Winsome Earle-Sears Makes the Case in Roanoke

Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears speaks in Vinton. Photo by Scott Dreyer.

by Scott Dreyer

On a late summer Thursday evening at the Vinton War Memorial Senior Center, the Roanoke County GOP met for a fundraiser barbecue dinner to support Sen. David Suetterlein’s fall campaign and to fire up the room full of party faithful.

Following the meal, several people on the ballot this fall introduced themselves and addressed some key issues facing the region and state.

But the Roanoke star that evening was Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears.

Speakers included Suetterlein; his wife Ashley who is the Roanoke County GOP Committee Chairwoman; Roanoke County Sheriff Eric Orange; Treasurer Kevin Hutchins; Commonwealth’s Attorney Brian Holohan; Del. Joe McNamara; Betsy Head, wife of Del. Chris Head who is running for the State Senate; delegate candidate Chris Obenshain; and Supervisors Martha Hooker and Jason Peters.

Peters is challenging incumbent Nancy Horn (D), 78, for Commissioner of the Revenue. If successful, Peters will have defeated the last Democrat officeholder in Roanoke County. Moreover, if GOP-endorsed candidates maintain all their current seats, then all the county’s elected positions will be held by the GOP or their endorsed candidates.

(In contrast to Roanoke City, where six of the seven City Council members are Democrats, the county is increasingly Republican. For example, the county Democrat Committee failed to field a candidate for most of the positions on this fall’s ballot, thus forfeiting those seats to the GOP.)

The evening’s keynote speaker was Earle-Sears, who made history with her 2021 win as the first black woman and first-generation immigrant to hold that office. One key responsibility of the lieutenant governor is to break ties in the 40-member Virginia Senate.

In what has been called “The Great Sort,” many people in recent years have been moving to states that suit their political and cultural leanings. Thus, “blue” states like California and Illinois have skewed more Democrat while “red” states like South Carolina and Tennessee have become more Republican.

Against that backdrop, Virginia is unusual in that we are one of the few states left that is closely divided politically, with both parties roughly equal in strength. Thus, vote margins in the thousands or even hundreds or fewer in close races can potentially have huge impacts.

Earle-Sears opened her wide-ranging remarks by telling the crowd how important it is to win in the upcoming fall elections, and she ticked off some major wins Virginia has enjoyed since a Republican administration has led the Old Dominion for the first time in twelve years.

The lieutenant governor celebrated Lego’s decision to place their only facility in North America in Virginia. Boeing recently fled crime-ridden Chicago for Northern Virginia. Earle-Sears tongue-in-cheek thanked Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her attacks on a planned Amazon facility in New York City that caused the online giant to instead build a new campus in Virginia.

Earle-Sears then addressed the huge budget surplus the State of Virginia currently has. She explained that Republicans want to offer refunds and cut taxes but the Senate Democrats have been blocking that “because they don’t want to give the governor a ‘win,’ so they fight us.”

Discussing Virginia’s recent exit from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and current Virginia law to force Old Dominion car buyers to buy electric vehicles in future years, (issues addressed here and here), she said Virginians should write their own laws.

She elaborated: “By 2025, 30% of all cars sold in Virginia have to be electric vehicles. And if they’re not? There’s a $20,000 penalty per gas-powered vehicle sold. Then, by 2035, 100% of cars sold in Virginia are supposed to be electric vehicles.”

Voicing incredulity, Earle-Sears stated, “California gets to decide how we run our economy? Did you vote for anyone in California?”

She reminded the crowd of her own immigrant story, of how she came to the U.S. as a young girl with her mom and dad from Jamaica, and how her family started living here in America with only a few dollars in her father’s pocket. Dispelling skepticism and despair, she told how “some immigrants come to our border and throw their baby over the wall. They do that because they believe in America, so we should too.”

Addressing the nuts and bolts of the fall elections, Earle-Sears explained that the State Senate has 40 seats, with the Democrats currently enjoying a 22-18 lead.

As explained in this column, she expressed outrage at the unfairness of grossly lopsided powerful Senate committees. For example, the Commerce and Labor Committee is 12 D/3 R. The Finance and Appropriations Committee that handles taxes and money is 10 D/5 R. The Rules Committee that pulls all the strings is stacked 13 D/4 R.

Explaining how all 40 seats will be up for grabs this November, she claimed “15 seats will absolutely go for the GOP.” She added there are two districts that lean GOP and two swing seats with a slight Republican edge, “so that makes 19. Add one more and we’ve got 20,” and that gives the GOP 21 since the lieutenant governor can break ties.

Referring to the crucial number of 20, she promised, “We’re going to get to that, and everything after that is gravy.”

On the hot topic of parental rights and educational reform, where the Roanoke County School Board has made headlines defending the rule of law and democratic norms, Earle-Sears stated, “Parents have said ‘we want school choice, and we want it now.’” Moreover, she added, “the biggest growth in homeschooling has been among blacks.”

Earle-Sears closed her remarks with, “You’re in politics. All of y’all are in politics too, because Lincoln wrote about government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

County resident Bruce Boteler had this to say after the event: “I thought the lieutenant governor gave an excellent speech.… She was very excited, passionate, and I think she is making a good term as a lieutenant governor and personally think she could be a future governor of the State of Virginia.”

In-person early voting in Virginia begins on Friday, September 22; the last day to vote is November 7.

Republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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102 responses to “Winsome Earle-Sears Makes the Case in Roanoke”

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Excellent article. Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears will be a superb successor to Gov. Youngkin.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      You think she’d win because *you* vote for avatar candidates not because she offers any crossover appeal. LOL. Good luck with that.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I don’t know whether to attribute these remarks to Winsome-Sears or Dreyer’s reporting. Ocasio-Cortez’s attacks on Amazon did not cause “the online giant to instead build a new campus in Virginia.” Amazon announced its intention to build a campus in Virginia at the same time it announced its intention to build one in New York. The opposition in New York resulted in Amazon enlarging its plans for Virginia, but in building here “instead”.

    Winsome-Sears complained about the lopsideded partisan representation on certain Senate committees, blaming the Democrats. It is the custom in the Senate to overload certain committees with members of the party in the majority. For example, in 2018, when Republicans were in the majority, 21-19, the Senate Finance Committee was comprised of 11 Republicans and 5 Democrats. Added later: As presiding officer of the Senate, she knows this, or should know it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I sometimes wonder if Winsome-sears is more of an opportunist than someone with real conservative principals.

      She’s black, no question about it, but is her history that of a black Virginian who ancestors were slaves and then victims of Jim Crow? No. All she has is the color.

      If she were not black, how would we view her politically and culturally? Is she a staunch, long-time Conservative with a history of political conservatism in Virginia?

      Who has she associated with in the past in Virginia? Bob McDonnell ? Other Conservative leaders?

      1. So you propose a test for a Black politician based on her ancestors? Outrageous!
        Did you take the time to look up her record as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, or her positions on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Women Veterans, or on the Virginia Board of Education?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I don’t propose a test at all. I say look at their history as you would Anyone running for office and see where they stood on issues. I don’t think “black” gets you much IMO. What is her positions on Virginia issues in general now and in prior years?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          I don’t propose a test at all. I say look at their history as you would Anyone running for office and see where they stood on issues. I don’t think “black” gets you much IMO. What is her positions on Virginia issues in general now and in prior years?

          1. Is she ‘woman’ enough for you?
            Jus wondering…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t care if she is a woman or other… to be honest.. I just don’t see folks that way…

        3. Not Today Avatar

          I have black Republicans in my family. My DH and I are black conservatives, not to be confused with Republicans. They are not the same. Are you familiar with GOOD FRIENDS/FAMILY in this breed/group or are you using silly memes and news reports, and randos (influencers) as avatars/talking points? We don’t pass for White. Our kids don’t pass for White. We haven’t prioritized passing for White. We are Black, through and through, and have been in this region since before emancipation. Our kids’ great-grandparents are college grads. We don’t suffer fools gladly.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        “She’s black, no question about it, but is her history that of a black Virginian who ancestors were slaves and then victims of Jim Crow? No. All she has is the color.”

        Mr. Larry, with respect, are you serious? I think you just stepped in a pot hole.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Seems like I’ve heard that thought about other politicians that happen to be black. No?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The issue is does a/any black politician have a black Virginian constituency? Have they themselves lived as a black in Virginia and encountered the issues that many black Virginians have encountered and want addressed by people they elect? Do they connect with the black community on issues that affect the black community, and work politically on behalf of issues that affect the black community?

            If they run against other black candidates, how do they fare with the black vote?

            Or are they just a politician who happens to black without much real connection to the black Virginians itself and not having lived and experienced life as a black Virginian?

            These are legitimate questions that allude to whether she, or any conservative black politician, or a politician who happens to be black.

            If she ran for Governor or US Senator would she have strong support from the black community?

            Can she attract black voters into the Republican Party and away from the Dems based more
            on the fact of her conservative credentials than her color?

            here’s a decent and I think, fair minded article on her:

            What’s the next step for her in Virginia politics? Would she be a potent candidate to follow Youngkin as Governor?

          2. Let’s try this:

            The issue is does a/any white politician have a white Virginian constituency? Have they themselves lived as a white in Virginia and encountered the issues that many white Virginians have encountered and want addressed by people they elect? Do they connect with the white community on issues that affect the white community, and work politically on behalf of issues that affect the white community?

            etc., etc.

            Ridiculous, right? And if you really …just don’t see folks that way… you would recognize how ridiculous your list of questions is.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Answer to the first three questions. Yes.
            Fourth question. We will never know until it happens.
            5th question, you stepped in the same pot hole again. Just like the movie Groundhog Day.
            6th question. No doubt she would have support from black Virginians. I think in particular black men.
            7th question. She already has.
            NY Times article. Yeah, I will take a hard pass on that rag. Mad Magazine is a much better read.
            Next step? I hope she becomes the next Governor of Virginia.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            If Virginia black voters like her and vote for her, it answers these questions. If she runs for govt and black Virginians help elect her then we know the answer. She did run against Bobby Scott and got 31% of the vote.. not bad!

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Not bad and, yet, not a majority.

          6. Not Today Avatar

            Black men are no less misogynist than white men, feeling attacked for their cluelessness and brutality, feeling entitled to control, use and abuse/own the bodies of women and girls. They might give Republicans a vote…but do they vote? OR, DO WOMEN VOTE? Who exercises their power at the ballot box?

          7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Curious. Why don’t you stick your real name by your words?

          8. Not Today Avatar

            Why do you care? Either an argument has merit or it doesn’t. You don’t need my name to have an opinion about that.

          9. Let’s try this:

            The issue is does a/any white politician have a white Virginian constituency? Have they themselves lived as a white in Virginia and encountered the issues that many white Virginians have encountered and want addressed by people they elect? Do they connect with the white community on issues that affect the white community, and work politically on behalf of issues that affect the white community?

            etc., etc.

            Ridiculous, right? And if you really …just don’t see folks that way… you would recognize how ridiculous your list of questions is.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar

            Sounds to me like someone is having an “You ain’t black moment”.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. Not the same. White folks have not encountered the same issues that black folks have in Virginia over their lifetimes… what’s ridiculous is NOT recognizing these realities and not unexpected from some folks!

          12. DJRippert Avatar

            The average Virginian is 38.4 years old. Born in 1984.

            I give up – what Jim Crow laws was the average Black Virginian subjected to over his or her lifetime?

          13. So then you were incorrect: You do “see folks that way“.

            And you are apparently okay with continuing, and even perpetuating, whatever divisions and mistrust remain among the races.

          14. Deleted LarrytheG’s last comment. One sentence was, ”
            I don’t perpetuate anything but I do try to deal with the realities as they are IMO.”
            In spite of several commenters’ attempts to point out the inherent racism of his comments, he refuses to get a clue. Racist opinions don’t belong on BR.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Racist opinions don’t belong on BR.”

            I didn’t think it was and certainly not intended so but if that is your call and you do this consistently for all comments from all commenters then so be it!

            And when someone says another person has no clue is that a personal attack?

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Racist opinions don’t belong on BR.”

            I didn’t think it was and certainly not intended so but if that is your call and you do this consistently for all comments from all commenters then so be it!

            And when someone says another person has no clue is that a personal attack?

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Depends on who is saying it and to whom…

          18. Not Today Avatar

            ‘Racist’ comments are in the eye of the beholder. *I* see racism as opinions, absent historical and current facts/context, that indicate animusand/or bias. You see them as personal flaws. We are *all* impacted by the narratives we’ve been taught, some narratives being more skewed/flawed than others. Racist opinions don’t belong on a neutral political blog and yet they flourish here because those perpetuating/enforcing ‘the rules’ share the same bigoted/biased roots.

          19. Not Today Avatar

            Your idea of racist comments is those that DO NOT perpetuate prevailing white racial sentiment. Any that disagree, from anyone, are ‘racist’. If you don’t ‘see’ color, you don’t ‘see’ me as I am.

          20. It’s not comments that disagree; it’s comments that only see color, as well as those that attribute traits solely by color, that are racist.

          21. Not Today Avatar

            None of my comments only see color. They put it in a context with which you disagree. A context with which you seem to lack experience and familiarity.

          22. No one said they did. Your comments weren’t the ones deleted for racist content. They were Larry’s.

          23. DJRippert Avatar

            The average Virginian is 38.4 years old. Born in 1984.

            I give up – what Jim Crow laws was the average Black Virginian subjected to over his or her lifetime?

          24. And yet people accuse conservatives of living in the past.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            And yet the average decades-long family accumulated wealth is way different right?

            Mom/Dads denied a public education much less able help their kids do good in school.

            It’s all over.. no long term impacts, right?

          26. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            1984… wasn’t that the height of the so-called War on Drugs…?

          27. Not Today Avatar

            Do you suppose Jim Crow laws haven’t impacted the lives and fortunes of Black Virginians under 40? Crack a book.

          28. Not Today Avatar

            It’s only ridiculous to see it written because it’s understood and needn’t be said. It’s the subtext in every gubernatorial campaign. Is the Democrat ‘white’ enough to capture the hearts and minds of white voters.

          29. DJRippert Avatar

            She immigrated to the US when she was 6. Raised in The Bronx. Served in the US Marines and ran a homeless shelter.

            If you called central casting and asked for an actor to portray the American dread they’d send Winsome Earle Sears.

          30. Not Today Avatar

            BS. We have family who ‘immigrated’, OVERCAME FOR THE LAST 150 YEARS, and later, with far fewer hangups/overseer mantras. I am the great grandchild of homesteaders, my DH is the grandson/son of sharecroppers, raised in the rural south, and has served in the NAVY for 25+ years (and NOT a martyr). We are MORE than Winsome Earle Sears. WAY MORE.

          31. Not Today Avatar

            NOT JUST BLACK VIRGINIANS. Black AMERICANS. Individuals that neither relate to nor espouse the majority view within this constituency will not get their votes. She has no votes.

          32. Not Today Avatar

            According to which metrics?

          33. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead


          34. No

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            Like the current US VP?


            Or Obama was not a US citizen much less a black man representative of America?


          36. Not Today Avatar

            The problem is that most folks using this as a talking point aren’t either representative of, or members of, the community at issue. I AM. Winsome Sears is a caricature and opportunistic avatar, not a representative, of the community she purports to represent. Her values/views aren’t indicicave of the majority. If you use her, do so appropriately.

          37. Not Today Avatar

            The problem is that most folks using this as a talking point aren’t either representative of, or members of, the community/group at issue. I AM. Winsome Sears is a caricature and opportunistic member of a community she purports to represent. Her values/views aren’t indicicave of the majority. If you use her, do so appropriately. She reflects the views of the the few and far between who ID with this ideology. I AM PERSONALLY VERY CONSERVATIVE in how I live my life and advise my children. I will not vote for a Republican in my lifetime and have informed my children of their (Republican) positions. They’re not likely to either.

          38. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah.. I think you have the bona fides and value your perspective.

          39. Not Today Avatar

            Republicans level the same charges against Black members who don’t cosign their bigotry and ignorance on history, education, and matters of race/ethnicity.

        2. We all know that Democratic Jim Crow still exists, according to Bugout Biden.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Joe “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black” Biden?

            What a complete clown.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          She doesn’t reflect the constituency she purports to represent. Is that unimpotant?

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            How do you know that?

          2. Not Today Avatar

            She doesn’t reflect me/my family and we’ve demonstrably been on the continent for 225+ years.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            VOTES. She purports to represent both Black people and Republicans. In reality, only a plurality of Republicans, not Black people, voted for her.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        Kind of like Obama – a White Mommy and a Kenyan Daddy. No slavery or Jim Crow in Obama’s background.

        I guess he’s not really Black in your mind.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          He’s not unless he truly connects with Black folks and they accept him as truly representative of their interests IMO. He had to demonstrate to them that he truly was invested in them and their issues and it very much demonstrates that some black politicians do just that.

          So you don’t have to be the same as them but you do have to know who they are and know and understand their concerns and issues.

          1. I see. “Black folks” get to decide who is and is not “really black”.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Yep. Why is it surprising that communities of interest have a say in who reflects/represents their interests? I’ve no opposition to airing minority views. Winsom-swears (intentional) is a MINORITY within a minority and should be treated as such, not a totem.

          3. I was primarily making fun of Larry’s continual use of the term “black folks” which, to me, has racist overtones in and of itself.

            To your point, if someone, white or black, says Ms. Sears is “not really black”, or Barack Obama is “not really black” , I do not think it unreasonable to ask them to make their case for this seemingly illogical statement.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            I don’t use that language “really black” but “Black folks” all the time! I’m not ‘African American’. My connection to the continent was erased 200+ years ago. I’m Black.

            People with views that don’t match my own, like Winsome Sears are sometimes Black, and that’s perfectly OK. There are some in my family too. They are not, however, REPRESENTATIVE, nor would they claim to be, and that matters.

            Holding them up as icons or totems or props, as representatives of a Black community that that they do not, in fact, represent with their beliefs or ideology or voting preferences, is wrong.

      4. Chris Saxman Avatar
        Chris Saxman

        Winsome has been a conservative since at least her tenure as a member of the House of Delegates over 20 years ago. She attributes her conversion to the GOP in the 1988 presidential race when she heard GHWB say that if all you have is welfare you will pass nothing onto your children.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’ve read that also but was puzzled why it affected her in particular that way. Did she already have a “pro” position on welfare and changed it with that statement from GWB?

          1. Chris Saxman Avatar
            Chris Saxman

            That was 35 years ago and I have no idea.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I was never doubting her conservative credentials. What I doubted was whether she had the support of most Black Virginians. I doubt seriously if she ran for Gov that she’d get strong support from that group even though she is herself black. It’s a question whether her political positions match up with the positions of black Virginians in general. You’re a Conservative. What do you think?

          3. Chris Saxman Avatar
            Chris Saxman

            I think Winsome is a very strong conservative. Fearless. She attracted the highest level of the Black vote among households with children 18 and under.

            People who have voted 3x in a row for a political party very rarely switch their votes. She will likely not get a majority of older Black voters to support her. Her goal would be to get more of the older demographic and try to get a majority of the younger Black voters.

            School choice can help with that and she is leading the charge there.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            So thanks. You think she WOULD pull a good percentage of black votes from younger demographics who would align with her views on vouchers? Perhaps. Do you think that same demographic would vote for a white candidate who has the same position on vouchers, so there might be a connection?

            Does she seek out black organizations to make her pitch?

          5. Chris Saxman Avatar
            Chris Saxman

            She has a better chance than most conservatives to make the pitch.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar


          7. Not Today Avatar


        2. Not Today Avatar

          I was an undergrad 25+ years ago and new better than Winsone Sears. She’s an opportunist, and anyone worth their salt knows it. If you’re stupid enough to swallow conservative talking points at 50 yrs of age you’re not smart enough to lead the nation. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK. READ NEUTRAL/OBJECTIVE NEWS.

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      On the Amazon matter I was thinking the same thing and went back and looked at press releases and agree. With Amazon now cutting back everywhere, they are talking about scaling Arlington to what was originally planned with two HQ, but they are delaying expanding to that full level until later. So my assumption is they never would have followed through with two sites. So in a sense Sears is right in the end, but the statement does not reflect what happened.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Dispelling skepticism and despair, she told how “some immigrants come to our border and throw their baby over the wall. They do that because they believe in America, so we should too.””

    Who wanted the wall that other desperate immigrants are forced to throw their own children over…? A very disturbing picture used there…. Harkens back to Cold War Berlin (with the sides switched, of course).

    1. Actually – that WALL was to keep people IN.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        In both cases, immigrants were/are attempting to flee from a much worse country to a far better life. In the one case the home country kept them from leaving. In this case, the country to which they are fleeing is the one stopping them. As I said, the sides are switched.

        1. Not an apt comparison. The United States and Mexico have never been a single nation.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            How does her comment “fit” Virginia politics?

          2. Ask Eric. I’m not the one who brought it up.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Never…? You know that at the time West Germany and East Germany were two distinct nations…

          4. No, never. The United States of America and the United Mexican States (aka Mexico) have never been a single nation.

            East Germans and West Germans were still Germans.

          5. No, never. The United States of America and the United Mexican States (aka Mexico) have never been a single nation.

            East Germans and West Germans were all still Germans.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll


            Historically, the territory on both sides of our current southern border were in one country – Mexico. Build that wall!!

            Now do Cuba v. Florida and how we never built a wall and welcomed all who could make it. Again, our current treatment of those seeking a better life is akin to Soviet emigration policies.

          7. I know the history of the land. I am referring to the history of the nations.

            And, the United States of America and the United Mexican States (aka Mexico) have never been a single nation.

            Just admit it and move on.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sure I will admit that… it has no bearing on my comment though for the reasons I cited…

          9. Prior to its division Germany was a single nation. It makes perfect sense that in the aftermath of the division some Germans might want to move to the “other” Germany, and it also makes sense that the “other” Germany would accept them.

            But their situation is not analogous to the United States and Mexico.

          10. Prior to its division Germany was a single nation. It makes perfect sense that in the aftermath of the division some Germans might want to move to the “other” Germany, and it also makes sense that the “other” Germany would accept them.

            But their situation is not analogous to the United States and Mexico.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Except for the desperation of those seeking asylum and the tossing of their children over the wall. Btw, as I said multiple times, it is not a direct comparison and roles have been reversed. I am not saying we are like the West Germans who (as you note) welcomed their neighbors who escaped. We are the ones rejecting those seeking a better future for their children this time.

          12. Those who go through the legal process, which can take years, are not rejected, no matter what their country of origin. The problem is those who ignore the rules to get ahead of those who don’t. Big difference.

          13. Those who go through the legal process, which can take years, are not rejected, no matter what their country of origin. The problem is those who ignore the rules to get ahead of those who don’t. Big difference.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Those who go through the legal process, which can take years, are not rejected…”


            Asylum seekers are subject to expedited removal, which is an accelerated process that allows the Department of Homeland Security to perform rapid deportations. All asylum seekers are subject to expedited removal, regardless of whether they present themselves to immigration officials at a port of entry, or they are apprehended somewhere else near the border.”

            As noted, during the Cold War era at The Wall (and Miami for that matter), if you could get there you were granted asylum automatically.

          15. ALERT: Court Order on Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Final Rule
            On Aug. 3, 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a stay of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California’s order in East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Biden, 18-cv-06810 (N.D. Cal.), vacating the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways (CLP) rule. At this time and while the stay remains in place, USCIS will continue to apply the CLP rule.
            Under the rule, certain individuals who enter the United States through its southwest land border or adjacent coastal borders are presumed to be ineligible for asylum, unless they can demonstrate an exception to the rule or rebut the presumption. Individuals are encouraged to use lawful, safe, and orderly pathways to come to the United States.

          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Case in point – thank you… again, seeking asylum is legal… shame we treat it as if it is not. Note the difference between this approach and how we dealt with (certain) asylum seekers during the Cold War. My point again is that we have done a 180 since that time.

          17. Cuba was/is a oppressive communist regime. East Germany was an oppressive communist regime.

            Mexico is not an oppressive communist regime – in fact, it is ostensibly an ally of the United States. Why would anyone from Mexico need asylum here? Why should they not simply follow the rules for legal immigration (which I wholeheartedly support).

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Mexico is not an oppressive communist regime – in fact, it is ostensibly an ally of the United States.”

            Most seeking asylum on our southern border are not from Mexico but from oppressive regimes to the south. Seeking asylum is indeed legal.

          19. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Both the Bus and Bug I have from 1970 are factory tagged made in West Germany. So cool!

    2. Not Today Avatar

      WHO TF THROWS THEIR BABY OVER A WALL, AND WHY?? Can we start there? People, MOSTLY WOMEN, do desperate things to protect and provide for their kids.

      Earle-Sears is part of a concerted effort by Rs (IT’S NOT WORKING) to cleave misogynist males of all ethnicities from their female partners.

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