Who’s Watching the Richmond Media? Local Newspaper Publisher Responds to Series

Greg Pearson is the publisher and editor of the Chesterfield Observer.

Regarding the News Council blog, my differences with the Richmond Times-Dispatch, WWBT or any other daily media does not concern their size. The issue is simply accurate and fair reporting. All of the media, regardless of size, need to be monitored, including the Chesterfield Observer. A News Council concept would allow a citizen, business, government, or group to access a venue for redressing poor reporting wherever it occurs locally. Saying “Pearson is not a big fan of Media General or many media conglomerates” is not really correct. There is a need for big media. Most of the good reporting done in the Richmond metro is written by RTD reporters. To cover some stories, you have to have the resources, and that means adequate staffing. Six months ago, I said so at an RTD public forum.

The blog seems to imply that I’ve been a defender of the county (as in “to chastise the larger news outlets for what he considers to be shabby treatment of Chesterfield.”) Actually, I consider myself to be informed about the county, and therefore, I’m writing about subjects that I believe I have sufficient knowledge to comment on. Finally, to date, there has never been an editorial in the Chesterfield Observer that has criticized any media. Criticisms of the media have only been written in the “Media Watch” column.

– Greg

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