W&L Alumni Group Declares No Confidence in President Dudley

William Dudley, president of Washington & Lee University

On July 1, The General’s Redoubt Board of Directors approved a resolution declaring its lack of confidence in President William C. Dudley. The dissident alumni group also urged its 9,700 alumni and other supporters to “evaluate carefully” whether to continue donating to the private university until leadership issues could be resolved. Here follows the text of the resolution. A detailed bill of particulars can be found here, and in the post that follows. — JAB

Whereas, at a duly convened meeting of the Board of Directors of The Generals Redoubt (“TGR”) held on date set forth above, the Directors considered numerous issues relating to the administration, management, operations, identity, governance, leadership and stability of Washington and Lee University (“W&L”), and

Whereas the Directors applaud the courageous and sensible decision of the Board of Trustees of W&L to retain the University’s historically respected name: Washington and Lee University, and
Whereas the Directors expressed serious concerns regarding the handling of many matters by the incumbent President and his administrative staff, and the impact of the same upon the University and its various stakeholders, and among these issues, the TGR Board expressed specific dismay as to the following:

– The University has become highly politicized during the incumbent President’s tenure, with various factions in the University community demonstrating significant inability or willingness to work together amicably, effectively or cooperatively in the University’s long-term interests.

– The University’s core values of civility, honor, focus on excellence, student self-governance, academic rigor and mutual respect have eroded.

– The University’s historical roots, evolution and continuous improvements have been disrespected, denigrated and ignored.

– The University has blundered publicly from one crisis to another in the absence of leadership or direction, and demonstrates an absence of strong, guiding values and respect for excellence.

– The University has ignored its commitment to the Chicago Principles on Free Expression.

– The University has trampled on the legal rights of its students and has incurred costly, avoidable legal expenses and settlements following embarrassing federal and state litigation.

– The University faculty and administration have disrespected and ignored the views, opinions and contributions of many of its most loyal, committed alumni and allies, and

– The administration has provided an incomplete, inaccurate and biased picture of the concerns of many of the significant stakeholders to the Board of Trustees, and denied access or ignored their input, including that of many of the members and contributors to TGR.

Now, therefore, in view of the foregoing and to address the issues set forth above, and in a genuine, loyal effort to address the foregoing meaningfully and cooperatively, the Board of Directors of TGR hereby resolves, as follows:

– TGR has lost confidence in the competency, capability and performance of the President of the University.

– TGR does not believe that the President of the University can effectively manage the operations and affairs of the University or effectively advance the educational, operational or community interests of the University.

– TGR will not support the University in its present course of action until these concerns are addressed.

– TGR will encourage its members, donors, sizeable body of supporters and followers (@ 9,700+) and the University community in general to evaluate carefully whether they should make Annual Fund commitments or support future capital campaign funding plans of the University, pending resolution of the outstanding issues underlying the lack of confidence in University leadership expressed above.

I hereby certify that the resolutions set forth above were adopted unanimously by the Board of Directors of TGR as of the date set forth above.

Rex Wooldridge
Secretary, TGR

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2 responses to “W&L Alumni Group Declares No Confidence in President Dudley”

  1. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    Rock on!

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The problem with alumni organizations? The half life of education.

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