Where “Equity” Means Failing Equally

Louise Lucas, Chair, Senate Education and Health Committee photo credit: Virginian-Pilot

by James A. Bacon

State Senator Louise Lucas, D-Portsmouth, doesn’t just take issue with the Youngkin administration’s interpretation of the data regarding the deteriorating quality of education in Virginia public schools, she finds Governor Glenn Youngkin’s position to be morally reprehensible. Here’s what she said in response to the release of his report, “Our Commitment to Virginians”:

We all know Governor Youngkin’s end goal – to erase Black history and any mention of equity from Virginia’s curricula. This misguided effort based on fake news and debunked theories is an outright attack from the far right, riling up racist constituencies with lies and deceit. This report shows once again that Governor Youngkin wants to take us back to the days of Jim Crow – and I would know, having lived through it. His backwards thinking will throw Virginia’s progress in reverse, harming the next generation and hindering the Commonwealth’s future.

This incoherent jumble of leftist rhetoric is unplugged from reality. Youngkin doesn’t want to “erase Black history.” His report is not based on “fake news,” but state government data. He’s not riling up “racist constituencies” with his calls to strengthen educational standards and close the racial achievement gap. And he certainly doesn’t want to “take us back to the days of Jim Crow,” if by that is meant the re-segregation of public schools.

If Lucas were a blogger, one might dismiss her bile as coming from the lunatic fringe. But as Chair of the Senate Education & Health Committee, she is in a position to thwart Youngkin’s educational reforms. And she’s far from alone. Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie Locke, D-Hampton, though less intemperate in her language, comes from the same place. She described Youngkin’s principles for reforming education as “dog-whistle talking points,” “tomfoolery,” and “platitudes and promises based on lies.”

In deconstructing Lucas’ rhetoric, one might wonder what “progress” she believes has taken place in Virginia schools. From the perspective of a left-wing ideologue, Virginia schools have indeed made great “progress” — in revamping teacher training, overhauling curricula, shutting down the so-called school-to-prison pipeline, and embracing the idea that the academic under-performance of Black students is the fault of a racist system designed by White people for the benefit of White people.

But if the criterion is educational outcomes — and remember, according to the leftist canon, disparity in outcomes is proof of racism —  it’s not clear what “progress” Lucas might be talking about, especially if one looks to the City of Portsmouth, her home town. Portsmouth schools, long-time laggards in educational performance, experienced a meltdown during the COVID-19 pandemic that exceeded the statewide catastrophe. Only 29% of Black students passed their math Standards of Learning exams and 53% passed their English SOLs. With such pervasive illiteracy and innumeracy, the motto of the Portsmouth school system might well be, “Building Tomorrow’s Underclass Today.”

The following charts show the SOL pass rates for reading and math in City of Portsmouth public schools since the 2015-16 school year. (Due to COVID, no tests were given in the 2019-20 school year.)

Whatever one might say about the statewide school system, it’s hard to pin charges of systemic racism on Portsmouth public schools. All nine members of the School Board are African-American. The superintendent is African-American. Six of the seven city councilpersons, including the mayor, are African-American.

It is true that Portsmouth spends somewhat less per pupil than the state average — $13,587 in fiscal year 2020-21 compared to $14,206, according to the latest Superintendent’s Annual Report for Virginia. But that is entirely due to the low local contribution approved by local elected officials — $3,756 per pupil as compared to $6,669 per pupil for all school districts. The state contributes more to Portsmouth schools than the statewide average — $6,179 per pupil compared to $4,858. Likewise, the federal government chips in $1,750 per pupil to Portsmouth compared to the $1,352 average for all Virginia jurisdictions.

A comparison of Portsmouth SOL English reading and math pass rates shows that all racial/ethnic groups have consistently under-performed state averages over the past several years. Portsmouth’s response to the COVID epidemic made matters worse. SOL pass rates collapsed harder and faster in Portsmouth than the state overall.

Percentage point decline in English reading SOL pass rates (from 2018-19 to 2020-21):

Virginia decline — 4.1 percentage points (from an 89.0% pass rate to 84.9%)
Portsmouth decline — 26.6 percentage points (from a 88.7% pass rate to 62.1%)

Virginia decline — 10.8 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 12.6 percentage points

Virginia decline — 11.5 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 24.0 percentage points

Virginia decline — 7.3 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 12.2 percentage points

Percentage point decline in math SOL pass rates (from 2018-19 to 2020-21):

Virginia decline — 15.0 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 49.0 percentage points

Virginia decline — 36.2 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 41.9 percentage points

Virginia decline — 34.6 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 42.8 percentage points

Virginia decline — 21.9 percentage points
Portsmouth decline — 38.7 percentage points

While it is true that Portsmouth students performed worse across the board, there is one silver lining. The school system did achieve “equity,” or equal outcomes, in one way — math outcomes for Asians, Blacks, Hispanics and Whites all collapsed at roughly the same rate! But this model of achieving “equity” is one that few Virginians would share.

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50 responses to “Where “Equity” Means Failing Equally”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Pay attention to the data and what educators not politicians say. I don’t go to a dentist for a brain tumor.

    1. Matt Hurt Avatar
      Matt Hurt

      Unfortunately, the dentists are mandating brain surgery techniques.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Sen. Lucas’s overheated rhetoric plays well in her district, thrills the Twitter following she has intentionally built, and browbeats other members in her caucus into compliance and silence. Get beyond that narrow universe and it is wildly counterproductive and infuriates large groups of voters. I hope she keeps it up.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Oh Steve it doesn’t play too well with everyone. Not all of Twitter loves her. She hasn’t browbeaten or threatened everyone.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Let’s hope she does keep it up. Everything she said repels a majority of Virginia voters.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I would never defend Louis Lucas. I have always thought she was more of a showboat than a serious legislator.

    I would say disregard her just as you advise paying no attention to radicals on the right. Unfortunately, as you point out, she has seniority and has the power of chairing a key committee. I started to make a comment that bordered on being libelous, but thought better of it, so I will leave it at that.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    California has Maxine. Virginia has Louise.

  5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Senator Lucas is the de facto political boss of Portsmouth.

    She sits atop Portsmouth’s closed, corrupt, destructive culture. See https://www.baconsrebellion.com/the-ag-should-investigate-portsmouth-political-corruption/
    Also see https://www.baconsrebellion.com/sen-lucas-record-shows-lack-of-concern-about-the-poor-health-of-her-constituents/

    The city council fires everyone that gets in the way of the corruption. The most recent are the police chief (Lucas’ doing) and city manager (below).

    When she was arrested for destruction of public property (confederate statue), she had the police chief fired and the charges dropped. She then sued the city and was awarded $300,000 without a vote of the city council. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/portsmouth/organizers-gear-up-for-peaceful-rally-in-support-of-portsmouth-police-chief-placed-on-administrative-leave/?ipid=promo-link-block2

    More City Council – Look at the disfunction on display during the city council meeting yesterday. Lucas’ daughter is a member. “The Portsmouth City Council unexpectedly voted 4-3 to fire City Manager Angel Jones Tuesday night during a meeting marred by members cursing and yelling.” https://www.pilotonline.com/government/local/vp-nw-portsmouth-fires-city-manager-20220525-5edoqz6rbzekhfn4fsuo2lugna-story.htm

    School Board – Portsmouth schools, like those in Richmond and other failing urban school districts, are run for the adults, not the children. The kids deserve better. If the state had the authority, it would take over and run the schools. If we look for a real civil rights issue, it is the children of Portsmouth being denied the quality education guaranteed in the Virginia Constitution.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Lucas’ daughter was on the losing end of the vote to abruptly fire the city manager. So, perhaps the “boss” does not yield quite the power she thinks.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        It was a total surprise to the opponents, including Lucas’ daughter. Lucas did not have time to weigh in (bad choice of words). Likely that is why it was kept secret.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Louise Lucas is yet another member of the American political gerontocracy. She’s 78 and joins Joe Biden (79), Nancy Pelosi (82), Mitch McConnell (80), Dianne Feinstein (88), Dick Saslaw (82), Maxine Waters (83), Hal Rogers (84), Jim Inhoef (87), Chuck Grassley (88) and many other members of The Over the Hill Gang.

    On the day Ronald Reagan left office he was younger than all of them.

    Who remembers the great debate about Reagan’s age during the 1980 and 1984 campaigns?

    Whatever happened to the concerns about advancing age and public office.

    Dianne Feinstein is a case in point. I always liked and respected her even though I didn’t often agree with her. However, she has lost it. he SanFrancisco Examiner had this to say …


    Virginia needs term limits or age limits. So does the US.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      called ….. elections……….

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      They are all youngsters compared to Strom Thurmond, who was 100 when he retired.

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        When he was still in his late 90s, Senator Thurmond wandered into a Capitol Hill reception that I was attending. I’d say that age had dulled his blade considerably.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I assume you are politely saying he was out of it? No doubt. Sometimes the electorate needs to be saved from itself. There should either be term limits or elderly age limits.

          You can’t be an active duty military officer if you are over 62. Why? Because it makes sense.

          How about 75 as a reasonable age limit to run for office?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        No kidding. The man was always an embarrassment but even more so in his dotage.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        Exactly my point. The man was a train wreak.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Swampy Cao’s swampy buddy — one of the swamp critters figuring prominently on Cao’s official “Proud To Be Endorsed By” webpage — is featured on this just released ethics report….


      Now tell us how unwierd and unswampy Captain “Queeg” Cao is…


      1. DJRippert Avatar

        An endorsement? That’s the extent of your criticism? Ted Kennedy got drunk, killed a woman in his car and left the scene to sleep it off while she drowned. Is everybody who was ever endorsed by Ted Kennedy a murderer by association?

        In addition, your referenced article only appears to say that the sub-committee found enough evidence of wrongdoing to investigate the matter further. You know, kind of like the way that the Mueller Commission was empaneled to investigate allegations of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. How did that turn out?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Cao is proud to be endorsed by…
          Think Trump and David Duke. You handle like Trump did; you repudiate the endorsement and denounce the endorser… oh wait, that didn’t happen.

          Even giving Jackson, you still have Zinke and Pham in the Rogue’s Gallery on the page…

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Neither you nor the DPVA have any meaningful criticisms of Cao. So, you try to criticize those who endorse him. And neither Jackson nor Zinke have anything to do with David Duke.

            Meanwhile, who can forget Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of John Murtha …


          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Nutsack? Hmmm … and I thought I was the resident immature commenter here.

            You are very torqued up about a Congressional district a long way from where you live.

            You sure seem to hate Ole Mr. Cao.

            What gives, NN?

            You and Jennifer Wexton a thing?

            Seriously, this highly decorated Asian. legal immigrant, Navy vet sure has your panties in a twist.

            Why does Capt, Cao bother you so much?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He’s Trumpian. Like I said from the gitgo, you are that with which you hang. Too stupid to see Trump for what he is, too stupid to serve.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Tony Pham? I give up – what did he do?

            You white liberals really do hate Asians, don’t you?

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You got google. Look it up.

            Zinke and Jackson are Asian?

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            You made the accusation. You defend it. Or was your comment just more anti-Asian racism?

    4. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Don’t know how old you are but your bias is old. In 1950, US life expectancy was 67 years; in 2022 its nearly 79 years. Term limits is no equivalency for an age limit – youth or senior – for public office. If you prefer not to vote for a candidate too youthful or too old, don’t.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I am 63.

        By your logic, there should be no minimum age limits for political office. But there are. To be a Senator, a person must be aged 30 or over. To be a Representative, a person must be aged 25 or older. To be president you must be 35. Apparently, you don’t know that.

        If you can be an adult but too young to be elected to office why can’t you be too old?

        I’m old enough to have seen the fuss Democrats made about Reagan’s age and young enough to remember it. What’s new today, other than the fact that most of the prominent Over the Hill Gang seem to be Democrats?

        What does life expectancy have to do with mental decline? If anything, dying younger was protection against suffering from senility. Now that people live longer, the issue is more to the fore.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    It’s awfully subdued about here today. What’d I miss?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The 800 round, oops, 800 pound gorilla in Texas?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Blake Farenthold resigned long ago… oh, I see what you did.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Sometimes hard to tell if the issue is education or race.

    The resulting discussions just seem to amp up the racial animus.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Don’t kid yourself. Around here it’s never about education.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Remember when the liberals on this board claimed that CRT was a graduate law school topic and NEVER taught in K-12 schools? Well, that idea seems to be called into question by a poll of …. K-12 educators. Given that the poll was from 2021 I can only guess that even more discussion has occurred since then.


      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Here’s what Randi Wintergarden had to say …

        “Let’s be clear: Critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools. It’s a method of examination taught in law school and college that helps analyze whether systemic racism exists — and, in particular, whether it has an effect on law and public policy.”

        And here’s what the Superintendent of Detroit’s public school system had to say …

        “”Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory, especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines. We were very intentional about … embedding critical race theory within our curriculum.”

        Another liberal lie debunked.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        No. Not taught , not in the curriculum. does not mean that some teachers may have brought it up – but it’s NOT TAUGHT like it’s math or English but more so that it’s a theory.

        The whole CRT, DEI crappola is basically dog whistles from those who really don’t want the truth about race actually taught IMHO because it is a “divisive concept” that will make white kids “feel bad” about it.

        Youngkin comes out with this report and talks about Virginia’s academic “failures” and what is his solution? Nothing about how we teach math or English, nope.. how we teach history.

        You blather about “liberals” and “libtwits” and other name-calling left and right DJ.

        You’ve changed guy. The guy I first knew on BR was not who you are today.

        You talked left and right about the ‘Plantation Elite”. Were you serious about the meaning of that or what?

        So we’re off to the races on race…if you can stop name calling for a minute. what should we do to fix Virginia’s reading, science and math besides blame CRT and “divisive concepts”?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Poor Larry. His heroes have been caught in a lie. Not the first and, no doubt, not the last.

          I’m with Elon Musk. I was once a centrist. But then the left went on a leftward bender.

          I didn’t change.

          But the left became more radical.

          The yard markers moved.

          I stayed in place.

          And yes, the loons on the right moved further right. But not as fast as the loons on the left mover farther left.

          You’re just flotsam, Larry. You have no core beliefs. If the tide moves left, you drift left with the tide. Your “team” is the Dems and you’ll move as far left as they want you.

          Kind of a lemming’s philosophy, IMO.

          Please remember, I endorsed and voted for Terry McAuliffe in 2103. When was the last time you voted for a major Republican candidate?

        2. Matt Hurt Avatar
          Matt Hurt

          Teachers don’t need direction on how to teach. All that’s covered in their undergraduate studies. They need to know what the expectations are, and that if at first they don’t succeed with a child, they need to work with them until they do. That last part is what has been missing. There has long been the belief that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. To a certain extent, there’s some merit to this. However, the most successful teachers found that if they shoved a fist full of salt down the horse’s throat, he couldn’t wait to drink.

  9. Lefty665 Avatar

    Racism is ugly. It is no more attractive coming from black people than white. Ms Lucas has given us ample insight into the content of her character,

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Ms Lucas is a political showboater in the early stages of mental decline. Not a pretty picture for the people of Portsmouth.

    1. Kurt Eberly Avatar
      Kurt Eberly

      This has nothing to do with the article. Please refrain from ridiculous comments.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Don’t tell me. Call that representative. And Kurt, who died and made you god?

        1. Kurt Eberly Avatar
          Kurt Eberly

          The article is about Louise Lucas.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            She died?

  10. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I’m gonna give her props though for “tomfoolery” – although according to the etymology, she may have been the first to use the word…

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    This is easy. The Virginia politicians who are beholden to BigEd are only too happy to endorse declining results so long as BigEd is protected. But threaten BigEd by telling the truth and … uh, oh …. school choice may be on the horizon.

    Heaven forbid.

    BigEd contributes plenty to the Democrats in Virginia. The least they can expect in return is asinine rhetoric about a reasonably balanced report regarding the trajectory of education results in Virginia.

  12. DJRippert Avatar

    This is easy. The Virginia politicians who are beholden to BigEd are only too happy to endorse declining results so long as BigEd is protected. But threaten BigEd by telling the truth and … uh, oh …. school choice may be on the horizon.

    Heaven forbid.

    BigEd contributes plenty to the Democrats in Virginia. The least they can expect in return is asinine rhetoric about a reasonably balanced report regarding the trajectory of education results in Virginia.

  13. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Typical leftist drivel. Dr. Goebbels would be proud of her for using the “Big Lie.” Hey, lady, exactly what year is this? 1950?

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