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Where the Helicopter Money Is Landing

What has the federal government done to help Virginia cope with the COVID-19 crisis? The following data comes from the White House. Clearly, the decision to compile and disseminate the information was political. But the data speaks for itself. 

Let me be 100% clear: I am not defending (or criticizing) the White House’s approach to the COVID-19 crisis. (I’m not a big fan of helicoptering money, much of which predictably will be poorly spent.) I provide this information to add context to how well Virginia’s political leadership is dealing with the epidemic. In any public health crisis, a large share of the state’s resources comes from the federal government.

As an aside, Michael Martz with the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that the federal government has actually deposited $1.65 billion in relief funds into Virginia’s bank account so far, but adds that much of the money comes with strings attached. He writes: “The money is spent only on specific purposes, such as expenses for medical care, public health and a range of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.” It cannot be used in any way state officials desire.


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