Who Is the “Irrational Majority” Here?

by James A. Bacon

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has declined to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for school employees and students on the grounds that it lacked the “clear statutory authority” to do so, reports The Virginia Mercury. Federal agencies have yet to add the vaccine to its childhood immunization schedule. “While recommended, it’s not been formally added,” said Dr. Lauri Forlano, deputy commissioner for population health.

Here’s another reason not to compel COVID vaccinations for students: they’re not needed.

According to the VDH’s own data, here’s how COVID-related hospitalizations break down by age group:

Fewer than 1,200 Virginians under 20 years old have been hospitalized for COVID. Only 16 have died.

VDH does not have data showing the number of hospitalized Virginians with co-morbidities such as obesity, diabetes, or lung disease, which are known to be associated with acute cases. But there is ample evidence from other studies and reports that the vast majority of children hospitalized for COVID are obese. A reasonable policy would be to educate parents of at-risk students about the elevated danger to their children and urge them to get vaccinated.

The one seemingly plausible argument I’ve seen for school-vax mandates is to protect teachers and staff. But even that is shaky. First, it is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus. Second, while vaccinations indisputably reduce hospitalizations, deaths, and the severity of symptoms — which is why we get them — they do not halt the spread of the virus. That reality is underscored by the fact that the level of reported cases in Virginia is almost as high as it was a year ago despite the fact that 5.4 million Virginians have been vaccinated with at least one dose, and 1.4 million have been vaxxed with two shots plus a booster.

If you start with a population of school children less likely to spread the virus to begin with, and vaccinate them so that they are only somewhat less likely to be infectious, you get an incremental reduction in transmission. The question arises as to whether  that incremental reduction makes a measurable difference in risk to teachers and staff. Because the vaccination of children is such a new thing, the matter has not been studied.

But we do know this: if teachers are worried about the risk to their health… they can get vaccinated. If we overlay the lower rate of viral spread in school populations with the protective shield of voluntary vaccinations, teachers and staff are extremely low risk. Is it reasonable for teachers to demand to be at zero risk?

The Mercury leads its story with a quote from Kirsten Calleja, a Virginia mother who had petitioned VDH for mandatory vaccinations. “The irrational majority should not be dictating the public health policy for Virginia or the schools.”

I quite agree. But who’s the “irrational majority” — the childhood anti-vaxxers or the germophobes?

Correction: This column has been corrected to state that 16 Virginians under 20 years old have died from COVID. The original version incorrectly stated that zero had died.

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46 responses to “Who Is the “Irrational Majority” Here?”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” First, it is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.” Not widely acknowledged by science which is pointing out that the age-related health impacts of the virus are different from who can carry the virus and spread it and kids typically have much milder symptoms.

    Most teachers will tell you that kids are germ factories in the winter and one might wonder if they spread other disease, that they’d not spread COVID also.

    The bigger point here is that we don’t know with certainty and certainly should not be presuming the best case for what we don’t know.

    People spread disease, even kids do. The question of how much or how little for a given disease is secondary to the reality that kids can and DO spread covid – we just don’t know yet to what degree.

    Prudent people take safe measures. Irrational folks figure out all kinds of reasons to not be prudent.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      We also don’t know what the long term impacts of the “vaccine” are.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        We have a pretty good idea given the billions of shots already given… no?

        1. Packer Fan Avatar
          Packer Fan

          I think killerhertz said LONG TERM IMPACTS. Less than two years of data isn’t going to tell us anything about the long term, no matter how many “billions of shots already given”.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            He did. Now, for ANY vaccine, will that be the standard before it is given?

            From now on? no matter the contagious disease, we can’t have a vaccine until we know the long term effects?

            That’s your position?

            is that rational?

            Is that how we did Polio and Smallpox?

          2. It took 32 years for the smallpox vaccine,

            2-1/2 years for the Salk polio vaccine, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) took two years.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            long time for smallpox… is there a standard for long-term before approval ?

          4. Packer Fan Avatar
            Packer Fan

            I don’t have a standard, but why try to force everyone to get a jab when so many have come through the last two years just fine and many folks who have gotten the jab aren’t seeing the benefits they expected and don’t know if they are going to have long-term effects? Meanwhile, they can still get COVID, they can still pass it on to others, etc., etc. And all you can tell me is if I get COVID, it “might not” hit me as hard as it would if I had gotten the vaccine? And we’re going to continue to not talk about natural immunity?

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          Vaccines are normally studied for years, not 3 months. There are all sort of telltale indicators of adverse events and it’s unclear how things will shake out. Also no long term study of boosters.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            did they do that for polio?

            what’s the standard for long-term ?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            so you advocate no approval before long-term study process?

        3. We have a pretty good idea given what the vaccines are made of.

          It’s mRNA.

          It’s been in your body since before you were born and it hasn’t killed you yet.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Now if I got it right… according to some BR folks, that’s an appeal to authority!


            Dang the FDA for relying on facts in determining safety and efficacy…

    2. Thanks, Larry.

      Re: “First, it is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.” I don’t know where Jim is getting this but it’s not a statistic I’ve seen, either. Kids do apparently get ill from the earlier variants of covid 19 less often than adults — but we don’t know how many kids had a mild, unreported case or had it with no symptoms whatever, so we don’t know what the comparable infection rate is. In fact the existence of so many hidden cases in children is the very reason leaving them unvaccinated is so dangerous to everyone else around them (including other children, some of whom will get ill from it).

      Re: “Second, while vaccinations indisputably reduce hospitalizations, deaths, and the severity of symptoms — which is why we get them — they do not halt the spread of the virus.” “Halt”? No, Jim, but they do reduce the spread of the virus substantially by impairing covid’s ability to reproduce in a large percentage of those vaccinated (certainly there are breakthrough cases but that does not demonstrate lack of benefit here).

      The public health benefit of vaccinations lies in substantially reducing transmissibility through the population as a whole so that new pockets of infection become increasingly isolated (and hopefully to a level so low that the virus essentially dies out). We already know we’re not going to eliminate every possible instance of future infection; covid isn’t smallpox (a disease where the nature of its vaccine allows no breakthroughs and we really have succeeded in exterminating the virus except in controlled research vaults). Instead, like its cousin the common cold, covid is simply going to be with us forever, and we have to learn both how to limit its spread and how to mitigate its symptoms, to a risk level that’s tolerable.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Not sure how much I trust JAB’s source:

          from wiki:


          Questions have been raised about the quality and neutrality of the articles in Healthline. One critic noted that a Healthline article about a new drug used promotional language, copied from the drug-maker’s press release, neglected to cite adverse side effects, and framed the drug’s claimed benefits in misleading language not correctly representing the evidence reported in a classical peer-reviewed medical journal.[14][15]

          Other critics have noted:

          headlines that exaggerate the substance of the article;[16]

          inadequate journalistic and scientific skepticism when reporting “news”;[17]

          failure to balance quotes from vested interests with quotes from interviews of independent sources;[17]

          reported medical “news” that had not yet validated by publication in a peer-reviewed journal;[18]

          implied clinical applicability for developments not yet so scientifically validated;[18]

          failure to balance reports of claimed theoretical benefits of a new treatment, with a corresponding report of the associated cost or required frequency of treatment;[17]

          failure to cite sources;[18]

          failure to link to source of studies cited in the article;[18]

          1. I’m not sure how much I trust your source. Wikipedia is just another front in the info-wars and its entries are notoriously politicized. See, I can play the same game as you, Larry.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wikipedia is a REFERENCE to authoritative sources AND you can independently verify INSTEAD of relying on and promoting sites that are KNOWN to not be entirely truthful.

            Why do you do this? You’ve had to apologize several times for posting things that were wrong and other times you just don’t even acknowledge you have.

            Let me give you a hint – don’t be engaging in personal attacks guy when you disagree.

            Follow your OWN posted guidelines.

            I don’t call you a blithering idiot except in respond to you initiating it.

            Argue on the merit and keep the Ad homs to yourself. Shame on you!

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Date of JAB’s source: February 11, 2021

          There is a lot of information ‘out there’ – some of it authoritative and other not but beyond that it’s important just how current it is. Data that is just a few months old can be out of date as science has learned more and especially so with new variants.

          Some folks just search for something that will confirm their beliefs and ignore any other and use that to justify their views.

          here is a more up-to-date report – from an authorotative source:

          Coronavirus outbreak and kids
          November 19, 2021

          “Most children who become infected with the COVID-19 virus have no symptoms, or they have milder symptoms such as low-grade fever, fatigue, and cough. Early studies suggested that children do not contribute much to the spread of coronavirus. But more recent studies indicate that children are capable of spreading the infection.

          Though the studies varied in their methods, their findings were similar: infected children had as much, or more, coronavirus in their upper respiratory tracts as infected adults. And a November 2021 study conducted by Harvard researchers again confirmed that children carry live virus capable of infecting others.”


          JAB has consistently argued that kids do not spread the disease, but the science is now saying they very much can AND they often do not exhibit symptoms and when you have 20-30 congregating a classroom without masks, it’s high risk.

          and second, the use of the word HALT as if it’s a binary proposition.

          It’s MEASURES, LIKE wearing masks which will not HALT but will mitigate and slow spread and multiple measures like vaccinations will further slow the spread of the virus and eventually accomplish, over time, what other vaccines have done.

          JAB has consistently argued that science is not correct and that govt has “over-reacted” with shutdowns and other measures – a view found among many conservatives and confirmed by polling.

          1. Larry, you constantly test my resolve to not call you a blithering idiot. Either you are incapable of reading or you deliberately distort the meaning of what other people say. You’re shameless. You do it over and over, you make it impossible to carry on an intelligent conversation, and in so doing you persuade many Bacon’s Rebellion readers that there is nothing to the liberal point of view but lies and distortions because, if you had anything of substance to say, why would you engage in so much misrepresentation?

            Above you misrepresent my post (I’ll say “mispresent” and not “lie” to allow for the possibility that you are too dense to understand what you’re doing) as follows: “JAB has consistently argued that kids do not spread the disease.”

            In fact, in this post I said: “It is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.”

            I also said, “If you start with a population of school children less likely to spread the virus to begin with…”

            Can you grasp the distinction between kids being less likely to spread the disease and kids not spreading the disease?

            If you want to argue that children are just as likely to spread the virus as adults, be my guest. Go ahead and make your argument. But stop distorting what other people say, and stop dragging the dialogue into the mud.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            jAB – yep , you encourage personal attacks with your own behavior…

            re; ‘ “JAB has consistently argued that kids do not spread the disease.”

            In fact, in this post I said: “It is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.”

            I also said, “If you start with a population of school children less likely to spread the virus to begin with…”

            Yes, you’ve made this same argument over many posts – no?

            But it’s based on old data and new data is questioning that, but you insist on continuing to reference older data to back up your claims.

            I DID provide a more recent link that does talk about kids transmitting the disease even if they do not show symptoms.

            BEYOND THAT – if someone spends 5-6 hours a day in a room with 20-25 others , do you think that is the same as one on one for 15 minutes?

            Do you understand the science blittering idiot?

          3. Saying that I’m relying on old data is a legitimate argument. I’m fine with that. Just stop distorting my words.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I did not distort your words guy. I actually quoted you, no?

            In fact, in this post I said: “It is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.”

            and I pointed out that no, it’s not actually and wondered how that statement was justified given what science is now saying…

            that’s not distorting… IMHO.. but if you want more explicit, you’ll get it…

          5. Merchantseamen Avatar

            JB Larry is the “expert” in everything. Larry please tell me the difference between carbon oxide and carbon hydroxide. Pfizer says the mRMA has carbon oxide however carbon hydroxide has been determined to be actually in the jab. This has long term detrimental affects.

            NOTE: this info will not be released by Pfizer for 55 years.
            If introduced into a vein instead of muscle very horrific affects are presented such as heart attacks, strokes, infections etc. I will wait for your “expert” determination.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t know BUT I CAN read and that’s important and that’s mostly what I post – not what I know but what I’ve found by reading – and more than one source and sources that are credible.

            And yes, there ARE things we don’t know that we’d like to know but that’s not a reason to do nothing and freeze!

            re: ” Pfizer says the mRMA has carbon oxide however carbon hydroxide has been determined to be actually in the jab. This has long term detrimental affects.”

            can you provide a link to your “determination’ above?

            I can hardly wait! 😉

            BTW, did JAB discuss the thing you are talking about here?

            what I objected to JAB was HIS claim :

            ” First, it is widely acknowledged that children are less likely than adults to spread the virus.”

            Now JAB has made this claim in more than one blog post but current science has changed an no longer supports that view.

            Beyond that, consider transmission rates that are calculated one on one to a given proximity for a given length of time and think about someone in a room with 20-25 people including kids for 4-6 hours.

            It’s Not true that kids don’t transmit at all… they do but the science is still trying to determine by how much and the influence of newer variants.

            The point is that this is not an issue to hang your hat on with respect to kids, schools and transmission rates IMHO.

            Even if only one kid can transmit – think of who else in that room is at risk – over 4-6 hours of contact – and in an environment where the screaming meemies refuse to wear masks!

            SO – NO – I do NOT know and as matter of fact, many of us ARE ignorant and know it and seek out facts and information from folks who do know – and then, yes, we relate it to others and often provides links to it.

            so come on down from your high horse bud… it’s silly.

          7. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Yes of course you learn by reading. Unfortunately the young people today do not read. If they do read it is snippets of information that they grab onto. You must live to learn also. Just reading does not cut it. I did pluck that nerve tho didn’t I. Sort of like a fiddle. I searched it out the info. The jab is a nasty bit of poison. Other alternatives to the jab is out there but is called voodoo medicine. Remember follow the money. Liberals always forget that tiny little bit of information. Follow the money………

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            I read and I also ask others who make claims to provide links to their claims.

            how about it? provide a link to a credible source for your claim?

            Conservatives these days like to talk about what liberals do. I wonder why conservatives like bogus info and rely on it for their “knowledge”.

            surely that’s not you, right?

  2. killerhertz Avatar

    If they mandated the COVID jab you’d see school enrollment plummet like Northam’s blackface costume he threw in the Chesapeake.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think you’re wrong. I think quite a few parents want the jabs… and want a school environment with less risk of covid infecting kids and teachers.

      The MAJORITY feel this way. It’s the MINORITY that do not. Are the “anti” folks going to keep their kids home ? If so, the majority might be just fine with that.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Even if you are right and 51% of NPCs agreed to jab their kids, doesn’t give you the right to force medical treatment on others, especially one that clearly doesn’t stop infection among vaccinated.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          51% no, 70% , 80%, at some point when everyone is at risk, common sense takes over.

          1. Packer Fan Avatar
            Packer Fan

            Everyone who has gotten the shot is still at risk of getting COVID and passing it on to others. Everyone who has not gotten the shot is still at risk of getting COVID and passing it on to others.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    On the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, can we remember if any famous trials followed the resulting World War?
    Some German city…
    I am sick and tired of people pretending they KNOW what they don’t know.
    Here is what I KNOW:
    1. Every single Covid vax (and it is not a vaccine) is EUA.
    2. Federal law requires for EUA products “accept or refuse” language.
    3. Since the Covid vax is EUA, it is “experimental” and everyone who takes it is participating in a “medical experiment.”
    4. Under the Nuremberg Code, medical experimentation requires “informed” and “willing” consent. Bribing college kids to have a normal life (and then reneging on it) and forcing people to lose their jobs or else are not “willing.”
    All of the above are facts. Mandating this is illegal and immoral. I believe (see, opinion) it is also unConstitutional.
    Meanwhile, we don’t know about the true all-in effects of the Covid vax.
    In the meantime, SCIENCE! has determined that natural immunity is a bar to reinfection. Meanwhile, the so-called vaccinated are having “breakthrough” cases – at JMU and VaTech over 50% of the cases are “vaccinated.” Now their vaccinated populations are much larger than the unvaxed, but, is Covid a risk to a college student? Most likely NO. For a healthy youth, getting Covid and getting over it is quite likely (see, opinion identified, again) the best medical outcome.
    The response to Covid should vary by person – “risk stratification” by age and by individual health. No one size fits all.
    We don’t know if Covid vax hurts prior natural immunity. We don’t know if Covid vaxing young women will have fertility effects. We do know of myo and pericarditis risks – way outside acceptable levels. We do know problems are appearing with pregnant women and that is being studied. We do know the VAERS system has way more reports than previously acceptable. Meanwhile, our official government organs have tried to suppress therapeutic medical care. Our official treatment protocol is go home and call us if you get worse. IT IS INSANE. If you treat the Covid aggressively at home, you reduce hospitalization and death. I don’t know… that seems more moral to me… And we now KNOW the people who are at risk, why would we send them home? Why wait until they are really sick before we treat?
    Please everybody, stop it! If you want the shot, get the shot

    1. You say ” (see, opinion) ” but there is nothing there.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I was indicating that what followed – mandates being unConstitutional – was my opinion. Same in the other occurrence – I was giving a “trigger warning” that a dangerous, unorthodox opinion followed.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Only 16 have needlessly died.”

    Fixed it for you…

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Yet, had the law allowed it, no question the mandate for school kids would have been imposed, joining all the other vaccinations (how many deaths from measles are acceptable, Jim?) Give the Northam Administration credit for following the law? Naah, most of you won’t. But it is a striking contrast with, say, Mayor DeBlowhard in New York City. From the get go on many of these things the question has been, why don’t you put in a bill and get the law that gives this authority? I think the main answer has been, such a bill would fail. Rule of law. What a concept…

    Just checked out this morning’s VDH numbers. Hospitalizations up to over 1,100, up 300 in just a couple of weeks. Here we go with another post-Thanksgiving surge maintained in large part by the unvaccinated “irrational minority.” Very heavy case counts in SW Virginia again. The correlation between vax rates, case counts and positivity rates is strong. And omicron is probably just getting its track shoes on in Virginia. Getthedamnshots.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Vaccination requirements at the State are set by the Law, in this case VA 22.1-27.2.

      It doesn’t provide methods of addition, but I would presume it would require some sort of Legislature vote to add or subtract what vaccines are required.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        The debate on adding HPV was over legislation, so yes, that would be the clean way to create a mandate for Virginia school enrollment. I’d expect to see that bill this year. No question in my mind Congress could amend OSHA’s brief to cover vaccines, but absent that the courts will continue to impede (and properly so.)

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          As would I (perhaps for the group of Children and teachers who the vaccines are currently approved though), but you and I both agree that’s the proper avenue of approach. Left the people through their representation decide, vs fiat. A similar approach should’ve been undertaken with the pandemic management after a certain amount of elapsed time. A Governing body of the size could not adequately react in a short period of time, but say after 30 days they should’ve been consulted (problem with VA emergency law).

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            The bills to rein in a governor’s emergency authority may also come back for a re-vote this year. They should.

    2. Deborah Hommer Avatar
      Deborah Hommer

      Hey, Haner, if you took the Pfizer jab, you might want to go see a cardiologist to make sure you’re not one of those at risk.

      “FDA in Their Virtual Meeting: We Were Falsely Mislead by Pfizer About the Safety of the Vaxxine. Heart Attacks Are 71x Higher Than Other Vaxxines.”


      Here’s an abstract that concluded “that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.” https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712

      Here’s the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System of deaths/injuries analysis: http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/12/03/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-11-26-2021/

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Truly an Australian media reporting on US FDA?

        I’ll bet Haner will be convinced…. 😉

        1. Deborah Hommer Avatar
          Deborah Hommer

          ha! The National Times has in it the FDA meeting in full. So you’re saying the FDA hearing is not true because Australia reported on it? Regardless of who reported on it, from the FDA meeting it was revealed that there is 1000% increase in Adverse Events in 2021. It’s U.S. government information. Go look for yourself. But you do have a great question. Why doesn’t the U.S. media report on this?
          Then go look at the AHA study: “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

          Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.”

          1. Deborah Hommer Avatar
            Deborah Hommer

            And look at Pfizer’s own confidential document up through Feb 28, 2021 – the first 3 months – simply horrifying. Then go to VAERS to see all the injuries/deaths since then. This document was apparently was leaked. Not sure if this is the same document that they don’t want released for 75 years. Read for yourself: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

            Go and start with Table 1 on page 7 and see all the injuries. Appendix 1 lists the adverse events of special interest and it goes on for 9 pages.

            OpenVAERS reports 19,532 deaths; 99,943 hospitalizations; 102,,602 urgent care; 145,285 doctor office visits; 8,301 anaphylaxis; 11,636 bell’s palsy; 3,148 miscarriages; 9,746 heart attacks; 15,424 myocarditis/pericarditis; and 31,652 permanently disabled. https://openvaers.com/covid-data

  6. It’s all voodoo. I just had my ‘day before’ test in the Caribbean as per Bug Out Biden’s mandate…. the ‘doc’ didn’t go nearly as deep as the previous C-19 tests I had last year……. I think they want those departing for the US to, well, depart. And if they’ve got Covid —- not a problem, man

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