White Supremacists Are Pathetic Broke Losers

Mathew Heimbach in front of the Charlottesville courthouse in 2017. Photo credit: AP

by James A. Bacon

The mainstream media portrays white supremacists as an ever-present danger to the republic, and heavy hitters from the New York Times to the Washington Post gave the trial of White nationalist leaders in Charlottesville daily coverage. At last an article has been published that portrays the racists as the broke, pathetic — dare I say “marginalized” — losers that they are.

The Associated Press says that the nine people who sued the organizers of the United the Right rally in 2017 might have won a $26 million judgment, but they aren’t likely to collect much. As the article states, “Most of the defendants claim they will never have the money needed to pay off the judgments against them.”

“I have no assets. I have no property. You can’t get blood from a stone,” said Matthew Heimbach, co-founder of the Traditionalist Worker Party. Heimbach is a single father to two young sons, works at a factory and lives paycheck to paycheck. The plaintiffs, he said, “just wasted $20 million to try and play Whac-a-Mole.”

Richard Spencer, who popularized the term “alt-right” to describe the gaggle of Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other far-right extremists, now says he views the group as a “totally dysfunctional institution with dysfunctional people.” Which it is.

An attorney for the plaintiffs acknowledged that some of the 17 defendants are “locked up or destitute.” Many have been booted off social media platforms, and some have turned on one another. As the AP article notes, “the movement began to crumble amid a flurry of litigation and in-fighting among leaders.”

The groups that sued the White supremacists aren’t going to cut them any slack, though. Amy Spitalnick, executive director of Integrity First for America, a civil rights nonprofit that funded the lawsuit, said the group is “committed to ensuring our plaintiffs can collect on these judgments and see the full accountability they deserve.”

Spitalnick’s group has ample resources to pursue broke White supremacist losers to their graves. Its 2019 990 form says the nonprofit had $1,970,000 in revenue that year, and Spitalnick herself earned $200,000 in compensation.

Meanwhile, I wonder whatever happened to the Antifa-types who participated in the riot. It’s not as if the White supremacists were shadow boxing. They were mixing it up with armed thugs on the Left. You don’t hear much about those guys. I don’t recall seeing any accounts of radical leftists getting sued or charged. Were charges pressed against any of them, or are there no lawbreakers on the far Left, only the far Right?

The Alt Right movement may be running on fumes, but we can expect to see continued coverage from the mainstream media. The MSM needs to elevate the visibility of right-wing lunatics so they have something with which to tar conservatives. Toward the end of its coverage of the trial, the New York Times made the case that the Alt-Right may be a spent force, but its ideas have infiltrated mainstream conservatism. Yeah, right. Parents upset about COVID shutdowns in schools, pornography on bookshelves, and educators telling White children that they are inherently racist are just an ideological hop, skip and jump away from being White supremacists themselves!

Conservatives may say we detest White supremacists, we may say we’re glad the Alt-Right movement ran into a ditch. But who the hell are we to say what we think? The NY Times‘ Alan Feuer knows us better than we know ourselves.

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10 responses to “White Supremacists Are Pathetic Broke Losers”

  1. dick dyas Avatar

    There was an Antifa guy that was tried He had used a blow torch against the supremacists. He was found guilty and got a suspended sentence.

  2. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Toward the end of its coverage of the trial, the New York Times made the case that the Alt-Right may be a spent force, but its ideas have infiltrated mainstream conservatism.”

    This is what the Times’ subscribers want to read: affirmation that they are oh so much better than those conservatives, who are all troglodytes. The Times knows it audience well.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Would have been nice to publish this BEFORE the Unite the Right march. You could have done a reprint of any article on the Brown Shirts.

  4. Common Sense Avatar
    Common Sense

    The issue with supremacy is not white the stereotype that it is just hides the majority of actual dangerous supremacists right out in the open just because they are the socially acceptable form of it to deny it is pure ignorance and neglect. If you look up the crap they use to push the white supremacists narratives it describes minority culture more everything they blame on white people they are guilty of.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That was easy for you to say.

      I’m not sure punctuation alone can help.

  5. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Calvin Ball rules

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…single father to two young sons, works at a factory and lives paycheck to paycheck.”

    I thought this was now considered the definition of the Republican base – “pathetic broke losers”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not the base. The leadership.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No such thing as bad PR…

  8. Schlomo Goldbergstein Avatar
    Schlomo Goldbergstein

    Yeah. They always were. And I wonder why they’re broke when they’re the only group in America that gets sued for legally-protected and permitted free speech?
    Who did they get sued by,James Bacon? Tell everyone what the group of 4 lawyers,some of them from NEW YORK and not Virginia, who sued people for speaking out against desecrating statues of American war veterans in Virginia all had in common that they didn’t have in common with the defendants?

    If the Unite the Right protesters had money,they could have just sued Charlottesville for taking down the statues instead of having to go out in the street and face off with the State’s paid “anti-racist protester” terrorist mob. The people with money and power are the people prosecuting the “white supremacists”. When people who actually ARE White do things like this to black criminals,it’s seen as “punching down”. Funny how the tables flip back and forth to constantly portray White people as the villains of society,either for being “too rich and powerful” or being “pathetic broke losers”.

    Also,it never included Klansmen. Almost 100% of Klansmen work for the FBI anyway,which neolib/neocons like you love.

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