Who Are the Protesters? Who Are the Rioters?

This Washington Post photo shows several of the dozen protesters taken into custody during the Richmond protest/riots. What do they have in common? They all look like college-age white kids. They don’t look like white supremacists who infiltrated the protests with the goal of fomenting violence and discrediting the protesters. Maybe looks are deceiving. Hopefully, our hound-dog news media will identify them with the goal of truthfully and objectively laying bare the sociological makeup of the movement.


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40 responses to “Who Are the Protesters? Who Are the Rioters?”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I introduced the discussion of 1968 into this yesterday, but have now been corrected and move the focus to 1970. Here’s an image gallery that brings it all back….And it doesn’t even reference Kent State.


    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “They all look like college-age white kids.”

      This is a battle between anarchistic college and university kids, their radical professors and post graduates, and their elder radicals trying to overthrow the government and civilized society, particularly western civilization. Thus, the very legitimate complaints of those protesting the death of George Floyd have been hijacked, and today’s events around the country follow a fact pattern quite similar to those found in the spring and summer protests and riots in Charlottesville, Virginia. All of this is made very plain in the highly detailed and honest Hunton and Williams report on those events as they unfolded in Charlottlesville 2017.

  2. Yes, withhold judgment on this because making assumptions based on peoples’ exterior is what got us into this. We need lots more firm facts.

  3. On the other hand, these guys do fit the stereotype of white supremacists:


    Then there were these Antifa look-alikes (maybe they were real Antifa):


    (Photo credits: Richmond Times-Dispatch)

    Looks like these riots are a replay of the same forces at work in Charlottesville — assholes on the left and the right piggybacking on a mainstream issue to create mayhem.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Looting the Targets and RiteAids adds a new element. But I agree with Lift’s comment and won’t judge appearances.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Jim says: “the stereotype of white supremacists …there were these Antifa look-alikes (maybe they were real Antifa)”

      I put white supremacists and Antifa look alikes into the same bucket. Hence, I used term “anarchistic”. Remember, too the White Supremacists post July were lead in the main by College graduates. Those on the left were far more heavily integrated into universities in terms of funding, planning, communications, arrangements, logistics, strategy and tactics nationwide. Hence their great operational success, particularly as regards their “under-educated” opponents, and especially so because government authorities largely stood aside and let the violence happen and then took political advantage of that violence. Hence leftist terrorists become the Janissaries of the leftist political class, even its progressive political class.

      Again, read Hunton and Williams report. Indeed, Terry McAuliffe’s own book on subject makes this quite plain too, however inadvertently, in my view.

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Better question, “Who are the cops?”

    Bet there are more vets on the force today than in the times after WWII and Vietnam, even as a percentage.

  5. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Minnesota Governor Walz and Minneapolis mayor Frey were caught lying about the source of rioters arrested. They claimed the majority were outsiders and included outstate white supremacists. The records showed 86% were Minnesota residents, mostly from the Twin Cities. Does anyone in public office tell the truth?

  6. Richmond Police Chief Will Smith in a press conference yesterday:

    “This isn’t Richmond. … It’s not even Virginia. It’s not even the Mid-Atlantic. We have intelligence that we’re working on presently so that we hope to be able to file charges … We have people coming from across the country who have traveled many states to be here. We know that this is an organized effort. We are committed to trying to identify those who are behind it. “

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      He may well be right but with Walz and Frey lying, some fact checking should occur.

      PowerLine reports that Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler first tweeted that a truck crossing a freeway that was crowded with protestors was covered with Confederate flags and white supremacist symbols. The driver, who was assaulted in jail pending completion of an investigation as to whether the investigation into whether the event was accidental or purposeful.

      The facts showed this was an ordinary tanker truck that contained no such symbols. How can this be? Only Orangeman aggitates.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Yes, this below was a complete and utter lie. Expect many more complete and utter lies, including from government officials.

        “PowerLine reports that Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler first tweeted that a truck crossing a freeway that was crowded with protestors was covered with Confederate flags and white supremacist symbols.”

        This lie reminds me of the Northam campaign for governor. See:

        Fortunately, the whole Minnesota matter yesterday was cleared up today, and precisely reverse happened. Of course, nothing cleared up by Northam, who first admitted it, then denied it.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      My question is, if outside agitators were going to travel hundreds of miles to foment unrest, why would they travel to Richmond instead of to the city where the racist incident occurred?

      The idea that it was outsiders who are causing the trouble in Richmond does not make sense. I’d like to think that not even idiot anarchists, Antifa and white supremacists are geographically challenged enough to mistake Virginia for Minnesota.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        “My question is, if outside agitators were going to travel hundreds of miles to foment unrest, why would they travel to Richmond …”

        The reason is simple. For anarchists, the death of George Floyd means nothing except the opportunity it presents to them to engage in violence, or igniting it by others, elsewhere, lighting fires all over the nation. That is their game.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree.. some of them could have come from the region around the urban area but I cannot see people coming across the country, much less to other cities that had not relation to the original incident.

        I think what is being missed is social media which in a place like Richmond can pull in people from places all around Richmond… and yes… many may well be College students not in College and unemployed workers… etc..

        Some of the scenes have a “festival” look to them – not to also recognize legitimate protestors and assemblages of bad actors…but I strongly suspect most of them are communicating on social media in their planning.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “I cannot see people coming across the country, much less to other cities that had not relation to the original incident.”

          They came from around country to Charlottesville, starting in July, 2017.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and they had days, weeks notice?

  7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “Richmond Police Chief Will Smith.”

    God Bless Richmond Police Chief Will Smith.

    Hopefully, we all are learning. Never play with the devil. But here is the big caveat. Never use that as an excuse to play with, and excuse, the devil in your own tent. Even though it only takes a few well trained, funded, and disciplined outside devils to conflate evil inside other peoples tent exponentially.

  8. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I introduced the discussion of 1968 into this yesterday, but have now been corrected and move the focus to 1970. Here’s an image gallery that brings it all back….And it doesn’t even reference Kent State.


    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “They all look like college-age white kids.”

      This is a battle between anarchistic college and university kids, their radical professors and post graduates, and their elder radicals trying to overthrow the government and civilized society, particularly western civilization. Thus, the very legitimate complaints of those protesting the death of George Floyd have been hijacked, and today’s events around the country follow a fact pattern quite similar to those found in the spring and summer protests and riots in Charlottesville, Virginia. All of this is made very plain in the highly detailed and honest Hunton and Williams report on those events as they unfolded in Charlottlesville 2017.

  9. Yes, withhold judgment on this because making assumptions based on peoples’ exterior is what got us into this. We need lots more firm facts.

  10. On the other hand, these guys do fit the stereotype of white supremacists:


    Then there were these Antifa look-alikes (maybe they were real Antifa):


    (Photo credits: Richmond Times-Dispatch)

    Looks like these riots are a replay of the same forces at work in Charlottesville — assholes on the left and the right piggybacking on a mainstream issue to create mayhem.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Looting the Targets and RiteAids adds a new element. But I agree with Lift’s comment and won’t judge appearances.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Jim says: “the stereotype of white supremacists …there were these Antifa look-alikes (maybe they were real Antifa)”

      I put white supremacists and Antifa look alikes into the same bucket. Hence, I used term “anarchistic”. Remember, too the White Supremacists post July were lead in the main by College graduates. Those on the left were far more heavily integrated into universities in terms of funding, planning, communications, arrangements, logistics, strategy and tactics nationwide. Hence their great operational success, particularly as regards their “under-educated” opponents, and especially so because government authorities largely stood aside and let the violence happen and then took political advantage of that violence. Hence leftist terrorists become the Janissaries of the leftist political class, even its progressive political class.

      Again, read Hunton and Williams report. Indeed, Terry McAuliffe’s own book on subject makes this quite plain too, however inadvertently, in my view.

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed, so trash higher ed? That is crazy.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Read Hunton and Williams report, Peter.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Better question, “Who are the cops?”

    Bet there are more vets on the force today than in the times after WWII and Vietnam, even as a percentage.

  13. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Minnesota Governor Walz and Minneapolis mayor Frey were caught lying about the source of rioters arrested. They claimed the majority were outsiders and included outstate white supremacists. The records showed 86% were Minnesota residents, mostly from the Twin Cities. Does anyone in public office tell the truth?

  14. Richmond Police Chief Will Smith in a press conference yesterday:

    “This isn’t Richmond. … It’s not even Virginia. It’s not even the Mid-Atlantic. We have intelligence that we’re working on presently so that we hope to be able to file charges … We have people coming from across the country who have traveled many states to be here. We know that this is an organized effort. We are committed to trying to identify those who are behind it. “

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      He may well be right but with Walz and Frey lying, some fact checking should occur.

      PowerLine reports that Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler first tweeted that a truck crossing a freeway that was crowded with protestors was covered with Confederate flags and white supremacist symbols. The driver, who was assaulted in jail pending completion of an investigation as to whether the investigation into whether the event was accidental or purposeful.

      The facts showed this was an ordinary tanker truck that contained no such symbols. How can this be? Only Orangeman aggitates.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Yes, this below was a complete and utter lie. Expect many more complete and utter lies, including from government officials.

        “PowerLine reports that Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler first tweeted that a truck crossing a freeway that was crowded with protestors was covered with Confederate flags and white supremacist symbols.”

        This lie reminds me of the Northam campaign for governor. See:

        Fortunately, the whole Minnesota matter yesterday was cleared up today, and precisely reverse happened. Of course, nothing cleared up by Northam, who first admitted it, then denied it.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      My question is, if outside agitators were going to travel hundreds of miles to foment unrest, why would they travel to Richmond instead of to the city where the racist incident occurred?

      The idea that it was outsiders who are causing the trouble in Richmond does not make sense. I’d like to think that not even idiot anarchists, Antifa and white supremacists are geographically challenged enough to mistake Virginia for Minnesota.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        “My question is, if outside agitators were going to travel hundreds of miles to foment unrest, why would they travel to Richmond …”

        The reason is simple. For anarchists, the death of George Floyd means nothing except the opportunity it presents to them to engage in violence, or igniting it by others, elsewhere, lighting fires all over the nation. That is their game.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree.. some of them could have come from the region around the urban area but I cannot see people coming across the country, much less to other cities that had not relation to the original incident.

        I think what is being missed is social media which in a place like Richmond can pull in people from places all around Richmond… and yes… many may well be College students not in College and unemployed workers… etc..

        Some of the scenes have a “festival” look to them – not to also recognize legitimate protestors and assemblages of bad actors…but I strongly suspect most of them are communicating on social media in their planning.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “I cannot see people coming across the country, much less to other cities that had not relation to the original incident.”

          They came from around country to Charlottesville, starting in July, 2017.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and they had days, weeks notice?

  15. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “Richmond Police Chief Will Smith.”

    God Bless Richmond Police Chief Will Smith.

    Hopefully, we all are learning. Never play with the devil. But here is the big caveat. Never use that as an excuse to play with, and excuse, the devil in your own tent. Even though it only takes a few well trained, funded, and disciplined outside devils to conflate evil inside other peoples tent exponentially.

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed, so trash higher ed? That is crazy.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Read Hunton and Williams report, Peter.

  17. TBill Avatar

    I got to Penn State in 1971 and the campus riots were still going on. That’s where I learned first-hand the power of a mob, to developed quickly, behave differently (violently) than an individual would. I had a friend who was in the thick of the Kent State shootings.

    The riots were due to baby boomers having to go to the Vietnam war, via the draft. Due to racial inequity, the college deferment was finally ended for my birth year forward. So I almost got drafted as a freshman out of college.

    There was a major systemic change, that the draft was ended and the volunteer army was born. It is up for discussion if that new system is better, but it stopped the riots and tremendously upgraded the respect for the military from the low levels of respect from demonstrators in 1970.

  18. TBill Avatar

    I got to Penn State in 1971 and the campus riots were still going on. That’s where I learned first-hand the power of a mob, to developed quickly, behave differently (violently) than an individual would. I had a friend who was in the thick of the Kent State shootings.

    The riots were due to baby boomers having to go to the Vietnam war, via the draft. Due to racial inequity, the college deferment was finally ended for my birth year forward. So I almost got drafted as a freshman out of college.

    There was a major systemic change, that the draft was ended and the volunteer army was born. It is up for discussion if that new system is better, but it stopped the riots and tremendously upgraded the respect for the military from the low levels of respect from demonstrators in 1970.

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