W&L Alumni Rebels Deploy Nuclear Option

by James A. BaconThe Generals Redoubt, an association of alumni protesting the leftist drift of Washington & Lee University, scored a seeming victory earlier this year when the W&L Board voted to keep Lee — as in Confederate general and former university president Robert E. Lee — in the school’s name. But subsequent events have made clear that Lee’s name is about the only traditional element that the university intends to uphold.After two or more years of issuing op-eds, letters, videos and other forms of persuasion to get President Will Dudley and the W&L Board to protect long-held values, the Generals Redoubt is demanding Dudley’s resignation and calling for a cessation of all donations to the private, liberal arts university. Here follows the letter distributed to alumni and friends. (For those not familiar with W&L, the Generals is the name of the school’s athletic teams.) — JABGenerals! Out from the Redoubt.

Yes, the name has been retained, but the W&L we remember remains in name only.

The whitewashing of Robert E. Lee from the school is nearly complete – his name has been removed from his chapel; the doors to his recumbent statue have been closed and his face has been removed from diplomas. The takeover of the school by those who are opposed to freedom of speech, intolerant of opposing views and who are hostile to the school’s historical values is nearly complete as well.

We know this to be true from our own experiences and from hundreds of students and parents who have written The Generals Redoubt with examples of how honor, civility, diversity of thought and respect for one’s fellow community members are now being denigrated on campus, ironically often in the name of diversity and inclusion. Violations of honor that comport to the Administration’s beliefs are left uninvestigated. Faculty are allowed to publicly engage in unprofessional and unethical behavior for which most students would be sanctioned or expelled. Dozens of parents and students have written us to express their fears of academic and other forms of retribution by professors who are hostile to these students’ political and other views. This is not the W&L any of us remember.

It’s become clear that the name was retained by the Board of Trustees as they knew it would have been economic suicide to have done otherwise as the majority of alumni, parents and other supporters of the school didn’t want the name changed. By retaining the name, they have convinced many of their supposed loyalty to the school’s traditions, insincerely soothing the concerned and convincing them to keep their checkbooks open. Yet, at the time of the announcement and on numerous occasions since, the Board, President Dudley, and Rector McAlevey have stated their determination to continue on their current deleterious path with which most of us disagree.

This two-faced approach allows them to continue to take your money while changing the school to suit their ideological objectives. But don’t be fooled: it’s obvious that once they have your money, achieved their objectives, and ruined the school you remember – which they are largely succeeding in doing – they will later change the name. Heads they win; tails you lose.

This. Must. Be. Stopped! And Our Goals Are Clear!

  • The toxic ideological drift of the school must be stopped before the school is irrevocably damaged and its uniqueness permanently obscured.
  • The leadership of the school must be changed, several layers deep.
  • New leadership must be identified that more accurately reflects the culture, values, and history of the school and the views of the majority of its alumni while progressively leading it forward to greater success

Therefore, we, the Generals Redoubt, are calling for:

  • Will Dudley to resign or be terminated.
  • Rector McAlevey to resign or be removed.
  • A new president to be recruited who better reflects the historical values of the school and the majority of its alumni.
  • Provost Lena Hill to resign or be terminated.
  • Dean of the College Chawne Kimber to resign or be terminated.
  • The Alumni Office to be separated from the Development Office and become again the voice of and an association for the alumni and not the extension of and the mouthpiece for the fundraising apparatus of the school

Until these conditions are satisfied, we are further asking for:

  • The cessation of all donations to W&L. It is clear the BOT is most concerned with money as it needs your financial support to implement its misguided objectives. Discontinue underwriting their agenda until the necessary changes are made that better align with the vast majority of you. This and only this will get their full attention.
  • The resignation of all class agents. While well-intentioned, your efforts are enabling the current administration. Stop helping the school raise money until it has new leadership and a new direction. We encourage all reunion committee members to stop raising funds on behalf of the school as well.


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11 responses to “W&L Alumni Rebels Deploy Nuclear Option”

  1. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    Go for it!

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yeah. Go ahead. Make my day.

  3. I sympathize with the W& L alumni. Several years ago, I stopped donating to my alma mater because it had ceased to be a traditional university and had changed into a “woke” institution more intent on social justice crusades than providing a traditional liberal arts education. Many alumni at many American colleges and universities need to consider whether it makes sense to continue making donations to institutions that have become “woke” bastions bearing little or no resemblance to the institutions they attended years ago.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Great idea! Good luck. How united are the alumni? What about the alumni from the past 10 years? Some of them might approve of the far left movement of Wand L.

  5. Rafaelo Avatar


    As a W&L alumnus I cheered opposing the name change. Washington and Lee would have to become “& University,” one friend said.

    The Woke lost. Well done. Generals Redoubt should be satisfied with a symbolic victory.

    Instead they mount another, more direct attack. They expect to reverse the school’s drift (okay lurch) leftward by firing the President and a few others.

    It sounds a little shrill. Over-reaching.

    In the first place attacking W&L fundraising won’t work. W&L already has a $1.4 billion endowment. If W&L spends one dollar a minute on a defensive publicity campaign, they won’t run out of money for 2663 years.

    More to the point: its the Board of Trustees that has to be replaced. Not the President.

    The Woke faculty metastasized over the years and decades, by dominating the tenure process. Only the Board of Trustees can eliminate departments or change tenure to allow firing ideologues.

    The President and his henchmen did not create and cannot control the Woke faculty.

    Here, even if they win the Generals Redoubt at best install a new President to object lamely as the Woke faculty and indoctrinated students paint the historic white pillars of the colonnade red.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The thing about making threats is eventually you have to follow through. Please follow up in six months or a year and let us know when the school dries up and blows away. Or not. My guess is….not.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It is not unheard of for alumni to force out a college president by holding back on donations, especially wealthy alumni. Gene Nichol was forced out at William and Mary in 2008 by conservative alumni upset over some of his actions, despite his popularity with students on campus. One wealthy donor rescinded $12 million in gifts.



    There are differences between the situation at W&M and W&L. The W&M Board of Visitors did not support Nichol. Despite having hired him only three years earlier, it informed him that his contract would not be renewed. The Board caved to the alumni. In the current W&L situation, the dissidents want the heads of the board members as well as that of the president.

    Critics of W&M could appeal to the legislature and the Governor to pressure the Board of Visitors. The W&L critics have no such leverage.

    Most importantly, in my opinion, Nichol’s critics had specific grievances, primarily his removal of the cross from the Wren Chapel. In the W&L manifesto above, there are no specifics, only broad, generalized, unsubstantiated charges. If I were a W&L alumnus and had a lot of money to donate, I would want more specific reasons for withholding my donations until everyone in charge were replaced.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Nichol was an excellent example of my old rule about all fatal wounds in politics being self-inflicted. I was among those howling for his scalp (native American reference, get it?).

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I was sorry to see him go. He was a breath of fresh air. He did make the mistake of starting to break up the furniture as soon as he walked in the door. He probably should have waited awhile to establish himself.

        I got the native American reference. So, now we have the Griffins! (I still have a large popcorn tin with the Indian logo!)

  8. There is so much anger over student and faculty behavior within residential higher education today – on both sides of the generational divide. The mismatch between what happens on campus and what alumni feel is proper education policy and appropriate student behavior has only grown dramatically in recent years, what with the political left’s “wokeness” and disparagement of history and context — and the political right’s attacks on fact-based media, disregard of science, endorsement of incredible conspiracy theories, disparagement of institutions generally, and incompetent governance during a national health crisis.

    What ‘alum’ listening to the GR is going to further lower his (much less, her) giving to W&L as a result? IMHO the GR’s stance only reduces alumni leverage to achieve moderation and consensus, to the extent any such thing is possible in higher education today, and motivates increased giving by more recent grads. It’s ‘shoot yourself in the foot’ time.

  9. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    VMI is not far behind W&L.
    The “Diversity Teams” of both schools are amazingly non-diverse.

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