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The Wonk Salon: May 6, 2011

Expanding Medicaid Could Result in Worse Overall Health Care
Heritage Foundation

Studies show that the medical care provided Medicaid patients is no better, maybe worse, than the care provided indigent patients. Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid is not likely to improve matters.

Competition Blasts Off in the Space Industry
Government Accountability Office
Bottom line for Virginia: Wallops Island is getting a lot more competition in the bid for commercial space transportation.

Making the Most of Childhood Visitation Programs
National Governors Association
The authors claims a 5-to-1 cost-benefit ratio in state visits to homes of at-risk children and expectant mothers. Sounds like the Nanny State run wild to me.

Transforming Mental Health Care
National Governors Association
Many mental disorders once deemed incurable can now be treated. State mental health systems need to change focus from long-term custodial care to fostering mental health recovery.

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