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The Wonk Salon, June 23, 2011

Ideas for Closing the Justice Gap
Center for American Progress

There is a huge gap between the legal needs of the poor and the ability of the legal assistance community to help them. Americans need to spend more money on legal assistance and spend it more effectively.

Time for Evidence-Based Funding of Legal Aid
Center for American Progress
One way to spend legal aid money more effectively is to experiment with innovative legal services models and steer money toward those that deliver the greatest bang for the buck.

What to Do about Pro Se Representation in the Courts
Center for American Progress
More and more Americans find themselves unable to afford a lawyer and representing themselves in court. They don’t do a very good job, and they clog up the courts by demanding more of judges’ time.

Improving the Odds for Pro Se Litigants
Center for American Progress
An initiative to help poor Washingtonians in landlord-and-tenant court stretches the limited legal-assistance manpower by providing limited representation on short notice. Hey, it’s better than nothing.

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