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W&L Students Trained in Privilege, Identity, and Intersectionality

Once upon a time university students spent their college years, to use the vernacular of the time, “finding themselves.” It was a journey they undertook on their own by sampling from a wide range of courses, experimenting with sex, alcohol and drugs, and floating ideas — and shooting them down — in dormitory bull sessions.

Now they have help. Whether they want it or not.

In November the entire Washington & Lee University freshman class was required to participate in mandatory training titled, “Continuing Education: Diversity, Inclusion and Community.” Under the direction of university representatives, students were walked through an exploration of their “identity” using a leftist oppressor/victim paradigm by race, class, sex, gender, age, ability, etc., according to The W&L Spectator.

Wrote the Spectator:

The facilitator asked questions including “Which part of your identity are you most open to exploring?” or “Which part of your identity gives you the most privilege?” Then, facilitators instructed students to stand by the sign that signified their answers.

When defining identity, the slideshow stated that “all identities are fluid,” whether visible or non-visible.

The session was designed as an opportunity to explore identities — not ideas.

Presenters asked students to volunteer to read portions of the slides. For one slide, the facilitator forced a student to read after no one had volunteered.

When asked to read, the student replied: “I’d rather not.” The presenter stated, “I’m going to make you.” The student sighed and reluctantly read the slide out loud.

Intellectual coercion was evident also in a statement on privilege taken from the training materials.

“Privilege is often invisible to those who have it, as they have not necessarily been forced to understand the world through a different lens….”

How much do parents shell out to have their children subjected to such indoctrination?

The annual cost of cost of undergraduate attendance at W&L: $87,000.


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