(This column was published earlier today by The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy)by Chris Braunlich

“You dance with the one who brung ya” goes one of the oldest sayings in politics.

It means that when elected officials get into public office, they vote with those who helped put them there.

The deadly Hamas attack on Israel, an event slaughtering 1,400 Israelis that Hamas political bureau member Ghazi Hamad called “our message to the world,” has exposed divisions up and down the Biden liberal-left coalition – and sent a warning signal about those who power that coalition.

Polling data demonstrate the split among Democrats, fueled largely by the young and the left.   It has already caused President Biden to shift his tone, and a recent Reuters report noted that “Biden, 80, has evolved in the face of a challenging 2024 reelection bid, (and) threats by some would-be supporters to withhold their votes over his lack of backing for Palestinians .…”

Four hundred congressional staffers have signed a letter to their bosses opposing the Administration’s current approach. Two-hundred each among the former volunteers of presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have done the same. Groups supporting Biden are disbanding.

The divide, and the pressure to move leftward, comes from every level of the party, from college campuses to elected officials, and is as evident here in Virginia as anywhere:

  • Virginia Delegate Sam Rasoul typifies the younger element pushing the Democratic Party further left.   His tweet blaming Israel for a hospital explosion in Gaza remains posted and inflaming voters, after even The New York Times apologized for making the same charge, because it was Hamas propaganda. No apologies from Delegate Rasoul;
  • State Senator Ghazala Hashmi marched in and spoke at a Richmond protest condemning Israel and ignoring Hamas;
  • Fairfax County School Board member Abrar Omeish even objected to a moment of silence for the murdered Israelis. She similarly spoke out against a moment of silence memorializing the victims of 9/11 and while discussing the battle of Iwo Jima;
  • Senator Scott Surovell simply blamed Israel for the Hamas terrorism attack.

Such actions have ramifications for elected Democrats and those who support them, and have left many Jews feeling abandoned by those they once trusted. Were a conservative to engage in such conduct, the charge of antisemitism would be deservedly loud and clear. But conservative leaders have already repudiated such antisemitism. On the Left, not so much.

The essence of the progressive argument is that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in Gaza has regularly violated human rights through such means as forcible transfer, administrative detention and the denial of basic rights. It is a legitimate criticism.

But it does not justify terrorism, a condemnation of which the left seeks to avoid or at least suggest some sort of moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas. The issue here is not “do they support Israel?” so much as “how can they not condemn Hamas?”

Videos of the attack, now verified by Human Rights Watch, affirm the brutality of Hamas. To accept the left’s argument as justification for the slaughter of festival-goers, the offer of $10,000 and an apartment for every hostage brought back to Gaza, young children shot and burned, and the assassination of people in their homes is not unlike accepting the notion that Hitler’s regime might perhaps be justified by abuses in the Treaty of Versailles.  It is nonsense.

Ignored is the fact that before 2005, Israel occupied Gaza and pulled out when the people of Gaza chose their own political leadership. That elected leadership is Hamas, which openly sought and continues to seek the “obliteration” of Israel in its Founding Charter. Ignored, too, is that Gaza has been sealed off since 2005 by both Israel and Egypt over fears of attacks. Since then, there have been more than 22,000 rocket attacks into a country the size of New Jersey. Does a nation have the right to protect its people?

Instead, the American left has gaslit Israel and blamed the victim, an approach bubbling up from college campuses, among academics and in the news media – precisely the sources of sustenance for Mr. Biden’s party. Which is what makes it hard for some elected officials: these are the ones who brung them.

More innocent people, Israelis and Palestinians, are now suffering and dying in that region. American politicians failing to recognize Hamas as the instigators of that suffering do the victims no honor. And meanwhile, bad actors watch and wait for their own opportunities — in Ukraine, the Middle East, and China — hoping to take advantage of similar moral confusion.

Political parties are already being pushed to their polar opposites, but leadership unable to condemn the slaughter of innocents because of political dependency abdicates the title of leader.

In the time ahead, the issue may not be who they dance with, but rather who is calling the tune.

Chris Braunlich is senior advisor and former president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. He may be reached at chris@thomasjeffersoninst.org.

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15 responses to “Will the Left Repudiate this Evil?”

  1. The original haters were ‘National SOCIALISTs’ after all… we’re seeing the coming out of it [it’s always been there], right here, right now…. just without the brown shirts and high boots.

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Send all the gay staffers to Gaza and let them pony up to Hamas. They will end up headless of course.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I did not know Surovell was that crazy…kinda explains the organized Senate trying to blackball Bert Ellis…with help from his Cav Daily editor daughter.
    In a sane world, a State Senator pulling down a Confederate statue, breaking the law, would be punished.
    At some point, America needs to return to sanity…or disappear.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Fairfax County School Board member Abrar Omeish even objected to a moment of silence for the murdered Israelis.”

    As pointed out the last time the Thomas Jefferson Council posted that headline here… she did not object to the moment of silence.

    “Senator Scott Surovell simply blamed Israel for the Hamas terrorism attack.”

    No he did not.

    1. Surovell said:”The division and distraction created by Netanyahu’s judicial power grab created created an opportunity for these attacks in the same way House Republicans’ civil war creates opportunities for other country’s to take advantage American disorganization.”


  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “To accept the left’s argument as justification for the slaughter of festival-goers…”

    Went through all your many links. I don’t see any evidence of “the left” arguing such a thing.

    “…but leadership unable to condemn the slaughter of innocents because of political dependency abdicates the title of leader.”

    Again, leaders on the left were very vocal in condemning the attacks by Hamas on innocent civilians. They are also voicing concern about the killing of innocents in Gaza. Is that allowed in your world these days?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Psst, don’t mention refugee camps…

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Some on the left, including Jewish Americans, condemned the October 7 attacks. Some did not and do not. It is tearing the Democratic party asunder.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “It is tearing the Democratic party asunder.”

        “It” is doing no such thing.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Israeli attacks on refugee camps have a long and tragic history. They have not “solved” the problem, they have made it worse.

      First, they are war crimes. They are exactly why a concern for international humanitarian law and protecting civilians caused the President and Nat Sec Advisor on Sunday to warn Netanyahoo and Israel against killing civilians.

      Second, as a practical matter they do not work. By killing innocents, women and children 75 years of tit for tat terror for terror has not stopped terrorist attacks. What would make anyone be so deluded as to think it will magically work this time?

      Third, by killing innocents, women and children, it sows the seeds for the next terrorist attack, and it turns the world against Israeli terrorism.

      Fourth, our support for Israeli terrorism has unintended consequences for the US. In Bin Laden’s manifesto explaining the 911 attacks he cited US support for Israeli attacks on refugee camps in Lebanon as justification. He also observed that by striking us we would so over react that we would destroy ourselves. Our conduct over the last decades + has not proved him wrong. Same observation for Israel.

      Fifth, there was outrage at the reports of Hamas’s killing of 40 children. There is still no list from Israel of those children or videos of grieving relatives. The following illustration of the Tehran Times lists the names of the thousands of children killed by Israeli terrorism. Israel is alienating the world outside of the US and massively losing the information war.


      It is time to try another way. This is not working.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I suspect that “another way” will have to wait until the last Hamas terrorist is shot dead by an Israeli soldier.

        The Israelis, to their credit, are now fighting in close quarters battle with Hamas. While that will increase the number of Israeli soldiers killed, it will also dramatically reduce the number of Gazan civilians killed.

        Meanwhile, Hamas has still not released the hostages they are holding. If they don’t do that soon, they may get to meet some new friends – US Army Delta Force operators. If that happens, the terrorists will wish for the days they were just fighting Israeli soldiers. Of course, it will be the Israeli soldiers who get credit for the rescues. Delta Force operators are ghosts. Ask Pablo Escobar.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        I suspect that “another way” will have to wait until the last Hamas terrorist is shot dead by an Israeli soldier.

        The Israelis, to their credit, are now fighting in close quarters battle with Hamas. While that will increase the number of Israeli soldiers killed, it will also dramatically reduce the number of Gazan civilians killed.

        Meanwhile, Hamas has still not released the hostages they are holding. If they don’t do that soon, they may get to meet some new friends – US Army Delta Force operators. If that happens, the terrorists will wish for the days they were just fighting Israeli soldiers. Of course, it will be the Israeli soldiers who get credit for the rescues. Delta Force operators are ghosts. Ask Pablo Escobar.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Do you really not understand?

          You are right, the Israelis are not fighting in close quarters, they have bombed another refugee camp.

          That is a crime against humanity, and the killing of innocents, women and children, creates enemies faster than it kills them. By doing this the last terrorist will never be shot dead by an Israeli soldier. The Israelis have now sown the seeds of the next terrorist attack on them.

          75 years of this insanity and you want more? Putting US forces directly on the ground would move us from accessory to war crimes to active participant in them. What could go wrong?

          911 was partly a response to Israeli attacks on refugee camps in Lebanon. Was that so much fun that you want more, or do you believe our secure borders and taking off our shoes for TSA will keep us safe?

          Israel is cooking its own goose, why should we let them cook ours again? America needs to look after its own interests.


          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            The article linked shows Israelis justifying their killing of civilians by citing the examples of the fire bombing of Dresden, Tokyo and other cities as well as our use of atomic weapons in WWII.

            The international humanitarian law that President Biden cited to Netanyahoo on Sunday, and Nat Sec Advisor Sullivan specifically referred to in cautioning Israel to protect civilians, was adopted after WWII in response to those atrocities and crimes against humanity to prevent them from happening again.

            This post decries citing an equivalence between Hamas’s atrocities and Israel’s. That is unfortunately correct. Hamas was accused (rightfully) of the war crime of killing 40 children. Israel has now killed around 4,000 children. That is 2 orders of magnitude more dead children. That is 100 to 1 more children killed by Israel than by Hamas.

            By the metric of dead kids there is no equivalence, Israel is 100 times worse. We can tell the good guys from the bad guys by their behavior. There may be no good guys in the middle east, but for sure it is not the people bombing refugee camps and hospitals and justifying it using the firebombing of Dresden and Hiroshima.

  6. Someone should honor Jimmy Carter for his contributions. Where would we be today without Arafat and the Ayatollas?

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