Who’s Getting the Vaccine in Virginia?

More than 80,000 Virginians have been given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, according to data reported today by the Virginia Department of Health. Presumably, the overwhelming majority has been administered to health care workers, who are most likely to be exposed to, and to spread, the virus. Very few vaccines have been given to the elderly. Less than 2% of the doses have been given to the 80-year-old-and-up demographic that is most likely to die from the virus.

We can also see from the VDH data that the vast majority of people getting the vaccine are white. Blacks are under-represented, accounting for 8.6% of those vaccinated by 20% of the state’s population. Whether that shortfall can be attributed to the percentage of blacks in the healthcare workforce, fear of vaccination in the black population (you know, Tuskeegee and all), or some amorphous structural racism is too early to say.

The other obvious disparity is between men and women. Women are getting vaccinated at twice the rate of men — even though men are slightly more likely to die from the disease.

Looks like a clear-cut case of sexism to me!

No, actually, it doesn’t. The disparity can be explained by the distribution of women in the workforce. According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, women comprise 64.4% of so-called front-line workers.

— JAB (with a hat top to John Butcher)

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53 responses to “Who’s Getting the Vaccine in Virginia?”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I have somewhat defended Northam up till now. The truly pathetic and dangerous failure to date on this roll out cannot be defended. Monday marks three weeks, right? Wouldn’t it have made sense to use the holidays to good advantage in setting up vaccination efforts?

    The stats you are seeing reflect the health care industry — both the workforce and the nursing home population. That’s the age spread and male-female split, anyway. And they should be first in line. But the line should be moving faster.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      How many doses were delivered to Virginia prior to 12/31?

      If 80,000 then I’d say, “He done great.” If more than 200,000 you have a point. In between is just spin up time.

      Lemme see 6,000,000 doses/50? You tell me.

    2. I’m curious about who is actually responsible for vaccinations in virginia. is it the state or the individual health districts? Story I was reading earlier today put the blame at the health district level. They’ve planned for over a month and had vaccine for 1-2 but aren’t ready because they dont have the people lined up yet and CVS/Walgreens are responsible for nursing home delivery. That’s not happening yet either. so if you hand out 400,000 doses to a bunch of locals who are not prepared, then not hard to understand why this is such a CF start.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Operation Warp Speed is now reduced to impulse power. In Virginia we are maneuvering thrusters.


    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner


      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Since Scotty is wearing a red shirt and red shirts always die on Star Trek, does that mean he gets vaccinated early?

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Seems like the rollout problems are not just in Virginia. Heard different excuses but one was that all the health professionals are already maxed dealing with the pandemic…

    So the idea was that the Feds should not coordinate the roll-out but the states should but how many of the states are actually rolloing it out as fast as they are getting it? None?

    In Florida, they prioritize the elderly over health care workers and the elderly are sitting outside in lawn chairs for hours waiting … AND it’s first come, first serve and when they run out – wait for their next allotment.

    The entire concept of “Warp Speed” is funny!

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Not ideal, but that gets shots in arms. I’m curious if there is some paperwork that slows things, and of course the first priority MUST be getting all the billing codes straight for payment…the hospitals have tons of staff not on the COVID front line who could be giving shots, for goodness sake. This is the testing SNAFU/FUBAR all over again.

      1. Everyone has known this was coming for many months. There’s no excuse, certainly not paperwork.

        My mother is being cared for and the facility sent out the paperwork several weeks ago in mid December. I signed and returned it as her Power of Attorney.

        The Federal government got the vaccine developed, tested, approved, and distributed. Now it’s up to the states.

        No vaccine should be sitting there. If governors can use emergency powers to lock us down and strip us of our basic rights, why can’t they use those powers to get this done in a timely manner?

        1. If they use their emergency powers to speed up vaccinations and hasten the end of the pandemic, they will lose their emergency powers.

          1. And what’s wrong with that?

            I’m not suggesting that people be forced to take the vaccine if they don’t want it as there are more than enough who do.

            But making it available to those who qualify for it should be one of the State’s highest priorities. And once the train starts rolling, it doesn’t slow down for anyone. Get the vaccine when it’s your turn or we go to the next in line.

            No vaccine sits on the shelf (or in cold storage).

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      I remember standing in a long line with my mother back in the late 50s to get vaccinated against H2N2 (the “Asian Flu”). We didn’t sit in lawn chairs but we were there long enough for me to complaint. I think she promised me she’d bake brownies or something when we got home to keep me quiet.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    One does wonder if the Feds set natoinwide standards and priorities and the National Guard did the rollout…………

    Nurse on TV said the rollout at her hospital was emails to ALL employees to sign up for a limited number and so anyone actually working in the ERs did not get signed up but all the hospital administrators did and many others who did not directly care for COVID patients..

    So much for integrity.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Yep, full FUBAR. The Governor clearly and enthusiastically said “we’re ready.” Hey, he’s licensed. Hand him a box of syringes.

      Nancy: That 80,000 admnistered is against a stock of almost 390,000 delivered to VA. So it is pathetic.


      It’s gonna be the money, mark me. The hospitals won’t pull somebody off some other revenue-creating activity or pay them OT to do this until they are sure they are getting paid. Likewise the big pharmacy chains — was it wise to rely on just those two? Which lobbyist set that up? I’m starting to channel DJ…

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        4*7*24*3600. That’s the number of seconds in December.
        2,419,200/80,000 is one vaccination every 30 seconds.
        And you want them to give one every 6 seconds?

        How many people are you going to hire to meet that schedule? Hint: 8*5*4*3600 is a man-month in seconds.

        According to VDH (VHD?) there are 380,000 licensed healthcare workers across 62 professions. That’s your pool. Get to hiring.

      2. djrippert Avatar

        “I’m starting to channel DJ…”

        Welcome to the light side. May the Force be with you.

        BTW – How will I know that it’s time for my shot whenever that may occur?

  5. S. E. Warwick Avatar
    S. E. Warwick

    If healthcare workers, LEOS, fire-rescue providers and folks in nursing homes are at the front of the line, they should be easy to find and vaccinate. Having the gov do his bit and give shots would be a great pr stunt, and maybe speed things up.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I like that idea! Let Governor Northam have a crack at administering some shots. He could use the image enhancement and it would be a good public service promotion. No hot mics allowed while he is busy at work.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, he could moonwalk in blackface as he did it?

        I’ve been to two doctors and a dentist and none know when they are going to get vaccinated… they’re waiting to be contacted.

        They see a bunch of patients every day – and all it takes is one infected to shut down their practice.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        As my daughter, the pediatrician, has easily admitted, nurses are much better than doctors at giving shots.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          Northam in nurse drag. I am all in!

  6. idiocracy Avatar

    Gee, another logistical problem in Virginia? Shocker.

  7. Sorry, Jim, the VDH race/ethnicity breakdown is meaningless. We have no clue about the race/ethnicity of 65.6% of the 81,770 who received the vaccinations. That’s 53,613 people we don’t know about compared to 28,157 we do.

  8. I figured Northam realizes we’re so used to social distancing and ordering everything online now that he figures the people of Virginia have forgotten how to find their local CVS or Walgreens. So why bother to distribute all those doses at warp speed just to let them simply sit there? Why bother to find out if there is anyone over 75 alive out there who wishes to stay that way? Why bother to get restaurants and shopping and other economic things back to normal when this winter already is proving to be so much fun?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      As a former seasonal holiday UPS driver I volunteer to drive and give shots to our rural residents. Butt cheeks only. You can’t miss them.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        I doubt you can find yours with both hands.

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    1 year = 365x24x60x60 = 31,536,000 seconds. Va population is 8,500,000. That’s 3.71 seconds per vaccination to inoculate the State in one year.

    Do you guys even half way believe that Walgreen’s can do that?

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It’s NOT who’s getting it. It’s who’s giving it.

    To dispense drugs a pharmacy still has to have a licensed pharmacist on duty. Couldn’t find the number of pharmacists in Virginia, but Texas has 33,000 of them, so we’re bound to have 32,000. To run a 24/7 pharmacy is going to take 4 at a minimum.

    That’s 8000 pharmacy locations that could run 24/7 in the state.

    Now march 8,500,000 through them.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    If there is not some type of appointment method, A pharmacy or other place will say they are giving vaccines and people will slam them until they run out and those waiting in line have to go find another place.

    Think of a CVS or similar you go to with 100-200 cars and lines snaking all through store and parking lot.

    We have folks doing their usual blame game but when is the last time, anyone VDH or CVS gave this many shots? Not ever, right?

    But if they don’t get it done right – it’s yet another government/VDH/Northam “fail” ?

    We’re developing a whole new generation – called the “Blamers”.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    How to meet the vaccination schedule in accordance to Steve…
    “If one woman can have a baby in 9 months then 9 women…”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I’m not the one who created these expectations. Hell, I’ve seen the problem from the start. The solution is to do it every possible way: open clinics, the pharmacies, get some doses to the individual family practices. Hell, combine the testing and the vaccinations! You see those long lines at the Diamond — a swab in the nose then a stab in the arm! About 1 million Virginians have had this now and recovered. You cannot give it to kids under 16 yet. A certain percentage won’t do it. That may leave 4-5 million to vaccinate tops. But every increment you get to impacts future spread….shots in arms, people. It don’t matter who….

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: “give the vaccination to a lot of places”.

    How much?

    How do we know how much to send to each pharmacy? And how do folks who go there know if there is enough if they get in line and wait hours?

    How long is someone going to stand in line – only to find out they ran out?

    They’ll need to mark the end of the line and then tell others who arrive they are out even though there is still a line .

    I actually think the pharmacies may be a bad idea and better to set up at convention centers and stadiums. More parking
    and more ability to have multiple shot-givers.

    Do it like you see the food bank lines on TV with folks in their cars inching forward – and close the entrance when there are no more shots past the last car.

    Our local hospital did this last year for flu shots.

  14. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Well, with VA representatives like LaRock encouraging his constituents to not take the vaccine, demand may slack some, eh…?

  15. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    The pfizer vaccine requires super cold storage. That precludes pharmacies from holding it. They are being administrated at hospitals which have those capabilities.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar


      But, it is California… and they CLEARLY don’t know anything about Covid there.

      After thawing and diluting it can be stored for some time at normal reffer temps until used.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        The program will enable counties to leverage CVS and Walgreens pharmacy staff to administer the vaccine more broadly with pharmacy staff going directly to care facilities. Skilled Nursing Facilities will receive vaccine from staff from CVS and Walgreens. Approximately 499 nursing homes will be provided vaccine by CVS and 357 by Walgreens. The vaccines will be administered by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and nurses. Pharmacy technicians are participating under a recent waiver by the Board of Pharmacy that requires appropriate supervision under California law and specialized training.”

        So does that say that Walgreens and CVS’s stores now have freezers capable of -80 t0 -60 Degree C as required for storage? It’s only good for 5 days after removal from that temp.

        No, the article indicates that they are using the pharmacy techs form those entities to administer IAW CA law.

        If only you spent more time reading and less time being a snarky asshat.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          “Before mixing, the vaccine may be stored in the refrigerator between 2⁰C and 8⁰C (36⁰F and 46⁰F) for up to 120 hours (5 days). After 120 hours (5 days), remove any remaining vials from the refrigerator and discard following the manufacturer’s and your jurisdiction’s guidance on proper disposal.

          Use a DDL with a detachable probe that best reflects vaccine temperatures (e.g., probe buffered with glycol, glass beads, sand, or Teflon®). Check and record the temperature daily using a temperature log for ultra-cold storage units. Use one of the options below:”


          120 hours matt. More than enough for inoculating to take place at CVS or Walgreens
          Not that they will, but almost ANY college biology dept has freezers that can store the vaccine.

          Kiss your mother with that mouth?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “120 hours matt. More than enough for inoculating to take place at CVS or Walgreens
            Not that they will, but almost ANY college biology dept has freezers that can store the vaccine.”

            “After storage for up to 30 days in the Pfizer thermal shipper, vaccination centers can transfer the vials to 2-8°C storage conditions for an additional five days, for a total of up to 35 days. Once thawed and stored under 2-8°C conditions, the vials cannot be re-frozen or stored under frozen conditions.”

            But they aren’t and it’s in your own article which you somehow believed validated your statement (it didn’t).

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Each pharmacy has a link detailing their plans to distribute.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Again, the facilities that are able to offer the vaccine will need to get their protocols up and running, gain approval to officially distribute the vaccination and receive enough doses to treat members of the local population. Here’s a running list of places that will be offering the COVID-19 vaccine.”

            That isn’t present tense, it is for the future if they can adhere to the protocols required.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Let me give you an example of an ignorant “asshat” spouting easily disproved statements…

      “The pfizer vaccine requires super cold storage. That precludes pharmacies from holding it. They are being administrated at hospitals which have those capabilities.”

      And again, here’s a 5-day protocol…

      So, they are not “precluded from holding it”.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “Let me give you an example of an ignorant “asshat” spouting easily disproved statements…

        “The pfizer vaccine requires super cold storage. That precludes pharmacies from holding it. They are being administrated at hospitals which have those capabilities.”

        And again, here’s a 5-day protocol…

        So, they are not “precluded from holding it”.”

        Yes, yes they are in their current configuration as per your own article. Hence why I made that text bold.

        However, you can provide a list of pharmacies that current have it and are administering it.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          What part of “refrigerator” don’t you understand?

          “Before mixing, the vaccine may be stored in the refrigerator between 2⁰C and 8⁰C (36⁰F and 46⁰F) for up to 120 hours (5 days). ”

          I see the problem. Click the little “+” next to “Storing in the Refrigerator”, genius.


        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Please feel free to list where that’s currently happening, because you haven’t.

          The problem is that you can’t seem to validate your own statements and just regurgitate headlines and talking points…so sad.

          If I want an opinion on the area under a curve I’ll ask you, otherwise you know slim to none about anything else.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            EBay. You can get your vaccine from EBay. They are not “precluded from holding it”.

            While you’re at it, buy a clue.

  16. LarrytheG Avatar

    So my question is this – for the two shot regime.

    How do the health folks know that someone coming for the 2nd shot have gotten the first one? Is there a central registry?

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The second shot is scheduled at the date of administration of the first. They are provided with a shot record documenting that fact.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so when they are giving out shots – they know ? If you have no record with you, do they assume you’ve not had the first?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “LarrytheG | January 4, 2021 at 12:42 pm | Reply
          so when they are giving out shots – they know ? If you have no record with you, do they assume you’ve not had the first?”

          Well like the Military unless it’s documented it didn’t happen. I would also presume like every other hospital system in the state your mychart is updated.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Ah – MyChart. How many reading here know what MyChart is?

            Does it matter what hospital I go to – they all will have MyChart?

            I know that at one point UVA had – FollowMyHealth and Mary Washington has MyChart and I don’t know what the other hospital uses.

            I ran into this by happenstance when I went to get my flu shot this year and they asked me if I want my second pneumonia shot and I said “Why Yes” – not realizing or not remembering that it was two shots. So I asked them how they knew and they said “You got the first one here last year”. Which is funny, because I normally don’t get my shots there but just by luck I went by this year.

            None of those shots are on my MyChart record… by the way.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams


            You’re belaboring the point.

            UVA uses MyChart.

            I don’t manage your application or your Doctor’s office. My immunizations are in my Mychart and they even carried over from the Military.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            UVA might have switched from follow_my_health to my chart but my point is – it’s not one universal record.

            Half of my doctors do not use My_Chart , but they have their own portals… None of them knew I had gotten my flu and pnumonia shots at CVS.

            We’re better than we were but we got a ways to go still.

            If we are giving 2-shot vacinations – does it happen at the same time or are there days for the first shot and other days for those needing the second shot? Do you have to go back to where you got your first shot – or just go anywhere where they are doing vaccinations – and tell them you need your second shot but you don’t know where your “card” is?

            see my point?

            Not a single one of my doctors knows my vaccination record at this point other than what I have answered on a clipboard from memory – answers “have you been vaccinated for?”

  17. Offer the vaccine at fast food restaurant drive thru windows. You could probably get close to 50% of the population vaccinated in a week…

    Would you like fries with that?


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