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Will “One Fairfax” Become “One Virginia”?

Blue Fairfax… Source: Best

by  Tom Pafford

You may have heard the Commonwealth is close to succumbing to the -control of the Democratic Party and its bullying Progressive (read Socialist) agenda. As the Democratic apparatchiks working at BlueVirginia put it, “With 3 1/2 Weeks to Go, ‘Things Aren’t Looking Good for the Virginia GOP’.”

Yep, the outlook looks bleak!

With Bleakness as a backdrop, let me introduce Fairfax County’s “One Fairfax” policy. Many readers of Bacon’s Rebellion know nothing of this policy, but once Virginia is as blue as the skies over Russia, you’ll feel its burn!

One Fairfax preaches a message of help by promoting economic benefits for all citizens in Fairfax County under a concept called, “Equity.” Equity is defined as: “The commitment to promote fairness and justice in the formation of public policy that results in all residents – regardless of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, socio-economic status or neighborhood of residence or other characteristics – having opportunity to fully participate in the region’s economic vitality, contribute to its readiness for the future, and connect to its assets and resources.”

Fairfax County’s leaders are clear about why such a policy is required.
Historically, we have designed man-made, institutionalized barriers — the policy refers to them as socially constructed barriers — that diminish citizens’ chances for full economic fairness and justice.

All County departments and agencies must remove these institutional and structural barriers as quickly as possible. What a fair and just Fairfax County looks like once “equity” is achieved — when all barriers are removed — is not described. But the policy does describe specific areas where barriers exist:

Social Equity: The absence of institutional and structural barriers experienced by people, based on other societal factors such as age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, socio-economic status, neighborhood of residence, that impede opportunities and results.

Racial Equity: The absence of institutional and structural barriers experienced by people, based on race or color that impede opportunities and results.

One Fairfax gives enormous powers to its overwhelmingly Democratic Party Board of Supervisors to legislate policies eradicating as many socially constructed barriers as its sees fit. And the board has already started: Renaming schools and roads to remove visual barriers, redrawing school boundaries and busing of students between schools to eliminate educational barriers, and enacting transgender protection policies to take down gender barriers. It is fair to say Fairfax County is in the nascent stages of a huge social transformation — and one that soon may go Commonwealth wide!

Fairfax County is but one of hundreds of counties and many states that have passed similar Democratic Party “We are here to help” policies. Sadly, most citizens know nothing of these policies as they are passed and implemented “under the table” without fanfare or much public notice. This is a silent, Progressive transformation of our Republic done at the local level.

The Democratic Party has several Socialists elected to public office. The Progressives Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to mind. Just how deep is the Socialist influence and how long has it been intermingled with the Democratic Party? History tells us…

In February 1957, the Communist Party (CP) of the United States held its 16th National Congress in New York City. Immediately after the Congress, the Socialist newspaper, The Militant, stated, “The draft resolution holds out the perspective of a long immersion for the CP in Democratic Party politics. By May 1957, The Militant noted, “the Communist Party saw Socialism coming to America as the outcome of peaceful and constitutional changes…One way to establish such … is to ‘transform’ the Democratic Party ….” In the Dec 22, 1958 The Militant stated, “But, of course, the CP leadership and the social democrats will say they have no illusions about taking over the Democratic Party….”

I must give credit where credit is due. The political strategy of creating a Socialist Democracy under the guise of protecting minorities and LGBTQs is pure political genius. A deep Socialist immersion in the Democratic Party over 60 years has produced transformative results. To paraphrase a saying I heard as a young man: “If the Communists win, it will not be because they know how to stir up discontent or how to infect people with hatred, but because they know how to preach, ‘We’re here to Help.’”

The question becomes — can you stop such Progressive genius?

The answer depends on how much fight is in you, because it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

In this bleak off-election year, now is not the time to sit on the couch watching “Modern Family.” You best get out the vote!

Tom Pafford, an Annandale resident, is running for a seat on the Fairfax County School Board. View his campaign website here.

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