will believe or not.

        Ya’ll seem to believe in personalities more than you believe in institutions – like science or the CDC as a whole.

        I walk unmasked if I have wide separation from others, yes but I am doing volunteer work at the libraries and let me tell you – we’re all still masking up and the library still has strict rules on social distancing. Rooms that the FD said could hold 60 – now can hold 9.

        I advisory boards I sit on – are STILL meeting on Zoom. The Walmart and Lowes STILL require masks – even in the outdoor areas.

        I don’t know what in the doo-dah is wrong with folks but it’s clear that a LOT of it IS – on the “right” these days.

        It’s like a bunch of teens out to make trouble. No matter what the CDC or Northam or related say or do , SOMEONE on the RIGHT is going to pitch a fit. It only matters on the issue, how many will.

    2. India’s at 16% vaccinated. Because their population is so large, only 1.4% have had the virus. Okay. Double that for unknown cases. That’s 17.4% with antibodies.
      Virginia’s vaccinations are at 43.5%. At least 7% have had the virus in Va. No one knows for sure how many, so it’s probably more, but sticking with the VDH number, we’re at 50.5% with antibodies.

      That’s the difference.

      (Edited to update the numbers)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You’re missing the point Carol. If we did what many Conservatives are saying, we’d be more like India and Brazil. Look at what Conservatives are saying and doing we’d be in even deeper SHIT!

        And EVEN the Conservatives that do wear masks and did get vaccinated – SIDE with other Conservatives on the issues like you see here in BR!

        They get vaccinated but do you see them disagreeing with the deniers ? Nope…

    3. Who at this blog said COVID is not real?

      Please name names.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you read dude?

        How many GOP will not get vaccinated?

        How many folks denigrate Northam for basically following CDC guidelines?

        How many folks denigrate the CDC

        do you read?

        1. Do you read, “dude”? Who at this blog said COVID is not real?

          It’s a simple question. Can you answer it without deflecting?

          PS – I’ll save time and post a preemptive:


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I answered it. You don’t like it.

            Move on dude.

            Or better yet, exercise your block. I’m sure you’ll be happier and believe me, no skin off my nose!

          2. Like I said. I’m having fun. If I block you I will not have as much fun.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            or vice versa? 😉

  6. Publius Avatar

    Why is there vaccine reluctance? Must one be a mouth-breathing, Trump supporting, science denier to not RUN, I say RUN, to be vaccinated?
    First, it would help if our illustrious government hadn’t lied, repeatedly. Remember Dr. St. Fau(x)i saying no masks? Hooking up on Tinder was OK? How about the ginning up of panic over HCQ all because the Bad Orange Man said something good about it (and was right). The virus being able to distinguish between peaceful protestors or Biden celebrations? I think the good Dr. feels possibly guilty for unleashing of the Covid since he funded gain of function research at Wuhan when it was not permitted in the US.
    Then the whole mask theater. Masks don’t work. There were studies before and studies since. And this isn’t rocket science – the “virus particles” are much smaller than mask openings. Add in the touching and retouching and rebreathing and all the other factors – they don’t work and we see that in “cases.”
    We have also learned the virus is very selective – it seems to hate mostly old people and fat people. Maybe SlowJoe’s DOJ can sue the virus for age discrimination.
    Social distancing? Lot of science there, too, right LarrytheG?
    So we have all these vaccines. I have not researched them (does one use baby parts? Change DNA?) – I have decided for now not to get a vaccine. I remember thalidomide, and I have never been affected by seasonal flus. I’d like to wait a while to consider further. And, if I feel weird, I will hurry to reach my doctors and take advantage of the full panoply of therapeutics and other things in our medical system.
    Meanwhile, the vaccines appear to work. I know of one person who is over 70 and had both shots, AND got Covid…and it was like a common cold.
    The virus affects different people differently.
    This whole cluster you know what reminds me of our “betters” thinking they can control the climate. Hubris. And it is hubris to think you can control a virus. Let’s try received wisdom – wash your hands, don’t cough on people, if sick, stay home, let those who aren’t at risk (hint – college age and below) live and develop herd immunity.
    I will bet if and when an honest study is ever done, we will discover that doing nothing would have had a better result.
    So, that is why SlowJoe and King Ralph (who is a Doctor and has no excuse for his stupidity – at least Joe has always been stupid) wearing masks and making their arbitrary rules are mocked here, and they should be.
    It is well beyond time for massive disobedience. Maybe we should have some mask burnings… And to protect ourselves from the mask Nazis we can burn an American flag, too… Or wear black bloc like the Antifa protestors do…

  7. Here is the logical progression of the past few comments. starting with KD’s twisting of this language from a press release about the CDC’s announcement yesterday. The CDC is summed up as saying: “And everyone, fully vaccinated or not, should keep wearing masks at crowded outdoor events such as concerts or sporting events, the CDC says.”

    My reaction to that was: typical public-health-conscious CDC — still being cautious about relaxing mask wearing because, in a crowded situation everyone should wear a mask — NOT because the vaccinated mask wearer might catch covid, but because he might be an asymptomatic threat to others who are NOT vaccinated AND because no one else can tell if he’s vaccinated or not so he should set a good example for others by wearing a mask in a crowd regardless.

    Kerry, however, deduces a different conclusion: “So they’re saying the vaccines don’t work indoors or in large crowds. Good to know.”

    From which Larry, quite rightly, concludes: “What’s ‘clear” is that some folks pick and choose what science from the CDC they will believe or not.”

    From which Steve, arbitrarily (and to me unconvincingly) concludes: “Larry wouldn’t know science if it bit him on the….He needs a good [dose] of Feynman.”

    This exchange is not about the science of epidemiology; it’s about the science of put-downs. Kerry tries; but the punch that landed in this exchange is NN’s jab from the left: “Tucker Dougherty”.

    Steve, kudos for observing “We still see deaths because about 25% of the 70 and up population hasn’t gotten the shots and those are still most of the deaths.” But to make this threat go away from all age groups we need herd immunity and herd-level vaccinations by all age groups. And that’s going to be hard to get to thanks to all the libertarian opposition to public cooperation and the Kerrys and the Tucker Carlsons and assorted Republican whack-jobs who spread distrust and disdain for public health measures that require mass participation to work. They simply, selfishly, want to ride on the public benefits conferred by others’ hard work while taking pot-shots at their methods.

    Sometimes we have to work together to reach a social goal. Ask the folks in India what happens if you let up the collective effort too soon.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Kerry, for better or worse, echos many Conservative views… truth be known.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Uh, no. In her case, it’s truth be unknown.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          uh….like I said…. Some Conservatives are having trouble with truth and reality…. when it comes to some issues… these days. Kerry is singing a familiar tune sometimes.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s hard to try to understand Conservatives on COVID.
      You have Steve who claims to be a Conservative who says “wear the Damn Mask” and “Get the Damn Vaccine” then he turns around and sides with the skeptics of science and those that denigrate “KING” Northam for basically implementing CDC-recommended guidance.

      It’s Alice-in-Wonderland.

      Conservatives who wear masks and got vaccinated – defend Conservatives who refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated and go along with the nonsensical grievances.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I wore the damn mask when it made sense (always medical grade or close) and did get the damn vaccine and it is stupid and counterproductive to tell me now I’m still in danger or a potential carrier. If the vaccines don’t work, what’s the point? But the data are damn positive.

        I know more about and have more faith in science than you even comprehend, Larry. You can spell the word and that’s as deep as you get. Nancy, now him I’ll argue with. You’re just repeating the party talking points.

        So you are going to keep up the caterwauling for three years? Ouch….You are just like the anti-vaxxers in your refusal to accept this victory. Here I criticized Northam for REFUSING to align with the new CDC guidance. In a few weeks he probably will….

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Actually Steven – I believe in most science. I don’t pick and choose what I like or disbelieve science and instead believe “smart people”.

          There is a high correlation between climate deniers and vaccine deniers… you are an outlier… who still runs with the deniers on most other issues…

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Right, you BELIEVE in science. That statement alone proves you have no idea how messy and contentious it is when done well. Faith and science are antithetical.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes – I do believe in Science – and yes, given how messy and contentious IT IS as well as the conflict and contradictions and sometimes outright fraud.

            But it’s science not ‘smart people”.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Except when you don’t believe in science.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Says the poster who doesn’t know or understand the Scientific Method.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “And that’s going to be hard to get to thanks to all the libertarian opposition”

      There is no libertarian opposition, that’s a just a deflection. There is a stark difference between requiring one to get a vaccine and someone doing it of their own free will.

      While you will have some of the belief they contracted the virus and have gained natural immunity (they would be correct). Should they still get vaccinated? Yes, but after those who have not contracted it or are at high risk to complications.

      “Sometimes we have to work together to reach a social goal. Ask the folks in India what happens if you let up the collective effort too soon.”

      India hasn’t even vaccinated 1% of their population their rollout just moved into phase to which is 18 and above your logic is flawed and faulty.

      Oh and if you think Larry has an inkling of a clue about “science” you have no business discussing the topic either.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Thx 4 the hat tip. My left is my weak side.

      The contents of this, and other Tucker Dougherty articles can be seen nightly on Fox News. Check with your provider for channel lineup and times.

  8. StarboardLift Avatar

    Kerry, I am curious: do you buy any kind of insurance?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, in but a scant 100+ years the science so scorned by the Right has taken the average lifespan from the 50s to the 70/80s.

    Please feel free to correct this personal affront at any time.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but they LIED … also… can’t trust em.. they’re “liberals”.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Or worse, young. One word scares the Hell out of them. “Greta”.

  10. DLunsford Avatar

    It’s becoming great fun watching the “experts” contort themselves into all manner of logical dead-ends as they flip-flop and forget even the most basic aspects of infectious disease and immunology.

    If we were to equate the current situation to the polio epidemic (caused by another +strand RNA virus, but transmitted fecal-oral not respiratory), we no longer would have public swimming pools since the late 1950s. They would be just too “risky”! What if they weren’t cleaned/chlorinated properly? What if there was breakthrough of a new polio strain resistant to the Salk or Sabin vaccines. How on earth have us boomers managed to survive?

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