White Power and White Supremacy in… Charlottesville?

by James A. Bacon

Most mayors profess to love their city and its citizens. That’s not the case, apparently, with Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker. In a word, she thinks that Charlottesville residents — in particular white Charlottesville residents — suck. Don’t take my word for it. Read her Facebook feed for details.

The mayor attended Charlottesville city schools and earned a B.A. in Political Science from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2004. Elected to City Council in 2017, she was the top vote getter among six candidates. Her city profile page says that she has “spent most of her adult life serving those most oppressed and neglected in this community.” Her primary goal upon being elected to City Council was to “help create a city that deserves its World Class designation.”

Poor white Charlottesville residents.  She surely won a significant percentage of the white vote — she garnered 29% of the total, while African Americans comprise only 19% of the population. How must they feel to know Walker scorns them so?

No one should be surprised by Walker’s rhetoric. The city marinates in the stew of Critical Race Theory so prevalent at the University of Virginia: a toxic ideology that fosters racial grievance, resentment and hate. According to CRT, all white people are privileged, almost all are racist, and even those who profess sympathy in the fight against racism are deemed cloyingly obnoxious or ignorantly insulting. White liberals and progressives may think they’re anti-racist, but most are Klansmen cloaked in progressive rhetoric.

Someone reported Walker’s post to Facebook, which reportedly instituted a ban. She clarified and expanded upon her original post, eliminating the reference to “cum-stained sheets.” But the “poem,” as she alluded to it, has re-appeared on her Facebook page.

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how the more progressive a community is — Charlottesville voted 86% for Biden in 2020, 13% for Trump — the more racial animosity there is. It’s almost as if radical Leftism breeds hate.

Perhaps Walker’s ire at Charlottesville’s white supremacists was piqued by reports that she had spent city money to purchase $25 gift cards which, she says, were intended to compensate people for city meetings. Acting City Attorney Lisa Robertson, who is white, had written a memo to other council members accusing Walker of misusing city funds.

Walker can count her blessings in one way. At least she isn’t Amanda Chase, who had her entire Facebook account shut down.

Update: A fellow by the name of Mark Reynolds has started a recall petition.

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80 responses to “White Power and White Supremacy in… Charlottesville?”

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, words cannot describe my anger and disgust with the Charlottesville Mayor.

    Comments below to “Nikuyah”:
    1) Your racial slurs regarding current Charlottesville white residents are ignorant, uninformed, and divisive. To say the least.
    2) Grammatical tip#1: singular noun is “woman” not women.
    3) Grammatical tip#2: the correct word is “devoid” not void.

    Suggestions to Mayor Nikuyah Walker:
    1) Take a remedial English course to minimize points 1 and 2 above.
    2) Take a true History course, not a 1619 revisionist one, to judge Thomas Jefferson and our Founding Fathers in the context of their times, not by your woke March 2021 self-perceived moral standards.
    3) Resign. Now. Do us all a favor.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You reap what was sown. Maybe you should at least stop watering it.

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        Nancy Naive,

        What on earth does that mean?

        I “sowed” Nikuyah’s persecution complex and visceral sense of aggrievement?


        Affirmative action has been alive and well for a half century. African Americans have undeniable preferential advantages in academia and business.

        We are now unequivocally a nation of equal opportunity. We are not and never should be a nation of equal outcome. If you and Nikuyah think that, you are both dead wrong.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          But, if you could, in this unequivocally equal nation, be willing to be black? Do you honestly believe you would be the same, have the same life, save for that one attribute? Or would that one attribute not change all?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought the woman weird and wonder how she got elected

            but in terms of “affirmative action”, , this was on 60 minutes this Sunday:

            “…young Black enlisted members are almost twice as likely as White enlisted members to be involuntarily discharged based on misconduct.”

            Black airmen of all ranks are “…57% more likely…to face courts martial.”

            ” African Americans represent 17% of all the active duty troops in the military – but only 8% of the officers.

            And in key jobs – like Air Force pilots – it’s worse.

            The top general, C.Q. Brown, knows that first-hand from his flying days in the 1990s.

            David Martin: What was the– percentage of Black pilots back then?

            General C.Q. Brown: 2%.

            David Martin: And what is it today?

            General C.Q. Brown: It is still 2%.”


          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But wait, Larry, surely the military is unequivocally equal, isn’t it? After all, they’ve been at this race equality stuff way longer than the nation as a whole.

            (As to the C’ville mayor’s poetry, I’ll defer to GW Bush on Trump’s one and only inaugural speech, “Man, that was some weird $#!T.” But, when it comes to describing anyplace in Virginia as a soul-sucking plastic land, she should visit VB. Explains Kerry.)

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes… but is it “woke” to point out the existing and ongoing disparities? Is this simply just more Critical Race Theory polluting the military also?

            Interesting comment :

            ” David Martin: So, what is the institutional bias?

            Admiral Mike Mullen: I have a phrase I use called ducks pick ducks. And when you have White guys pickin’, they pick other White guys. That, to me, is the bias and that’s what the leadership has to break up to make sure that we’re not in that kind of a situation.”

            So there you have it – It’s not systemic racism at all – it’s simply “ducks like ducks”! Maybe the folks who hate the idea of Systemic Racism or Critical Race Theory will like “Ducks pick Ducks” better? 😉


          4. dick dyas Avatar
            dick dyas

            What Ducks picked Mayor Walker?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well.. she is not a duck and the ducks did not pick her.

            So maybe the times are changing?


            But probably comparing voters in Charlottesville to the white guys in charge of the military may not be such a good comparison anyhow.

            We have all kinds of wacadoos that get elected these days.. I mean, look at Amanda Chase.. she’s probably going to beat Kirk Cox and she’s as bad as Walker in an opposite way. No?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “We are now unequivocally a nation of equal opportunity. We are not and never should be a nation of equal outcome.”

          If we were truly a nation of equal opportunity and if all races are inherently the same with the only difference being skin pigmentation, then over time and statistically speaking we would indeed be a nation of equal outcome. We aren’t.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Totally true but that concept seems to confuse some….

            or they think that something like race actually inherently does influence outcomes… or some such.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s not a concept, it’s a falsehood. Opportunity doesn’t beget and outcome, someone has to put in the work.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            They do indeed. Does it vary by race?

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Equal opportunity =/= equal outcome.

            Individuals are a variable.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you look at a thousand people, will it vary by race?

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Race has nothing to do with an individuals ability.

            Which is kind of ironic, considering the premise of racism is that others are inferiors.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            In the aggregate. But to your point, were it not for a few 10s of 1000s significant individuals, we’d all be living in mud huts, eating roaches and uncooked rats.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive an hour ago
            In the aggregate. But to your point, were it not for a few 10s of 1000s significant individuals, we’d all be living in mud huts, eating roaches and uncooked rats.”


            Life is a multivariable equation, two people can do the exact same thing but their ability and effort determine the outcome.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hence the “x at t-zero” elsewher in the thread.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yeah, it wasn’t valid there and it’s not valid here.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Equal opportunity =/= equal outcome. The outcome is dependent upon the individuals effort.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Statistics take the individual out of the equation.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If you can prove through statistics that equal opportunity == equal outcome you’d have created a new form of math.

            Especially considering the individual are part of that multi-variable equation.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, Bernoulli’s Theorem has been around for some time.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I don’t think a theorem pertaining to fluid dynamics would be applicable.

          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That would be Bernoulli’s Principle (different Bernoulli). Bernoulli’s Theorem Dates back to 1713 and was published in Jacob Bernoulli’s book Ars conjectandi (The art of conjecturing) and is the original form of the Law of Large Numbers. It is how casinos are guaranteed to make money even though individuals can and do often succeed grandly.

          17. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm no, Bernoulli’s Theorem (1738) is a fluid dynamics equation (to which I’m sure you’re uninitiated). It relates pressure, velocity and elevation and is the bane of existence that we affectionately call “thermoG*dmanics”.

            Jacob Bernoulli developed the “Law of Averages” which is an equation. Of which still has nothing to do with equal opportunity =/= equal outcome.

            PS: When quoting, it’s best practice to cite.

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Really, your BS is becoming trite.



            “Bernoulli’s theorem says that the relative frequency of success in a sequence of Bernoulli trials approaches the probability of success as the number of trials increases towards infinity.

            It is a simplified form of the law of large numbers and derives from the Chebyshev inequality.

            Bernoulli’s theorem, sometimes called the “weak law of large numbers,” was first described by Bernoulli, Jakob (1713) in his work Ars Conjectandi, which was published (with the help of his nephew Nikolaus) seven years after his death.”

            That you can’t comprehend how it is relevant to the topic at hand is not my problem, but yours.

          19. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            My BS? Really, you’re a ball of laughs. PS: It was postulated by Cardano in the 16th Century. Proved by Bernoulli and published after his death.

            “It is a simplified form of the law of large numbers and derives from the Chebyshev inequality.” Jakob Bernoulli died in 1705, Pafnuty Chebyshev wasn’t even born yet, so I don’t know how is is derived from his work.



            It’s not relevant, as it doesn’t prove equal opportunity == equal outcomes.

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            correct. but when we say it depends on the individual – then after you add up all the individuals by race – the outcomes are not similar percentages?

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Race has nothing to do with an individuals abilities.

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            Totally true. But if 800 of 1000 white guys have successful outcomes and only 500 of 1000 black guys what does that mean if true?

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That you’re a racist? That you place more weight on people’s skin color than in their abilities.

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s racist to observe statistical outcomes and not differences?

            How come 2% of fighter pilots in the Air Force are black? Is it racist to observe those facts and ask why?

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s racist to observe statistical outcomes and not differences?

            How come 2% of fighter pilots in the Air Force are black? Is it racist to observe those facts and ask why?

          26. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You’re not observing statistics.

            Equal opportunity =/=equal outcome and it never will.

            “How come 2% of fighter pilots in the Air Force are black?” Perhaps it has something to do with the 75% of adults that require vision correction in the United States.

            In the class of 2019 for every 1000 fighter pilot applicants only 3 will succeed. Perhaps if you want to relax the standards and make it easier to pass you’d get more, but you’d have more accidents too.

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s NOT relaxing standards to ASK why only 2% of fighter pilots are black IF the premise is that all individual are competing and some will make it and some not. Why is the outcome so different on a demographic if individuals succeed on an individual basis?

            If only 2% from Wyoming made it verses 90% from Florida, wouldn’t that be a cause to understand why?

            Gender? Race?

          28. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            People, it has nothing to do what you’ve attempted to describe.

          29. LarrytheG Avatar

            Attempted to describe” ? No. I HAVE provided a simple fact about OUTCOMES.

          30. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No, you haven’t. There is no correlation between equal opportunity and equal outcome. The human condition is a multivariable equation to which you cannot boil to down simple “opinions”, because that’s what you have.

          31. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, you keep saying me as if it’s my idea alone.

            It’s not. And your attitude actually matches up with some other folks
            who typically deny the realities of race-based disparities.

            “Review Shows Widespread Racial Disparity in the Department of the Air Force

            An extensive, 150-page report released Dec. 21 shows wide-spread racial disparities within the Air Force, with Black Airmen reporting distrust with their chain of command and military justice, and data showing Black Airmen are much more likely to face administrative and criminal punishment compared to white Airmen.

            The Air Force Inspector General’s Independent Racial Disparity Review is based on more than 123,000 survey responses from Airmen, 138 in-person sessions at bases across the department, and 27,000 pages of responses. The review was launched in June following a nationwide reckoning on race relations in the country, and even those behind the effort were surprised at the response.”


          32. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Full Stop.

            “It’s not. And your attitude actually matches up with some other folks
            who typically deny the realities of race-based disparities.”

            My attitude? Forcing you to prove correlation where there is none is not an “attitude”, it’s basic reality ( in math we call it a proof). There is not a world where there are equal outcomes when individuals are involved. individuals are different, the only thing close would be identical twins and they even have differences. I’m talking science and math, the two items you love to invoke on a daily basis when it’s apparent you’ve got education in neither.

            Your citation doesn’t prove your conclusion (per usual).

            The facts stands as follows:

            1) I see people, I couldn’t care less about their religion, their age, their race or their gender identity. As long as they are able to complete the mission without endangering others, they are all good to me. (That’s what the Military and years of leadership have taught me).
            2) You’re a flat out “Racist”, you’ve indicated through comments (along with your pals) that individuals who are not white, need a helping hand to level the playing field. You’re wrong, they do not require a hand for a level playing field. They are just as competent and talented and their counterparts. However, they’ve been disadvantaged by individuals forcing unqualified people into positions to stratify “quotas”.
            3) Those who chastise and lecture others on their “privilege” generally have never faced adversity in their entire lives and were the beneficiaries of boundless “privileges”.

          33. LarrytheG Avatar

            Passing on to you reports like from the Inspector General of the Airforce that contradict your beliefs. The Inspector General is not my “pal” by the way.

          34. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The article you posted had nothing to do with your premise.

            Nor does it prove equal opportunity == equal outcomes.

            What it proves is that black airmen don’t trust their Chain of Command, period.

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            Disparity in Military Justice, Calls for Action
            June 5, 2020 | By Brian W. Everstine
            The Air Force needs to address the disparity in judicial punishments between white and black Airmen, and use this discussion as a catalyst for a broader conversation about how people are valued within the service, the Air Force’s top lawyer argues in a recent letter.

            Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Rockwell, the Air Force’s judge advocate general, details in a June 3 letter the extent to which different races are punished differently within the service.

            “The statistics show that black male Airmen under the age of 25 and with less than 5 years of service receive NJP [nonjudicial punishment] and courts-martial actions at a higher rate than similarly situated white male Airmen,” Rockwell wrote in a letter to all Air Force JAG personnel.

          36. LarrytheG Avatar

            “Black members of the U.S. Air Force are treated differently than their white counterparts in a wide range of areas, including promotions and military justice, a new internal investigation reveals.

            The 150-page report by the Air Force inspector general confirmed racial disparities exist for Black members in law enforcement apprehensions, criminal investigations, military justice, administrative separations, placement into occupational career fields, certain promotion rates, professional military educational development and leadership opportunities.”

            Note the last sentence. Disparities in opportunities

          37. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Again has nothing to do with the premise you were trying to prove.

            Repeating it over and over will not make it true.

          38. LarrytheG Avatar

            LarrytheG Nancy Naive • 2 days ago • edited
            yes… but is it “woke” to point out the existing and ongoing disparities? Is this simply just more Critical Race Theory polluting the military also?

            Tell you what – how about you state the premise you say I was stating…
            just so we are on the same page.

            My premise is that there ARE disparities AND the data shows there are
            differences in achievement in opportunities on a demographic basis.

            That’s EXACTLY what the Air Force IG report showed.

          39. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Equal opportunity == equal outcomes, which is what you’ve been arguing for the last how many days.

            You’ve not proven that and never will because it’s a false narrative.

            Also, neither you nor NN proved anything outside of your own opinions. The article you cited was about NJP, which clearly neither of you know anything about.

            Also, I’ve never once addressed CRT, so you can drop that Strawman in it’s tracks.

          40. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Equal opportunity == equal outcomes, which is what you’ve been arguing for the last how many days.”

            Nope. That’s false. Show a quote where I said that.

            I’ve argued that if there ARE demographic differences in achieving equal outcomes, does
            that indicate a difference in opportunities to start with.

            And Matt, it’s NOT JUST ME. The Air Force Report does just that. They looked at demographic numbers – disparities in achievement then worked back to whether opportunities are equal.

            All you are doing is denying realities for the sake of pretending there is no such reality.

          41. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Wahoo’74
            a day ago edited
            “We are now unequivocally a nation of equal opportunity. We are not and never should be a nation of equal outcome.”

            If we were truly a nation of equal opportunity and if all races are inherently the same with the only difference being skin pigmentation, then over time and statistically speaking we would indeed be a nation of equal outcome. We aren’t.


            LarrytheG Eric the half a troll
            a day ago
            Totally true but that concept seems to confuse some….

            or they think that something like race actually inherently does influence outcomes… or some such”

            You’ve argued nonsense.

            The report to which you’re referring doesn’t validate your statements. Again, you have no idea about NJP nor did the report to into detail of why it was leaved. Might their be racial bias? Why yes, there could be, but it’s not to the extent you’re trying to make it.

            Furthermore, I’m asking your to prove your conclusion, which you’re doing a terrible job at.

          42. LarrytheG Avatar

            If we were truly a nation of equal opportunity and if all races are inherently the same with the only difference being skin pigmentation, then over time and statistically speaking we would indeed be a nation of equal outcome. We aren’t.

            LarrytheG Eric the half a troll

            Totally true but that concept seems to confuse some….
            or they think that something like race actually inherently does influence outcomes… or some such”

            The report to which you’re referring doesn’t validate your statements. Again, you have no idea about NJP nor did the report to into detail of why it was leaved. Might their be racial bias? Why yes, there could be, but it’s not to the extent you’re trying to make it.

            The Report DOES VERY MUCH validate. And yes I DO have an “idea” unlike you.

            Furthermore, I’m asking your to prove your conclusion, which you’re doing a terrible job at.

            I’m PROVING that organizations LIKE the Air Force do indeed validate the premise that there

            nonsense is what you are arguing – just ignorant and willful gibberish..

            And we’re done nimrod.

          43. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “nonsense is what you are arguing – just ignorant and willful gibberish..”

            That line of text is the summation of every single comment you’ve ever made improper punctuation and sentence structure too.

          44. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The article you posted had nothing to do with your premise.

            Nor does it prove equal opportunity == equal outcomes.

            What it proves is that black airmen don’t trust their Chain of Command, period.

          45. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Only if your ability to be stopped for DWB is the same as everyone else’s regardless of race.

          46. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive 30 minutes ago
            Only if your ability to be stopped for DWB is the same as everyone else’s regardless of race.”

            Again, relevance?

          47. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And x at t-zero

          48. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A linear equation has what do with the argument?

          49. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Starting point fool. That has nothing to do with linear equations but the initial state, which could be multivariate.

          50. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The starting point would be (0,0) give equal opportunity.

            If you want to discuss starting points, can we discuss your b value and how daddy gave you a hand up on everyone?

            Yes, daddy. You know the career Navel officer who gave you a leg up in life.

          51. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            not everyone starts at the same place. If they did, then you’d be correct that the difference would then be only individual ability with a little chutzpah as a noise source.

            Daddy? Woulda been nice.

          52. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The phrase “Equal Opportunity” would signify that they are starting from the same place.

            It’s why your notion that equal opportunity == equal outcome is false.

          53. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It implies that in some way there is an attempt to make it so. Women make 77 cents on the dollar. Is that qual?

          54. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive 36 minutes ago
            It implies that in some way there is an attempt to make it so. Women make 77 cents on the dollar. Is that qual?”

            Again, relevance?

            Why do you pay women less (since you own a company).

          55. LarrytheG Avatar

            How would you know if they had not actually started from the same place?

            If only 2% of Air Force fighter pilots are black – would you
            just presume that it was individual effort and not look further?

            Or would you not even want to know the 2% demographics?

          56. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Equal Opportunity implies they are starting from the same place.

            “If only 2% of Air Force fighter pilots are black – would you
            just presume that it was individual effort and not look further?”

            Your statement is invalid and unusable.

            You’re not going to “prove” your claim, because you cannot do so. There is a sum total of zero logic in it.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Gee, F-UVa signs and now this. Some people clearly don’t understand the “order” in “law and order”, eh?

    Southern trees do bear strange fruit.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “It’s amazing, isn’t it, how the more progressive a community is the more racial animosity there is.”

    If they just knew their place, that animosity would just disappear, eh?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “From those to whom much is given much is expected.”

      It takes on a different meaning when you think in terms of tributes, bribes, extortion, etc., rather than just being a member of The Lucky Sperm Club.

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Elections have consequences.
    I hope the mayor finds the strength to tear down what Charlottesville was and rebuilds it in her vision. It could be a place of safety and refuge for all the disenfranchised in Virginia.
    Maybe she can use UVA’s Lawn as a place for unhoused citizens? It sounds like a great mixed-use proposition.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      She is one voice of many and probably an outlier. Even then, her view of life reflects on her and not so much how Charlottesville moves to the future. Would Charlottesville prefer Amanda Chase to be part of their future instead of this woman heh heh…… 😉

      1. I’d prefer that neither of them be part of any city’s future.

  5. StarboardLift Avatar

    Walker missed her calling, in the Myers-Briggs sense.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Technically, youse guys should hype the Hell out of her poetry efforts… haven’t ya ever heard the expression, “Don’t quit your day job”?

  7. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    If you haven’t, go read the Mayor’s Facebook posts (spoiler… she uses the term “cumstained”). It is AWESOME!
    Also go read the Progress story about her credit card use investigation. She is actually quoted as saying “White people don’t try to help me”…
    I am totally in love with this Mayor. I wish she would get in the Governor’s race. It would be so entertaining to watch her claw Terry into a million little white pieces….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Chase v. Walker. Now that’s entertainment.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Something about a cum-stained stolen election?

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    What happened to Wes Bellamy? Wasn’t he in line to be the next mayor?

    1. I don’t think Wes Bellamy is radical enough for the current crop of “activists”…

      1. dick dyas Avatar
        dick dyas

        Agree, the skinny jean crowd of white C’villians love the whip of White Guilt charges made by radical Blacks. It is social masochism.
        Move to Albemarle, young man.

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