Who Does UVa’s Alumni Association Serve?

by James A. Bacon

As the anti-Vietnam War protests were peaking in May 1970, board members of the University of Virginia Alumni Association were alarmed by student unrest at their alma mater. They took the unprecedented step of sending a telegram to the parents of every undergraduate student and urged them to speak to their sons (almost all UVa students then were male) and call upon them to “act thoughtfully and responsibly.” The language couldn’t have been milder, but it prompted a backlash against the alumni association that lingers to this day.

The current edition of Virginia, the alumni association magazine, devotes eight full pages to the episode. Other articles dwell on the travails of UVa’s first Black students, the administration’s response to the COVID epidemic, and the activities of two committees: one to reassess names and memorials on the grounds, and one to craft a statement on free speech and expression.

Any one of these topics is a legitimate subject of inquiry. The Vietnam war was a tumultuous time. The first Blacks at UVa did encounter hardships. COVID policy is a pressing concern. And other universities are reviewing names and memorials. What’s the big deal if UVa does, too?

It’s a big deal because there’s no balance. The alumni magazine addresses the preoccupations of alumni with left-of-center political beliefs and ignores the concerns of conservative alumni. The Alumni Association had better take care. It may not be blasting out Western Union telegrams, but it is sending messages in its print and online publications that could create a backlash.

To many alumni, the single-most pressing issue on colleges campuses today is the suppression of free thought and expression by a left-wing cancel culture. Yet the University of Virginia Alumni Association would rather write about controversies that occurred 50 years ago than address the very real threats today — even when given the perfect opportunity to do so.

The Virginia article about the two committees devoted a half page to the committee dedicated to free speech and expression. The one free-speech issue specifically alluded to was the infamous F*** UVA sign that a Lawn resident posted on her door, which the Ryan administration refused to remove on free-speech grounds. One would think that the issues raised by the case — balancing the student’s right to free expression versus the university’s obligation to enforce contractual terms of her Lawn residency and preserve the dignity of a World Heritage site — might prove of interest to a broad alumni audience. But the magazine editor evidently did not see it that way.

The article also mentioned in passing that “a group of critics” called for the university to reaffirm the important of diversity of thought, but the author evidently saw no need to explore the thinking of these critics, much less to cite the extensive committee testimony by faculty and students regarding UVa’s culture of intolerance. The only controversy the author deemed worth of mention was whether UVa should adopt the so-called Chicago Principles or fashion its own statement.

President Ryan has a vast public relations apparatus — print, online and video — at his disposal to disseminate his views and build his cult of personality. UVA Today is no more than a house organ. The Cavalier Daily, the student newspaper, is independent of the administration but is edited and reported by students who share a world view that is, if anything, to the left of the Ryan team. One would hope that the alumni association at least might adopt embrace a broader perspective and give voice views reflective of its constituency.

Sadly, the UVa alumni association has resolutely ignored the concerns of conservative alumni. As far as I can tell, the association carries out only few functions: convening alumni reunions and events, operating as a fund-raising adjunct to the university’s development department, writing rah-rah articles about Wahoo students and alumni, and cheerleading the initiatives of Ryan and the Board of Visitors.

I would suggest that UVa’s alumni association, like alumni associations across the country, are a big part of the problem with higher education today. Having allowed themselves to be co-opted by college administrators, they don’t speak truth to power. They are tools of those in power. Whatever the wisdom or folly of the alumni board members who sent out that 1970 telegram, at least they stood for something.

Jim Bacon is vice president-communications for The Jefferson Council. He does NOT speak for the organization in this post. The views expressed here are entirely his own.

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23 responses to “Who Does UVa’s Alumni Association Serve?”

  1. dick dyas Avatar
    dick dyas

    The UVa Alumni Association is an arm of the University. The editor of the magazine is a paid University employee, as are all staff of the association. Managers of the Alumni Board are supposedly selected by the Board of Managers, but there is nothing in writing that confirms this. Viewpoints of the board are not necessarily reported in the magazine, and minutes are not made public. While apparently semi-autonomous, the board has no power to influence the actions of the administration. It is primarily an honorary position.
    There is also the Fraternity Alumni Council, which has even less influence.
    The only forum for UVa alumni that is independent of the administration is the Jefferson Council. Every UVa alum that feels strongly about the direction the University should join and contribute to this body.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      And most importantly, in fact the only thing that matters, vote for a Glenn Youngkin who will install his own Board of Visitors.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Cruz with Youngkin, the mini-Trumpkin.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      This is true of many large universities, that the alumni associations have university employees at the top of the structure. In those cases where this isn’t the case, these positions would be “foundation” employees, i.e., the 501(c) fundraising trust.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        And also fairly typical is older alumni tend to become more Conservative and more critical of the University evolving and changing in response to societal changes.

        Even this guy has something to say about it:

        “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

    3. Lee Stevens Avatar
      Lee Stevens

      Not true. The Alumni Association is a separate 501c3 organization and a separate legal entity. All of its staff, including its leader and the editor of the magazine, are employees of the 501c3 organization and not UVA. You may not agree with them, but they aren’t UVA employees.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s apparently what Conservatives do, have done and continue to do.

      And really, when you look at the width and breadth of the venues that Conservatives have to vent their frustration – far and wide – FB, Twitter, FOX, talk-radio, blogs out the wazoo (like this one).. and yet they are STILL unhappy and whine incessantly… Gotta be what they want or they’ll throw tantrums… GAWD Forbid their “voices” not heard! 😉

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Maybe after Barnes & Thornberg is done at VMI…

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “To many alumni…” aka JAB…

  3. Publius Avatar

    Great. We have the trifecta of Larry, Nancy and Full Troll de-tributing to reasoned discourse.
    Are they three real people, or just internet nom de plumes for Glenn Kessler and Politifact? Listen to Glenn children…Nazis were not National Socialists. Trust me. I write for the Washington (Com)Post!

    Nancy gives us Mary Anne Franks to say there isn’t censorship on campus, cuz she wrote a book! Reminds of when my firm was negotiating a legal opinion for an acquisition and the target’s lawyer said, “Well, according to me…” (He had written a book on legal opinions.)

    Ms. Franks seems akin to UVA Law Prof Danielle Citrone, who advocates Twitter banning Trump and other things and whose big thing is revenge porn, like Ms. Franks. Call me old-fashioned ladies – don’t make it. Or, don’t make it with a jerk. But…it follows from all their years of advocacy for porn as free speech – back then, it was just stupid girls getting paid, but now that it affects us educated, so called smart girls, it’s MEAN! But you were not supposed to show pictures of US! (See Point 1)

    Here is Ms. Franks’ CV from The U (Miami So FL) Law School – Professor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair
    Social Justice/Public Interest Concentration Affiliated Faculty
    J.D. 2007, Harvard Law School
    D.Phil 2004, Oxford University
    M.Phil 2001, Oxford University
    B.A. 1999, Loyola University

    Mary Anne Franks, Professor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair, is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the intersection of civil rights and technology. She teaches classes on criminal law, criminal procedure, First Amendment law, Second Amendment law, family law, and law and technology. Professor Franks is also an Affiliated Faculty member of the University of Miami Department of Philosophy and an Affiliate Fellow of the Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP).

    Dr. Franks is the author of the award-winning book, The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech (Stanford Press, 2019). In 2020, she was awarded a grant from the Knight Foundation to support research for her second book, Fearless Speech (expected 2022). Her scholarship has appeared in the Harvard Law Review, the California Law Review, and UCLA Law Review, among others. Dr. Franks has also authored numerous articles for the popular press, including the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, and Newsweek. She has delivered more than a hundred lectures to a range of audiences around the world, including law schools, domestic violence organizations, law firms, and tech companies. She was named a member of the American Law Institute in October 2018.

    Dr. Franks is the President and Legislative & Tech Policy Director of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating online abuse and discrimination. In 2013, she drafted the first model criminal statute on nonconsensual pornography (sometimes referred to as “revenge porn”), which has served as the template for multiple state laws and for pending federal legislation on the issue. She also served as the reporter for the Uniform Law Commission’s 2018 Uniform Civil Remedies for the Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act. Dr. Franks is a principal investigator for a 2020 National Science Foundation grant project, COVID-19 and sexual cyberviolence: Impact on general users and vulnerable populations. She regularly advises legislators, tech industry leaders, and advocacy organizations on issues relating to online privacy, sexual exploitation, extortion, harassment, and threats.

    Dr. Franks holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School as well as a doctorate and a master’s degree from Oxford University, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. She previously taught at the University of Chicago Law School as a Bigelow Fellow and Lecturer in Law and at Harvard University as a lecturer in social studies and philosophy.

    Ah…Social Justice? Hint? “…intersection of civil rights and technology…”
    She is against guns… She has her own left wing foundation… She gets money from the government and non-profits…and she complains in her article about funding for conservative free speech institutes.

    The article is a steaming pile of bovine fecal matter. But the usual from the de-tributors.
    Can students speak freely at UVA?
    Yes, of course. If they are not mute.
    Can students speak freely at UVA without fear of other students mobbing them with disapprobation? Of teachers lowering grades? Of violence or other forms of intimidation?
    No…not really. And what does the Administration do about it? They assign “ambassadors” to protect Hira Azher desecrating a World Heritage site (classy for being given the honor of being on the Lawn. Sorry for any youngsters touring…but Free Speech!). Meanwhile, YAF tables overturned and …nothing. YAF posters pulled down and …silence. Violence threatened against a conservative leaning student elected on Student Council (by accident because he was first year and assumed to be Woke with a LatinX name)…yawn. Question the (Larry’s favorite) SCIENCE! ™ of microaggressions…kicked out of Med School. Ryan has been revealed as a fellow traveler, like our trifecta of de-tributors.
    Sorry, dudes. You’re wrong. What you profess on BR is wrong, in service of things that are totalitarian. Given the human experience with communism and socialism (communism with a smiley face), are you stupid or evil? Given that I don’t think you are technically stupid, that leaves evil. Perhaps, as a mitigating factor, you are only willfully ignorant, but it does support evil. In any event, the advocates for Marxism exemplifying the triumph of hope over experience is the most charitable formulation. But if you are as “smart” as you think you are, then you are stupid for advocating such policies – an intellectual is someone who has been educated beyond his intelligence. This is what we are seeing on college campuses everywhere…the great unwashed hoi polloi are tired of having our betters pee on our legs and tell us it’s raining.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Ahhh, those kindly, woke, good hearted liberals at UVa …


    “Though there is no national data on hospital debt collection, UVA’s pursuit of patients goes beyond that of a number of institutions. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore has sued patients 240 times a year on average, according to a May report in The Baltimore Sun. UVA, by comparison, often sues that many former patients in a week and averages more than 6,000 cases annually, court data show.

    Private, nonprofit Yale New Haven Health System files liens only if a bill is over $10,000 and then only if the property is worth at least $300,000, a spokesman said. Falls Church, Va.-based Inova Health says it does not file liens on patient homes or garnish wages.

    Tenet Healthcare, a national, for-profit chain whose stock trades on Wall Street, says it does not sue uninsured patients who are unemployed or who lack significant assets other than their house.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I dunno DJ – you still seem to not pay attention to dates:

      from you cite:

      ” Over six years, the state institution filed 36,000 lawsuits against patients seeking a total of more than $106 million in unpaid bills, a KHN analysis finds.
      By Jay Hancock and Elizabeth Lucas SEPTEMBER 10, 2019″

      From the latest news:

      “UVa Health to release liens, judgments as part of new billing policies
      Bryan McKenzie Apr 19, 2021”

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        The phony baloneys got caught being asshats and, under the glare of public scrutiny, changed course.

        Thank goodness that organizations like KHN and baconsrebellion keep after the slippery eels at UVa.

        Maybe the Alumni Association will support the alumni someday too.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Perhaps, but they DID change and I’m not so sure other hospital systems followed suit.

          I think folks might forget – that not all “alumni” are right-wing Conservatives, you know?

          Some folks go get a College Education and don’t turn into far right types.. maybe more than not! 😉

          Profile: Bills lived up to his name early in his career, starting his time on Wall Street with Goldman Sachs before founding his own firm, Bluestem Asset Management LLC. He started the company in Charlottesville, Virginia, and as his wealth has grown, so has his local influence. Bills formerly served as chief investment officer for the University of Virginia’s endowment, and he now teaches a handful of finance courses at the school. Bills is most active on environmental issues, and in recent years, he’s become a leading political donor in Virginia.

  5. Here is the University of Virginia Alumni Association’s 990 form for 2018: http://ojwgq1ostm42ulxuw45kfbt8-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/about/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/03/UVAA-2018-Form-990-PIC.pdf

    Although the association is in fact a 501(c)3 organization, it is tightly integrated with the university. Its office is located on Emmet Street, making it practically a part of the grounds. And its website address alumni.virginia.edu, which makes it integral part of the UVa website. The 990 form indicates that the employees are paid by the association. The CEO that year made $267,500.

    Organization’s mission: “Build the strongest bond among alumni and between alumni and the University of Virginia while representing the independent voice and perspective of alumni.”

    It seems to have failed in that last regard.

    It would be interesting to find out the degree to which the association has been co-opted by the UVa administration and no longer functions as an “independent” voice.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” It would be interesting to find out the degree to which the association has been co-opted by the UVa administration and no longer functions as an “independent” voice.”

      Might be good (in a journalistic way) to determine that BEFORE they are accused of being Ryans lap-dogs, no?


      Ya’ll critics don’t seem to be bothered much anymore about mere facts… it’s more what you suspect and believe! Actual proof and facts is optional especially if it screw up the opposition narrative!

      And ya’ll accuse WaPo of “bias”. Gadzooks!

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Read the magazine.

        If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hey, Phil Hamilton’s available.

  6. Publius Avatar

    The usual de-tributors and a few other commenters. For the Triumvirate of de-tributors (Larry Nancy Troll) and the UVA Law Review article, it is ridiculous to complain about too much “right wing” speech and news sites, but in their world…BR is too much by itself, so they need to defend Leftism everywhere with their comments here.

    TheU Law Professor (The U as in Miami FL) is just another of the Leftist Free Speech lawyers, cherrypicking her facts to claim there is an abundance of free speech. Citing her own book for authority reminds me of when my company was negotiating the legal opinion for an acquisition and the target’s lawyer said, “Well, according to me…” (He had written a book on legal opinions)
    Here is Ms. Franks’ CV –
    Professor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair
    Social Justice/Public Interest Concentration Affiliated Faculty
    J.D. 2007, Harvard Law School
    D.Phil 2004, Oxford University
    M.Phil 2001, Oxford University
    B.A. 1999, Loyola University

    Mary Anne Franks, Professor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair, is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the intersection of civil rights and technology. She teaches classes on criminal law, criminal procedure, First Amendment law, Second Amendment law, family law, and law and technology. Professor Franks is also an Affiliated Faculty member of the University of Miami Department of Philosophy and an Affiliate Fellow of the Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP).

    Dr. Franks is the author of the award-winning book, The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech (Stanford Press, 2019). In 2020, she was awarded a grant from the Knight Foundation to support research for her second book, Fearless Speech (expected 2022). Her scholarship has appeared in the Harvard Law Review, the California Law Review, and UCLA Law Review, among others. Dr. Franks has also authored numerous articles for the popular press, including the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, and Newsweek. She has delivered more than a hundred lectures to a range of audiences around the world, including law schools, domestic violence organizations, law firms, and tech companies. She was named a member of the American Law Institute in October 2018.

    Dr. Franks is the President and Legislative & Tech Policy Director of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating online abuse and discrimination. In 2013, she drafted the first model criminal statute on nonconsensual pornography (sometimes referred to as “revenge porn”), which has served as the template for multiple state laws and for pending federal legislation on the issue. She also served as the reporter for the Uniform Law Commission’s 2018 Uniform Civil Remedies for the Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act. Dr. Franks is a principal investigator for a 2020 National Science Foundation grant project, COVID-19 and sexual cyberviolence: Impact on general users and vulnerable populations. She regularly advises legislators, tech industry leaders, and advocacy organizations on issues relating to online privacy, sexual exploitation, extortion, harassment, and threats.

    Dr. Franks holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School as well as a doctorate and a master’s degree from Oxford University, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. She previously taught at the University of Chicago Law School as a Bigelow Fellow and Lecturer in Law and at Harvard University as a lecturer in social studies and philosophy.
    Let’s see…social justice and “intersection of civil rights and technology” provide any clues? She is very much akin to UVA’s so-called free speech expert Danielle Citrone, who is cool with Twitter censoring President Trump (but remember, Ms. Franks says all that is a right wing canard) and against revenge porn. I would agree revenge porn is a real jerk move…of course, you could choose not to make porn, or not to make it with a jerk, but… The first amendment types spent years normalizing porn…and were OK with it as long as it wasn’t womyn like them…but now, horrors!
    Ms. Franks has her own left wing non-profit, gets government and non-profit funding, and complains about the funding of conservative free speech sites. And her examples are looked at through a prism to arrive at conclusions worthy of Glenn Kessler’s recent declarations that Nazis were not national socialists. (Pro tip for Leftists – MTG and Trump can say things that are correct…it happens. Might help your credibility to be able to acknowledge it, instead of being ridiculous liars…it makes normal people despise you…even more)
    So the question remains – can students exercise free speech at UVA?
    If they aren’t mute, of course.
    Can they do so without a mob intimidating them? Or fear of a low grade? Or unequal prosecution? How come Ryan had ambassadors protect F**K UVA but not YAF signs posted in designated spots? How come a Med student gets kicked out for questioning the (Larry’s favorite) SCIENCE! behind the micro-aggression stupidity?
    The Alumni mag is just another propaganda arm of Ryan. The safe house story was interesting, but isn’t the bigger point that such a thing is a relic of the past? No, the whole purpose of DEI departments is to create and perpetuate grievance.
    Telegramgate actually makes me sort of respect the anti-war hippies. They were offended by such a mild message of asking parents to encourage their children to act responsibly and thoughtfully. What an outrage, amirite? Now the kids get told to wear a mask, to pay full price for virtual classes, to have limits on parties, to have health privacy violated, athletics canceled, and lately, an un-American, non-scientific vaccine mandate before July 1 with nary a peep…Good little Hitler Youth being indoctrinated and complying and ratting on those who will not comply.
    Interesting that UVA says it has a medical and a religious exemption on requiring the Covid vax, but has no info on what qualifies or how to claim it…
    The kids are being used as pawns and most are too stupid to realize it… Again, even the dope addled anti-war hippies would not have let that happen.

  7. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    UVa Today, the Cavalier Daily, and the Virginia alumni magazine are the trifecta of virtue-signaling media organs that play to the tunes scripted by Ryan and the power behind the throne, provost L. Magill. They bleat progressive educrat mantras as often as possible, trying, but failing, to come across as unbiased. They are Pravda-like propagandists.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Wouldn’t it be the same with ANY UVA President? Like Kathleen Sullivan or even Casteen? The same no matter who, right?

      1. Rob Austin Avatar
        Rob Austin

        Nope. As a graduate of UVa, I have lived through Shannon, Hereford, O’Neill, Casteen, Sullivan (her name is Terry, by the way) and now Ryan and up until Sullivan, none of the three I cited have been so in the pocket of the administration. If anything, they were honest brokers that called it as they saw it, sometimes to the great chagrin of the powers that were/be. Completely different story lately.

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