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Will Dove Get the Bud Light Treatment?

by Kerry Dougherty

Does the name Morgan Bettinger sound familiar?

Perhaps not.

She’s just another victim of fake hate at the University of Virginia. A girl who was wrongly labeled a racist and who suffered as a result of a relentless, mean-spirited campaign to drive her out of school.

Meanwhile, the person who accused her of racism, Zyahna Bryant, went from BLM activist to the spokeswoman for the Fat Liberation Movement who just landed a partnership with Dove.

Sometimes life isn’t fair. But if Ms. Bettinger wins her federal lawsuit against the university and its administrators – and I hope she does – it might be salve for the gaping wound inflicted on her by UVa students and administrators alike.

Let’s back up.

On the evening of July 17, 2020, when the George Floyd riots were raging across the country, Bettinger, a rising fourth year University of Virginia student was driving in Charlottesville when she encountered a road being blocked by a dump truck. She hopped out to see what was going on. The driver told her he’d parked the truck there to stop traffic because demonstrators were in the street

Bettinger replied something like this: “Good thing you’re here or the demonstrators would be speed bumps.”

The truck driver has reportedly confirmed her account.

But that isn’t what Bryant heard. She claimed that Bettinger said the demonstrators ought to be speedbumps.

She didn’t stop there.

Here’s a brief account, courtesy of National Review:

The activist, Zyahna Bryant, made headlines in 2020 for her efforts to get a white University of Virginia student expelled for making what Bryant deemed to be “threatening” comments about a group of Black Lives Matter protesters. She later acknowledged that she likely “misheard” the student — but not before campaigning to get her suspended from campus.

Yeah, about that.

Despite no real evidence against her, Bettinger was subjected to investigation after investigation.

Last month, Bettinger filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the university that she loved and its president and dean of students.

Read it.

It’s a Kafkaesque tale of what happened to an innocent person when the mob came for her.

For more than a year, Bettinger says she was cyber-stalked, harassed and bullied by fellow students. She lost her job and received death threats. She was not able to enjoy her last year at the university and she became a pariah.

Bettinger alleges that her final 13 months in school were “sheer hell.”

Instead of protecting her, Bettinger claims in the court papers that university officials turned their backs on her and sided with her accusers.

She’s striking back with this lawsuit. If half of what she alleges is true, she should be getting a sizeable chunk of the university’s fat endowment fund as compensation.

And if Dove doesn’t terminate its relationship with the woman who set this nightmare in motion, it deserves to get the Bud Light treatment.

It’s already started. #BoycottDove is trending on X.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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