Wokewashing Comes for the Executive Mansion

by Shaun Kenney

Ned Oliver over at Axios Richmond takes two separate and distinct wires and touches them together for maximum dramatic effect, namely how the tour for the Virginia Executive Mansion — recently reopened after the COVID pandemic — whose narrative has satisfied historians for a good two decades or more, is today somehow tied into Youngkin’s opposition to Critical Race Theory.

From the objective-because-it-is-short method at Axios Richmond:

Why it matters: One of Youngkin’s first acts as governor was to ban public schools from teaching what he called “inherently divisive concepts,” prompting fears his administration was attempting to whitewash history books.

  • His administration’s handling of tours at the Executive Mansion offers up-close insight into how he thinks complex histories should be taught.

Does anyone in their right mind think this is objective reporting?

A more nuanced analysis — one might say “goes deeper” — argument would mention that other institutions such as Montpelier and Monticello (both of whom moved significantly towards 1619 Project revisionism thanks to gifts from former and perhaps fellow Carlyle Group funder David Rubenstein) have reinterpreted both national landmarks in a way that obscures why either James Madison or Thomas Jefferson deserve any special notation in our framework.

Let’s not get that in the way of a free smack on the governor, right?

As for weaponizing the tour as if it were some sort of insight into Youngkin’s true thoughts on the matter, Oliver mentions that the tour is indeed the same tour that has always been on offer, even during the Northam and McAuliffe eras.

This notable — one might dare say “reason not to write it this way” piece of information — doesn’t seem to press pause on anything.

Meanwhile, the political pressure to reinterpret the Executive Mansion tour not just merely to include but emphasize slavery betrays the endgame.  If it were purely historical, then it would have been handled through those channels.

Yet the very moment it becomes political? That’s how you know it is political.  Which means the entire piece and perspective is indeed one more effort in a long tapestry of political reinterpretation of historical (and arguably factual) landmarks in Virginia.

Now if Youngkin is standing tall against that? Then three cheers for the governor.

But if the governor is merely reopening the Executive Mansion for tours and the 1619 Project folks are demanding a political and, dare one say, Soviet-style reinterpretation of history through a particular lens? It strikes one to say that this is the story that “smart brevity” ditches in favor of an abrupt if telling effort.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. This article has been republished with permission from The Republican Standard.

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14 responses to “Wokewashing Comes for the Executive Mansion”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Check into ADA access, unless you think its ok to have govt buildings without ADA access. That was true at the beginning of this month – they didn’t have ADA access to the area/buildings. https://therepublicanstandard.com/featured/wokewashing-comes-for-the-executive-mansion/cicero/2022/09/

    1. The 1st floor of the mansion, the public business area, is relatively barrier free. There are several steps to the front door. I thought I remembered, although may be wrong, that there was barrier free access to the building at another entrance. An ADA compliant ramp would be an easy accommodation at the front door.

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        You’re not disabled so please refrain from commenting about things you obviously don’t know about.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    History is history. Germany got over their problems after WWII, so did the US after the atomic bomb. I am not sure I want to eliminate all discussion of slavery, but the discussion should include more than slavery, like the economy at the time. We were an agrarian society. Then an industrial society. Now a digital society. Each have their downfalls, and the worst by far was slavery. But it existed. Same as Hitler. Same as the US and the atomic bomb. We study history to learn from it.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Y’all might wish to read a few contemporary pieces on German politics. Visit the website of Oma’s Gegen Rechts (Grandmas Against the Right) to assure the nation “got over their problems.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Germany got over it? Does she remember Condoleeza Rice’s Werewolves and why the US had to torture Iraqis?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          And the US was cured, got over its problems following the atomic bomb. Is that the Virginia Way?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Germany got over it? Does she remember Condoleeza Rice’s Werewolves and why the US had to torture Iraqis?

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I’m done with these everything and everybody who disagrees with me is racist, homophobe, transphobe, Hitler.
    I’m listening to a James Lindsay interview by Charlie Kirk. Really excellent.
    Every one of these charges is just an attempt to control you – to shut you up until they are in complete control…and they are so close they can’t stand it! “How did Orange Man delay our domination?” they think.
    So I think the appropriate response to the baseless charges is GFY. I’m going to Alinsky these evil people back. Call me anything you want, but try to avoid Troll’s calling me a pedophile – that was libelous.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Be careful. Acting like Saul could lead to mistaken identity as a wokeist. Too long Alinsky-like and you may not be able to return.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Thank you, but won’t be a problem. Goal is merely giving Alinskyites a taste of their own medicine…

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          I dunno. Donnie Brasco was forced to assume a new name and identity. Doppellganging as Alinsky may cause liberal dysphoria.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            It’s a risk for the cause I’m willing to take!

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Objective governing will receive objective reporting. Get it?

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