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Will the Culture Wars Never End?

I guess not. Here’s the latest: Citing the budget shortfall (yeah, right) Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has cut $275,000 in state matching funds for for abstinence-only sex education programs. Quotes the Washington Post:

“The governor supports abstinence-based education, but the governor wants to see us funding programs that are evidenced-based,” said Skinner, who added that Virginia will now offer “more comprehensive” sex education.

Predictably, conservative legislators are working themselves into a state.

Meanwhile, oil shoots past $90 a barrel, Virginia continues to pour money into a transportation system designed for cheap fuel, schools continue to fail Virginia children, college tuitions continue to soar — as do salaries for college presidents (up 37 percent over five years for private institutions), health care costs are out of control, the dollar is plunging, the sub-prime mortgage debacle gets worse, and nuclear-armed Pakistan is descending into chaos.

The world seems so out of control, and the big problems seem so intractable, that I guess it’s only human nature to fixate on the little problems they have some influence over.

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