Who Will Replace Us?

by Jim McCarthy

Who is the “who” doing the replacing? Who is the “us” to be replaced? There is no discernable record that indigenous Americans asked themselves this question. In the early 1600s, the Powhattan people of Virginia observed as the English immigrants built a fort and spread their settlement across formerly Powhattan hunting grounds. In 1622, the natives attacked as a measure, according to some historians, to teach the English a lesson.

From the circumstances, indigenous peoples were clear that the newcomers were not of their tribe nor sharing of their sensibilities; they were others with pale skins determined to clear and dominate forested lands for agriculture unburdened by who went before them. The existential evidence was reasonably graphic to conclude that the Powhattan were being replaced, their properties being converted without concern for their interests.

Although the later governing document authored by the immigrant colonialists appeared to accord native Americans the high diplomatic privilege of reserving to the Congress explicit authority to regulate commerce and negotiate treaties with them, the document also excluded untaxed natives from the census. That Constitution ironically contained a provision limiting the taking of property without due process or just compensation. In 1800, Congress adopted an act for the preservation of peace with the natives limiting First Amendment speech and press freedoms as a means to proscribe criticism of national policies and discourage foreign nations from stirring them to protest.

While the immigrant colonialists engaged in a self-described revolution against the tyranny of England, forceful uprisings by enslaved and indentured persons have generally been characterized as rebellions, a somewhat nefarious designation of protest. During the 1830s, the national government organized a forced removal of a half dozen native American tribes from their homelands in several states in a journey called the Trail of Tears. By 1845, the immigrant tidal wave required a more precise and forceful description to match its purpose resulting in a novel public policy known as Manifest Destiny. Population replacement had become overt national policy.

Up to the time of the Civil War, states and the nation were engaged in nascent, disparate efforts to restrain immigration while actively continuing to corral and acculturate indigenous peoples. But the war between the states unleashed another threat to the dominant culture, a newly freed population. By 1901, Virginia’s political leadership decided upon a new constitution, replete with voting restrictions to fortify against being overcome. Carter Glass, later a U.S. Senator from the Commonwealth, declared that the novel governing document was intended to “to eliminate every Negro voter who can be gotten rid of, legally, without materially impairing the numerical strength of the white electorate.”

The express sentiment of Glass pervaded and prevailed in Virginia for many decades. In 1924, the state legislature enacted the Racial Integrity Act to ban interracial marriage while defining the portion of blood necessary to be White, i.e. “no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian.” That same year, the Commonwealth hitched its racial public policies to the pseudo-science of eugenics adopting the Virginia Sterilization Act as an improvement for the human race, eliminating hereditary disorders through selective breeding and social engineering. The public Assemblage Act of 1927 required racial separation in all public meeting areas thereby seeking to prevent the transference of cultural or social traits between races. A subsequent legislative action in 1930 defined any person with even a trace of African ancestry as Black (often called the “one-drop rule”).

Leading Virginia citizens had formed branches of the Anglo-Saxon Club of America in the early 1920s encouraging the legislature to pass the various racially restrictive acts. Thirty-one Commonwealth chapters, including one for students at the University of Virginia, were dedicated to ending amalgamation of the races. These principles found sympathy in the 1950s following the demise of “separate but equal” (Brown v Board of Education) and the emergence of another political policy called massive resistance to prevent replacement in the public school system.

In 2017, in Charlottesville the answer was “Jews will not replace us.” Defending against replacement by others is suggested by the 100 Virginia jurisdictions that have declared themselves to be second amendment sanctuaries, constitutionally armed against invaders or intruders. Code terms to identify those suspected of advocating replacement are liberally employed. It is the woke. Lefties. Democrats. Progressives. Jews. When Catholics were feared to be replacers in the 1850s, the American Party (a/k/a Know Nothings) sought secrecy. Recently, a Georgia Congressperson said the Catholic Church is under the control of Satan, reigniting the earlier theme.

The contemporary political equation for “who will replace us” may be translated simply as lefties (who are evil) seek to replace the former majority (White men) or true Americans with outsiders (mostly non-White immigrants) from across the southern border and from foreign nations. This messaging has received forthright amplification and accreditation by political figures as well as media ones. An Arizona state senator last July tweeted, “We Americans who love this country are being replaced by people who do not love this country…[O]ur enemies are using mass immigration, education, big tech, big corporations, and other strategies to accomplish this.”

Unfortunately, the trajectory and intensity of this replacement theory has been substantially propelled by other candidates and office holders including a leading New York Congressperson, fueled and animated by the Fox News megaphone of Tucker Carlson. Facebook ads by the NY politico warned that “Radical democrats are planning their most aggressive move yet; a PERMANENT ELECTION INSURRECTION. Their plan to grant amnesty to 11 MILLION illegal immigrants will overthrow our current electorate and create a permanent liberal majority in Washington.”  “Their plan”; “our current electorate.”

Last year, Mr. Carlson somberly asserted, “I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate, the voters now casting ballots, with new people more obedient voters from the Third world. But they become hysterical because that’s what’s happening, really.”  No ifs ands or buts; simple fact.

In 2015, then 21-year-old, Dylan Roof, killed 9 at a Black church in South Carolina. During the investigation into his past, a website (lastrhodesian.com) was discovered displaying his ramblings about the threats from outsiders of color. In 2018, a mass shooter at Pittsburgh’s’ Tree of Life synagogue issued an online post against a Jewish organization that “likes to bring invaders that kill our people.”  An April 2019 shooting at a synagogue in California was echoed in a complaint that Jewish people voted for and funded “politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race.” El Paso, Texas in August 2019 experienced the deaths of 23 by a shooter who offered, “This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

Ten New Yorkers in Buffalo were gunned down by an 18-year-old dressed in military gear using an automatic weapon inscribed with a racial epithet. His action was accompanied with a long online manifesto parroting the popular conspiracy theories about the replacement dangers faced by White people. According to authorities, the shooter selected the neighborhood supermarket because its population of Blacks had the highest dentistry in the state.

End of the world (as some experience it) rhetoric is not, under analysis, causative of violent behavior but such offers comfort, a kind of absolution for engaging in action to prevent replacement. The answer to the title question is: “You are to be replaced by Them.” Virginia’s and America’s histories instruct that there is no dearth of “Them.” We must ask what is it that we fear will be lost to or taken by Them. Which of us, at what point in time, did not in some measure belong to the target class called Them?

Jim McCarthy is a retired New York City attorney living in Virginia.

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108 responses to “Who Will Replace Us?”

  1. Nice rhetorical trick, Jim. You’ve conflated Americans upset about mass illegal immigration and election integrity with Indian genocide, Jim Crow, involuntary sterilization, White supremacists, and perpetrators of mass shootings. You could get to your point a lot quicker if you just said, “conservatives are racist mass murderers.”

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Well said.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s not much of a trick, the peanuts come in the chocolate.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      In other words: “The light!!! It burns!!!”

    4. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Y’all need to chill from a sense of persecution. Lotsa liberals share responsibility for ignoring historical and contemporary themes that relate to one another. As the piece stated, the relationship is not causal. No allegation is made about the political spectrum beliefs of the shooters. The term “white supremacy” seems an appropriate characterization. Its zealous advocates advert to replacement to gin up fear. Immigration too often is labeled “mass” and “illegal” when history offers it was mostly neither. Think of a Venn diagram. It’s not conflation but relation.

    5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      In other words: “The light!!! It burns!!!”

    6. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      Why is everything I post being removed?

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Related headline:

    Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy said that the state’s poor maternal mortality rate is only an “outlier” because of the high proportion of Black women in the state.

    Louisiana’s maternal death rates, are among the worst in the country. The state ranks 47 out of 48 states assessed for maternal deaths.

    Cassidy: that is because “about a third of our population is African American; African Americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality.

    “So, if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear.”

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    MCcarthy makes no mention of the 16,674 abortions in Virginia from 2018. 41% of the abortions were black. This is century old example of the so called Replacement Theory.

  4. Lefty665 Avatar

    In 2016 the Dems fully embraced identity politics with black as the preferred identity. That narrowly failed. That should not have been a surprise in light of how narrowly Duhbya won in 2000 also using identity politics. Identity politics by definition tends to produce very narrow majorities.

    In 2020 the Dems morphed identity politics into anti-populism, see 1896 and the Robber Barons anti-populist campaign pitting black and white populist farmers against each other to defeat Wm. Jennings Bryan. Modern woke racism is at its core an anti-populist attempt to drive a wedge between black and white people to prevent them from uniting and overthrowing the elites again as happened in 2016. They won by an even narrower margin than they lost by in 2016 (<50k votes in 3 states vs <100k votes in 5 states).

    Encouragement of illegal hispanic migration, ie white replacement, is another piece of anti-populism. However, it is showing signs of backfiring on the neo lib elites. Recent polling has shown a dramatic hispanic shift, dropping to 26% support for Biden.

    It seems that a lot of our hispanic migrants came here for the freedom and the opportunity to work to make a good life. They do not see themselves as victims of systemic white oppression, and dislike the Biden family corruption that reminds them of the banana republics they fled.

    They also do not tend to view themselves as replacements for white achieving America but as part of it. They are in the tradition of FDR and the New Deal that united the country in a populist vision that beat the elites and governed for a generation. It brought us things like the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the Fair Housing act in the 1960s before it expired.

    Will the Repubs get their heads out of their butts and embrace this new wave of voters? Their other challenge is to work to help poor black people thrive and become successful. The start for that is teaching all kids to read. That is the threshold and gateway to having a productive life.

    The Repubs have the opportunity to remake the electorate if they can overcome their inclination to be jerks. Will they do it, or will they just take the easy ride on dissatisfaction over inflation, covid, immigration and crime this fall and blunder on?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Interesting insight to the political views of “our Hispanic migrants,” presumably the legal ones.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Presumably the polling was of legal immigrants, but in my experience the opinion of some illegal ones too. They came here to work to make money (and did and sent it home). They would come under the heading of good citizens if they were legal.

        Dunno about the much more diverse mix we’ve seen at the border in the last year+, but likely still a very high percentage of people coming to the land of opportunity for the opportunity to work and to make a better life.

        I think the Dems have badly over reached with woke racism and systemic white oppression. It’s an anti-populist crusade run amuck. OTOH, I have low expectations that the Repubs will do anything more than take the easy superficial advantage. They will just set up the next swing of the political pendulum.

        Wish I saw any politician who was genuinely interested in pulling the country together, all of us, instead of creating and exploiting divisions.

  5. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    When my parents immigrated from Latin America, and when I went to school, the idea of the U.S. was called the “melting pot.” Our family quickly blended in. Now the thrust is toward tribalism, complete with intertribal warfare, the exact opposite of the melting pot and a sure path to the ruination of this country.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Most folks would accept the melting pot scenario. Those twisting it into a nefarious replacement theory distort their own immigrant reality.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have to plead guilty. I have indirectly contributed to white replacement. My wife and I had one child. That child married the American-born son of Chinese immigrants. That child had three children. So, now there are three half white/half Chinese kids replacing that one white child. By the way, I would be willing to match those three “mixed” kids with any three “white” kids of the same age.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think I heard that TMT might have done similar.

      Yes, you have diluted the purity of the race… bad on you.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Tucker Carlson’s head would spin if he thought your progeny are Democrats fulfilling his delusions.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Only one is of voting age. I am not sure what his partisan affiliation would be, but I am certain that he would not be a Trump supporter in 2024 if it comes to that.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Don’t matter to Tucker. It’s not about assimilation or acculturation.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Have to say, lost liberals are more than fine with continuing the “melting pot”. There is no fear and loathing of black and brown folks much less gun toting liberals out killing black/brown.

    Most liberals want something like Canada has with a guest worker program that allows folks to work until and unless they go through the process of getting citizenship.

    Most liberals want E-Verify to work and for employers that won’t use it but still hire undocumented to be prosecuted for breaking that law.

    The plain fact is that among Conservatives themselves, they as a group cannot agree among themselves on a way forward and thus they never get to the point of having a conservative position against a liberal position – not that they would ever compromise anyhow – as stated – they won’t compromise among themselves.

    The truth is that Conservatives are hopelessly conflicted in their own camp on immigration.

    Most liberals are willing to take ANY movement from the current gridlock including a guest worker program modelled after Canada.

    Oh, and i’ve never ever heard of liberals worried about being “replaced” with black and brown folks… It simply does not compute.

    1. Fred Costello Avatar
      Fred Costello

      When I was in school, Africans were classified as black and (Asian) Indians as brown. Why do you conflate them? I have seen prejudice against blacks but not against browns.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        you’ve never heard or seen prejudice against Asians?

        Do you think those who who are concerned about “replacement’ include blacks and browns in their concern?

        1. Fred Costello Avatar
          Fred Costello

          Maybe so, but why did you conflate blacks and browns? Do you think the prejudices of both are of equal intensity? Do you now you conflate Asians (Chinese) with blacks and browns? If you keep expanding your conflation, you should include Latin Americans, Irish and Italian and Germans and everyone else, until your attack is only against those from England.

        2. Fred Costello Avatar
          Fred Costello

          Maybe so, but why did you conflate blacks and browns? Do you think the prejudices of both are of equal intensity? Do you now conflate Asians (Chinese) with blacks and browns? If you keep expanding your conflation, you should include Latin Americans, Irish and Italian and Germans and everyone else, until your attack is only against those from England.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Never heard of the Immigration Act of 1924 then, I suppose…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          goes back in part to how history was taught in schools… and what some want to believe sans the facts… and realities….IMHO

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “The truth is that Conservatives are hopelessly conflicted in their own camp on immigration.”

      Enforce the existing immigration laws or change the laws.

      How is that hopelessly conflicted?

      The real conflict is among liberals who understand that immigration laws are set by Congress but then they don’t want those laws enforced.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        there is not unanimous agreement among Conservatives on what to do. Even under Trump, they could not agree on what to do.

        And to give a couple of examples.

        The creation of a guest worker program similar to Canada.

        The resolve to prosecute employers who do not adhere to E-Verify and continue to hire undocumented.

        Liberals want a flexible and practical approach as opposed to Conservatives who are not flexible and not willing to compromise even within their own ranks.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Then liberals should press for new laws (like a guest worker program). However, until those laws are passed, the existing laws should be enforced.

          Why is this hard?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            nothing the liberals push for will be accepted by Conservatives.

            A guest-worker proposal would be shot to hell from the get go from Conservatives who would no more support that than the man in the moon – and you know this and Walter will admit it.

            The current Conservative “solution” is a failure to change, adapt, compromise and move forward. It’s a “our way or the highway”.

            This is no way forward on this with Conservatives who cannot agree themselves.

            Its a phony distraction to claim that liberals need to “propose” something to the Conservatives.

            Liberals are willing to make changes, and compromises but Conservatives have no such flexibility. Ergo – gridlock.

            If Conservatives actually had a path forward, why didn’t it happen under Trump?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            “nothing the liberals push for will be accepted by Conservatives.”

            Enforce the laws that exist or chAnge those laws.

            Why is this hard?

            Lib-twits can’t get the laws changed because a majority of Americans want a secure border.

            It must suck to be a liberal elitist in a Democracy.

            Guess what? It’s going to suck a lot more after this Fall’s elections.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            because the current laws do not work, that’s the reality.

            beyond that, the current laws include E-Verify and it’s illegal to hire undocumented – where are those laws being enforced?

            A “secure border” is for folks who can’t deal with realities. As long as there are jobs provided to undocumented, they will find a way to get here.

            No fence will stop them no more than it stopped Cubans or people coming in on visas and then overstaying their visa, etc.

            the conservative approach is “do what we want or we will oppose everything”.

            end of story.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I have noticed white male Republicans politicians referring to white (predominantly male) persons as “native Americans” as if you can tell from their voice that they are using a lower case “n”.

    White American Conservatives don’t revile the Germans for the Holocaust, when the aren’t denying it, because it was a heinous act, but rather for its efficiency. They prefer the old fashioned method — one bullet at a time.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Anybody upset about the demographic trends needs to understand the once-dominant European immigrants (and we all are or are descended from immigrants) have been having shrinking families, often one or no children, while the birth rates among other ethnic groups remain higher. Duh. The ratios change. My parents had two, I had two, only one of my children has had two. The replacement rate is 2.1.

      The idiots murdering people are losers, can’t get girlfriends, failed at jobs, and have to lash out at somebody rather than accept their loser-hood. And as we’ve discussed before, this guy once again did everything but send up a rocket to warn us what he would do. Doing nothing with these walking time bombs needs to stop.

      From 2019: https://www.baconsrebellion.com/yes-mental-illness-is-key-says-u-s-secret-service/

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Problem is more and more of those who would do nothing to end it, or who would agree with it, even promote it, are winning GOP primaries at all levels. It’s up to the GOP voter to cross party vote and stop them. I hve little hope.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Nah, they are just dumb politicians following instincts. The nativist streak is hardly new, is always an easy play and Democrats have played that card, too. Big time. They really cannot grasp that their preaching fear about “the others” helps enable the tiny murderous minority. I always go back to my Irish grandmother talking about the prejudices they faced. The targets change, but the streak remains.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Right now, it’s the GOP. Either way, the only way to put it back on the fringe is an 80-20 defeat. 55-45 ain’t good enough. 10 points is an almost victory to these arses.

            Speaking of percentages, 😩 10, 20, … 100. 😄?

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        There are some upset about demographic trend in which, of course, they share. Immigration from the traditional European sources has dramatically diminished as prosperity has blossomed. You may be correct that the shrinking families of prior immigrants causes anxiety. Indigenous Americans were replaced also.

  9. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    They came for the Communists, and I didn’t object
    – For I wasn’t a Communist;
    They came for the Socialists, and I didn’t object
    – For I wasn’t a Socialist;
    They came for the labor leaders, and I didn’t object
    – For I wasn’t a labor leader;
    They came for the Jews, and I didn’t object
    – For I wasn’t a Jew;
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left to object.

    Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

    What “conservatives” want is to enforce the law, equally.
    The non-enforcement of the border and sanctuary cities are matters that should require impeachment and local removal from office. To have people sworn to enforce the Constitution and to intentionally break the law is an outrage. Why are Lefties OK with it? (It was their “replacement theory” until Hispanics and now blacks woke up to the problems with “Woke”).
    The unequal prosecution of riots – BLM OK, Trump supporters going into the Capitol (likely with Fed involvement) gets the full force of the FBI and DOJ. Hunter Biden is a crook and Biden is corrupt and Dems turn their eyes, but have no problem with two bogus impeachments of Orange Man and the obvious corruption and brain disability of Biden.
    You wonder why the country is “polarized?” Look in the mirror. Some people believe in the law and some believe in power by any means necessary…

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Sorry but GRT… yours… CRT… ours… Honestly, I prefer ours over yours… most Americans would…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        does Walter represent what MOST Conservatives want?

        Does Walter present THE Conservative position?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          From what I have read, pretty much…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you consider Haner a Conservative?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Not particularly. Some of his positions are conservative but he is not afraid to push back in the absurdity abounding in the Republican party these days… anti-vaxxers being one example. Conservatives (real Conservatives) are all in on the wack a doodle platform…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            but they will vote the same, no?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Ten years ago, Haner would have been your typical, conventional Conservative for the most part IMHO.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Not particularly. Some of his positions are conservative but he is not afraid to push back in the absurdity abounding in the Republican party these days… anti-vaxxers being one example. Conservatives (real Conservatives) are all in on the wack a doodle platform…

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Can either of you actually state what you think I believe?
            I doubt it.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll


          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Then state it

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Why? You are doing fine by yourself…

          10. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He’s why I want the voting age lowered to 16, and capped at 70.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            I listen to what you say Walter.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No you don’t.
            You couldn’t say what I think.
            You see the world through two lenses – race and income level.
            I don’t.
            So what in my comment about wanting the law to be obeyed and equally enforced do you disagree with?
            Conservatives are subjected to the views of the Left on a non-stop basis in all formats – print, broadcast, regulatory. We know what you “think” (feel actually). I don’t believe Leftists know what conservatives think. Or why. So you make up bogeymen as our beliefs, and are wrong.

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “You couldn’t say what I think.
            You see the world….”


          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. he and others like him are pretty sure they know what others “think”… AND what they SUSPECT they think – Walter is not alone on that!

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, I do take what you say as your view.

            Your comment about obeying the laws is more often about what you think the Constitutions says or not and you want the laws to reflect what you believe the Constitution says or not.


          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – BLM riots vs the mini-riot at the Capitol. Equal treatment?
            The laws on the books for immigration? Sanctuary cities? Intimidating Judges? Releasing draft Supreme Court opinions? Putting a Judge on the Supreme Court who cannot say what a woman is, while supposedly being the first black woman on the Supreme Court? Ignoring the accept or refuse EUA language? Violating the Nuremberg Code? Refusing to admit “Lia” Thomas competing against women is unfair and wrong?
            There is a way to pass laws. The legislature puts a law to a vote, gets it passed, and the executive signs it. Once that happens, it is to be enforced.
            And then we can get to the defund the police and CRT in education. How’s that working out? Hurts blacks disproportionately… Creates division.
            seems to me that the policies preferred by the Left don’t work. And the Left’s gains come by activist courts and controlling the bureaucracies. The “green” stuff is insane. Based on models where the assumptions are tilted to come to proving their “green” hypothesis which will get federal funding. Meanwhile, gas will hit $5 here and people will freeze due to the grid being screwed up and starvation will occur worldwide with Biden enriching Putin and the Ukraine war being invited by his fecklessness so we will also have the fertilizer shortage. Food prices up up up! I can afford it. How about the poor who are screwed over by white liberal policies? I thought you guys love the poor? You don’t. You love power.
            Shall we then examine the “expert” performance on Covid? Can you explain how, with UVA requiring 3 shots, and bragging about a basic 97% vax rate, UVA has 1200 more “cases” in Spring 2022 vs Spring 2021? Does that sound “effective” to you? And you will never listen on the “safe and” part while the VAERS reports are comparatively off the charts for prior vaccine rollouts.
            There is a reality you refuse to say…clinging to replies such as racist, conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer and “I trust the experts.”
            I’m right (as in correct) and you people of the Left will never admit it, and when you do, it is to be memory-holed (NYT – Hunter laptop real and 51 security experts letter was disinfo….gotta get rid of Orange Man…that was a long time ago…so what…let’s move on).

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            geeze Walter – it one big ball of something, right?

            This is how most conservatives feel these days?

            How does that play out in GA with Kemp and Purdue?

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How do all the disparities and wrongs I mentioned play out with you? You’re good with that? Why should I tell you Kemp and Purdue? Are you trying to ask if election shenanigans occurred in Georgia?

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t see those things the way you do. We cannot be an inflexible denier of the necessity to adapt and change in practical ways to realities – like immigration. It will take compromise and adjustments to get to a better place IMHO.

            Much of the rest of your view is a black/white perspective in a world where little really is.

            The Constitution is mute on a lot of these issues and requires us to decide ourselves how to proceed. It’s really a living document in terms of many issues.

            In terms of orange-man , clearly he’s a strongman dictator if allowed and no way for me or others who see that.

          20. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Let’s consider the claim that the participants in the BLM “riots” got off while the Jan. 6 rioters are being punished. First of all, the Jan. 6 rioters were attacking the heart of our democracy, while the BLM participants were protesting the unequal treatment of a large segment of our population. There is a difference.

            Second of all, there have been hundreds of prosecutions of participants in the BLM demonstrations and some have gotten serious sentences. The investigations are still ongoing. S0, the conservative claim of overlooking the excesses of the BLM demonstrations is false. https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8

          21. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is exhausting to address even one of his screed items over and over again as he demands. Kudos to you for fighting the good fight.

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter has IMHO a myopic view of this issue as well as others and there is no reason to it – it’s all black and white to him. He compares folks rioting over social justice to rioters who want to overthrow democracy… from there , there is no further reason.

          23. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Dick – so you read ONE article, from a “neutral” source and that conclusively establishes your point?
            The article is written to rebut the claim of unequal prosecution and says the claim is false and cites a few examples. That’s just lazy.
            It is like the claim that Trump colluded with Russia. That the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. That the January 6 riot (I would say more of a disturbance, not a full blown riot, but why quibble?) was an insurrection.
            The actual facts do not support the framing. Now we finally get around to the total lie of Trump Russia. UVA still officially clings to worship of Bob Mueller. Adam Schiff will never be prosecuted for daily lying about what was known to be false. Yet Mueller spent over $30 million and ruined many lives, an FBI lawyer forged email, 37 FISA abuses, all the same way, and continued the “special prosecutor” role until after the midterms and then issued a report that failed to clear Trump (essentially saying if you try to claim you are innocent or try to protect yourself from the special prosecutor, you might be obstructing justice). You’re good with that kind of governmental abuse and media distortion of the American public?
            And how about Hunter’s laptop. Even the NYT has admitted it is real. It has enough to show Joe is a crook. A Delaware Mafia as it were with Hunter the bagman. And Hunter is an extremely screwed up man. But that is not a reason to get rid of Joe. Joe’s own corruption and now clear dementia is (besides the intentional non-enforcement of the law and the targeting parents as terrorists and wanting to establish his Ministry of Truth, but I digress). How did 51 people connected to our security apparatus all immediately say it was Russian disinformation and the entire media ran with it and that was that? Also, apparently, those types of employees are required to clear any publications before they publish, but didn’t here… Again – I live in reality world. You can call me all the names you want and cite your one articles or one sources that “prove” I’m wrong and it won’t work. Facts are stubborn things…

          24. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I can. ( )

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, on these pages, almost every day, we see what Conservatives think.

            it’s not a mystery!

        2. Fred Costello Avatar
          Fred Costello

          Liberals do all support the leaders. There is no dissention. Conservatives do debate among themselves.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but do Conservatives have a unified position on immigration that they’d support or are conservatives split on the issue themselves?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No dissension…?? That is absurd. There is dissension between even Larry and me regularly here. We have a progressive wing and a moderate or mainstream body as well. We even count many an anti-Trump Republican in our ranks these days. Democrats are a coalition party and are hardly monolithic.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            more than anything else, we see issues that requires practical compromises whereas as the right refuses compromise pretty much even among themselves.

            They’ve had the opportunity before to deal with issues like immigration, health care, etc but even when they have both houses and the POTUS, they cannot arrive at an agreement.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Except for that user fees for funding road construction and maintenance…!! No middle ground!! 😉

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I did get that drift……….

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          A lot, yes.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        GRT & CRT are both divisive screed from elitist neo-liberal anti-populists.

        “Most Americans” is doubtful. We will likely get a measure at the polls this fall. Although I have no conviction the result will be better, it will at least likely be a different form of bad.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Really you think “most Americans” support an argument for white supremacy in the US over an argument for equity for the disadvantaged?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            No, that’s the argument you were making, not me.

            Both GRT and CRT are woke, neo lib elitist and racist positions.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Um… it is not the left that is claiming the left is in the middle of a great replacement of white dominion in our society. That is a rightwing argument. No more gaslighting.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Um… it is not the left that is claiming the left is in the middle of a great replacement of white dominion in our society. That is a rightwing argument. No more gaslighting.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’s not replacement theory. It’s removal practice.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      “What “conservatives” want is to enforce the law, equally.”

      A simple concept that liberals won’t or can’t understand.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        if that were actually true, then what didn’t that happen under Trump?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          “A majority of registered voters (56%) oppose the decision to remove the border controls implemented by the Trump administration, the largest backlash against a Biden administration policy among dozens tracked by Morning Consult since January 2021.”


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do a majority of voters want ALL undocumented deported?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            which won’t change a thing… right?

            We have Ukrainians flying to Mexico to try to immigrate because our immigration laws are so tight that even Ukrainians cannot find legal paths.

            We need a policy that actually does allow immigration as well as a guest worker program as well as prosecution of businesses that hire undocumented and refuse to use E-Verify.

            Where is the Conservative proposal for this? The Conservative proposal is essentially “lock down the border or we won’t talk about anything”.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            The conservative approach is to enforce the laws on the books. Period. End of story. The liberal position is to ignore the laws on the books. Establish sanctuary cities. Thwart the enforcement of constitutionally enacted laws.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            The Conservative position is to oppose any change and pretend the laws on the books are working – which they obviously are not.

            Conservatives have the opportunity of proposing a path forward but they have none other than insistence that we “follow the laws’ which demonstrably have not worked and do not work.

            The only way forward is change and compromise and that’s not in the Conservative playbook.

            Conservatives demonize the issue because it works with their supporters and really don’t seem interested in things that work.

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            So simple, isn’t it? “Laws on the books” as you read them. Desperate asylum seekers at the borders facing death must wait while you read the law. That stance turned away refugee Jews in WWII. Get real!!!!

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy DJRippert • 14 hours ago
            So simple, isn’t it? “Laws on the books” as you read them. Desperate asylum seekers at the borders facing death must wait while you read the law. That stance turned away refugee Jews in WWII. Get real!!!!”

            What a bunch of hyperbole, but that’s your SOP. Asylum is determined by the courts, simply claiming it doesn’t confer that status. The more you speak the more it becomes evident you were a horrible litigator.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Nope. What “conservatives” want is to deport ALL undocumented including the dreamers.

        What do most Americans want? Not this.

        So what is a compromise? That’s where Conservatives refuse to engage.

        no compromise… just deport them all…

        and other ignorant and unrealistic demands.

        only the most hardline folks support this, not all GOP by a long shot.

  10. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    I’m white, of English & German ancestry, and consider myself a conservative and libertarian. I support increased immigration quotas, and don’t care about the race or nationality of immigrants as long as they are here legally. We can assimilate a lot more newcomers than our present quotas, but we can’t vet and process the hordes streaming in and roaming all over people’s farms and damaging them.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I don’t think anyone is in favor of the hordes who are crossing the border. They’ coming from all over not just Mexico. Even Ukrainians are flying to Mexico and then crossing the border and asking for acylium because that’s apparently quicker than going through normal channels.


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You’re becoming rare in your preferred party, assuming you don’t waste votes on Libertarians.

      Title 42 isn’t helping. There is no penalty for multiple attempts to cross the border while it remains in place.

      Figure 1. Recidivism Rate among Unauthorized Migrants Encountered by U.S. Border Patrol at the U.S.-Mexico Border, FY 2005-21



      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Recidivism in this case mean subsequent illegal re-entry, not any other crime?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Even if all the green-skinned immigrants from another planet were vetted and legally admitted to the US, replacement conspiracists would still be upset. Indigenous Americans were summarily replaced, mostly by white-skinned Europeans. Ask Mr. Smith, Who speaks for them?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        An insightful narrative of American history.

  12. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    After a GOP fake conspiracy theory results in 10 American citizens murdered in a Buffalo, NY grocery store, some actual conservatives are recognizing that this current violent racist version of the GOP is supporting and inciting “racist, mass murderers” and are taking action publicly to express their perspective.

    “In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo on Saturday, it’s become glaringly obvious that my party no longer represents conservative values but in fact poses a threat to them — and to America,”
    – Mikes Taylor (Conservative Republican & Trump administration official)


  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    All this discussion reminds me of a friend in middle school. His family had a color TV; one of the first I had seen.

    I was at his house to watch a baseball game, and the grass was red, the sky a shade of brown. I asked, “Why don’t you fix the color?”

    He said, “This is how Dad wants it. Willie Mays looks white.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that was a while ago………. 😉

  14. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    The post starts out properly recognizing that a group’s apprehensions about “newcomers” coming in and taking over seems to be a recurring phenomenon of human behavior, albeit not a very desirable one.

    But then the author, while giving more examples, ignores others. In 1700’s Massachusetts, a law was passed that gave Catholics several months’ notice that they had to leave the province. Even the colony of Rhode Island, whose tolerance for members of religious minorities earned it the nickname “Rogue’s Island,” forbade Catholics from serving in public office.

    Another prime example is the 19th Century “Know Nothing” movement and associated Know Nothing Party, as well as the subsequent American Party. The movement, of course, was a reaction against Roman Catholicism, Irish and other Roman Catholic immigration. Around the same time, Presbyterian minister Horace Mann led a push for taxpayer-funded public schools in order to establish a more protestant-focused curriculum.

    During the 1830s and 40s, anti-Catholic riots occurred around the nation. These included burning churches and homes.

    This anti-Catholic hatred later found a place in the post-Civil War KKK and its subsequent revival in the 1920s. The Blaine Amendment would have used the Constitution to prohibit any tax dollars going to any parochial school. Though Blaine failed at the federal level, many states adopted their own Blaine amendments, which generally still exist.

    In 1928, the Solid South cracked, with many former Confederate states, voting Republican because the Democratic candidate was Al Smith, an Irish Catholic from New York. While he did much better at the ballot box, JFK faced similar bigotry in his 1960 presidential campaign.

    In the last decade, Senators Horino and Harris attempted to violate the specific terms of the Constitution by imposing a religious test on a judicial candidate. Anti-Catholic bigotry is alive and well in the United States and protected by silence by many institutions.

    Why the omission? Rhetorical question. The answer is obvious.

    I have no anti-Protestant feelings. Four of my eight great grandparents were raised Protestant and I often proudly wear my Huguenot Cross to commemorate my Huguenot ancestors and to support religious freedom for everyone.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      In fact my article mentions the anti-Catholic sentiment by the Know Nothings and a current US representative. No omission.

  15. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    I’m sick and tired of my posts being rejected by the platform. I worked more than 30 minutes on the last one. If you don’t want non-Virginians to post, just say so. Otherwise, please put my posts online.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Try scrolling to the end of comments and look for “more posts” bar.

  16. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Why are my posts being regularly removed? I spent over 30 minutes on one today. It posted but is now missing.

  17. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    As working people (as opposed to people with advanced degrees that rely on government or government consulting jobs) become more successful, they have a natural tendency to become more fiscally conservative. And government never disappoints about failing to control costs or operate programs that don’t produce the promised results. This, of course, causes taxes to increase at rates exceeding increases in income. It pushes working people to vote more conservatively. We’ve seen this with Italian and Irish Americans. We are seeing it with some blacks and Hispanics and will see it with other ethnic groups. So, who cares about the demographic mix?

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