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The Wonk Salon, May 12, 2011

Thinking Logically about Class Size
Brookings Institution

Smaller classes sizes make a bigger difference in some instances — for earlier grades and disadvantaged children — than in others. Spending on class-size initiatives should be targeted.

Drive Less, Pay Less Insurance
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Pay-As-You-Drive insurance reduces rates for motorists who drive less on the grounds that they are less likely to have accidents. PAYD also encourages people to drive less, thus promoting other goals such as energy efficiency and pollution reduction.

More Transparency, Please, for State Tax Expenditures
Center of Budget and Policy Priorities
States allow billions of dollars of tax credits, deductions and exemptions that reduce tax revenue. These loopholes run on autopilot with little scrutiny. States should issue comprehensive annual “tax expenditure reports.” Virginia’s report is incomplete.

Reducing Emergency Room Use for Non-Urgent Care
Government Accountability Office
Non-urgent care in an emergency room setting costs seven times as much as an appropriate setting. This report suggests strategies for reducing that cost.

How Goes the Federal Investment in Health Care IT?
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Uncle Sam is investing $19 billion in health care IT in the hope that providers can boost productivity and improve quality. Progress is being made, though challenges remain.

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