Bad things happen to fascists like Mussolini and… Matt Walsh?

by James A. Bacon

A familiar tactic of the left has come to Virginia: accuse your enemy of being fascist… while acting like a fascist yourself.

A movement has surfaced to disinvite conservative journalist Matt Walsh from Washington & Lee University on the grounds, according to a petition signed by more than 600 students and faculty members, that his words “represent a very real threat of physical violence against trans and nonbinary people specifically, but also to all women, queer people, and people of color.”

Walsh, who has billed himself “Transphobe of the Year,” has written extensively about the excesses of the transgender movement, focusing particular attention on the dangers of “gender-affirming” hormonal treatments and sex-change surgery. Following Walsh’s accusations that Boston Children’s Hospital was “mutilating” children through surgery, the petition charges, the hospital said its workers were harassed and faced threats of violence.

Adding fuel to the controversy, Blake Ramsey, a student and former vice president of the W&L Democratic Party, posted on Instagram an image of the hanging of Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini. The caption read, “Because Matt Walsh is now apparently speaking at this school, I thought I would post an important reminder of what happens to fascists.”

One might suggest that Ramsey was speaking only for himself, not those signing the petition. But it appears that many shared his sentiment. The post had received 258,000 likes by the time the image was digitally captured.

Real-world fascists shut down speakers who opposed them. Matt Walsh hasn’t called for stifling anybody’s right to speak. Only the woke do. Who are the real fascists here?

For details of the controversy read Kamron Spivey’s article in The W&L Spectator.

The Dudley administration at W&L has proven itself objectionable on many grounds, but it deserves credit for permitting Walsh to speak at the university and for sticking to its guns. Now that campus radicals have challenged Walshes right to appear at W&L, it’s more important than ever that the administration stand resolute in support of free speech.

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65 responses to “Who Are the Real Fascists?”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar

    The real fascists marched on Charlottesville in August of 2017.

    1. keydet16 Avatar

      Partially correct, they also stormed the Capitol to stage a coup and contine to gaslight the country into thinking thats not what happened.

    2. keydet16 Avatar

      Partially correct, they also stormed the Capitol to stage a coup and contine to gaslight the country into thinking thats not what happened.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        It is clear by this statement alone that you don’t know what a fascist is, which is often the case with political disputes on both right and left.

        “a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. “

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          I’d add in concert with business to the definition.

          In America today the corporate part is often media/social media as in the marriage of the FBI, DHS, et al and Twitter, Facebook, et al to suppress speech and MSM blackout of unapproved viewpoints.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          I’d add in concert with business to the definition.

          In America today the corporate part is often media/social media as in the marriage of the FBI, DHS, et al and Twitter, Facebook, et al to suppress speech and MSM blackout of unapproved viewpoints.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Very true and an inconvenient fact to that would be, if a social media is censoring speech as the behest of the Government, they are now acting as an agent of the Government. This opens them up to 1st Amendment Violations.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Them meaning government,

            Another part of the corporate role in current domestic fascism is recent reports of people with even minor involvement with the J6 riot having credit cards and bank accounts cancelled.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That would be completely disturbing, especially if they have not bene afforded due process.

            Also, purely my opinion, but people seem to have a hard time differentiating between the Rally (legal) and the Riot (illegal). Just because someone went to the rally, unless they trespassed or otherwise acted in a violent manner they were exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            BofA, reportedly unbidden, correlated use of their Debit/Credit cards in the D.C. area on or around J6 with past purchases at gun related businesses back into the last millennium. They passed the matches to the FBI and encouraged them to open investigations. To their credit some FBI field offices objected. Proactive corporate fascism.


          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s just bananas and also a rights violation.

            “To their credit some FBI field offices objected.” Not everyone at the Bureau is a stooge, thankfully. You’re more likely to encounter a quality in a field office, HQ is just like the city it resides. A swamp.

  2. keydet16 Avatar

    Why was my comment criticizing Matt Walsh removed?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The Shadow knows. The Grim Deleter’s comment victims are as random as most rules on BR. And it’s Monday.

    2. Keydet16–it was deleted because it was a personal attack.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        It was not.

      2. vicnicholls Avatar

        Thank you.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Sooner or later life demands we put on our big boy/girl pants and face things, people or ideas that cause distress in our lives. And as JFK said, Life isn’t fair. We used to be taught the need for tolerance, respectfully accepting, without the need to support, things, people or ideas that we truly find distasteful.

    When people have been shielded from this, they will only have it harder when they are forced to deal with these “challenges” while demanding acceptance for what they believe.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      It is rather clear that the difference between tolerance and acceptance are no longer taught. It’s also apparent that someone think they are synonyms, which they are not.

      1. Hell, these students don’t know what a subject is, what a pronoun is, what a proper noun is, what’s the difference between a fact and an opinion…. much less a ‘synonym’.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Sentence diagramming most certainly cannot be done, given the current conditions.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      are you alluding to the need to be tolerant of those who are different from us and not impugn them as a race or “queer” or transsexual? If students ARE tolerant of others and a speaker wants to come and argue intolerance, then what?

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Same thing is going on at George Mason University, with a push underway to block Youngkin as the commencement speaker. On pretty much the same grounds.

    Time to start a serious discussion about giving these schools what they want? Cut off all state aid, take the billions and instead create a voucher system HS graduates can spend at any school they want, anywhere, and start charging the legacy institutions annual rent for the facilities the taxpayers have provided them? Just putting that through a fiscal analysis would reveal just how dependent they are on the taxpayers they enjoying treating like enemies.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      just curious, how much does Virginia give to higher ed – operating and capital projects?

      But I’d say again. I know you’ve been around more than a few years, like I have, and I distinctly remember this kind of stuff going on decades ago…it’s not a new thing.

      You do remember , right?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        The recent display at Stanford Law was without precedent in my memory or observation. A similar display at a commencement speech by a sitting governor would be horrible. I think Jim’s point about the implied threat of a lynching of a speaker also points to new low. (I wonder if Jim remembers those famous photos of Mussolini’s demise were taken by one of our colleagues at the Roanoke Times when he was a Army photographer….)

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Do you remember the unrest on Va College campuses during Vietnam? In terms of “new lows”, that’s a race to the bottom by both sides when they choose the extremes of the other side as the example.

          I’m sure you have heard of threats against folks like Facui and election officials, many

          it’s a sign of the times , not a reflection on one political side IMO. It needs to be called out in
          non-partisan terms… when it’s called out in partisan terms, it’s a reflection of the partisans IMO.

          1. Judging from observation, the “new lows” you mention are decidedly the purview of one side, not both and that side originated in the left.

            It’s now a trope to paint both sides equally guilty, one that does not stand up to honest inspection.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            No, no. NOT the “both sides” argument. I just remember way back, decades, ago , when college
            campuses were the same way. I don’t think it has really changed much.

            And I’m pretty sure that colleges like Liberty or Oral Roberts or Hillsdale or similar might also have strong responses to speakers opposite their values, right? Is it the idea that “public” colleges are
            held to a higher standard than non-public colleges on “first amendment”?

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          No mention of the baseball bat wielding P45 next to a photo of DA Bragg as a model for a Mussolini reference. Or hang Pence as free speech. Puhleeze!!

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “The recent display at Stanford Law was without precedent in my memory or observation.”

          National guard at Kent State pretty much trumps all, you know.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            The logical result of your one sided blindness just played out in Nashville. Proud?

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      5,739 have signed so far. The reasons for signing section is comical. If I were a GMU student preparing for graduation I would be laser focused on finding work not this sort of virtue signaling. The alternative is Mom and Dad’s basement. And some parents really don’t want the kids to come back.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        “Don’t know much about science books” or the efforts of GMU students to find work. That they may be signaling some particular virtue is irrelevant. Signaling at all is promising that the institution may have met an educational goal.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      And you consistently eschew radical views. “Cut off all state aid” to suppress speech?” is at a minimum reactionary. If in your view the statement reflects woke conservatism, it is no less woke than lefties not wishing to have the Gov grace commencement. Mirror mirror on the political spectrum.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Haner might epitomize older more conventional conservatives trying to remain a conservative when many on the right have moved much further right.

        Haner has on occasion opined on this, even remarked that he sorta knows he’s a rino/cino in the eyes of many contemporary conservatives but he cannot leave them and be adrift so he stays the course … he’ll still vote their side …. and will sign on to some of it while eschewing other of it at times.

        He’s not a Trumpster but he’s onboard with what Youngkin did to get elected.

        All of the above my 2cents IMO.. I’m sure he’ll nail me to the wall if I’m off even a little! 😉

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          IMO, that description applies to a suppressed woke conservative that emerges when rationality fails.

    4. VaNavVet Avatar

      If the students and staff don’t want the self-proclaimed “transphobe of the year” to speak on their campus then they have a right of free speech to say so via a petition or other means. Walsh needs to be aware that his words can indeed have negative or even violent consequences. Maybe at George Mason they should just boycott the commencement.

  5. REMINDER: Name-calling or disparagement of individuals is not allowed. That’s not cancel culture, it’s common courtesy.

    Rosie’s comment was deleted for off topic diversions and name calling.

    Purdy, Larry, McCarthy: comments on moderation will be deleted, especially when you invent names for the moderator and make unfounded accusations of bias.

    If I miss what you see as an objectionable post, please flag it and it will be reviewed.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Never understood why they kept going back to this well.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Shoot…BOTH Bush are RINO/CINO now days, no? If they were
            candidates Trump would chew them up.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Goldwater was a contrast (juxtaposition) to the Free Speech movement? Is BR the contemporary legacy of Goldwater?

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          You were around for all of this business. Every revolution has a counter revolution.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Recall Goldwater: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and certainly not subject to deletion.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        You forgot the other half of the famous quote.

  6. Every Virginia employer and manager should download the petitions and keep the signatories’ names for future reference during interviews…. I know I would.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well, the “woke” employers would probably give extra credit, bonus points… no?

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