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Why Virginia Is Number One

It’s no accident that Virginia ranked No. 1 in Forbes Magazine’s 2006 ranking of the business climates of the 50 states. We are blessed by geography — a central location on the Mid-Atlantic seaboard, and proximity to the federal feeding trough in Washington, D.C. — but the Commonwealth also has consistently pursued business-friendly policies over the decades. In this document, “Rating the States – a Closer Look,” the Senate Finance Committee takes a detailed look at why Virginia compares so favorably.

Among the factors subject to influence by public policy are these:

The report wasn’t all rah-rah. It pointed out several weak spots in Virginia’s business climate — none of which will come as a surprise: increasing traffic congestion, unaffordable housing and regional decifiencies in educational attainment.

Overall, “Rating the States” is very thorough and well worth perusing.

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