The Wonk Salon, June 17, 2011

Schools Trying to Create a Health Environment but Have Long Way to Go
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Schools have gotten the message they need to provide better nutrition to their pupils, but most kids still have access to pizza, fries, soft drinks and other junk food.

Transportation in an Age of Fiscal Austerity
Bipartisan Policy Center
How federal transportation policy can subsist on $40 billion a year: set smarter priorities, consolidate programs, leverage state and private funds.

Coordinating Child Services
National Academy for State Health Policy
A five-state collaborative is testing new models for coordinating social services targeting children across departmental silos. The goal: Reduce delays and avoid duplication of services.

Causes of Civic Ignorance
American Enterprise Institute
Everybody bemoans the civic ignorance of American youth but no one agrees about what schools need to emphasize. There are sharp divides between Republicans and Democrats, and between teachers and citizens at large.

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