Why Would Any Self-Respecting White Male Attend College Today?

by A.L. Schuhart

Why should a White male attend any American public college today? If I were a young man, being White and male, it would not be in my interest to go to college, at least in America.

The most important reason is that it is not necessary to get a college education, as so many people claim, to be successful in America. The statistics that say so reflect the bias of academia, not reality. A college education is necessary for only some careers, not all of them, and not even most of them. My electrician makes more money than I do, for instance. He does not have a college degree, and he is not still paying off his student loans as I am. In fact, a college education for many young people is a modern form of indentured servitude, not opportunity. For a White male who values hard work, merit, self-reliance, and mastering a skill, college is a complete waste of time and money.

Next, consider the culture of American public education today. It is an overwhelmingly biased environment that does not accurately reflect the diversity of thought, belief, and world views that exists in American society. Thus, it represents an incomplete version of American culture and society, one that is overwhelmingly “progressive,” and anti-west, anti-democratic, anti-Christian, and anti-conservative. Of course, not all White males fit these categories, but the ones I am talking about do.

There are many traditional White males in our classes, and they have the right to their world views and values without the interference of academia. Everyone must understand that in modern academic arguments, a White male who loves his heritage, believes in democracy, is Christian, and votes conservative is a “White supremacist” and “the most dangerous” thing in America. Because this demonization underlies all current academic arguments, it eventually becomes apparent to every “traditional” white male that college culture is against him completely.

In the academic environment, White males experience the very microaggressions these same progressive educators write about in their scholarly articles. This points out another reason why a White male might avoid college today: the sheer hypocrisy and inconsistency of many educators themselves and certainly their theories. Progressive educators are here because their forebears were uncivil, loud, profane, and irreverent in the 60’s and 70’s. Then, they claimed that incivility is free speech, and that at times society needs revolution and dissent; they were insurrectionist and shut down college classes and campuses. Now, they redefine incivility on campus to be any word or idea that hurts their feelings or disagrees with their claims, and such passions as they once exhibited are now verboten. No one is forbidden more speech and expression in the college environment than White males.

This is my experience where my microphone has been turned off in faculty meetings, where I am told by colleagues I once respected that it is “wise to be quiet” because I am a White male, where I am told that I am afraid to face my inner racism, and that I “cannot understand” because I am a White male and my “privilege” corrupts my thinking and transmutes my service to selfishness. If I, as a senior English faculty, experience these intolerant expressions from my colleagues, what must White male students experience from their teachers in the new unequal, but “equitable,” English classroom?

White men in college today know that they are unfairly blamed for every evil that exists in human society. While every other group is excused for its cultural flaws, and its historic evils glossed over with inconsistent rationalizations, White males are condemned for the new original sin that is the foundation of all arguments in the neo-Puritan culture of American academia and education. White males cannot redeem themselves of this sin of racism, and they can only be forgiven by some greater power; until then they must abase themselves and recognize their sin and beg forgiveness for it. They must also accept unequal status in American society.

This is the same argument fostered hundreds of years ago by Puritans whose society was deduced from fear of an angry god that punished humans for an evil they did not commit. A scholar of more serious merit than I might point out that the entire rhetorical structure of the argument for “equity” merely repeats that failed system of Puritanical thought and so will come to the same disastrous social outcome. I think it already has. These theories have created witches from within our children, and now we are burning them at the stake.

I predict this as well: in the back of White male thinking is the rising question of why so many White women themselves have turned against their own men. Black women praise and elevate their men, and they extol the virtues and the value of their historical partners, and they forgive them their flaws. Not so the privileged White women who now demonize their own husbands and sons and brothers and, amazingly, fear them. It is an ironic outcome considering that Western men, White men, are the only men in the history of civilization who agreed with the idea that women should be equal to men and agreed to try to change it. And then, did exactly that. Is it perfect, no. Is it better, yes. Is it better than anywhere else? Also, yes.

My female colleagues don’t believe me when I try to explain these things to them; they say that their White male students haven’t said anything to them about these issues. But, then, why would a White male say anything about it, after having been told he should be quiet?

A.L. Schuhart is a Professor of English at NVCC-Annandale. He holds a Doctorate in Education. His area of specialization is Scientific Rhetoric; he teaches both Scientific Writing and American Literature, among other things

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28 responses to “Why Would Any Self-Respecting White Male Attend College Today?”

  1. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    This poor guy is about to get pilloried.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It can’t be worse than what he’s doing to himself.

  2. dick dyas Avatar

    In my discussions with white male students at McIntire School ( Commerce) at UVa, they say that their strategy is to keep their mouths shut, focus on grades, and get hired by elite firms ( which don’t hold their gender against them).
    They play along with the DEI lecturing.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Of course they do. Running a con on progressive asshat professors at UVa is an old game. I graduated from McIntire in 1981 and I played that game – more with non-McIntire professors but with some in McIntire as well. When graduation day came and the diplomas were all printed the leftist professors were in for a shock. Newly minted Vice President George HW Bush gave the commencement address. True to form, the asshat liberal professors just couldn’t resist carrying anti-American signs as they pranced down the aisles of soon-to-be graduates looking for their seats up front. The professors wore their colorful robes and various sashes making them look like Medieval clowns. LOTS of impending graduates started telling them to “sit the **** down, shut the **** up, and generally go to hell.” The look on their liberal faces was priceless. The same students who had run the con on them for four years now had no retaliation to fear. Those clowns hadn’t changed anybody’s mind.

  3. And if you’re a Vet you experience total destruction [both male and female] —– you will lose big time if you speak your mind and expereince, according to the vast majority of Vet Students I’ve talked to and befriended.

  4. VaNavVet Avatar

    A diatribe of white male claims of being picked on. When did they become such “snowflakes”? The author further uses the term “public education”. So does he mean that K-12 public schools are anti-west, anti-Christian, anti-conservative, and anti-democratic? This poor guy needs to get a life.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ed.D. Well, that was a waste of $120,000.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Same degree as Dr. Biden, right? I wonder if they have taught together. What campus did/does she teach at? My late uncle had that degree from UVA, and his daughter my cousin from W&M. Kind of punched ticket in that field…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wow! You can name that many people with an Ed.D. Sounds like a glut to me then.

          Nah, sadly, methinks our privileged author just discovered what so many underserved have discovered, that an Ed.D., like the NFL and NBA only taking less than 1/10th of 1% of those who thought they could escape poverty with body sacrifice, is a massive investment for very little perceived return.

          But, in his case, he can close his office door and cry in his silk pillow. Really whiny white boy stuff here.

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel so long as disgruntled faculty can speak to their inner frustrations. Like Lucy, perhaps a wooden stand at the campus entrance with a sign reading “Higher Education Guidance – $0.10”. Go for it doc!

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    What broad brushstrokes this author uses. That’s OK. If White males stop going to college, that means that, in about 20 years, all the judges in the country will be female or Black/Asian/Hispanic/Other ethnicity.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Gee, where have I heard someone complain about “Mexican judges” before? Something to do with tuition and a for-profit business college… just can’t put my finger on it.

      Back in the Good ‘Ol Days, high schools has 3 diplomas, Academic, General, and Vocational. Most of the lineman on the football team were in the last category. Once you were 16, usually a junior and senior, you took 2 or 3 hours in course work and off you went to the job site — at minimum wage — to learn a trade. Used to be called Delta, or Decca or something like that. Knew a lot of guys and girls who went that route.

      Well, for-profit trade schools gotta eat too, same as Trump U.

    2. Apart from “That’s OK” I was thinking the same thing. If white males really want to remain relevant the last thing in the world they need to do is decide, en masse, to not to go to college.

  7. Chip Williams Avatar
    Chip Williams

    Dead on. Thank you Mr. Bacon. If my kids were going to college this year, I wouldn’t send them. I would have them work for a year, grow up a little, learn the important lessons of the real world before they enter the woke world of the current covid college experience.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s sorta Jim Crow mentality all over again…. “black folks are gonna take my stuff…”

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        It is also terrible advice – you are better off if you don’t go to college… sheesh!!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          In general , yes… but there are plenty of ways to get an education these days beyond the conventional ‘woke” path!

          Back in the day…. a common phrase was “night school” for those who did not have the luxury of going from high school to 4yr College.

          I knew a Marine who left the service, got a job, went to night school and became a lawyer… same opportunity is there right now for anyone including those poor white folks who have become woke “victims”….

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    So put your money with your mouth is for heck sake! Don’t go to a snotty liberal arts loser like UVA or VPI! All that diploma really is – is a “certificate” of achievement, which one can obtain in all manner of other ways depending on the vocation (but don’t plan on being a doctor or engineer or similar). I agree , the standard 4yrs on campus liberal arts ‘experience” is a joke but some parents who did that joke feel it’s important for their kids to follow in their footsteps!

    Do what you want to do and get the education you need the way you must but stop the bitching (and channeling the older white guys bitching) and do the deed. The world is for doers not blatherers.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Psst, read the last lines. He went an additional 54 semester hours before it sank in…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        slow learner?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Whhhhhaaaaamublance dispatched.

    “It is an overwhelmingly biased environment that does not accurately reflect the diversity of thought, belief, and world views that exists in American society. ”

    Yeah, it’s biased toward thinking, and not belief…. ‘cept for UVa where, apparently for decades, unthinking is the norm, and considering the existence of QAnon in American Society, well…

    “…Professor of English … a Doctorate in Education.”
    Well, now.

  10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Look at the trolls, or rather half a troll, who your article dragged in to comment, professor. Struck a nerve. No brain cells were vulnerable.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      … or it is just temptingly easy picking…

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      … or it is just temptingly easy picking…

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I agree that not everyone needs to, or should, go to college. Everyone is not academically inclined. That does not mean they are stupid or are not going to make it in society. The older I get, the more I admire people who can do things with their hands. And I don’t resent paying the fees that plumbers, electricians, mechanics, etc. charge. They have skills and knowledge that I don’t have and I need their help.

      I do object to the broad brush the author uses to describe the world for white males.

      I also bristle whenever anyone discusses the value of a college education in monetary and career terms. I realizes that it may sound quaint today, but there once was a belief that it benefited society, as well as individuals, for a substantial portion of the population to be “educated” in the broad, liberal arts sense.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Had an encounter with a radiation machine today and with time on my hands, hoped that the folks who built the machine knew what they were doing, as well as the tech running it , and the doctor ordering the program. I know they are all good people but I also hope they got the right amount and right kind of education! Modern medicine is truly a miracle for those lucky enough to have access.

  11. Clarity77 Avatar

    Always entertaining to read the comments of useful idiots like Nancy Naive and Larry the G as they expose their emotion based opinions devoid of any form of reason. They unconsciously serve a good purpose on these threads as to giving a window into their sick minds for readers like myself to laugh at and by which to be amused. God bless ’em.

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