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The Wonk Salon, June 28, 2011

Drug Courts Do Prevent Crime and Substance Abuse
Urban Institute

Drug courts are effective at reducing substance abuse and preventing crime. They work equally well for most subgroups of the population. Adoption of best practices can make them work even better.

Why Oregon Should Not Cut Its Capital Gains Tax
Oregon Center for Public Policy
The capital gains tax proposed for Oregon is unfair — the richest 1% would get 65% of the benefit. It wouldn’t attract significant capital investment, and Oregon’s economy out-performs the nation’s anyway. And the state needs the tax revenue.

Wisconsin’s Middle Class Under Attack
As the rich get richer, Wisconsin’s middle class is shrinking. Earnings are stagnant and public benefits are threatened. The peoples’ strong work ethic and union militancy are signs of hope.

The High Price of Romneycare
Beacon Hill Institute
Five years after Massachusetts passed health reform, it can now be evaluated. The verdict: Health coverage has expanded, costs have shot up by $8.6 billion over the period.

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