Who Wants to Visit New York Anyway?

by Kerry Dougherty

This is rich.

One of the worst governors in the country — Andrew Cuomo — announced yesterday that Virginians are not welcome in New York and neither are folks from 30 other states. Unless we quarantine and show a clean bill of health, that is.

He’s afraid we’ll infect New Yorkers with COVID-19.

Hilarious. Is there anyone left in New York who hasn’t been infected?

Someone needs to remind the governor that it was New Yorkers who spread the virus to the rest of the country. According to The New York Times:

New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.

Looks like Virginia made a mistake by not banning New Yorkers months ago. Who knows how many lives might have been saved.

So far, 32,520 have died from COVID-19 in the Empire State. A staggering figure.

Yet that hasn’t stopped Cuomo from taking an undeserved victory lap- – with Dr. Anthony Fauci on the sidelines, cheering — for his handling of the Covid-19 crisis.

Shoot, even CNN’s Jake Tapper called out Cuomo last week for his insane celebration.

“New York’s Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo seems to be on something of a victory tour congratulating the state and himself for defeating the virus,” Tapper began before pointing to the poster filled with “inside jokes” that Cuomo is selling.

“There are no illustrations, however, of the more than 32,000 dead New Yorkers, the highest death toll by far of any state. No rendering on that poster of the criticism that Governor Cuomo ignored warnings, no depiction of the study that he could have saved thousands of lives had he and Mayor De Blasio acted sooner, no painting of his rescinded order that nursing homes take all infected patients in,” the CNN anchor continued.

Tapper accused Cuomo of “revisionism” and “crowing,” which he insisted was “offending a lot of New Yorkers.”

Cuomo’s inexplicable order that required nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients led to the deaths of thousands of New York’s most vulnerable folks. At last count, more than 6,000 perished in New York nursing homes.

While Virginia is in the midst of an outbreak, it’s hard to determine the magnitude of the problem because the Old Dominion only began testing in earnest a little more than a month ago and we have no baseline for comparison. So far, there have been 2,048 deaths from the coronavirus in Virginia and 76,427 confirmed cases. Our death rate is 24 per 100,000 people. New York’s is 167.

Plus, it’s worth noting that Virginians successfully slowed the spread enough that — despite the rising numbers — there are almost 4,000 vacant hospital beds and 80% of ventilators are collecting dust.

At the same time that the infection rate was falling in New York, a new problem surfaced: New York City’s crime rate rose sharply and the city slashed $1 billion from the police department’s budget.

In a piece headlined “Shootings Soar 205% After New York Police Department Disbands Anti-Crime Unit,” The New York Post reports that the Big Apple is a dangerous place.

“Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.

And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.

Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.

With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents, the department said.

News flash, Gov. Cuomo, Virginia is beautiful this time of year. And safe.

Why would we want to leave?

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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38 responses to “Who Wants to Visit New York Anyway?”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    why leave? Because we have the one of the worst Governors in the country also?

    I thought Kerry was threatening to go to SC, Georgia or Florida where they have much better Governors and allow folks on the beaches and in bars and stuff…. and are ordering their schools to open?

    geeze… talk about courage and conviction! 😉

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      No, she’d never do that. That would be putting her money where her mouth is. Not enough coinage in the world to fill that gapping maw.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    400% surge in New York City Police Department early retirements. The thin blue line is in real trouble up in Manhattan.

  3. This prompted me to recall why NYC crime rates went way down in the 1990’s:

    “Many attribute New York’s crime reduction to specific “get-tough” policies carried out by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s administration. The most prominent of his policy changes was the aggressive policing of lower-level crimes, a policy which has been dubbed the “broken windows” approach to law enforcement. In this view, small disorders lead to larger ones and perhaps even to crime.”


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      yes but it was teamed up with Bloombergs “stop & frisk” , right?

      “broken windows” in and of itself doesn’t mean much more that increased policing in crime areas – increased police presence in one area acts like a balloon – the bad guys just filter out to where there is less police.

  4. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I was watching an interview over the weekend with former SecDef Mattis, about his new book (no WH tell all, just about his military time.) Very impressive, and I’m thinking that years from now being fired and then having your character trashed by Donald J. Trump will be clearly a major badge of honor. If I were running the Biden campaign I’d have a an ad with that honor roll of fallen public servants ready to cross-pressure voters like me…(throw in the POW slur.)

    I mention because Kerry took time to dump on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and I’ve heard so many others do so as well. The doc is in very, very good company and should take heart. I remain very interested in what he has to say, along with Scott Gottlieb (former FDA) and some of the others.

    Cuomo, on the other hand, has blood on his hands for some bad decisions. His grandstanding now about “protecting” NY from the rest of America won’t fool anybody. I was looking at the various state “deaths per 1 million” stats and even if this pandemic lasts another year, no other state will catch up with the Greater NYC area.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Just run the video of Trump at Langley, standing in front of that wall of stars, self-aggrandizing.

    2. MAdams Avatar

      Just recall the manner in which Gov. Cuomo reacted when others floated the idea of banning travelers from NYC in the beginning.

  5. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    There was only one reason; to reach The 1000 Islands Bridge to get into Canada and save your arse from the idiot Republican handling of a crisis.

    Hmm, basically the same reason as in 1970 only this time they’re stopping you on the Canadian side.

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Canadian Immigration Law is far more stringent than ours. You can’t arbitrarily immigrate there, they won’t take you.


      I’m not surprised you don’t know much about that process either, seem to be a pattern.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        You cannot go there now PERIOD. It’s closed, like the Bahamas, Europe, and most of the rest of the world, to Americans.

        1. MAdams Avatar

          I’m aware of the restrictions, however they only apply to discretionary purposes. Furthermore, US State Departments Level 4 travel restrictions still remain in place form March.


          Also, the NHL restarts on August 1st and I can assure you the American teams that made the cut are playing in the two hub cities located in Canada.

          Also, no not most of the rest of the world is restricting travel to US citizens, that’s absolutely just your biased opinion. The Bahamas is the singular island in the Caribbean doing such and there are again caveats to that.


          I’d also take the EU’s statement as much like your political, as they have cleared Australia, South Korea, Japan and others with current COVID-19 surges as still acceptable to enter.



          Just like Trumps ban in March, it is political payback. The difference is, I unlike you know that.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            “I’m aware…”. Not likely.

        2. Nancy_Naive Avatar


          1. MAdams Avatar

            I realize it must be very tiring actually reading data instead of pontificating fallacies for you. However, if you start now you might get through a paragraph before your nap.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    All in all, it’s a contest between Cuomo and de Blasio as to who is the bigger asshat… yeah I know… that’s an Ad Hom….. but I digress…

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I can answer that. Matt wins that contest.

      1. MAdams Avatar

        So says the poster hiding behind a nom de plume. I’ll gladly wear that badge of honor though, given that it means I’m right and your are geriatric whinny little ninny.

  7. We don’t have to like New Yorkers to respect the better aspects of how they have responded to the pandemic. Unquestionably they were hit hard; unquestionably they learned the hard way to take this disease seriously. I for one think Cuomo did an excellent job of communicating what was happening in real time, to reassure a panicked population and to keep things coordinated in the most densely populated, multi-state urban area of the United States. He came out way ahead of Northam on that scale IMHO. When it came to the triage forced on him by extreme shortages of resources, I think his responses — including pushing recovering patients out of hospitals into nursing homes to make room for new more critical covid cases — were generally reasonable. No wonder Dr. Fauci respects him — especially given the example set by some other governors, and the complete void in federal executive leadership.

    Now we have Kerry Snide saying, “He’s afraid we’ll infect New Yorkers with COVID-19. Hilarious. Is there anyone left in New York who hasn’t been infected?” No, KD, neither New York nor Virginia is anywhere remotely near the level of covid infection saturation known as herd immunity. At this stage Cuomo does not want New York to experience a second surge, and he is doing pretty well at preventing one. We should wish as much for Virginia. NoVa is doing a lot better than the rest of Virginia on that scale; it’s NoVa with the scare of our earlier case load that continues to take the virus seriously, wear masks and limit social contacts. Ask your friends in Hampton Roads what they are experiencing.

    Sure, there are New Yorker aspects about the President that I don’t like either, but surely I could have respected a job well done, a Bloomberg effort rather than the miserable, macho, misogynistic carnival show Trump has managed to make of our federal government. New York did not become the world’s greatest commercial and financial center because of people like Donald Trump, but in spite of them.

    No, we can carp about New York manners all we want, but the time to take smug pot shots at Cuomo’s leadership is when we have covid statistics to brag about here in Virginia. We don’t, right now, not yet anyway.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Cuomo was excellent for a good length of time but the more he talked about some things including how he thought NYC should be operated the less enamored of him I became. As bad as some think of Northam, if he was opinionated and obnoxious as Cuomo – he’d look worse IMHO.

      People need to understand WHY people run for office to be elected. It’s not for the self-effacing… Megalomania seems to be a common thread.

  8. djrippert Avatar

    I lived in New York City in 1987 – 1988 and spent three to four days a week there from 2015 – 2018. It’s a great place run by imbeciles. The Butcher of Albany leads the pack of half-wits although Comrade di Blasio is not far behind. Add in Occasional Cortex and you start to round out the all star team of psychotic American politicians. The sheer size, scale and intensity of New York City has always been able to provide enough momentum to bulldoze through problems … from impending bankruptcy to an almost indescribable crime wave during the Dinkins days. However, like the great Karl Wallenda, New York City will eventually attempt one high wire act too many. This may be it. The financial foundation of the city comes from financial services with a smidgen of technology. All jobs that can be performed from afar. Socialists like di Blasio seem unaware that people in America can still vote … with their feet. And they are. The rich people who provide the disproportionate funding for the Big Apple are leaving in droves. Counting noses is futile. Count tax returns. The Butcher of Albany and Comrade di Blasio may have finally managed to pull the plug on the greatest city on Earth. We’ll see.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      NYC is not unlike most major cities. Those cities just go on. They have so much infrastructure, services and innate amenities that they attract their share of companies. They gain some and lose some – and maybe over time they lose more than they gain – but the core of the city will always be there.

      That’s true around the world. Some of the most disgusting cities on earth – still function as cities…none really end up being dismantled and abandoned.

      I perceive DJ as a bit of a world traveler. Surely he sees this common thread in cities around the world.

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        ” Some of the most disgusting cities on earth – still function as cities…none really end up being dismantled and abandoned.”

        Check out Detroit some time. Don’t even need to leave the comfort of your living room chair, Google street view will work nicely. Block after block of abandoned, derelict houses. Abandoned factories and businesses. It goes on.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Oh no question – but Detroit is not closing… no more than Cairo or New Dehli is… no matter how awful.

          1. idiocracy Avatar

            Losing population and parts of the city going back to nature strike me as the process of closing.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            more like ebb and flow…though not inconceivable…

            Pittsburgh did not die – it reconfigured…

        2. CrazyJD Avatar

          Detroit v. Pittsburgh

          No comparison when it comes to the government of the two places.
          Far less mismanagement, and far fewer indictments, convictions in Pittsburgh

          Detroit will die when the left-over car money living in Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills in the northern suburbs disappears

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


            Pittsburg didn’t die when steel died, no?

            Detroit is what happens when you have white flight? no ?
            Similar to Richmond?

          2. CrazyJD Avatar

            The reason for the death is less important than whether it dies and what you consider death. By your apparent definition, only an old mining town in Colorado might be considered to have died. Under any reasonable definition, Detroit has been dead since it came out with the Chevette in 1976. Pittsburgh reconfigured itself in a fairly reasonable time. Pittsburgh was never under state receivership. It doesn’t sound like you’ve ever been to Detroit.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re right. Never been to Detroit. Have been to Pittsburgh and well remember the movie The Deer Hunter.

            Detroit itself has lost about half it’s population but it is a significant size MSA – about 4 million people:


            not going to become a Colorado mining town….anytime soon.

            It’s actually predicted to grow to 4,500,000.

            Situation & Outlook Report

            Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI Metropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA 19820)
            Geographic-Demographic-Economic Characteristics

            so no… it don’t fit the Conservative hopes that it will die because of corrupt liberals and unions and such…. 😉

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    What a nasty, parochial little commentary. I worked for a New York-based company for 18 years including four actually in the city. My publisher is based there and the most lucrative contracts I get are generally New York based. I have many close and long-time friends there. The city can be overwhelming, but it it grows on you like tough love. It is a huge place with varying degrees of violent crime. I lived in part of Brooklyn that didn’t match DC for violent crime. My late uncle, a Catholic priest, lived in a precinct that had the city’s second highest murder rate.
    Would I want to go to Virginia Beach? Not really. I worked there for a couple of years. Too white toast. Too conservative. If I want to go to a decent beach, I’ll head to North Carolina.

  10. novalad Avatar

    Doesn’t the notion that crime and disease can choke out a world-tier city run counter to, I don’t know, all recorded history? I wouldn’t want to be in NYC commercial real estate right now, but this talk of an irreparable exodus from the city is “billionaires building bunkers in New Zealand”-tier.

    If it does come to pass, it’ll be reflective of broader social trends across the country more so than anything having to do with COVID and Cuomo. I can’t imagine professionals fleeing Manhattan and Brooklyn and not, say, SF.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    ten largest cities in the world:

    Cairo. Country: Egypt. …
    Kinki major metropolitan area (Osaka and Kyoto) Country: Japan. …
    Mumbai. Country: India. …
    São Paulo. Country: Brazil. …
    Mexico City. Country: Mexico. …
    Shanghai. Country: China. 2015 Population: 23.48 million. …
    Delhi. Country: India. 2015 Population: 25.87 million. …
    Tokyo. Country: Japan. 2015 Population: 37.26 million.

    New York/Newark: New York-Newark, USA 16 million

    The point here is that New York is one large city out of dozens in the world and probably has one of the highest standards of living compared to most.

    Is this something unique to NYC that would doom it as a city any more or less than a the cities that are bigger than it and in countries with even less law and order… etc… ???

    Do we understand why cities exist in the first place?

    Don’t get me wrong – no city is for me. They are the pits as far as I am concerned. But realistically – does anyone think cities are going away including NYC?

    1. novalad Avatar

      You’re on the money, Larry. If anything “dooms” US cities, it’s the lack of affordable housing and effective mass transit/infrastructure investment. But as you say, look at Cairo or Mexico City, neither of which are paragons of short commute times or affordable single-family housing. They aren’t going anywhere, and nor will our cities.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Cities are anachronisms… you’d think they would be unfit for many and especially the low income but cities prove that free markets exist no matter government and rules… the market and commerce endures…and yes some of the most ugly and filthy places in the world are cities in 3rd world countries… make no mistake – they ARE vibrant and nowhere near death.

  13. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I would like to go to NYC for one reason only. To drive the Brooklyn Queens Expressway one time and not be stuck in traffic. I spent a small portion of my late 20s stuck on the BQE.

  14. djrippert Avatar

    A dispatch from the land of The Butcher in Albany …


    The resurgence will come to New York too. Just like everywhere else.

  15. LarrytheG Avatar

    the resurgence will come to those places that don’t wear masks and don’t socially distance.. regardless of your politics but especially because of your politics if you are convinced it is the “hoax” that some were saying all along and still do.

    Some folks have been saying if you don’t like this – go hide under your bed, no?

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