The Wonk Salon, June 22, 2011

How Health Care Reform Will Benefit Small Business Employees
Urban Institute

Despite widespread fears to the contrary, Obamacare will have “generally positive” effects on small businesses and their employees.

Addressing the Uneven Geography of Opportunity
Urban Institute
Recognizing that out-of-school factors impact educational achievement, planners, community developers and educators need to bust out of their silos and collaborate to create “trajectories of opportunity” for disadvantaged kids.

When Qataris Tackle Educational Reform, They Don’t Mess Around
Rand Corporation
A decade ago, the Emir of Qatar reformed the country’s top-down, bureaucratic school system with a decentralized model built on charter schools and the tracking of results. The country has made significant progress but challenges remain.

Millions of Poor, Elderly Adults Face “Food Insecurity”

Government Accountability Office
Millions of older, low-income Americans experience food insecurity, but redundant and overlapping federal nutritional programs don’t reach them all.

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