Woke Army Puts American Hindu Mom in Its Crosshairs

Suparna Dutta

by Asra Nomani

A Woke Army of far-left activists and leaders from the mosque that once hired radical imam Anwar Al-Awlaki put a mother in their crosshairs: Suparna Dutta, a brave immigrant who has advocated for the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, democracy, and meritocracy.

In a reprehensible display of bigotry and xenophobia, Virginia Democrats voted on Tuesday, Feb. 7, to reject Suparna’s nomination to the Virginia Board of Education, after Sen. Ghazala Hashmi accused her of alignment with “white supremacy.”

These are the new Southern Democrats — mimicking the bigotry of their predecessors.

You can’t make this up.

In a statement, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who nominated Dutta, criticized the “Democrats’ partisan rejection of qualified appointees,” including with the Parole Board and Board of Health.

“In an appalling show of partisanship, today Senate Democrats attacked the integrity of three highly qualified members of my administration,” said Youngkin.

They voted to remove Suparna Dutta, shockingly claiming that a public school parent isn’t qualified to serve on the Board of Education. She is a mother and advocate for parents’ rights, she is an immigrant and an advocate for Asian American rights, she is an engineer and advocate for STEM in education. She is not only qualified, she epitomizes parental involvement in our schools and we need her voice on our Board of Education, he said.

Youngkin continued: Democrats are repeating loudly their clear beliefs: parents don’t matter, criminals first victims last, and petty politics above Virginia’s best interests. It’s shameful. Virginians deserve so much better.

What was Suparna’s crime? Being an American Hindu. I write this as I should be finalizing details for the release of a new book, Woke Army: The Red-Green Alliance That Is Destroying America’s Freedom, that I have been working on for 10 years. But I depart from my tasks because we are living the Woke Army’s incursion in our lives — and into the Commonwealth of Virginia.

I know the leaders at the mosque — Dar Al-Hijrah — very well. They called the police on other women and me when we dared to walk through the front door of the mosque and into the main hall. They have advocated for female genital mutilation.

Let me be very clear. Their attack on Suparna Dutta is based on a belief of Hindus as a dirty polytheistic faith whose adherents are committing a mortal sin. This worldview is ugly and intolerant, and the Woke Army’s character assassination must be stopped.

Here is what happened.

On Jan. 20, 2023, the bill, SJ 276, was presented with Suparna’s name to the Virginia Board of Education. She has been an accidental activist ignored like so many of us by the UnFairfaXXX County School Board. She represented the kind of diversity the Woke Army claims it wants but really doesn’t when it’s from those of us who refuse their propaganda.

SJ 276 Governor; confirming appointments.

Board of Education

Grace Turner Creasey of Goochland, Virginia, Member, appointed on July 1, 2022, for a term of four years beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2026, to succeed Keisha Lanell Pexton.

Suparna Dutta of Fairfax, Virginia, Member, appointed on July 1, 2022, to serve an unexpired term beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2024, to succeed Anthony Swann.

William D. Hansen of McLean, Virginia, Member, appointed on July 1, 2022, for a term of four years beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2026, to succeed Francisco D. Duran.

Andrew J. Rotherham of Madison, Virginia, Member, appointed on July 1, 2022, to serve an unexpired term beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2025, to succeed Jamelle S. Wilson.

H. Alan Seibert of Salem, Virginia, Member, appointed on July 1, 2022, to serve an unexpired term beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2024, to succeed Stewart D. Roberson.

On Jan. 31, lawmakers in the Virginia Senate Privileges and Elections Committee approved Dutta’s nomination 14-0.

SJ 276 Governor; confirming appointments.

01/31/23 Senate: Reported from Privileges and Elections with amendments (14-Y 0-N)
YEAS–Spruill, Howell, Deeds, Reeves, Ebbin, Ruff, Peake, McDougle, Surovell, Mason, McClellan, Boysko, Bell, Hackworth–14.



Tuesday afternoon as I wrote, far-left activists were lobbying to sabotage Dutta’s nomination with an amendment introduced to the floor of the Virginia Senate — united in this unholy alliance with illiberal religious clerics who kicked me and other women out of the mosque for daring to walk through the front door and into the main hall.

Suparna faced an amendment from Virginia Sen. Ghazala Hashmi — a fierce opponent for two years of our quest for meritocracy, as she parrots Democratic Party talking points — to cancel Suparna’s nomination.

What changed?

Last week, on Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2023, the day after the Democrats voted for Dutta’s nomination, at a meeting of the Virginia Board of Education, Suparna dared to go toe-to-toe with a board member, Anne Holton, who is politically connected in the Virginia Democratic Party. Her husband is Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine. Holton reprimanded Suparna for her meeting “hygiene,” an ironic choice of words — and a microaggression, in the words of equity activists — considering the racism against Hindus as a “dirty” faith.


Suparna supports the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, while Holton says they are not “remarkable” documents. What’s more, Suparna opposes socialism and Holton supports socialism as potentially “compatible” with democracy.

Here is the full video.

4:23:40 — Suparna’s defense started and the debate continued through 4:41:15.

4:27:12 — Democratic Sen. TimKaine’s wife @AnneHolton defended socialism. And said that the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Declaration of Independence weren’t “remarkable.”

4:46:10 — Suparna said: “May I?” She delivered a principled rebuttal.

Let’s be clear what this is about. It’s about the same type of intolerance that was a part of the Southern Democratic agenda and Byrd Machine that barred the integration of black students with white students in the 1950s. Now, this Woke Army has put Hindus from India in their crosshairs and Suparna Dutta is the target of their character assassination campaign, accusing this woman of color of being — wait for it — a white supremacist. What Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares will find is that not only do Asian American students face disparate impact with the recent withholding of National Merit awards, but, in a deep analysis that I have conducted, many of the students impacted are Hindu American children from immigrant families from India.

As a Muslim reformer and feminist,  I find the character assassination campaign against Suparna Dutta to be unconscionable and un-American.

Who is behind the campaign from the left? None other than local Fairfax County trolls including Vanessa Hall @V_theClash and Jorge Torrico, leaders in the TJ Alumni Action Group, which has opposed Suparna’s advocacy (with me and many immigrant parents) for merit-based admissions to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. This is the defamatory campaign they are waging against a woman of color, calling her a “right-wing extremist,” when she is, like many immigrant parents, seeking equality and fairness in America and its educational system.

What must every Virginian do? Support Suparna against the Woke Army.

Watch her reading of poet Robert Frost to be inspired.

Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal. She can be reached at asra@asranomani.com. This column has been republished with permission from her Substack column Asra Investigates.

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12 responses to “Woke Army Puts American Hindu Mom in Its Crosshairs”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Sen Hashmi refuses to explain the basis for her position even when asked, which I did. She has shown herself to be a hypocrite as well as a political hack.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Holton’s comments were distasteful. She ought to apologize and undo the wrong and make things right. But she won’t. Dutta is just going to have to sit there and take it.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    She didn’t. I have it on good authority that the night before the BoE meeting in question, Holton assured the new nominees their appointments would be confirmed. Nobody would be better connected to know. But after the exchange between the two over the status of the Constitution as “remarkable,” Holton was seen on her phone texting furiously and the social media campaign against Dutta began.

    The authors references to two lesser known local Fairfax figures seem largely unsupported, however. One of these days one of these posts is going to end up in a lawsuit. I betcha.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Not really. He is saying that it was Dutta’s equating socialism with communism, which was part of the exchange over the “remarkable” documents that was the specific catalyst that led Holton to act.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I love Holton’s defense of socialist democrats. I wonder if she is familiar with a certain nation in 1930s Europe that dabbled in such nonsense.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Or that newcomer nation created in 1789 continuing to experiment with compromises of capitalism and the free market to lead the world. Lotsa sharing of the commonwealth while sustaining, even enhancing, democratic principles.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yes, it is so convenient for all to forget that Hitler’s was a socialist party, and once elected no shred of democracy was allowed to survive.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I had to look up OTOH. You are dealing with someone who has three working rotary telephones in the house and let me tell you I had to minor in telecommunications to make it possible.

  5. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Woke” Republicans? Nice try, but no cigar. Wokeism is a Democrat disease.

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Yeah, Dutta certainly doesn’t know her place. She should have realized that, as a person of color, the U.S. and its heritage are supposed to disgust her, not inspire her. But I’m sure the Wokeists of the BR comments section will set her straight.

    1. Yeah, not remotely close to the point I was making. But I appreciate your sensitivity to issues facing minorities, like manufactured culture wars over PSAT (P stands for preliminary) scores.

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