Where Does It End?

The George Rogers Clark statue was removed Sunday. Photo credit: Daily Progress

by James A. bacon

The city of Charlottesville took down its Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson statues in Charlottesville from their plinths over the weekend. But the purging of Virginia’s past went far beyond the excising of Civil War generals from the public square.

The statue of Governor Harry F. Byrd, a segregationist and architect of the mid-20th century Byrd machine, was removed from Capitol Square in Richmond four days ago. And statues erected to honor Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and Sacagawea as well as George Rogers Clark (a different Clark) were taken from their Charlottesville perches on the grounds that that some native Americans deemed the portrayal of Indians as offensive. 

So, where does it end? The extirpation of politically incorrect statues and memorials started with Civil War generals because it could be argued that they were traitors to the United States who battled to uphold slavery. It was but a small step to purge anyone, even conscripted soldiers, who fought for the Confederacy. And then to anyone who owned a slave, and the another to anyone associated with segregation. And then to anyone associated with the conquest of native Americans.

The appetites of the ideological left will never be satiated. Patrick Henry, who declared, “Give me liberty or give me death,” has already been targeted for removal from the name of a Martinsville community college. When each memorial tumbles, progressives move on to the next. Does anyone doubt that the logic of events will end with Henry? How long until Thomas Jefferson — already attacked as a slave-owning rapist — George Mason, and George Washington are next?

When will the silent majority say enough is enough? When do we say that Civil War generals were one thing, but we draw a line with the founding fathers? When do we draw a line with those who articulated and implemented the principles upon which our nation and society were founded? When will we say that taking down the founders’ memorials amounts to de-legitimizing and undermining our constitutional republic with all its frustrating checks and balances against tyranny?

The United States was conceived in sin when it imported African slaves in 1619, the political progressives tell us. Guess what, the whole friggin’ world was immersed in sin in 1619! Aside from a handful of hunter-gatherers in the Arctic, the desert, and the rain forest, every society on the face of the planet was ruled by monarchs, emperors and despots who presided over deeply hierarchical societies — many of them based on slavery. The conditions of subjugation between serfs, peasants and slaves differed only in their details. Cruelty and exploitation were the universal condition of mankind.

The question we should ask is how did the world arise from that muck? Where did the principles of universal human rights come from? And how did those principles come — in some countries, but not others — to be applied to everyone, perhaps imperfectly but with a striving to reach perfection? Can we not honor those individuals who advanced the cause of democratic, republican government that protects minority rights, even if they fell short of the modern-day ideal?

To borrow a cheesy football metaphor, can we not honor those who moved the ball down the field as well as those who spike the ball in the end zone?

If we cannot, whom do we honor? Anyone at all?

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59 responses to “Where Does It End?”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    When the D party has erased their past history.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Republicans revived it decades ago.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So, you admit the statues are racist.

  2. Publius Avatar

    Venezuela if lucky.
    Death camps if not.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    It ends with renaming almost all the US states. Virginia is named after the English queen who essentially started the slave trade. Maryland is named after an English queen who had a slave ship named after her. DC is named after slave-holder George Washington. Tennessee is stolen from Native Americans. North and South Carolina are named after Charles I. Pennsylvania is named after William Penn who owned slaves. Delaware is named after an Indian tribe. Cultural appropriation.

    Nobody is too sure where the name Idaho came from so maybe it will be kept.

    Maybe we can honor the Virginia General Assembly by re-naming our state Corruptionville.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that was pretty weak Mr. Plantation Elite. 😉

    2. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      That’s it! They can rename Virginia to something else and put up a banner that says “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT”. Kinda like what a crappy business does.

    3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Hampton Roads?
      On the news this week Loudoun Co was renaming some roads, including Hampton Road. Is it the same Hampton as Hampton Roads.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Been called that since 1609, or so. Tidewater includes Port Royal and all places east of the fall line.

        Your lack of that knowledge is covered by “learning something new every day”.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          His fingers are moving… OR SO.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Irony, when you tell someone they don’t know history yet, you yourself use the wrong date.

          1609 was the “Starving Time” at Jamestown, Hampton roads weren’t named until 1619. Where the word Hampton honors the Virginia Company of London.

    4. tmtfairfax Avatar

      And yet, the Post missed Northam’s blackface performance in two straight election cycles. Democracy Dies in Darkness (unless the Post decides to keep facts in the Darkness for political reasons).

    5. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Aw, c’mon. You know how Idaho got its name. Hooked on phonics.

    6. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Perhaps we should call it a “commondebt”.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    In the grave, where it should’ve.

  5. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Once you start, there is no place to draw a line with any intellectual honesty. If the leadership at UVA truly had the courage of their convictions, they would remove every on campus tribute or monument to Jefferson. But they don’t. Want to make administrators uncomfortable, put them in the position of defending our third president and all he did.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So you don’t defend him? Careful for what you wish.

  6. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    If we are serious about the ills of slavery then all of the Egyptian obelisks and stylized structures need to come down. The Egyptians enslaved my people for 1,000 years and should be held accountable.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      It is amazing what can be accomplished with an unlimited supply of wholly expendable slave labor.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That wasn’t accomplished in 1967?

  7. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    This is an absolute outrage. The Mayor should be impeached for her illegal act, which of course she won’t be.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because it wasn’t illegal. Now bake and salt your pretzel logic.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    You can’t erase history, but you can go beyond history to memorialize your heroes and there-in lies the problem.

    The rest of the world has been and some still is horrible.

    When the Founding Fathers formed America, they said we were different.

    One hundred years after it’s formation – we still did not have “equality for all”, we were putting up statues to the lost cause and memorializing segregationists and worse.

    At some point, some, more of us white folks have to acknowledge that black folks are also part of America and what they think in term of who are heroes (or not) is just as important as what we think.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Yes, things are not that good today. The left and its political whore, the Media, celebrate a religious bigot serving as vice president despite attempting to impose an unconstitutional religious test on a judicial nominee.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You cannot erase history but you can bury it so deep that it becomes forgotten in full, and then write your own version. A tree falling with no one to hear. Your apologia for this process is totally hollow with me. Nobody has stopped anybody else from honoring anyone they want. This is about politics and power and tearing down the system.

      As mentioned I’m a few pages into one of the CRT books and that version of “history” from someone who wears the mantle of historian is just Marxist polemic. Who knew Reagan was up there with Wilson and Bilbo? You think I’m one of the moderate voices here? I also see pure Marxism. Control the “history” and control the politics. Take down The Man and The Power by destroying his icons. Treat our Founding Fathers the same way the Bolsheviks treated the Czar.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        And then George turned to his father and said, “I cannot tell a lie. I cut down the cherry tree.”

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        BS Steve. wretched BS. We’re not going to tear down statues of Danny Thomas or Harriet Tubman or Sacajawea. We knew LONG AGO that some of these statues were Jim Crow Lost Cause and what did “we” do about it?

        We did nothing. We ignored those who said those memorials were an affront and insult to black people.

        Not a single history book is being burned, not one.

        Not a single bit of electronic data about history is being “canceled”.

        Even the crap history about Happy Slaves will remain preserved – and probably should.

        Are there marxists? Yep but far, far fewer than some folks think.

        I always ask how do black folks feel about this since a lot of it is really about them.

        And the answers I get from Conservative white folks amazes me. It sometimes strikes me as “who the hell cares what they think”!

        1. WayneS Avatar

          You already tore down a statue of Sacajawea…

          NOTE: I used the word “you” because you used the word “we”.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            “you” makes no sense if I had nothing to do with it but even worse, it’s dishonest in not addressing the difference between why this statue came down and not others of her.

            It’s dishonest because it pretends there is no discrimination, rhyme or reason, that zealots are just bringing down statues willy-nilly.

            Nothing is farther from the truth, but that don’t keep that narrative from being promoted.

            And it’s pretty simple – white supremacy, but the “don’t tear down history” folks can’t or won’t admit it.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            tore down a statue of Sacajawea where white guys were portrayed as her better because she was a Native American – and despite the fact that he saved their bacon and probably their lives.


            “We” and “you” seem to be unable or unwilling to admit why some statues are coming down and others not.

            Not a single statue of Sacajawea of the dozens that depict her on her own merits has come down or will come down. That’s the simple truth.



  9. I loved the argument that the USG should return Mt. Rushmore back to the
    Lakota Sioux Nation because the great white uncle stole it from those noble people. Of course failing to recognize that the noble Sioux attacked, massacred, defeated and enslaved the original inhabitants of those mountains — the Arapaho, which took it from the Kiowa, which took it from the Crow, which took it from the Cheyenne which took it from the Arikara —which was there in the 1500s.

    But the only murderous violence which is not recognized and discussed by the radical left more than Indian on Indian is Black on Black [see the past weekend in Chicago].

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      See, and I’m not the least offended that a mountain is being carved to honor Crazy Horse. He’d have scalped me quick back in the day, but the history is still fascinating and he had reasons for his anger.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’ve seen your photo. You’re correct. The scalping would be quick, and a poor trophy to boot.😜

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      We could return it, but not until we glue the spalling back in place and include all of the gold taken when we broke our treaty.

      Of course, returning it to the Sioux would be no different than returning Vietnam to the French after Uncle Ho defeated the Japanese for us in WWII.

  10. tmtfairfax Avatar

    When we’ve deteriorated to the point where the Washington Post is considered a defender of democracy by keeping events in the spotlight (except when it doesn’t such as with its failure in two election cycles to discover and report Ralph Northam’s adult blackface conduct), civilization itself is at risk.

  11. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The Cancel Culture and Woke advocates are on a roll and if they have their way it will not end. As Cardinal Dolan observed even the Bible is full of flawed characters.
    No one has mentioned that native Americans practiced slavery, so they have to be diminished along with all the others who have been found guilty of not being perfect
    Martin Luther King rightly stated, “The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice.” It would have been nice if our route to justice and a more perfect union had been faster but at least we have been moving in the right direction. It’s not clear if that will continue after the current detour.

  12. ExpressoBold Neanderthalensis Avatar
    ExpressoBold Neanderthalensis

    I have said, since this statue removal operation began, that it is Democrats removing visible symbols of their history and former heroes. Nothing was more evocative of that plan than the removal of the statue, formerly located at Prince and Washington in Alexandria, of the Confederate soldier looking perpetually southward. The name of the statue was (is, actually) “Appomattox.” It was removed from public view and public consciousness over a year ago.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “… it is Democrats removing visible symbols of their history and former heroes.”

      Then, why do you care? Do you object when your neighbor dismantles his Halloween displays?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        got wrapped around that axle…

  13. DJRippert Avatar

    If the people of Charlottesville don’t want the statue then it should be removed. I think they are very shortsighted but it’s their city. However, if the people of Stone Mountain, GA want to keep their mountain relief then nobody should force them to remove it.

    I’d rather see statues of Matthew Ridgeway and Chesty Puller than Confederates but I’m sure that Ridgeway and Puller did something that would infuriate the woke.

  14. Virginia Project Avatar
    Virginia Project

    They told us when it ends: when you “own nothing and are happy”, AKA a state of slavery so complete even your mind belongs to another.

  15. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    If you polled the average person most would not be able to recognize the name of or state one significant fact about Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea, George Rogers Clark, Mathew Maury or that Wickham fellow removed here in Richmond. Who was Patrick Henry? Mason or Madison? Most would be woefully ignorant about the Confederate luminaries outside of The Unreconstructed groups. Was that the Byrd at the North Pole, or Barber Pole…? The political gain by trashing them and tearing them down (especially in left-leaning places) is balanced by….nothing, no political counterweight whatsoever. Some pushback on Columbus from Italians, but not much. Now, Washington and Jefferson might stir a visceral defense, and that is why so far they seem to survive. So far.

    This battle was lost years ago in classrooms where this history and these people were simply mentioned in passing. Do the poll and prove me wrong. Compare their name ID with Marvel or Pokemon characters….

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      You know Byrd did not make it to the North Pole… right…? Maybe go back to history class…

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Since that was not determined with any real degree of certainty until 2013, perhaps you could be a little more polite in informing Mr. Haner of that fact.

        Or are you just trying to score semantic points?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          So almost a decade ago with certainty, but doubt was voiced from day one. I thought it important to point out given the lamenting of the horrid state of knowledge of history for the “average person” these days…

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Doubt is voiced about a lot of people’s claims from day one, but the fact is, Byrd (the explorer) being the first to fly over the north pole was being taught in school when I was taking history classes.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Given the plethora of inaccuracies you’ve “up-voted” and or stated regarding history on this blog. You’re not exactly anyone to be lecturing on “lack of knowledge”.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You still haven’t figured out how to use those quotes properly have you, Bucko…??

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm we’ve been through this before, you were wrong then and you’re wrong now. It’s okay.

            PS: It would’ve been a direct quote from you as you up-voted a comment which indicated that Hampton Roads name was established in 1609, that’s historically inaccurate; it was 1619.

            How’s about you regale us with your education Chief, seeing as you haven’t been correct on anything.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sparky, you ramble on more everyday. You might want to see someone about that, y’know…. preferably an english teacher… and work on that “direct quote” thing while you’re at it.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 13 hours ago
            Sparky, you ramble on more everyday. You might want to see someone about that, y’know…. preferably an english teacher… and work on that “direct quote” thing while you’re at it.”

            Irony, you telling someone to see “preferably an english [sic] teacher” while failing to recognize that English should be capitalized as a proper noun.

            Tell me more about how the sum total of your knowledge is derived from your boss.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Here… let me rephrase… your spin skills suck… (smh… again…)

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” If you polled the average person most would not be able to recognize the name of or state one significant fact about”. Yes, and even less about the history of others never taught about.

      The point?

      Here’s real history – the good, bad and ugly – the truth, that too many cannot seem to abide because it is the truth:


  16. William Cover Avatar
    William Cover

    It ends with our children performing the Bellamy salute to the flag of the United States, 1941. The pledge that later evolved into the form used today was composed in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931), who was a Baptist minister and Christian socialist.
    picture from wikepedia

  17. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I love the argument that this is the Democrats trying to erase their history with racism and slavery…

    So you admit the statues are racist and want to keep them… why? To rub Democrats noses in their racist past? By that logic you should lynch a person of color and say, “See? See how racist the Democrats were?”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yeah, not sure if you’re gonna see that argument repeated much, it comes around to bite in the butt!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They’re Republicans. It’ll come ’round again.

  18. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It ends not at Appomattox but the Rock of Ages.

  19. Rafaelo Avatar

    A flock of birds suddenly all wheeling one direction as if of one mind: public opinion shifted that fast, with strange uniformity. Puzzling and concerning. What’s next? Charlottesville’s Woke leadership like Jalane Schmidt are all self-described, avowed, ardent Socialists. She spent several successive years in the worker’s paradise Cuba, perhaps trained there in what the Russians call dezinformatsiya That’s what’s next. This was just practice.

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